jbts f"T D Picking The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-A-Wcek In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park TODAY'S SMILE "Must you go?" asked the hostess. "Oh, no," said the departta guest. "It's purely a matter of choice." - 64th YEAR NO. 91 1 PAGLS Associated Press and United PressNevvs WAYNES'lLLrI, N. C. THCKSDAY AERNOON," NOVEMBER 3. 1949 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Vr and Llhvood Hoad 'he.crK?. jj garaeu - a snow was Ley lt they and pick the Ll of white Ines. Onweu- picked a oi ilanted the last j .1,0 frost of L nipped most the bniun s- r beans picking ends jDctober, which peculiar ieei- Ld when they sleet and snow their crop this Not De- Income In not fully UIJ- f.,v peculations evident tins SHayncs, deputy department ot Notice to go see fcten out' a re (.turn. Li aside on the - - . . Inrf licenses paid Se man had in- llrense fee. he was going to hat the depart save no credit Ifnr marriage H It was not a de- Jpcluded expenses to Florida under iiess travel." division also put I against that de lout explanation or leather uoholster te than 30 yearl barber chair , in. fer shop has been itlaht shiny uw books, the barber ilness for a few week while the tv undergoing Now that he's Its plenty of com lew chair covering. tars, barbers have In Clyde, but Mr. tting hair, shaving ikers! man who hadn't Hence at that sort n't want it anyway killing a chicken. K over the most l of executing the to wring its neck grasped the hen, fcnly at him with it by the neck, he gritted his teeth rapidly around his iiunous wniris, ne ps he could, hoping Pging hadn't killed Wd. I self control, he his eyes and de up the crumDled. (saw the body was P' crumDled. walking slowly and KMty toward the IU1 R. VH n fl mm inistywood inlospnua taunted Slied Mi Muzzle-Lpader Interest Visiting Writers At Cataloochee 1 SPf 1 s Two writers from national publications get some pointers about, muzzle loading rifles from II. C. Wil burn and Verlin Gibson. This picture was made at Cataloochee Ranch recently, when the annual shooting match was held. The man on the extreme left, with hack to camera is John Hemmer, chief photographer for the Stale News Bureau. The man in the white jacket is John Could, of Parade; m the plaid shirt is Hamilton Coekrane. of Saturday Kveni.m Post; holding the rifllc and looking down in H C Wilburn an authority on mountain lore and local hisfor.', and on the extreme right is Verlin Orb son, who won'lwo shooting matches in the- past. He did not participate this year, but was an interested spectator. l Rural Road Program Set Up In Haywood Funeral For Mrs. Way Set For Three On Friday Mrs. Joseph Howell Way. widow of the late Hi"- Was, prominent Waynesville phvsician. died Wed nesday I'ighl at the home of her daughter. Mrs. T. I., (iwyn. She sulVeied a stroke last Saturday fi,.r li:iviiu been an invalid for several years. Funeral services will he held at the First Methodist church. I' nday afternoon al 3 o'clock, with the pastor, the l!ev. J. K. Ynuiitz. ot liciating. Interment will be in Green Mill Cemetery. Serving as active pallbearers ..in I...- .1 M l.oiiii. I) A. Howell, J. W. ltav, Jonathan Woody. Hugh Massie, J. II. Howell. Sr.. W. Curtis Kuss and Jack Felmet. Mrs. Way. a native of Waynes ville, was the former Miss Marietta Welch, daughter of Hie late Dr. Robert Vance Welch and Caroline Peoples Welch. She was educated I in nrivnle schools in Mornsiown. Tennessee and was giadua'ed from I.ncv Cobb Institute, Athens, l.a. A leader in the community's re ligious, social and civic life, Mrs. Way was a member of the r'irsi Mfihodist church and was active in its affairs until ill health eon lined her to her home. She served for many years as president oi the Woman's Missionary Society and taught in the Children':. De partment of the Sunday School. She also taught the Woman's Bible class which was named in her honor, the Marietta Way Class. She was otic bT the p-lonecr-worr.-(Sce Mrs. Way rase X) Cherokee Blood For 'Palefaces' ' 0 Iff s i 'I v 11 mm v . teak . Mrs Gentva Saunooke labovel Is one ol donated Ihelr blood lo the American Hi 1 1... hl.iinliiiiihile" visited Cherokee, lasl Hie two pints she gave. The blood was bronchi to Asheville. and deposited for use by "palefaces," Indians or whoever happens to need il. (AP Photo). HO Chi rokee Indians who il Cni-s blood bank when week-end. She is holding 12 Directors Named By Local Red Gross Chapter I there was only lr him to do. thicken that some- wm. he had a chicken family, but hts and his conscience lvn snow. stent . - w.i net la jreaming peacefully foream about, the Fault onlv a haiv Havwnnd County school children who live by clay roads will be the first to benefit from Governor Kerr Scott's rural road program. Tenth District Highway commis sioner Dale Thrash told 200 people .t a hearinc at the Court House Tuesday that the school bus routes will get the road officials atiemion first. Second in line, he said, arc the people living on the day roans. Every townsnip aim ioom.... ...... ............ ..I ir ;it in the couniy was h-ii ..- the meeting. If the delegates tliougm me, would be bringing new information .n.ral road conditions in then areas to the district officials, they received a very pleasant suipnsi. To virtually every siaiemem ... j scribing a poor road in a particular section, District Engineer J. 1 , Knight replied, in effect; "Yes, vie know." Knicht appeared as familiar witn every road in the county as he is with the driveway eo j 8rage. ., , ,ti. Listening attentively .u ..... mony also was uivisi..,, j Stuart of Mr. Thrash's office. One observer estim.uiu some dozen requests for necc el road work came from each town- ShMr Thrash told the audioiue that all efforts during the nexi two to three months would he diverted to put gravel surfaces on ih roads. , ,, , He said that, until "n, Jl' " . . . . .. 1H h. tin nc nmsnea meic construction started, and I ha I c would be no new harri-s t r (black top) paving joos si....... til next spring. As for the order in fentuckv Grower Praises . mm ma Haywood Burley trop Window Painting Successful Hundreds of people escorting, costumed children turned out Mon-1 day night to celebrate Halloween, in'spitc ,lu' colcl rain- When school ended in me ane. - ik9 elementary and high school students took advantage of the drv spell between the down pours to try their art on the store windows in the Waynesville Cham j ,cr of Commerce window-painting it0Tlvd ' night more than 100 stu dent, marehed with the Waynes 1 ville Ilich School band in the cos tume parade through the rain from (Sri- Painting Page 8) i IV Vim Arsria . one o len- luckys leading burley tobacco growers, today complimented the finality of Haywood county's crop But he warned against rustling stripping and crowding the markets at the opening sales and pointed ut that the open sheds in the ,.r..,ntv ox nose the harvested to bacco to the danger of deteriora tion from bad weather conditions. Mr. Van Arsdall is helping to conduct a series of tobacco grad- , . . inc (lcmonsirauuns wh.i. high 1,, V1r,H:,V in ine couiny ...... The final demonstration was held this morning at Jarvis Caldwell's farm in Iron Duff. The others were held in White Oak. Waynesville. Crabtree, Bca verdam, Pigeon and Clyde. Mr Van Arsdall said in his state ment: 'This is the time of year that (See Burley Page fi Girl Scout Drive Is Started This Morning The Girl Scout Drive was launch ed this morning al 9:30 o'clock when a group "f men from the Lion's Club and the Girl Scout Fl i:,ne.. Committee met at Massie Furniture Store for final plans. In j charge of the drive are l-'ianciSj Massie. Lawrence Leal herwood. Joe iCIine. and Ben Phillips "f the Lion's Club and Hugh Massie and Joe Davis ol I he Finance Commit tee. Members ol I he Girl Scout Council are assisting the workers. ' The drive will continue through tomorrow in an eflorl lo reach the ! yoal of SI 000 set by tile committee. The purpose of the drive is to make il possible tor all girls in ine community to participate in a com plete Girl Scout Program. Part of the money raised at this lime will h. used In finance a real Girl Seoul camp next summer while other funds will take care of many im-j mediate needs al the Girl Scout Hut. The Council also wants lot furnish the girls additional mal ri-j als for Arls and Crafts and equip- ment for many other phases of the j Scout work. Haywood Ministers To Meet The Haywood County Ministerial Association will meet Monday al 12. SO P. M. for the monthly lunch eon al Long's Chapel Methodist Chu rch. The Itcv. Horace Smith, pastor of the I'irst Baptist Church of Can Ion, will preside. The Itev. M. It Williamson, chairman of the committee on mor als will report on plans for the mm. and beer election. 11 will be recalled that the coun ,ly hoard of elections has declared null and void the petition with sig natures collected several months 1 ago. I The ministerial association is ex ! peeled lo propose a renewal of effort lo gel the county board lo call an election. i The llev. D. D. Gross, area chair man for CHOP, will present the ways and means whereby Haywood ; county might participate in the S Friendship Train at the Thanks- giving season. Twelve directors of the Waynes ville Chanter of the American Ked Cross were elected at Hie annual meeting here Tuesday night. 1 he board will meel soon and elect of ficers for the coming year. Thn-.e eleeled for a one-year lenn on the board of directors wen-: Leo Weill. Mrs. Charles Ray, Wayne Corpening and N. W. Car roll: two year terms: O. L. Yales, 'M. It Williamson. Joe Davis, and Mrs. Jonathan Woody: three year j fi rms: Mrs. Frieda Knopf, Mrs. . Richard Barber, Mrs. David Hyatt, I and W. Curlis Buss. i Before the election. Rev. M. R. Williamson, who has served as ehapler chairman lor several years, 1 gave a brief report on some of the acli'ilies of the ehapler. He point- rd mil that i he oil ice, which is in ! ehaige of Mrs. Klhet Fisher, as i executive sect clary, had aided 346 veterans with applications for in surance; helped innumerable veler ! ans with service, "helped bring one 'veteran liom Germany to the bed side ol his lather; lound a man who had been out of touch with his (Sim- Red Cross Page 6) mm Plans Are To Start Building Next Aug. Havnood County Hospital will get a 51 -bed annex under the feder al-state hospital aid program. This was decided yesterday at a meetini; of representatives of tha State Medical Care Commission, the Haywood County commissioners, and the hospital's board of trustees. George A. Brown, Jr., chairman of the board of commissioners, said after (he meeting that the project would be under contract by ne:;t August. The commissioners officially en gaged Lindsay Gudger of Asheville as architect for the new addition, which will give the hospital a ca pacity of 100 beds when it is com pleted. Mr. Brown said the architect has 30 days to prepare, preliminary plans for submission to the county commissioners for approval, and five months to complete the perm anent plans. The total improvements, includ ing the new construction, repairs lo the old building and the pur chase of new equipment will cost approximately $510,000, Mr. Brown estimated. The State and Federal Govern ments will pay approximately 70 per cent of the cost. The county will finance the remainder from the $225,000 bond issue which the vot ers aproved in the October I elec tion, he explained. He said the Commission repre sentativesMr. Hamilton and Mr. Jone.,. of rtaleijgh assured the county , and hospital officials that the state and federal funds wpuld be available as soon as the plans are completed and approved. Mr. Brown adder: "We won't start selling the coun ty bonds before the plans are com plete, and possibly not before the contract is let." The bonds will be sold through (See Hospital Page 8) Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Hyatt and daughter, Miss Kalhryn Hyatt, spent lasl week end in Charlotte purchasing Christmas merchandise for Hyatt's Fashion Corner. Haywood, Along With Kcst 01 Nation, Jittery As -i... a wmild be gravi said the work woum. c Roads raK- COOLER b-v'.iuci o raruy let today. Tonight p wun trost. Friday pavnooiii a N.ev il im i ornnprna rjjty the staff of the Min. Rainfall I' 51 .97 f 0 1.46 64 31 Norlh and South Carolina peo found no comfort this morning ,,. front pages, the weather bul leiins or their "Wli coal bins Yrsterda, John L. f-- a ed rst i m hts la..- 1 V " nut against owneis nun-...., - -- mine linnimittees Announced mW 1 For Tobacco t estivai " . . .. n,.nnatln Woody an his demands in the coal strike, now entering its 46t h day. Tnriav. the Associated Press re ported coal had vanished in some cities of the Carolinas. and was rapidly being depleted in many others. In Haywood County, home own er, and business tirms felt the pinch with the end of the mild. Indian summer weather and the start of the cold rains last week. Local dealers' supplies generally were completely exhausted, and most saw no prospects for getting more. The Junaluska Coal Company of Lake Junaluska reported that it was planning to send its trucks di rectly to a non-union Kentucky mine for 12 tons. It reported that in effect the coal at the source was going to the highest bidder. A company official said retail dealers were paying about $2 per ton above the normal wholesale price. (See Coal Page 8) Power Shut-Off Due Sunday, If Weather Permits -Lit all lb'- people know, but keep it from the weatherman the I plans arc lo have the power off Sunday from 1.30 to 5:30," Harry I Burle -on, local manager for Caro- i lina Power and Light Company said loday The four hour .power snui-uu h"3, bc-u scheduled for two pre- i vmu, Sundays and postponed both , limes brcause of rain. The shut-olT is necessary in order to make a change-over of high vol tare lines, from 22,000 volts to fifi.000. Ml RF.A lines, and the areas of Junaluska. Waynesville, Hazelwood and Balsam are included In the shul-off, Mr. Burleson said. 1950 Burley Price Support May Be Higher The U. S. Department of Agri culture yesterday saw the prob ability of higher support prices for the 1950 burley and flue-cured tobacco crops than those of this year. Thp USDA's Rureau of Agricul tural Kconomics said that the 1950 crop's level of price support will continue to be 90 per cent of par ity, under the provisions of the new agricultural act. The Bureau, meanwhile, fore cast that next year's tobacco ex ports would reach 450.000.000 pounds at the minimum and possibly more. Estimates are that 1343 exports would be around 465,000,000. Under the computing method of the new farm law, next year's par ity prices cannot fall below those computed under the present system. . .,ath.n Woody and the Waynes- I. n 1 t" Til A I I V ' .,1. r-rtrnpninE. tnai""" I :H RnlarV L1UU- the Third Annual Ha - . . i- .MHMinppn Tile lew-- wee euiiw"""- h soeciai coin"""- c r Fran- tV Tobacco Harvest Fe Kpjr c t chairman wm. " RC.y Bradley Beu. -- St; fS andunty Home K" JSn My Corn- r-,.t;.,al will open 22 and continue mrou. ber 26. The committees, lore Decorating -Waynes rM.,h- Citv Decorating- L.IOI1S s.u, . David Felmet, chairman Novem- Felix Way "'" .,i Float and Parade Commercial Float a"" Waynesville Junior Chamber C Ba'nd-Charles Islry. chairman; EBNdTroutman. Canton: W. A. E (See Festival-Page 6) 'Blizzard' Hit Today Up At While Wnytseaville got an as sortment of sunshine, rain and sleet this morning, there raged a mid-winter blizzard at Cata loochre Ranch. Tom Alexander, owner of the Ranch, reported the ground was already covered by eight o'clock, and a mixture of rain, snow and sleet was falling as fast as the mercury in the thermometer. All the Umber In the area of Early Fie Top Cataloochee was covered with sleet. No further details were aval able from Alexander as he was busy keeping water pipes from freezing. The timber on the Plott Bal sams was also covered with froz en fog and sleet at noon. The cold weather, and slim stocks of coal was the main topic of conversation here this morning. Merchants Complete Plans WM For Coming Holiday Season ! f'hrist mas. First National To Close Noon On Friday The Firsf National Ranlr will close at noon on Friday, in tribute to Mrs. J. Howell Way, whose funeral will be held at three o'clock. Mrs. Way's husband, the late Dr. Way, was one of the foun ders, and for many years served as chairman of the board of directors of the bank. The Waynesville Merchants As . ;-.!!. ... tact Tnpcriav arioDted a Christmas. They will resume the Wednes day noon closing schedule imme- SLIL101JS.H lfl iMi-v....7 r HU.v t'.."jii new schedule of store hours for. the i rifely af'er Christmas comins holiday season and acted on other matters of business. The members decided: Stores will be closed from 10 a.m. until noon Armistice Day (Nov. lH. Stores will be closed all day Thanksgiving (Nov. 24). They will remain open all day every Wednesday from Thanksgiv ing until Christmas and remain closed all day Monday following A town Christmas decorating commit tee w as appointed with Herbert Erarrn as chairman and Carl Mundy, J L. Newton, and C. J Reece as members. The Association also voted to recommend that the Chamber of Commerce board of directors ap ply for membership in the U. S. Chamber of Commerce. A spokesman explained that (See Merchants Page 6) Highway Record For 1949 (To Date) In Haywood Killed 6 Injured . . . 38 (This Information com plied from Records ot Stat Highway Patrol). Stovall, G. C. Ferguson, o.