t 'is f FAGfc ivvG Rev. Duck wall To Conduct Morning Radio Devotions The Rev. Paul II. Ouckwall, p:i tor uf tlic Long's Chapel Methodist Church, will conduct morninc de votions nver WIICC next week. Monday through Saturday, at 9:30. Every Thursday evenins at (i M) ihe "Prove Mi- Hour" may be heard over W IICC. This is a series nl six 15 minute transcriptions on stew ardship. The Methodist Hour is heard every Sunday afternoon at 2:30 jver" WIICC. while Ihe Baptist houi is heard every Sunday after noon the year around at 3 30 over Wl.OS fii'in Asiieulle. Worship -i-niir will he broad cast ovtl Wilt I' from the l're-by-ttiian Ctmrih. Sunday morion:' at ii o'clock The Hn M iJ.. Wilh.iiii- Siat.oii- ttlU'C and W'l.t S are cocperatnu Willi the Ih.yv.oud County Mu.istrri.il As: m ial ion u. bunging these -mlir- ot Woilnp to the llstt m l ol thl- area. Improvements Are Being Made At First Baptist The fir-l Hap'.:-' Chinch the process ul making it n-n pairs to tin pie-eiit bii;lili:iL' In v it w ot t he pn. posed 1- in .- n - church building, the present ami tuie will be retained for a small chapel and additional Suniiav School 1 Mollis. The auditorium lluor ha- been raised and leiiifein d u;!i new sills A new stoker 1.- being in-lai;ed in the furnace and the entire lua' llig sy stein is bein overhauled 22 We Say at RAY'S There are smcrrl, comfortable BALL-BAND (Red Ball) gaiters lot every member of the family. They're as fine-tilting as though made for your shoes, and you'll Ulce the way they stand the atuse of bad weather. Let us help you prepare your family to enjoy winter weather in style and comfort For The Man rt " rM& (red ball I A tough, long-wearing Brute of a Rubber 'i The stickiest mud can't pull these rubbers off and the toughest going finds them hard to wear out Special wear-proof sole; buckles put on to stay; strongly reinforced at toe and heeL BALL-BAND (Red Ball) rubbers hay always been the best and youll like thesa better than ever. Come in for yours now. A COMPLETE LINE OF FOOTWEAR lii hoe Dept Jonathan Creek I Picks Candidate For Queen Miss Ruth Sheltoii. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Roy Shelton, at a re cent meeting was elected Jona than Creek s landidate for the title ot 1949 Tobacco Festival Queen. The residents also appointed a committee to make arrangements for the entrv of a community float in the Festival parade. Jim Leath ! . rwood was named chairman of this committee, ind Mrs. Dick Moody. Mis K. Kennedy. Mrs. Troy Leath erwooii. Mrs. Roger Ferguson, and Robert Howell were named to serve with him. Mr Howell also was elected bas ketball manager fur the winter rec reation program. In other work in preparing for ii,e winter rn-i cation program. Mr-. ,,:tf I Yiru-.on was selected in make ai i an'. eim nts for u .spell ing bee. Mr- it. W. Howell was , i.k i it m inar.Je in mi' emus jjio eiani: Mr- Troy l.ealherwood. to uaeh the debating team; Grady lli.w.ll. in charye of the checker l.iin 11:11111 nt. Mrs. I.owery Owen .,:id Mi-. Claudia Leatherwood. .1 n-.ial proyiani: and Glenn Boyd, in anansje for a speaker for spe cial piorain. Francis Boyd wa- elected 4-H Cub leader. Materials are on the grounds for lvp.uriiig and remodeling the bell !nw cr and steeple Immediate plans call for exten--lv e repairs to the roof, and relocat ing t!ie iluirch office and pastor's I.. Massev. chairman ot the building and grounds committee iia- charge of t he work. Read the Want Ads for bargains. BALL-BAND For the Whole Family Who Works f- :cr- Plaque Honors Dead At WCTC Stadium 1 4. -WSjvJUkA ill vKVMV..X 111 lrxTxlMT1 III ml x 1 IfflKS H m 1 ! til MIM Iff m wxU iiii This is a picture of the plague on the 3,000-seal Memorial Stadium at Western Carolina Teachers College which was dedicated at the annual Homecoming celebration at the college recently. Inscribed on the plaque are the nanus of th men. former students, who made the supreme sacrifice in defense f their country 111 World War II. The dedication exercises were held at the half-time during the North State Conference game belwvt 11 WCTC Catamounts and the Lenoir-Rhyne Bears. The patents of the bov s who were Killed ill service were recognized bv Dean W F. Bird, and Ralph Sutton, chairman of the stadium committe.-. 'Pic'.are c.mrlesv The Svlva Hernldh W. Pigeon Plans For Part In Annual Festival By MRS. CLYDE COLLINS Mountaineer Correspondent Members of the West Pigeon Community Development Program organization on Tuesday night ap pointed committees to work on ar rangements for the community's participation in the Tobacco Har vest Festival. In other business, they elected Mrs. Jack P. McCracken as Girls 4-H Club leader and Jack P. Mc Cracken as Boys 4-H leader. Commitees were appointed to prepare the float and to select a West Pigeon representative in the contest for Festival queen. Named to the float committee were Morris Bumgarner, Ralph Kelly, Mrs. Henry Garner, Mrs. David Edwards, Mrs. Eugenia Jus tice. Ed Justice, Carl Edwards. Bobby Fore. Hugh K. Terrell. Jr.. Wayne Howell and Wallace Gaddis. The members of the committee in charge of selecting the commun ity candidate for queen are Mrs. Jack P. McCracken. Mrs. Ralph Garrett, the Rev. Clyde Collins, Mrs. Howard Smathcrs and Mrs. Guy Wells. The residents also changed the date of the regular meeting from every third Tuesday of each month j to every third Thursday. Community Chairman Jack Sloan ANNOUNCING THE OPENING , OF OUR MEAT SEASON NOV. 5 Country style sausage made from ham, shoulder and tender loin of the hog! All we ask of you is to try it once! Carolina Fruit & Produce Depot and Branner Just across from Walker's Esso Service fOMCGQ GliOWERS! Now Is The Time To Prepare For Nefct Year's Tobacco Beds. cyanaMid - - - Used Now, Before The Ground Freezes, Will Kill All Weeds And Condition The Soil For Earlier, Hardy- Plants In The Spring. CYANAMID IS AVAILABLE IN 100-LB. BAGS At Your Nearest Farmers Federation WAREHOUSE THE WAiHVESVlLLE MOUNTAIN ELK 1 Morning Star To Plan For Fete, Winter Program Morning Star residents wil make plans for their participation in the Tobacco Festival and the winter recreation program when they hold their Community Development meeting at 7:30 p.m.. November 10 at Morning Star School. They will select a candidate to represent the community rn the contest for Festival queen, and select coaches and managers for the community boys' and girls' bas ketball teams. Community Chairman Luther Sm.ithers announced the meeting this week. Cecil Miller will conduct the de votional, and there will be music on the program, with quartet "an string band numbers. All girls interested in represent ing the community in the beauty ennttsf and boys and girls interest id in playing basketball are urged particularly to attend the meeting. How's That? WINFRED, S. D., U.P. Mrs Nellie Barrett. 71. has been teach ing ehllOl in fills iiron ftr I and says her j(Jb is getting easier Residents of Aliens Creek will all the time. "Kids aren't as hard j elect a candidate to represent the to manage as they used to be," ; community in the contest for se she observed. fleeting the queen of Ine Haywood 1 announced that a special meeting v.ould he held at 7 :'M) p. m. No vember 10. -M. C Nix w ill submit for ap- j sample of a mail box to; proval a be erected in lront of each home tne entry of a community float in in the community. the Festival were made at a meet- The litv. Calvin Bisselt of the j in8 f 100 Aliens Creek residents Bethel Baptist church will offer : a' the school last Thursday night, the devotional. The following committee was sc- The program also will have its I lected to decide on the ty pe of lighter features in singing. . float which will be entered: Rufus Thomas Owen and Buddy Mull I s')er. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hen will compose one duet, and Joan ! drix' an(1 Mrs- Annie Laurie Duck and Patsy McCracken will make i e,t- i up another, while Hugh K. Terrell, Jr , will sing a solo. 1 due to colds... eued without "dosing" . rud tin VAPOROB NeWS From Thickety By MISS BETTY JEAN FORD Mountaineer Correspondent New homes dominate Ihe recent improvements made in Thickety under the Community Development Program. Mr. and Mrs. M. "Bud" Carswell recently moved into the new rock home they built to replace then- old house which had stood in the same place until it was turn down. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fletcher have I nearly completed their new home j and it looks very good to us. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stiuupe also I are building a new. house near the I Oak Grove Baptist Church. One field of pumpkins grown this year certainly is worthy of notice. L. A. Trfintham harvested about 12 tons of these vegetables in I plenty of 'time for Hallowe'en. And throughout the community. farmers have just about finished sowing .their small grain and are now working on classing their bur ley tobacco. Speaking of tobacco, everyone is talking about the annual Tobac co Harvest Festival. Everybody is looking forward to a big time and backing up our queen, Mrs. Hugh Early, Jr. At our last Community Develop ment Program meeting, this writ- jer was elected assistant reporter. ! Community Chairman K. O. Carswell said efforts would be in tensified to keep the news of the community flowing regularly to the : county's newspapers, ! The next. Community Develop ment meettng is to be held tonight at the Rockwood Methodist Church. We are looking forward to the at tendance of a large crowd. Joe Medford filled the pulpit of the Oak Grove Bapttst Church in Sunday services recently in the absence of the pastor, the Rev. A M. Wyatt. Incidentally, it was the first sermon Mr. Medford ever preached and everyone enjoyed it thor oughly. Mr. Medford was in from school for the weekend. There were games, a social, and refreshments at the meeting of the Oak Grove YWA at the home of Miss Mary Young. These features followed the business discussion. The Rockwood Methodist League entertained with a Hallowe'en party on October 2G. The group of boys and girls played games, and refreshments were served later. ' Aliens Creek Plans Program For Festival By MRS. BLANCHE FRANKLIN Mountaineer Correspondent County Tobacco Harvest Festival when they meet Nov. 12. The Community Development Program meeting will be held at the Aliens Creek School, The plans for the vote and for The residents decided that the Community Development organiza tion would make all the arrange ments for their beauty candidate. At the November 12 meeting also there will be a box supper and cake walk. After the business discussion during the last meeting, the aud ience saw a film, "Alice In Won derland." The Rev. C. L. Allen, community chairman, presided. Galloway Buys Five Herefords In Virginia M. O. Galloway of Graceland Farms last week brought five regis tered Hereford females back to Haywood county from Staunton, va. And if nothing happens, the five will be ten in several more months. When they were sold to Mr. Galloway at the Poca Dot Farms sale near Staunton, they already were, in calf by Star Duke, the Wyoming-bred grand champion whose owner parted with him for $50,000. With Mr. Galloway at the sale were County Agent Wayne Cor pening, Dwight Williams, and Joe Relnertson. Williams and Reinertson after ward went on to attend other cat tle sales in Maryland Too Many "Weeks" NEW YORK (U P.)-Too many "weeks" are being held in the first week., of May, the National Noise Abatement Council h&H dppirfad So next, year it will observe . us instead oimve omy me government can af in May, as previously. ford to build them. It j MARGARET JOHNSTON COUNTY LIBRARIAN READ IT " IT'S NEW BASSO 'Greenroom Romance in the glamorous, .so phisticated setting of the French Riviera Rufus Jackson, editor of a New York Publishing firm, is on a holiday but must carry .. out one business assignment; to learn when the meniolrg of JLesJile Porter, the publishera greatest author and ma jor headache will b$ ready. At her home he meets and falls in love with Nora Marsh, wife of Mrs. Porter's vacillating nephew. BRO Sarah A first novel for older girls car ries her heroine through girljiood tq voung womanhood. Concentrat ing; on becoming a great pianist, Sarah experiences both happiness and sorrow before she realizes the full meaning of her father's last words, "Sarah's got to something grand ... an artist, maybe." CARROLL West of the Hill Another of this author's Maine stories, this time pf the 186p's, tells of the first two years of Brad and Molly's married life. COLLINS Dog Eat Dog Dog shows, dogs, ill-mated couples and amateur detecting are featured in this story of murder among breeders of dogs. HECKELMANN Guns of Arizona With a background of "Cavalry life and Indian fighting, this con cerns Lt. Bob Dallas and Lt. Frank Holland at Cmp Breadon in Ari zona, military rivals from their days at the Point and now rivals over Blanche Raven. J ANEW AY Question of Gregory The story of an important Wash ington desk man, John Gregory, whose son is killed overseas, and his subsequent struggle to find a meaning in life. KANE Hane By Your Neck Inner sanctum mystery. Peter Chambers, of course, stars in this account of women and death. Unique trimmings are a night club that opens at midnight and its host ess, six feet two Miami Moonbeam. LESLIE Man Who Held FiveAces J Published for the Crime Club. 1 Reversed mystery in which the reader knows the murderer, watches as events unfold to his confession. PAKINGTON Young William Washbourne A story of English country life 1 which follows the romantic affairs of a young Washbourne and his I career in the Royal navy up to 1918 OLD BOOKS NEW TO US Fiction Shappiro Sheriff of Lonesome. Stoddard Northwest Trouble. Lockridge- Death of a Tall Man. Koestler Thieves in the Night. Lewis That Hideous Strength. Bishop Shadow Range. Oursler Departure Delayed. Information Crafford Jan Smuts. Williams Fundamentals of Ra dio and How They Are Applied. Marlowe Churches of Old New England. Johnson Leathercraft. Schaaf Trigonometry for Home Study. , Madrigal Invitation to French. Dodge How Green Was My Father. Taber Especially Father. Chaucer Canterbury Tales. " Juveniles Tatham First Book of Trains. Hogeboom Boy's Book of the West. Hurd Engine, Engine, No. 9. Lacey Picture Book of Musical Instruments. Robinson Runner of the Moun tain Tops. Sewell Three Tall Tales. McMeekin Journey Cake. Finger Tales From Silver Lands. Heal Teen-Age Manual. Wheeler Edward MacDowell and His Cabin In the Pines. "BRAIN" MACHINE SWELL BUT IT CANT THINK AUSTIN, Tex. (UP) Relax, ad vises a University of Texas profes sor. There's still no substitute for the human brain. Scientists, have developed a com plex machine, bearing the. name of multiharmonigraph synthesizer-analyzer, which fs used to solve high ly technical problems. However, said Dr. S. teroy Erown University of Texas physics professor, the "brain machines" re act to stimuli but d'pn't. ,think. The machines work out problems that would take years of man power, but the probjems first must be worked out by the human mind. One of the, machines will be used to analyze 1?50 U.S, census data. There s no chance that the "brain machine" will tat It. Wa alongside the television set fn the front room They; gtjll, so exen- '''''"iiMlav M SPOONEK MUK , ..IT" --'itK MELBOURNE, AuMr li r J- Greenwood. students' representative ," ," Melbourne Univcrsitv w , U"c" time living down I, is come to overseas student, , tered Greenwood ealled ' ,t "overstewed sccdem-, - 111 COATS And JM - OF ALL KM jIIIH FOB MEN and Styled And Made! WOOLRICH-CHIPPE' DUXBAK - SHANHOll Lovely-Warm WOOLENS Shirts 0 O Jac-Shirts O Jackets O Coats O Mackinaws O Hunting Coats A Ml Sizes For Men M -Sizes for Hi Created for the 'Gentleman, Outdoors! Boys' Men's Boys' Zipper Wool Jackets Men's Zipper Wool Jackets LET US SilO' toy's er I 1 are J Wi Dress I mm -Lined lor wi -Coals and J cordu: - Coal! - Jack I'M

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