in n ' i tj - j . , f s L a jjhts lie 7 hot Music TODAY'S 8 MILK A visitor to an asylum asked aa inmate his name. "Geoff Washington", came tbe reply. "Bat." said the- fisrtor, "the last time I saw yon yoa were Abraham Lincoln." "That waa by my first wife," he replied. The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park - MONDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 7, 1949$3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties 64th YEAR NO. 92 8 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C 1 , r? 1 If dollars from ibis weea-eim. f of Atlanta, J 5tpped over vis Lake Juna ti of the Sym Lng interested Ik Heart and e a liberal con- mpaign- r0r Bad pushed a fair , bill into the ie post office L. J. T. Rs- the "mony" fan advertising In-taxing or co l was cleverly Jlv evaded any . it as line, and had tick'' across the I rea 1 y thought gal tender, and ng he could get ,ipH he could Lid then spied Lputy revenue Ly of the post Lt man to give Idcrly man and after some talked over to ked for change id it over, smil jito his pocket ollar in change, dollar bill over window and tell ust the change Lred the good I around for a I hat and left, fed, and he said: flow is happy. tnld him this But that don't Inent of revenue jam what is in almost every- lie deal so far." Question iianager of Belk- Ito solve a ou ieciai sales rpro 'display windows lot of autumn fcludlne leaves, and shocks of , is have attracted and now he Is Jether the people merchandise or (CdDDHstryctioo To tart In 10 ays 0 a A Pastors Discuss Election Petitions Armistice Day Program Leaders V. S. Rep. Monroe Redden 1 my or! $fU' Lav, 'Hv The Rev. L. G. Elliott The Hev. 1.. Ci. Elliott, pastor of I he First Baptist Churc h of Waynesville, will deliver the Armistice Day address at the Court Mouse Friday morning fol lowing the parade. L. S. Hep. Monroe M. Kedden of Hendcrsonville will be the featured speaker at the annual American Legion Armistieo Day banquet Friday night. Ernest Edwards, commander of the Haywood American Le gion Tost here, is directing the arrangements of the observance. .eaders WvES jorrespondent Bdents will meet iy to discuss 4-H let leaders for the fganizations. the community preside over the ill be held at the 1st Church. Ernest Edwards Armistice Day Programs Completed For Community 1 , I .JJl'llEWS llV U. S. Election To Abolish Beer And Wine Is Sought H..m-P;r.ntllvfs of the Haywood County Ministerial Association last Saturday were told what was wrong with the previous petition filed for a beer-wine election. The meeting, held with the Hay wood County Board of Elections, was a preliminary to the scheduled Association session set for 12:30 P.M. today at Long's Chapel Meth odist Church at Lake Junaluska. The Rev. L. G. Elliott, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Waynesville. and the Rev. L. E. Mabry. pastor of Canton's First Methodist Church, heard Elections Chairman Jerry Rogers explain why the first petition filed under the Association's sponsorship was voided. They represented the Association at a meeting at the court nouse Saturday afternoon. Mr. Rogers, also met with the Acc-iatlnn todav. and explained that some of the signatures on the original petition were those of qualified voters, but voters wno had signed the petition from one precinct, though they had voted and registered in another. Others, he continued, had not voted in the last gubernatorial elec tion. ' Last month, the Elections Board announced that the petition was 554 qualified voters short of the (See Election Page 3) Waynesville Man Killed When Plane Hits Ocean Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hyatt of Wavnesville have received notice of the death of their son, TSgt. Clarence Jones Hyatt, in Hie crash of a B-29 weather observation plane into the sea off Kindley Field, Hamilton. Bermuda, late inuisu-y. Only two men survived the ac cident which killed eleven. The crash came as the plane sought a Innrtinfi after developing engine trouble on a weather observation flight. Sgt. Hyatt, 31. was born in Bur n,,n(,w, wsliini!ton. but had lived here since he was a child. He was educated in the Waynesville ium.hln Hieh School and at Mars Hill rollece. His wife and three email riauchters live in Hazelwood Sgt. Hyatt entered the service at .1,0 ,o i,f 1R in September. 11)38. After serving for a time with the Signal Corps, he transferred to the Aimv Air Force and was stationed at Hickam Field, Hawaii. He was discharged in 1941. He reentered the Air Force in 1942 and served until after World War II. being stationed at the CUwhr N. ty.. training center. Sgt- Hyatt reenlisted" In the Air (See Set. Hyatt Paire 3) 'No Machine' J "7. I C - Jj TT GtJ Firm Buys Tract 01 Welch Farm Near R&P Company Construction is expected to start within the next ten days on a $100,000 fertilizer plant on the Welch Farm near the Hoyal and Pilkington ComPany plant. Jonathan Woody and David Underwood, who repre sented the new industry in the arrangements, said today the work would be pushed in order to have the plant supplying the markets in lime for the 1950 spring planting season. The plant, which is expected to be completed in about 60 days, will he operated by a group of experienced ferti lizer manufacturers from Atlanta, Ga. The p-oup bought live acres of the Welch Farm last week from Mrs. Fannie B. Welch for the location of the new factory. JONATHAN DANIELS, North Carolina National Democratic committeeman, told the state's Young Democrats last wceK tnai North Carolina cloesn't have a nolitical machine and doesn't want one. State Rep. John W. Umstead of Chapel Hill shortly before made a similar statement. Li instead said he saw no signs of a new political machine in the staU. Danioli said be agreed 100 per cent with the Umstead statement. ged To License he last name be' have until the to renew their ith winter com- ibably be several tests cannot be ile-who have to tse are urged to e as soon as pos last few davs of ll be lone waiting robably take all P to complete the Examiner sched is as follows and Wednesday to 5. Wavnesville psday. 9 to 5 and Sylva Friday F the Drivers Li- Cruso School Teacher Bags 300-Pound Bear Oroean of Canton, route 2. a Cruso School teacher, hunted lor ciuite a few seasons without get ?.u . w , shot at a bear. lUlg a ciiaiiLt w. But last Wednesday his f' at the annual Armis- turned, and he decided it was worth ld6, whicn wiU open waiting for. . 7 , at the Hazelwood School. -He bagged a 300-pound bear a- a gup:(.. a, U)e D8nqUet win range of 40 yards trom m - bt, ,p Gold star parents. the left prong of the vu' -r advised all those Fork in the Sherwooo i ro.. - ! lanlled to attend to iniorm Th hPrs own cam")" . . .... ,,.jtHav at the latest. his life, Mr. Grogan relateo. 8ll veterans, regardless Hearing the yelps oi ..e " . . rgallizational aniuauo.i the bear left the m " i. - (o (ake part m llle pd hunters blind ami s. . away down the open road. Hi, a tempt to escape was enmu Grogan's bullet. But the dogs weu-n . "- they were chasing anom. ..... .,Mr. Grogan wa, ""'""Vh.nde hunters in the partv led by C atrf. Johnson, also of t anion, jvhen he made his khi. A parade and addresses by U. S. Ken Monroe M. Keaaen ..u -Hev I- G KlHott, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Waynes ville will feature Waynesville s Armistice Day observance Friday. I rnest Kdwards, commander of thP llavwood American Legion Post here, announced the Armis tice Day plans today. Tk. uimrn North Carolina con- . ...... u .ho foa. Hotmail he salQ. Will uc liic rade. Enrollment For Junior Red Cross Starts Tomorrow Thn annual enrollment for ser vice in the Junior Red Cross will get under way tomorrow and will continue for two weeks, according to an announcement by Mrs. Davia Hvatt Junior Red Cross Chairman. The enrollment campaign will hp rarried on in the Waynesville Township with the assistance of teachers. A minimum donation "i fin rents npr class room in the ele mentary grades and $100 per hun dred students in the nign scnooi entitles the schools to 100 per cent. All schools are expected to reach the 100 per cent goal as they have done in the past three years. Mrs. Hvatt will be assisted in the drive by the faculty members and the Junior Red Cross commit tee composed of Mrs. Jonathan Woody, Mrs. Jack Messer, Mrs. Ben Sloan, and Miss Betsy Lane Quintan. 10 County Schools Undergoing Check For Sanitation A survey is underway to check sanitary conditions at each of Hay wood County's 27 rural and town schools. County Sanitarian A. L. Jones said the survey would he complet ed by about November 15. He said the principal features being examined most closely at each school are the lighting sys tem, water supply, toilets, sewage disposal system, cafeteria and its kitchen, and the general cleanli ness of buildings and yards. Renorts on the conditions found by the examination with recom mendations for remedying any un favorable points will he sent to the principal of each school, Coun ty Schools Superintendent Jack Messer, George A. Brown, Jr., chairman of the Haywood County Board of Commissioners, the sani tation supervisor, and Dr. Clyde A. Erwin, state superintendent oi public instruction. Post Office Here Shows Increase Over Last Year Business at the Waynesville post office is showiiiR a gain over the same period last year, Post master J. II. Howell told The Mountaineer today. The gains for the last quarter over last year were about $2,000, making a net gain for the year of about five per cent. On Friday of last week the In coming mails looked "like Christ mas week" the postal official an nounced. "The outgoing malta showed a substantial Increase. so It looks like a heavy Christ man season Is in store for us." he continued. Power To Be Off In Some Areas Un Sunday Afternoon M,aB transmission.- nncs neuvy v""e- -- . , ,nn i - Sunday ant' "v were cui-j '" ' - , plans were ami..,,...-. .lhor r -mi morning wv - t Uunday from 1:M Mo -?. Harry hp 0?r dative, aia v""-' . )h, Dav ..i...nnH Ra sara and the lm fcibr r , hiU,n'r-nn this coming ft " axiu I TUU rvliuuci f innirrUl I auu xues- sunaay Fnesviiu the staff of the .i,rt will form at a IP a. the comer of Academy and ML Streets near the First Baptist M.nrrh The Gold Star parents taking ,., j the paraae we Bi,o to notify him in order that car -pace could be provided. Mr Elliott will deliver the Arm- Ktirp Day address at me ;nj" Count v Court House at 11 a.m., fol- lowing the paraae. The Legion and the Veterans of f cre,gn Wars post here meanwhile ad" ed merchants that they should dtntav the national colors on that dav unless the weather is bad. V, Kdwards said many persons have 'made criticisms that specta urV watching Previous parades 'have not shown the proper respect (See Armistice uj - Boosters Club Will Meet Thursday Night The Hazelwood Boosters Club tu mopt Thursday night at the Hazelwood Presbyterian church for their regular monthly dinner meet ing. M. H. Bowles is president, and T. E. Tichenor is secretary. Book Week To ! Be Celebrated At Haywood Library National Book Week will be cele brated at the Haywood County Li brary November 12 through the 19th. Miss Margaret Johnston, librar ian, has announced that new books for children of all ages will be dis played in the library during the week. The public is cordially invited to visit the library and look over the display. Meetings Set By Haywood CDP Organizations Haywood County's Community Development Program organiza tions face a full schedule of meet ings this week, most of them to plan their winter recreation pro grams and participation in the ap proaching Tobacco Harvest Festival. West Pigeon, under Chairman Jack Sloan, will meet at 7:30 P. M. Thursday at Bethel School. Hominy residents will plan their participation In' the Festival and t he winter recreation program at a miwline at the Plains Church un der Chairman Hershcl Hipps on the same day and same hour. Morning Star citizens will meet at the same time, same date, also, at the Morning Star School under Chairman Luther Smathers to make plans for the Festival and winter recreation. A Community Development meeting for Cove Creek will be held at 7:30 P. M. Friday at tne rnve Creek Baptist Church, with Chairman Vinson Morrow presid- in8- The Aliens Creek Community Development organization, with the Rev. C. L. Allen, chairman, in charge', will hold a box supper meeting at the Aliens Creek School Saturday night. Large Audience Hear Concert County Baby Beeves Get Good Prices At WNC Sale FAIR is 17 32 24 33 20 ' Z. ninll had as Mr. and Mrs. H- their guests last Seenneu , and mis. Harold, oi Mrs. Seen- Mm. V. A Min. Rainfall I MonrbnH and Mr 14 Ul J .06 Evans and young son Bf!? lister and Mrs. Health Offices To Be Closed Armistice Day The District Health Offices In health officer, made the an , nouncement today. Haywood County buyers were behind the 4-H and FFA boys and girls who had fat calves at me 15th Western North Carolina Fat Stock Show and Sale held m Asheville last Wednesday aim Thursday. The high bidder for the sale which was held on Thursday, wag John Hipps of Waynesville. buying under the name of "H & R". Mr. Hipps purchased di oaoy beeves for an average price of n . ii npr hundred. Others from this county who bought cattle were: ti,. First National Bank of Waynesville, which paid 33c a pound for Charles otamey kuu, Dayton Rubber Company of Waynesville. which bought Donald McCracken's fat calf at Z9c a pound. Sims Tire and Battery Company, which purchased Betty Ruth Fer- euson' calf for 33c a pouno; ana Underwood Lumber & Supply Company, which purchased uavio Hugh Tate's calf for 34c a pound. The Grand Champion of the show sold for 65c a pound, with the Reserve Champion bringing 37c. Aleen Williams, 4-H Club mem ber of Waynesville Township, sold the high animal for Haywood Coun ty for 35c, with the Champion Paper Si Fibre Company buying it. (See Beef Sale Page 3) An audience of about 750 en joved the first band and chorus concert of the season at the high school auditorium here last Thurs day. Charles Isley directed the band for the first part of the program, as well as the 90 voices in the mixed Robert Campbell, assistant lulirector, was In charge of the band for the second half of the concert. A varied program was presented, to the delight of the large crowd. The proceeds were used by the band committee for the purchase of additional instrumsnts. Wake Forest Slated To Whip Carolina Wake Forest Is predicted by the Associated Press sports writ er, Frank Eek, to defeat North Carolina State on Saturday. This and other "guesses" for Saturday's games will be found on the sports page today. PMA Members Plan For Nov. Burley Election Approximately 50 community committeemen last Thursday dis eased plans for the coming burley tobacco acreage control referendum and the committee elections when they met at the County rroaucuui. ,h M:.nai2enient Administration olliee. A. W. Fergu;,on. county commit tee chairman, presided over the ses sion. Haywood County tobacco grow ers will take part in the referen dum on November 26 to decide whether I hev want acreage controls continued, and if so, whether they want them continued for three years or for a shorter period. The committee elections will be held December 2 and 3. Jeff Enloe, district PMA field representative from Asheville, de clared that f was of utmost im r,ria.u.. to the county for the to bacco acreage control system to be nnnl i. 111(1 The referendum will be held in all the hurley growing states. A two-thirds favorable majority is necessary to continue the con trols. If the vote goes against continu rnce of the quota system, the bur ,ey growers would be able to pro duce" as much tobacco as they want. On the other hand, however, they would be making a gamble, for they would not be able to depend on a "floor price" to insure them against a heavy drop in prices. If the quotas are dropped, so will the government's price support system for the 1950 crop. For this vpar's croo it is 40.3 cents per pound. This price support, a Washing ton dispatch said last week, is like. ly to be higher next year since the new agricultural act will be in el feet for the 1950 crop. The purchase price was not dis closed, but tax stamps on the docu ments filed In the Haywood County register of deeds' office Indicated that it ranged altogether between $5,000 and $6,000. The proposed plant, which will represent an Investment of up to $100,000, will produce chemical fertilizers of analyses approved by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture. The first unit of the factory is expected to produce an estimated, 25 000 to 30.000 tons during 1950 for farms from the Georgia border to Black Mountain. nlant will employ 18 to 20 workers during normal production periods, and 40 to ou in rusn periods. The first unit will be an 80-by-.160-foot ono-story building about 30 feet high and. constructed of steel and masonry. The size of the plant will be in creased as the demand for the products increases. Plans for the building already have been sent to an architect, and representatives of the new business are expected to come here within the next ten days to look for homes for purchase or rent. Spokesmen said the executives were induced to locate their plant in this area because of the sav ings in freight and transportation rates and the tremendous progress Haywood County has made in agri culture during the last ten years. The names of the group will be revealed later, but the members were described as highly success ful leaders of the fertilizer indus try. Residents of the area have no cause for worry as far as odors are concerned, it was pointed out. m PMA Announces Deadlines For Applications The Haywood County office of the Production and Management Administration today announced deadlines -for new applications for tobacco allotments and for filing performance reports for 1949. The closing date for new burley tobacco grower allotments is Feb ruary 1. All 1949 performance reports must be filed by January 15. The PMA office here explained that for a new grower to be eligible for a tobacco allotment, ne must live on the farm for whose allot ment he is applying; the farm must be his total source of income; he must have had at least two years of experience in the last five years in growing tobacco; and he must have crop land and storage pace ample enough to justify an allotment. Tenant House Destroyed By Fire Sunday A small frame tenant house oif the Balsam Road in Saunook Com munity was destroyed by fire short ly after noon yesterday. " Reports wpre that Bill Bryson and his family, who lived there, es caped injury, but they lost all their personal possessions except the clothing they were wearing. The house was the property of Mrs. Bonnie Rayle, of the Haywood County Hospital. Highway Record For 1949 (To Date) In Haywood Killed 6 Injured ... 38 (This Information complied-trom Records of SUta Highway Patrol). If Ml km ? .i.i-s Kin mi neii. a Evans Is her niece. !?si "mv rr F - ' J. "

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