TODAY'S SMILE Ho (at the football fame): "See that bit" substitute down there oa the bench? I'm sure hell torn out to be our best man." She: "Why. you darling: Isn't this rather sudden?" The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-A-Weck In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park - 64th YEAR NO. 93 20 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 10, 1949 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties ltu 3 i fi) urley (Drop Ptesiir airs her Mrs H displays paint-la mm at Asheville. s an electri jmily lives at In- ikmdcrson- Service has hit all luding that of State Board Checking Local School Needs Report On Findings To Be Made Tomorrow :n in waynenvnc itric shoe snine k the work lor back in the hist five cents. ill shine your or tan. You of color, drop press a button, the job is over. jtes last revolv- fccactly the two shine boy was igular customer, arc the manual Ithc S-cent ma- iws it s cneaper, give no extras, as pepping tne toes, putting on that old final- Yas, suh, on its plan, dat ma- t where I comes service." A North Carolina Board of Edu cation committee launched a sur vey of Haywood County's schools this morring in the latest slep to ward actual construction under tin improvement program. County Schools Superintendent Jack Messer said in announcing the survey that the committee will meet probably tonight with the County Board of Education and the Board of County Commissioners to report its findings. This report will he tiled with: the State Board of Education in Raleigh and compared with the county's own report made last month on the physical conditions of the schools. Mr. Messer explained that in the event differences are found I lie county would either revise its plans to conform with the stale committee report or appeal to the State Board. The county report recommended that Haywood's $346,000 share of the stale bond issue approved last summer be used entirely for im proving the 12 schools in the Waynesville and Bethel districts. Mr. Messer and a representative of the county commissioners are es corting the members of the state appointed committee on the survay tour which will lake them to every school in the county. The committee, which made a similar survey of the Cherokee bounty schools yesterday, includes Murphy City Schools Superintend (See Schools Page 8) her eight-year- a dinner at a lie him his final served any food t don't say any- )le shortly after ;ed with disguis- piece of broccoli k of soup. tig his manners, it out with his in a clear voice: ling to put you able and not say " I5 AC Six Young People Overcome By Fumes From Car Exhaust read the story rious grubs that Haifa field clean fit alfalfa, tenta Jhem last week. jJoubt," he said sreTo Be !i Sunday es in plans, the in Waynesville, as jJunaluska, Hazel fa all REA lines on f to ,r):30, accord ileson, local reDre- rohna Power & funcement earlier 1 the cut-off would fcsville. This was I order to do some : of some high contingent upon Miss Head To Compete In State Safety Finals Miss Anna Kay Head. 18-year-old Waynesville Township High School senior, will' compete against 179 other students from through- j out the state in the Student Korum ; for Safety. ! Miss Head, daughter of Mrs. Bonnie Head of Waynesville. was notified this week by State High- j way Safety Division Director Jeff; B Wilson that she was selected to take part in the state-wide contest j on the basis of her record in a pre-1 liminary test. She made 100 per cent on a written examination and received another high grade on ner w word theme on highway safety. The tests were submitted to an (See Miss Head Pase 8) County Ready To Observe Armistice Day On Friday Looks Like A Big Parade For 25th On Friday, Nov. 25, it looks like the parade of parades for Waynesville. On the schedule are over 40 floats, and cither five or six bands. On this basis, it will be the largest parade ever to march in the county .according to tnose in charge. CLOUDY fember 10 Partly tnanse in temper- wt, and Friday. npsville tempera- Dv the staff of the Min. Rainfall 4? fir - 11 J 1 1 iUJSS ANNA K. HAD Brown Serving As County Draft Registrar Here riiairman (ieorgr A. Brown, Jr.. of the Haywood County board of commissioners is now serving as Selective Service registrar here. He reminded youths that the law requires them to register for Selec tive Service as soon as they be come 18 years of age. Registration is being held in Mr. Brown's office in the Court House. A parade, memorial services, and a banquet will nignugni me ou servance of Armistice Day in the Waynesville area tomorrow. Stores will be closed between 10 a. m. and 12 noon, and the Haywood County Library and some county offices will be clos ed all day. U. S. Rep. Monroe M. Redden of Hendersonville will be the prin cipal speaker at the annual Ameri can Legion banquet, which will open at 7 p. m. at the Hazelwood School. The parade of veterans of both World Wars. Gold Star parents, members of the Waynesville Town ship High School band, nurses of the Haywood County Hospital, and members of the American Legion post here and other veterans' orga nizations will open the Armistice (See Armistice Page 8) Archers To Get First Shots At Deer Next Week Deer hunting opens in the Pis gah National Forest next Monday with the deer getting a break. The state has decided In effect to let them work into shape gradu ally in their training to escape the hunters by giving the hunters arm ed only with bow and arrow the first shots at them. The Ashevllle Archers will hold their three-day hunt the first days of the season. They held a roving tournament mostly to polish the archers' work manship with their ancient weap ons. "Roving" is defined as off-hand shooting. It's conducted on a course lined with 14 targets or stations set up in out-of-the way spots like the havens of wild animals. The only such course in the state is the one at Bent Creek Ranch at the edge of the Pisgah Wildlife Pre serve. It bears the certification of the National Field Archery As sociation. The finals of the tournament were held last weekend. Among I he Tournament's early leaders were Magazine Author Gale Webb, rector of SI Mary s Kpiscopal Church who holds the state's first permit to hunt with bow and ar rows; Maurice Cable, and Hubert Edncy, Jr., all of Asheville and all members of the Asheville Archers. The Rev. Webb also is state "flight" champion, his wife is a former stale woman's champion, and his 12-year-old daughter is junior champion of Buncombe County. An informal shoot will be held Sunday on the "roving" course as a preliminary to the hunt. At least 22 people hold s'aie bow-and-arrow hunting licenses. Heads Cattlemen I M O. GALLOWAY was elected president of the Western North Carolina Hereford Breeder's As sociation, succeeding Dr. J. L. Reeves of Canton. Mr. Galloway was formerly head of the State Association. State Buys All OfWaAllen's History Books Waynesville, Monroe To Clash In Paper Bowl Waynesville will meet Monroe in the second annual Paper Bowl football game at Canton on Nov ember 30. For details, turn to sports page. No Special Session Of Legislature Is Seen Our Raleigh corespondent comes out today with a definite statement that there will not be a special session of" the legisla ture called by Governor Scott. For this, and other interest ing news of Raleigh, turn to the editorial page, and read "Raleigh Roundup". 70-Acre Francis Farm Brings About $30,000 At Auction The 70-acre C T. Francis farm and home place brought about $30, 000 at public auction here Monday afternoon. The farm was divided into 20 tracts, and sold to eight buyers. Tom Ferguson, and sons, bought the home place tract, while other buyers included Jaivis Allison. Jack Felmet, Mr. Stackpole, John Palmer, C. C. Francis, John R. Trull and W. Roy Francis. On Saturday Mr. Francis plans to offer at auction, all feed, tools, stock and horses on the farm. He and family plan to move to the mid west at an early date. The State Board of Education this week bought the entire stock of history books which W. C. Al len, author, and publisher had of his latest fifth grade history, "The Story of Our State, North Carolina". Mr. Allen said that the stock con sisted of slightly less than 2,000 of the books, which are now being used in 96 of the state's 100 tounlics. Heretofore Mr. Allen has been selling the books direct to school officials. Now the books can be had only through the Division of Text Books. Mr. Allen has written several histories about North Carolina, In cluding one of Haywood county, and one of Waynesville. Although now almost 90 years of age, he has visited in the past few years, every county in the state, and presented his book in person to every county and city superin tendent of schools. Asked if he were ready to retire, he remarked: "Why should I re tire, when I am just in my prime? There are too many things to do to retire." Carbon monoxide fumes knocked 6 young peoplv out and made an other sick last Sunday afternoon as they were returning home in their 1037 sedan from a drive to Sunburst. All seven, residents of Waynes ville, were released from Haywood County Hospital that night, how ever, lifter being given emergency treatment. Stale Highway Patrol Corn. John L. Carpenter reported that his in vestigation showed the fumes leak ed out through the breather cap on the motor and entered the car through holes in the car's floor boards. Riding with the windows shut against the bitter cold, the young sters first became aware of their danger, but misinterpreted It, when one of the boys and one of the girls lost consciousness and the others complained of dizziness and nausea. Thinking that they were suffer- A--k$ ' , ing from Hie combined effects of the closeness and warmth wilnin the car and some sweet cider they had drank, they reported to a phy sician. At the hospital, examination re vealed that all were suffering from the effects of inhaling carbon mon oxide. This is a deadly odorless, col orless gas produced when petrol cum and coal fuels are burned in places where air is limited or absent... Cnl. Carpenter said the young people were Jewell Bruce, 19. who the officer said was driving the car, a four-door Dodge sedan; Eugene Breece, 18; Newton Breece, 14; Mrs. Leoa Breece. 18; Sue Warlick, 18; Wilma Jean Wilds, 16; and James Tfirner, 21. Mrs. Breece, least affected by the fumes, was the only one In the group who did not lose conscious ness. The patrolman said the young sters in the hack seat suffered the worst from the effects of the funics. Ihvi Survey Shows Much Heavier Tonnage A county-wide survey of Hay wood's burley crop led authorities this morning to estimate it as "near a million dollar crop". Earlier In the season, the crop was rated "a little short" due to excessive rains during the plant ing, and early part of the grow ing season. This morning, Wayne Corpening, county agent, stated that the crop had developed materially during the past few months, and was cur- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hagan and son, Edward, and Miss Martha Mc Cracken of Sylvanla, Georgia were week end guests of Mrs. W. L. Mc- 100 Volunteers Sought For Bloodmobiie visit Ministers And Election Officials Disagree On Interpretation Of Law m American Red Cross 1 Haywooo cf,ki, 10o chapter oniciaia volunteers to donate o ' he B ood mobile VtASefi eft2w.r hTre November 22. visit of the year neie i The Waynesville Rotary -Rin. Wooay wno - ,r.nted chairman, nas prugiaMi vi. acrepte ibility of securing the Hay- the respons volunteers. wiiam!!f)n Wavm-viHe 1'reshvterian l.iu.w . of which he is Pastor, and will operate from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Mrs Roger Walker. Chapter pub !lr',tv chairman, said the prospec tive' donors would be asked by a Rotarv Ch'b representative to sign card," indicating their willingness to give a pint of blood each. This is purely a voluntary serv- she said, ana u not you nave you will come the day designat- ice, that whether -ir,n.H such a card. tn the church on The Haywood County Ministerial Association is consulting an attor ney in regard to conflicting inter pretations of the law covering its petition for a referendum on the beer and wine sales issue. The Rev. Malcolm Williamson, pastor of the Waynesville Presby terian Church and chairman of the Association's morals committee, said today the group would ask the Haywood County Board of Elec tions to reconsider the petition, if the attorney's interpretation indi cated there were grounds for de claring it valid. Approximately 25 Association members, representing every sec tion of the county, and the Rev. R. M. Hauss of Shelby, secretary of the Allied Ctiurch League, dis cussed the petition with Elections Chairman Jerry Rogers at. a meet ing at Long's Chapel Methodist Church last Monday. Mr. Rogers explained that the board voided the petition after finding that some of the signatures were those of' persons who had signed from one precinct though they had registered and voted in another, while others had not voted in the last election for gov (See Beer-Wine Page 8) Tut's Will Open At An Early Date Workmen are pushing to com pletion the renovation of the build ing, and installation of equipment for Tut's. a new firm to be opened in the near future by Jane and Henry Tuttle. The firm will feature drug sund ries and fountain service. New and modern equipment is being installed, and the building formerly occupied by Waynesville Pharmacy has been repaired and modernized. Campbell Party Kills 3 Bear In Two Days Tom Campbell. Sr., seems to mean just plain luck to fellow bear hunters. Last year. ' hunters in his party killed five bear in Sherwood For est for the season's biggest bag. This week, the Campbell party did almost as well. They killed three bruins during their two-day hunt in Santeetlah. using the same dogs that brought the bears of last year to bay. Carl Rathbone of Waynesville killed a 350-pound bear and Lonzo McGaha of Maggie bagged a 200 pounder on the first day of the hunt Monday. The next day. Rufe Sutton of Maggie and Dallas Woods of Hazel wood brought down a 120-pound bruin. Dr. Nick Medford, Bill Bradley, and Floyd Rippetoe, incidentally, had grandstand seats at all three kills, watching the hunt from posi tions on a ridge overlooking the scene. After the hunt, Mr. Campbell ex pressed appreciation for the coop eration and courtesy his party of 25 received from the game wardens of the area. ing into a high quality. This fact was further substanti ated by J. W. Van Arsdall, a bur- ley specialist, who was here last week, and checked the Haywood crop. He said the quality wa9 one of the best he had seen in the en tire belt. This fact, together with the 1949 advance scheduled from the U. S. Department of Agriculture, indi cated that Haywood's crop would again be near the million dollar mark. The advance scnequie had a top of $62 for lugs and $56 for leaf, choice quality, buff or straw color. The next rating for leaf of fine quality, tan color, was $52. Other grades under the sched ules included: Leaf, good quality, tan $40. Leaf, fair quality, tan $40. Leaf, good quality, tan-greenish $42. The lowest price for leaf is $14. Tips, good quality, tan $36. Tips, fair quality, tan $30. The lowest for tips Is listed at $Hv Lugs, choice quality, buff $62. Lugs, good quality, buff color $60. Some grades of lugs go down as low as $21. Flyings, choice quality, buff col or $61. Flyings, fine quality, buff color $60. Other grades of flyings go down to $18. During the past week, a large number of burley growers have been attending demonstration schools, and seeing the latest meth ods of handling and grading tobac co. The opening of the markets have been set for November 28th. Last Rites Are Held Today For Julius A.Brown Funeral services were held this afternoon at the First Presbyterian church for Julius Allison Brown. 56, of Washington, D. C, who died Tuesday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Ida V. Brown, on Auburn Road, after a brief illness. The Rev. Malcolm R William son, pastor, officiated and inter ment was in the Memorial Plot in (See J. A. Brown Page 8) Stores Here To Close For Game Waynesville stores will close as usual at noon November 30 to per mit employees, managers and own ers to attend the second annual Paper Bowl football game at Can ton. Bill Cobb, president of the Mer chants Association, said today that virtually all the members agreed to postpone for a week the start of the Christmas season policy of (See Stores Page 8) Crabtree 4-H Girl Wins In Territorial Contest Peggy Bradshaw, 4-H Club girl of Upper Crabtree, this week was declared a winner of the Carolina Power and Light Company's ter ritorial "Better Methods Electric contest. Miss Bradshaw and David Noland of Ratcliffe Cove, both winners In the Haywood County competition, attended the 4-H Better Methods Electric Congress In Raleigh on Monday and Tuesday. Miss Bradshaw, winner of the county contest for the second con secutive year, received a gold watch Her winning project was ironing, while David's was barn-curing hay with electricity. Miss Bradshaw showed the time, energy, and labor that is saved by using an electric Iron in place of the old fire-heated iron. Last year, she won county honors by showing the advantages of. us ing an electric churn in the place of the old dasher type. Miss Bradshaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gaye Bradshaw, is a mem ber of the Crabtree-Iron Duff 4-H Club . David is the son of Mr. and Mrs. as her award in winning territorial D. Reeves Noland and a member honors. (See 4-H Girl Pace 8) "3 Highway Record For 1949 (To Date) In Haywood Killed 6 Injured . . . 38 (This Information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol). 67 92 pd ,o make your contribution. no 95

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