Lon, November 10, 1949 mi re nile turnea L Hi.' annual jilt. tlWVJ Carolina hesv fcrth dis-told Ljiic-VIMl' ii ma i"- .iliriire at I he L -Hid d.'velop- fcjlllilial JUiu Bavi-. tud ''s master I lie com- sptdkers Howell, K. I'lott, riders of Itun Hardin tir,!i' mm Hart. Mr. ana kcl. .). ana fco.n:i..ind(T of on's Haywooa !at I lie chicken e(i o: a highly Iho Ouardsmen. l s:i.200 in pay foully the din- hub jram puli. dramatics Jli,. U a iiesvliio br m ni a special i U IKX'. Friday, l.l.i m. This iriiaram m a scr- luciMi'ii wees. Srl will he Mil- !au ;n Kin:-, ntg-Kn.-i'i's. Malcolm ).:vk and Mar c Francis, Joyce r. Joan Kaleliffc, lord Music will Inn liisehofi. Junaluska Names Miss Medford For Queen Of Festival By THE HEV. I'. 11 Dlt'KW Mountaineer Correspondent Miss Bcnnie l.ou Medford elected Lake Junaluska eandiJaie for queen of the Tukuoi Festival last niijii. The daughter ol Mr. an I M, Ben Medford ol C rahlree Hu.nl w,K named for the honor hy Lake .lim.i luska residents at a hox supper meeting held hy the local c ni munity Development Program or ganization. The visitors paid ahoul' $-:n ioi the boxes auctioiud oil hy I'm gram Chairman llallell Wm-d. I In lunds Will he used lo help linai;ee the Lake Junaluska CnmiuumH ),.. velopment Program projects' Presiding at the event was Com munity Chairman Charles Kdwards Jr. The dinner was arranged l l In community's recreation committee headed by Mrs. Kuel Noland. tin' chairman. THE WAYNESYTLLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE ITVE Francis Cove Clufci Meets With Mrs. Chamblee An all-day meeting ol Hi,. .,,ln. Cis Cove Home Demonstration Club was held Wednesday al I he home of Mrs. C. II. ('hamhlee. Miss Mary Cornwell. home atunt. gave a demonstration on Christina-, Gift Suggestions and Mis. Troy Wyche also made simulations for making gifts. A covered dish lunch was served and a Chrislmas parly with an ex change of gifts was enjoyed during the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William Norris and son, Billy, left las! week for Sara sota, Florida where they will spend the winter. I Lane Prevost Is Hostess Of CAR. Society 1 ' I'u'vost was hostess '"' Hie November meeting of the I'1' Howell Society of the Chil " "' 'he Keiolution. which was 1 1:1 dm-. day afternoon. James Harden Howell Sr """ I'l'-idenl ol he society I'1' "led durum the opening exer-''- flier which Miss I.mda Sloan Pivsident. was in charge. Hats were advanced bv Carey '"' Harbor. Patience '' i ' 1 Owen. 'I'he p:ograin included a reading Mai. lord Massie on Bovs In :l;'' ' li ' and a reading by Unda 'n "ii "A Holiday Visit at Ar- Ai'Ht K - ol clothing for Crossnore ',"' "J-aiiH's for the Cherokee In. di.in school were brought to the meeting hy I he members. Special guests for the meeting wie Miss Kalhryn Hyatt. Miss Helm Kiikpatriek. Miss Marietta .unphell. Miss Joan Prevost. and Halph Prevost. Jr. I During the social hour the host ess was assisted by her mother, Mrs. Halph. Prevost, in serving re- 1 1 1'snnienis. Mi- ..nil Mrs. J s. Mullen left Wednesday for (heir home in Alto, U oigia alter a week's visit to Mr and Mrs T l, Hrainlett. Mrs. Mull en is Mrs. Hramlell's sister. Births New arrivals have been announc ed at tin- Haywood County Hospi tal. Mr. and Mrs. i L. Mears of j Clyde. Houie l, a son. November 5. Ts Offer... SAVINGS Mr and Mrs. F.phain Sutton of Ml Sterling, a daughter. Novem ber 5. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson of Clyde, lioulc 1. a dauglher, Novem ber ". Mr. and Mrs James Grasly of Waynesvillc. a son. November 7. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mitchell of Canton, a daughter. November Jisplay . . . Compare The Prices . . way to appreciate what we oiler! I J) to 28 inches.. Boys and Girls iem Away . . Pay As You Wish! LATKX DOLL i:hi;kta- ?h wins Dm fHV ROBERTA '), 8Y l)(l,L fly Hic.s and fluici t,, I (512.75 $6.98 $4.98 Mr. and Mrs. Kail Mashburn of Way nesville. a daughter. Novem ber 7. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Nations of Canton, a son. November 7. .Mr. and Mrs. lord Sharp ol Waynesvillc, a daughter, Novem ber I!. Mr and Mrs. Hilly Pearson of Waynesvillc, a son. November 9. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Massie of Canton, a daughter. November 9. Mr and Mrs. Albert Worley of ("anion, a son. November 9. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Garland of Canton, a daughter, November 9. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Buchanan of Canton, a daughter, November 9. $3.98 ,!V . . . with complete wardrobe I' " ' ilnvv box . . . P Reduced to PK AND WET DOLL f a,(1 -'.irdrobe . . . Y': Reduced to 5M AND WET DOLLS $1.98 and lTF nni.I.R IS.'i!!,", T Inn jEnrl, Reduced to PSE SHOPPERS KNOW THE PLACE TO SAVE IS AT RAIFF'S $4.98 $2.98 $1.98 $1.00 Attention Parents The Home Laundry and Cleaners will give a FREE LAUNDRY bundle picked up and delivered to each family announcing a birth at the Haywood County Hospital. P. S. In the event of twins this gift tvill be doubled. Call 772 for jour FREE SERVICE. Home Laundry And Cleaners Phone 772 Miller St. Children's Books To Be Displayed For Book Week Book Week will be celebrated at the Haywood County Library dur ing the week from Saturday, No vember 12, until the following Sat urday. All new Children's Books will be on display throughout the week. The center of the display will be l miniature merry-go-round loaded with books for all ages, from pic ture books up to teen-aue selec tions. The hul let in boards will he covered with jackets from a num ber of new books. Part nts. teachers, boys, and girls ire invited to browse anion 4 the books and make selections for fu- I !ure reading. As is the custom, no books will be checked out ot Ihe I Library until the close of Book Week, .November 1J. at I p.m. Books will be held for readers who , make the first requests and then , ihey will be circulated in the regu lar manner. Miss McKinney j Is Married To D. B.Edwards j I Miss Barbara Ann McKinney. I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. L ; McKinney of Canton, became Iho bride of Billy Dale Edwards, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Edwards of Can ton, in a candlelight ceremony Sun day at 4 p.m. in the Methodist Church in Clyde. The Itev. W. T. Medlin, pastor, performed the ceremony. The church was decorated with white and cream chrysanthemums with fern and greenery interspersed with seven branched candelabra holding white tapers. Mrs. Larry Cagle, vocalist, and Miss Janice Smathers, organist, of Clyde, presented a program of wedding music. "Indian Love Call," i "I Love You Truly," "Ah. Sweet I Mystery of Life." "Always." "Won derful One" and "Because" were 'heard before the ceremony. "To A Wild Rose," was played during the ceremony. "The Lord's Prayer" as a benediction. The traditional wed ding marches were used as the j processional and recessional The bride and bridegroom ; entered together. The bride wore a j wool suit of powder blue with brown acccccories. Her only orna ment was an heirloom pin. She carried a white prayer book lopped with a white orchid and showered with maline and white satin stream ers and white sweet peas. Miss Carolyn McKinney of Canton, sister of (lie bride, was maid of honor and wore a wool soil of winter while with pink blouse and black accessories Her corsage was pink gardenias. Franklin E. Metealf of Canton was best man. Ushers were Francis Pless and Nickcy Carter of Canton An informal reception followed at the home of the bridegroom for members of both families and a few friends. The bridal table was covered with a lace cloth and centered with a three - tiered wed ding cake topped by a miniature bride and bridegroom. Those asked lo assist in serving were Mrs. Franklin E. Melcalf. Mrs. Ralph Crawford. Mrs. A. 15. Owonby. Mrs. Carey Smathers, Mrs. Logan While and Mrs. W. S. Burnette. Jr. The bride's mother wore a black crepe dress with black accessories and a corsage of pink gardenias. The bridegroom's mother wore a black crepe dress with black acces sories and a corsage of pink garde nias. f The couple left for a trip through the East and will reside at the home of the bridegroom upon their return. Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Boyd and Ronny and Nancy Boyd of Morri.stown. Tenn., aunt and uncle of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Neal Lanning of Asheville, cousins of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith of Eliza bethtown. aunt and uncle of the bridegroom: Mrs. A. C. Edwards. Tabor City, aunt of the bridegroom and Mrs. I. L. Freeman, of Ham let, aunt of Ihe bride. Mrs. W. W. Gordon and small daughter. Celeste, of Sumter, S C. are arriving Saturday for a visit to the former's mother. Mrs. J. P. Dicus Mr. and Mrs. Billy B. Medford of Lake Junaluska attended the Geor gia Tech-Tennessee football game .in Knoxville on Saturday. Girl Scouts Receive Badges At Court Of Awards Vivian Watkins. member of Troop No. 4, Senior Service Girl Scouts, was promoted to the rank of First Class Scout at the Court of Awards for the Hazelwood-Waynes-ville Girl Scout area, held Sunday alti inoon at the Court House. Proficiency badges were award ed as lollows; Troop No. 1, Intermedial? Donna Jn Queen. 2nd Class, Cook. Cal and Dog. Linda Sloan, First Aid to Ani mals. Cook. Marcia L.-.nlz. Landscape r. i It....... PI i K U... In1 fln.-c I i. in i . i un uiiii miii.i, miiv. v. . oo, Cal and Dog. Peggy Ket ncr, Sew ing. Judy Cabe. Garden Flower, Wild Plant. Sue Campbell, Wild Plant. Ailecn Campbell, 2nd Class. Sally Stovall, Rabbit, Cook. June Brandt, Drawing and Paint ing. Dorothy McBride, Hostess. Troop No. 4, Senior Ann Bischoff. Clerk, Farm Safe ty. Traveler. Kathleen Calhoun. Leathercraft, Dancer, Clerk. Farm Safety, Trav eler. Nancy Floyd, Clerk, Farm Safe ty. Traveler. Betty Ann Brown, Clerk, Farm Safety, Traveler, Weaver. Joyce Carter, Clerk, Swimmer. Elaine Francis, Dancer. Clerk, Farm Safety, Traveler, Tenderfoot Betle Hannah, Leathercraft, Clerk. Farm Safety, Traveler. Dolf Kienast, Leathercraft, Clerk, Farm Safety, Traveler. Mildred Medford, Clerk, Farm Safety, Traveler, Dancer. Kathryn Hyatt. Clerk, Farm Safety, Traveler, Design, Bookbind er, Leathercraft. Lillian Knox Medford, Clerk Farm Safety, Traveler. Joan Morris, Clerk, Farm Safety, 1 raveler, Dancer, Design, Book binder. Betty Noland, Clerk, Farm Safe ty. Traveler. Margaret Reese, Clerk. Farm Safety. Traveler, Leathercraft. Ann Rector. Clerk, Farm Safety, Dancer. Mary Osborne, Clerk. Farm Safe ly. Traveler. Mary Jane Rogers, Clerk. Danc er. Vivian Watkins. Clerk, Farm Safety, Traveler. Firct Class. Troop No. 6, Senior Lane Prevost, Good Grooming, Hostess, Housekeeper. Cook, Danc er. Swimmer. Musician, Sewing, Pottery. My Troop. My Commun ity. Julia Ann Calhoun. Good Groom ing, Hostess. Housekeeper, Cook, Sewing, Dancer. Swimmer, Draw ing and Painting, Color Craft. De sign. Musician, My Troop. My Com munity, Second Class. Ann Green, Good Grooming. Dancer. Hostess. Housekeeper, Cook. Sewing, Musician, Foot Trav eler. My Community, My Troop, Second Class. Harriett Gibson, Sewing, House keeper, Cook, Hostess, Dancer. Good Grooming, Cyclist, Foot Trav eler, Color Craft, Design, Weaving, Drawing and Painting. Pottery. Metal, Musician, My Troop. My j Community. Second Class. j Aleen Williams, Hostess. House- keeper, Musician, Foot Traveler, Good Grooming, Dancer, Sewing, Farm Safety. Cook. My Troop. My Community. Second Class. Sara Jane Garrison. Good Grooming, Hostess, Housekeeper. Cook, Musician. Cyclist, Foot Trav eler, Sewing, Weaving, My Troop. My Community, Second Class. Mary Michal, Good Grooming. Hostess, Housekeeper, Cook, Cyc list, Foot Traveler, Musician, Dancer, Sewing, My Troop, My Community, Second Class. Betty Felmet, Horsewoman. Cooking, Hostess, Housekeeper, Dancer, Musician, Sewing, Design, Cyclist, Foot Traveler, Good Grooming, My Troop. My Com munity. Laura Woody, Good Grooming, Hostess, Housekeeper. Cook, Danc er, Musician, Sewing, Pottery. Traveler, Design, Weaving, Metal. My Troop, My Community. Mary Crouser, Good Grooming. Hostess, Housekeeper, Cook, Sew ing, Dancer, Swimmer, Foot Trav eler, Musician, My Troop, My Com munity. Catherine Bell. Hostess. Cook. Sewing, Dancer, Musician, Good Grooming, Housekeeper, My Troop, My Community. Jo Ann Rowe, Sewing House keeper, Cook, Hostess. Good Grooming, Dancer, Cyclist, Foot Traveler, Swimmer, Musician, My Troop, My Community. Ircce Wilson, Good Grooming, Dancer, Hostess, Cyclist. House keeper, Cook, Sewing, Musician, Foot Traveler, My Troop, My Com munity. Carolyn Sayei . Good Grooming. Hostess, Dancer. Housekeeper, Cook. Sewing, Musician, Foot Trav eler, Weaving, Swimmer, My Troop, My Community, Pottery. Shirley Mae Connatser, Good Grooming, Hostess, Dancer, House keeper, Cook. Sewing, Musician. Foot Traveler, My Troop, My Com munity. Troop No. 7. Intermediate Patricia Brendle, Reader, Mem bership Star. Suzanne Curry, Musician. Kyleen CampbWI, Aviation. Medford Named To State Bar Committee Wnilam Medford, Waynesvillc at torney and a former slate senator, has been appointed to the mem bership committee of Ihe North Carolina Bar Association. The committee appointments for 1949-50 were announced this week by Association President Thomas H. Leath of Rockingham. I Kicking Around DURHAM (AP) Duke Univer sity's soccer team is engaged in a seven game schedule that will ex tend to Nov. 23. Opponents are North Carolina State (twice). Vir ginia, North Carolina (twice). Washington and Lee and Maryland, in the closing contest. Strange Spot EAST LANSING, Mich (AP) The lightest man of the first string Michigan State football lineup this season is. of all things a tackle. Don Coleman, sophomore left tackle, weighs 178 pounds and Is 12 pounds lighter than his smallest teammate, backs included. RELIABLE JEWELERS Thanks for a Swell Birthday The response to our 10th Anniversary was indeed over whelming. We deeply appreciate the interest shown, the many congratulations we received, and also your fine business. You'll be glad you did your Christmas Shopping Here. SHOP NOW fyr A) I Jbetor 2f .1 j 1 F.d.rol Ton , :i "II VaK-v Tn I'nv Thl Rl-liullW- Wllv" NOTE TO ALL BUYERS OF JEWELRY It only takes SI down payment to hold any item until Christmas al Reliable Jewelers. 1 ' " this coat is almost 1 em I r'. I CO' in . " 1. art '.i...wW 'ihe 30-Day Test- was really fun ! And I didn't need my dodori report to ted me mnVH' two compUu coats in one (till . . !. ' ,'1- ' . "1 1 "-" Here's the coat classic that's always in season, always in fashion. Its all wool patented lining buttons in or out, sleeves and all, to meet each change in the weather. You'll find the same expert tailoring, the same fine 100 virgin wool fabrics that go into the famous Season Skipper men's coats. See it soon ... choose it in one of the new fashion shades. ; m mi: $75 i -i i , i. ;v 'r ( ml hU. .