f PAGE TWO MORE ABO! T Lions (Continued from Pace r nyotw' t set up December 10 in Wayaesville business district and operate every day through Christmas Eve. except on Sundays. He also reported that the radio program, which proved such a suc cess in fund-raising in the cam paign ' last year, is tentatively Scheduled for production again thi season. Lester Burgin, Jr.. who is hand ling radjo arrangements, reported Station WHCC had said the Cluli Pould bave the hours of 9 P. M to midnight on December IS and December 22 for the show. The members of the Club t;ike approximately 100 underprivileged rhildren out to stores, select Christmas gifts for them, then pay iOT them out of the funds raised duxing the campaign. After a brief discussion, the members agreed to build and enter a Lions Club float in next Friday's Tobacco Harvest Festival parade. Jerry Kogers was appoointed to head the float committee and Joe Jack Atkins. Lawrence LcaJher vi,od. Ben Phillips, and Dwiglit Williams to serve with him. International Counsellor Herbert Sanders of Black Mountain, former governor of Lions District 31-A ithe Charlotte-Sparta-Murphy area' showed up as a guest, and was promptly invited by President Dick Bradley to induct the two new members. Henry I.yda and Bill Lindau. - This he did after addressing the Club and reminding the two candi dates. "When you become members, you cease to be private citizens, and THE W A VNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER Press Agent wit vrr Coming To Strand 2 Days iT w i v 9 i r LrROV COX. Wolloi'd College public relations and alumni af fairs director, has been appoint ed public relations director of the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina. He resigned his position at the South Caro lina college recently to accept the new appointment. 'li ra 'II r - r ) n,, vtsfttttMLJS LONG ROAD TO LEARNING BOSTON (UP) Mitchell Aboud went a long way to got an educa tion 55.000 miles. " For the 18 months he has been enrolled at Burdett College he has traveled 136 mile daily to and from his Win chendon home. flaying At The Park A become public servants." After a brief discussion, a pro posal to change the method of passing on candidataes for mem bership was deferred for two weeks As the members filed out the church's dining room after the meeting closed, they dropped an average of SI each into the plate to help pay the band's travelling expenses. Randolph Scott starring in "Fightiru M;'n Of The Plains". Coming to the Strand Theatre Thursday Color by Cinecolor. Theatre will i Thanksgiving Day' and Friday. run. Thanksgiving. WAYNESVILLE OOlVE-m THEATRE PROGRAM Shows Start at 7:00 P. M. MONDAY and TUESDAY. Nov. 21-22 "ROADHOUSE" Starring IDA LUPIN O and CORNEL WILDE Also Selected Short Subjects unique television show, made pos sible by the Community Develop ment organization in cooperation with the Merchants Asociation. "This program." says Festival General Chairman Wayne Corpen in, "is different from anything cer shown in Haywood County." The religious feature of the Festi val will take place Thanksgiving morning at 9 A. M. At the Waynesville Presbyterian Church, a Union Thanksgiving Ser- ice w ill open at that time, with i the Rev. J. E. Lountz, pastor of the ! t-'irst Methodist Church of Waynes- ,iil!o delivering the message, i The Rev. M. H. Williamson, pas- tor of the host church, will read the j Scripture, and the Rev. L. G. Elli iiitt. pastor of the First Baptist Church of Wavnesvillo. will offer The fun will start at 7::H) P. M. i m.., ...... MORE ABOUT Festival (Continued from Page 1) the Waynesville Business and Pro fessional Women's Club, and the Wheelbarrow Promenade will send the Festival off to a gay start Tues day night at the Armory. Fred Carpenter's String Band from Canton will play, and the guests will come dressed as fann ers and farmerettes. The boys w ill ride the girls, spon sors of more than 50 business or ganizations, in wheel barrows. There will be contests to decide the best fiddler, the best buck dancers, and the best banjo picker, and there wil be square dancing, too. WEDNESDAY. Nov. 23 "EAGLE SQUADRON' Starring ROBERT STACK and DIANNA BARRYMORE THURSDAY and FRIDAY, Nov. 21-25 "JOHNNY BELINDA" Starring JOHN VVYMAN and LEW AYRES On Wednesday, the Festival visi tors will get acquainted with indus tries of the Waynesville area. The tour will start at f A. M.. with the guests scheduled to visit Royal and Pilkiugton Companv. the Davton Rubber Company's big plant, and W'ellco Shoe Plant No. 1 in the morning. After lunch, they will lour the Junaluska Tannery and the hit; Una gust a Manufacturing Com pany's furniture factory. At the Waynesville Armory that night. Dr. E. L. Butz. head of Pur due University's department of agriculture economics, will address the audience after being introduc ed by W. J. Damtoft. of The Cham pion Paper and Fihiv Company at Canton. A concert by the fine Waynes ville Township High School band, directed by Charles Isley. will open the evening jrogram at 7 o'clock. Then four ot Western North I Carolina s nnesi quartets- i ne Skylarks of Asheville. the Blaylock i Sisters of Pigeon. Kay Allen's I Aliens Creek Quartet, and the j Francis Cove Chord Busters will I sing before Dr. Blitz's address. At 9 P. M . the spectators will I see some of the results of Hav- wood's Community Development Program. These will he displayel in a Mr. Tobacco Grower! Your Tobacco Looks Better and Sells Better At Planters No.l & No.2 (Total Floor Space 122.000 Sq. Ft.) 'THE FRIENDLY WAREHOUSE' Asheville, N.C, James Stevarl and Fred Cockiield OWNERS AND OPERATORS -FIELD REPRESENTATIVES R. L. "Bob" JAMES And GLEN LACKEY : The worshippers will hear the ; singing of the voices of the combin- ed choirs from the three parlicipat I ing churches. j (lit Thursday afternoon, some I il.tiOO people will jam Waynesvillo High School's stadium to see the Festival's athletic highlight and 'one of the holiest sports battles in WCstern North Carolina. Thai, of course, is the second ; '.ii'i'ch of the season's football ser ies between Way nosville's Mount 1 ameers and Canton's Black Bears. The kickoff is secheduled for 2:30 p. m. I That night, the glittering To ' baeco Festival Ball will open at 8 P. M.. with Carol Henry's Orches j tra playing. At 9 o'clock, the county's com ; nuinity beauty queens will be pre- scnted formally in the opening of the contest to select the 1949 To bacco Queen. This ball, which will not end un til midnight, is being sponsored by the Waynesville Junior Chamber of Commerce, whose president is Lester Burgin, Jr. Following the parade and Sena tor Graham's address on Friday, Haywood County's finest ex amples of Burley tobacco will be exhibited in the little court room of the Haywood County Court Hini:::e. Judges from the U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture and North Carolina State College will decide the best of the exhibits in the To bacco Show. The winners will be presented with more than $150 in prizes do nated by the Merchants Association. A concert band w ill open the bril liant evening program at 7 P. M. A half hour later, the audience will hear North Carolina's finest quartets and seven of them al ready have said definitely they would appear. Judge Camille Kelley, of the Memphis. Tenn.. Juvenile Court, one of the nation's recognized au thorities on the problems of young sters, will make the principal ad dress, under the auspices of the Merchants Association. Introducing her will be Senator Hoey. Followirig Judge Kelley's speech, the five members of the court of the Tobacco Queen will be selected, and the colorful evening will end with the singing of the quartets. Saturday Youth Day will oDen at 10:30 A. M. with a band conceift at the Court House. Special guests, including farm and government leaders from North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee, will be introduced. At 11:30 A. M. Congressman p Kedden. introduced by R. C. Fran cis, Haywood County Community Development Program chairman, will make the principal speech. A luncheon sponsorod by the Haywood County Farm Bureau Auxiliary', will be held at 12:30, and at 2 P. M., the Haywood Coun ty Farm Bureau and its Auxiliary will hold a meeting at the Haywood County Court House. Hugh Agnew, president of the South Carolina Farm Bureau, wilt address the session. C. B. McCrary, County Bureau president, and Mrs. Oral Yates, Auxiliary president, will be in charge of the meeting. During the session, also there will be string mulc, and some lucky member of the audience will get a free turkey as the dyor prize. AU farm people of the county are cordially Invited. Othtrs attending the sc.- i..u will be Alonzo Edwards, of liooki Urn. president of the N'crlii Carolina Farm" Bureau; It, Fkn.e Shaw, ex ecutive vicfcpresident of the state organization: Mrs. Irby Walker. Us secretary-treasurer; and man y other farm leaders. Mr. Corpening announced yester day that 11. A. Powers of the Ten nessee Valley Authority's As'k-ul-tural Relations Depai tun :it at Knoxville, Tetiu was une of the most recent officials to accept an invitation to take part in U.e Fest ival. Other special p.uenls who had previously accepted invitations in clude R. W. Shoftner, district farm agent of the N. C. State Col lege Extension Service; Miss Nell Kennett, district home demonstra tion agent; A. L. Teachy. in charge of North Carolina Veterans' train ing in agriculture; Tal Stafford, district supervisor of vocational education in North Carolina; and a representative of the North Caro lina Home Economics Department. This day, Mr. Corpening explain ed, has been set aside for members of the 4-H Clubs, Future Home Makers of America. Future Farm ers of America, and war veterans in agricultural training. Colorful events have been sched uled for the hours of the evening program both preceding and tol lowing the coronal ion of the Tob acco Festival queen. The night's program will open with a band concert, followed by string music. Then, after the new queen is crowned, the state's leading square dance teams and string hands will give exhibitions. Eight dance teams had entered the Festival up to this morning: the Bent Creek Ranch and the American Knka Teams from Bun combe County: the Canton Memor ial Recreation Center dancers; the Waynesville Old Timers, the Sky Brook team from Hendersonville; Sam Queen's internal ionally-re-nowed Soco Cap team; and the American Legion Square Dance team from Sylva. At least two more dance teams and 15 string bands are expected to take part in the exhibit ion and contests. Meanwhile, work continued on every phase of the well-balanced Festival program, with a greater part of it concentrated on polish ing the details of the big parade. The Waynesville Jaycees already have contacted 40 businessmen in this area to obtain pledges for en tries of commercial floats, and fol lowed up these visits with letters. As the opening day of the Fest ival drew nearer and nearer, chips, sparks, type-writer keys, and needle and thread flew, and taxes, politics, and love retired to back seats. J v' TV. ,. " tun...' 'he Hot ''I'kn , "Cui sot to -nerpr. ()n ll. ,. "i! ' tint,,.! in-1 f.t Tij There's pulchri,tud a-plenty to please Alan I.add in hi i 1,1,, Paramount s thrlU-packed newspaper drama. Chiea;:., UH,,,,' playing Monday and Tuesday at the Park Theatre 1 i,,,,, ,.u , right are lovely Dpnna Hetd Lsdcl's co-star, t-xqui-.ile li 1.1 in ,U and gorgeous June Havoc. Who could ask for anyllun,: uu,n-- i.,,:p;llri 111., , Mi., . " W Df 1 tl ...... , '""til ,'"e-,Wtll(J 1 nu . xt 1 a VlOltli ACOVT Postage (Continued from Page 1) Not that the post office folks don't like small fry as such. It's simply that the tiny envel opoes won't pass through the stan dard stamping machines. They have to be stamped by hand. As for Christmas parcels, don't try to send your friends any tasty little dish that's liable to spoil be fore the postman can deliver it. The post office won't accept it for mailing, anyway, Colonel How ell says: If your gift is perishable but won't spoil before it reaches its destination, it must be endorsed by postmasters or postal employees with the word "Peristiable" right over the name of the person to whom it is addressed. If you forgot Aunt Sally on Christmas Eve, you can, of course, rush her gift oil by air mail. But don't try to send her an ice box or something that way. Colonel Howell reminds us that air-mail packages sent fourth-class cannot be any bigger than 100 inches long and wide combined. And. if they're first class or fourth-class mail, they can't weigh more than 70 pounds. As for what else you can mark on your packages besides your friend's name and address and your own address, you may write: "Please do not open untitl Christmas." You can send simple greetings inside packages going third or fourth-class mail (parcel post, that is). You can slip in a card saying "Merry Christmas." "Happy New Year," or "With Best Wishes," for instance. You can also write an inscrip tion in a book going by third or fourth-class mail "Merry Christ mas, 1949," "To Mary from John," PAUK THEATRE PROGRAM o MONDAY and TUESDAY, Nov. 21-22 Imam I Ktl . DONNA I I UfUlU w 4 w m - mm v , 1 REED P (JUNE HAVOC SfcspHnl Straawkk WEDNESDAY, Nov. 23 m JOHN ANN PAT . l GARFIELD SHERIDAN O'BRIEN A Wtmtiltt Nal'l piclut o THURSDAY and FRIDAY, Nov. 24-25 YOBR HEART WILL IACE EVERT PAGE Of THE WAT. V. 1 IUTH . r. VV V tmSA iff or anything in that order. Hut if you sip j t.u1 ;l un short letter or personal n.e.a. i your parcel, he prepared ty ,:, u,,, 1 u'i((. ,n U sen Tl. ".null sai'i "Ml'" t'liris. Announcing the BUS OF TOW APPEARING IN WAYNESVILLE TVESD.J 22nd IN FRONT OF THE COURTHOUSE J NOON UNTIL 2 P. M. Tl.:.. TJTTiJ ..f Ttl4niiAii . iins uijo 01 lumunnuw is an intercitt vehicle, built for Continental Bus System, s on the upper deck and 21) on the lower del by 267 horse-power Hall-Scott motor. "It is JS and weighs 2:i.2(IO pounds ready for the roai 1 air-conditioned throughout and is equipped and FM radio and a lavatory. Features bulei The continental Trailways System is a memb National Trailways Association of which lU Motintnin Trailwavs is iilso a member. SEE YOl'H AGENT IN WAYNESVIU FOR INFORMATION REGARDING SCHEDL'LES SMOKY MOUNTAIN TRAIL1 Two Shows Daily Monday thioush Friday 1 I Saturday: Continuous Showings from 11 A Sunday: 3 Shows, 2, 4 and 8:20 P. M. LAST TIMES TODAY MASTERPIECE OF AMAZEMENT- wlth 10 ntott frric J thrill r TCItRI MOOK . 1 mm - AI-SO LA11T t . TUESDAY and WKDNOAY. Nov.! mm IP H P ..., innill nniiTll.I w-o f 4TF.ST NEuS rita - miKKsaviNG p. m-, MATINEE T$XZr

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