T7TE WATESVIIXE MOUNTAINEER Ti, Civil War Munitions- j Still Bad Medicine :tfi School Started For Santa's Many Helpers Cash And Carry Service Found For Robbers At The Strand Sunday and Monday xsty Welher Spread the -.frankfurter with mus tard, roll it .'31 tine cracker crumbs and brown under the broiler. luon. 1-1, (ypsnm Gypsum is era I round m ;,. , . try. CtJt!, cHiC u;o A!" - Mrs. Bert'e LOS ANGKLES P' Old ;. PAGL TWO (Seiuiid Secnon", I ATLANTA (UP) The "shoot-! j ing" phase of the Civil War hasn't ' j ended yet, federal agents warn in ' a current pamphlet. I As 'recently as two years ago, ' ! two 1865 Minie balls exploded on i the site of the destroyed Georgia town of Manassas when a house i wife propped her washpot on them , and lit a fire. i The shells tore the pot to frag ments and damaged the htftise. ' Federal agents also reported that in Pennsylvania farmer was killed near historic Gettysburg when I horne kicked up a shell which lud lain under the soil since Pake!! '. charge. The pamphlet warns th;. Civil War souvenirs, like tht;lc of the two world wars, still are as "dan gerous as a rattlesnake.'' Warnings posted on rusty cftn ' non balls iat various Conli deralc , ! state and national parks say: ! "Hands off live ammunition.'' !'.! .).! -ii'v that burglars i . '.! a .' with her cash ! , , !i aiui t.'iey didn't. Just 1 1 ! . !. : ' hi 'miic. s'le pu '' ::! 'hie. ni':' 11. her pulse t . . tk .1 a-nuii a block ... :v .- : ' '' i -.::.( hcd 1 In he is. Santa's iiniiu '.n s.-hool. ,., The Masquers, an actors' oryani- ,, ; t, zatton. is opening a school for Kri- j. Kringle.s. Purpose: To coacii ai:.4s 55-,, ... and taknted amateurs for S'aut.i i , .. Cl.ius roles. Tlie course N tuition-!: vr S: , dents naist promise to make i-:.. gratis appearance at a i-li.-: u.if.v function. (U-.id NY Step Into O , N Nf,N N 5 s V N N x , 'S X C N Y ' N lor u.irgams Ti sNsirfl v,1 Two Shows Ial!y Vnm'ay through Friday 7 A 9 P.M. Sjluidji: Continuous Shovrincs from 11 AM. Sunday: 3 Shows, 4 and 8:.?( I1. M. 1 S ss I iHttniilflTtlltifflimi -i TODAV and FP-IIVW. Dec 1? .......... "" 1 SffitiGYo ' 1 WIltlAM DICTEKIE 00E SCHART VF7, Farley Grander, Joan r.vans Iucikiim l . rii.a: lord co-;'tarred in "Rosearna .Mete;.. tiv -!i Hatfields and McCoy s coming to tl.e Str..i..l T. Mondav. I C l::;ri' - Buk i; 'of leud;!!' ;..;re S'.ii'ai.w ;:ik1 ! Read the Want Ads for bargains ALSO SH.Ll III) SHORT SITS JI CIS SAM KIVVV. Dec. :; DOUBLE FEATURE JSP9 FfPUStIC PICTURE I l'U'S V More White Meat On Turkeys Now WASHINGTON 1 L'P 1 - That old holiday dinner squabble about the division of the white meat is near inc a peaceable solution, thanks to a "new look" in turke'.s. The turkey, symbol of plenty on the festive hoard, is definileh chjmeint; form. On this year's holi day tiib'e "ill appear a broader hreasted. smaller bon (I. and finer fi.!oi.l turkey than u served up sinci- the days of the I'.lriais. Tilt broader silhouePe ot the H)4it lr.ndel of the cobbler i- 1 re sult of advances in turkex breed inc. Turkey farmers. a a result (.1 successfully applying Department of Agriculture discoveries, have been able to produce a plumper bird and to have it ready for the roasting pan in loss time. In the long run, this process of maturing a turkey faster will mean more turkeys at a cheaper price, as the amount of feed needed to raise a full-grown bird is reduced. Thursday And Friday At The ParV PARK TISEATHE PROGRAM . THURSDAY and FRIDAY, Dec. 1-2 &&r J -lit 'Mrm lf '. nr. r,e. ! PEGGY RYAN with uamio isuor kahshall rick vailin ALSO COLOi; CARTOON' Aiv' Chapter 11 KJN, OI J L N f I LI L .NT" KEAT WAVE...C! lcvin. laffwt. song t bettY TV. i "' ' WilLLWMDEMAREST-ME HAVOC Hetty Hutlon ;nnl it'or ".hdmv are co-staried in a coniedy-wi Si music, "lied, llol and iilii:', ' whuli comes to the Park The;:1 re Tnui day and Friday. Betiy ji:i ". lour new Frank Loesser 'on':; vriltui especially for her slam-bai:.; clylc of rendition. The film Icati'rv, W ii- , liam Demurest. Juno Havoc ami Loesser, the latter making lit act ing debut. SATI niiAV VICIIT LA IT. SHOW : - I A Box Office Opens 1 0 : .? f ) P. f. ! , pT-?rT I SATURDAY Dec. :J OUDSl il j DOUBLE FEATURE ! R 1 Cowboys Cowpnrty! YAvfe ? S. f 1 St NOW and MONDAV Dec. 1-5 AT LAST IT'S MERE! The Picture Yon H ive AM Hecn Vaitin To See! jT0 'Ci Tl,f y dofed to love f ''i i aqomt all the ongry SAMUEL GOLDWYN Pr$ets '' ,11 L .VI U RL t V 11(11 B KB H; mint mny manes we WXSir !) ..At h id 'note urrtnnwnoTU L( Willi mnnvnii mvwimwhiii fi,. flflWY ROGfK NOAH BEtRY, JR. fji iff -1 LATK SHOW CONDEMNED TO LIVE Starring RALPH MORGAN and MICHO OUR 11 SUNDAY-MONDAY Dec. 4 & 5 starrvti FARLEY GRANGER QfARLES BICKFORD RAYMOND M.ASSEY ALSO CARTOON WORLD NEWS ' ml lm . HITS! . - V'tiTH ROMAN -BIHTtAHRj Q Cow Thief Blames His Ulcers For The Crime WASHINGTON A!' Larry C. Barton, of Sant'y Sprin:'. no! ic ed the cow be just botriht M-cic-d homesick. He noticed a! so I Ii.it its horns drooped. And he i.vH i'i:it a cow with droopy horns li.-ci heeit stolen. Checking up. sure emur !i he found that he h id houulit a sto'e" cow. He Rot his 1110.1: y back. The rustler was traced, conl'cs.-cd, and blamed it all on I !ie lac! i inl lie had ulcers, seven chiidn n and : house that burned down. "But if it wasn't for drinkin".' I wouldn't have taken a siir.de eo.1.," he said. Thief Gets Hot Foot, And Back Into Jail OliLANDO. Fla. - ..AI'i - Oite ! James found out he had I,'"1!.: vatch his step alio:- tlii-. I'ie!; r ap by Police Lieut, doe P,.- ;eii 1,1 uspicion in the I hell oi .1 S1 bill. James told a couv incin; 'lory and was released. As he left headquai u 1 -s. polin noticed he had a sli-ji.i led ( -larboard. Closer e..u:i 1 11.. : ion -bowed the side of da leii hoe was a bil thieki i- than In. "iSht. The $20 bill was loaled un der the sole. In jail. .Came . : aid "I'd have potlcn away if i j;1a, (ttatted a little." White Rabbit Thinks And Acts Like A Cat I ' ' .VI I 1 e.-d'-. Hi, id , ... r,i:k- LOS ANOKI.ks 'ile he's been don s" .vou really can' rfr thinking he's a Finky is a liMie ...In',. ,:,jdo! ''ill he doesn'l seem i0 k,:,)V; j, ;'e Brew ui) with f .'era id ne. ,u nKora cat ulnch j, oh 1' e,,-.'i-, i'inky's idol. Th y ar- the p, - dlle Kathy and Ann Sli-ln When Geraldine lick- her fui -at fashion, Pinky ,, -,. ., (() s.traldine laps indk i ; ,, ,-, . ,ucl., ''inky slurps from anotl,-.,- Red Cars Speed Up Irallic, Says Cops NEW YOIIK 'AI'i -!),, you (Iis. like having other motori-ls joehe past you while lryiri to ,,jVL, a safe and steady pace .' If so. don't buy a red car -id vises Howard Ketcham, color' and ' Kn engineer. A lest of motor Ists reactions showed that driven re more impatient when trailing iZ2C" boc?Usc' r"fI s the most Simulating color-hcnee the fireat er urge to pass, cream and y.dlow color, are flls0 t.mula.inM, while DWck, blue and ci-r.. . .. yellow undertones . the )o e Inciting , . Iriw.P , 1CS following cur. Mr. Kni,.i.n, .... W PRIDE OURSELVES IT IS ALWAYS THE FINEST ftRTA 1u adi r a.. SAVINGS FOR DIXIE-HOME CUS OMERS. "UND F0R CALIFORNfA , - Iceberg Lettuce U. S. NO. 1 IRISH POTATO! Wcrerly Famous FLA. ORANGES . . . 35c Fresh Red 1 Lb. Cello Bag CRANBERRIES, 19c Fancy Slicing TO MATH PC Ih ITAI I AM CHESTNUTS . . lb. 19c 8 lb. Mesh Bag Extra Large Fresh -J I m.B m m,.. 'U mmui NUTS Fresh Tender Sweet Zipper Skin TANGERINES. 2 K Western Delicious APPLES . .,,W ?'s can ALASKA PINK SALMON . 25c LIBBY'S PINEAPPLE JUICE 46 oz. can 39c FACTORY PACKED PINTO BEANS 2 lb. pkg. 25c SUGAR DIXIE CRYSTAL 5 lb. bag 46c DIXIE-FAN BROOMS Each 69c ROSE ROYAL FLOUR 25 lb. bag ... M oiiALiTf mm i U. S. GOOD HEAVY vm na BONELESS ROUND 19. PC PINKY PIG . CUDAHY'Sf. BOSTON BUTT mi $M MEDIUM SHARP Pound PALMOLIVE lc SALE 4 reglbars . i3c VEL ONE HALF PRICE SALE 2 large size pkg 41c 3 regular 21c OCTAGON , Soap Powder Large box 20c OCTAGON TOILET SOAP lc SALE 5rcg. bars 25c SUPER SUDS 2 medium pkgs 23c Ajax Cleanser 2-14 oz. cans .. 23c Junket Chocolate 12 c: FUDGE 3D: Meadors ' Sugar Sticks 33: White House 2 - 303 ccrs Apple Sauce 27c ESCCO Na 2 c;n LIMA BEANS 19c Shortening 4 lb cm j Swift Jewel Libby's Strained 4 cens BABY FOOD 37c Hunts Barllclt Ne 2": PEARS 31c Jumbo 1 lb 'ar Peanut Butter 41c DIXIE-HOME Evaporate DESSERT DRIED PEACHES OLD ENGLISH WAX 32 oz 98c OCTAGON Laundry 3 cakes 23c 75c ! rii LET OF ffl POUND i 2 heads IS Til n Pork Si 1 1, ri MILK fJ CENTER a m t -SESFI Drc3s:dVa PANTROU' FILLET OF HADDOCK Mackerel STEAKS WHITING LARGE Green Shrill SMALL Red Snappe" C0 FllIB'-l