THE WAVNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FOUR (Second $ection) GO TO CHURCH SOMEWHERE EVERY StM Holdin3 Revi r6,m;l Jeremiah Denounces False Prophets ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON s, i Bueicher M... i C.N rani ism X L V 1 FXA. Lake Junaluska Baptist Church The Rev. O. J. Beck, Pastor Sunihiy 10 a in . Sunday School. D. R. Ki!i . Lieru-ral superintendent. ; 11 a in. rreaching services on the l:r-t ami third Sundays. 7 p :n Training Union meets ,.un .uiiU.iv. n!i Mrs. Carey Mi t'r.u ken. director. ; p Hi Preaching services on li:,- second and fourth Sundays. cdncsci.iy 7 :u p :n - Mid-week prayer serv- False prophets stilled the fears of the people with comforting words, and Ihougljt they were wise, but Jeremiah told them that they said. 'Peace, peace, hut there is no peace." The Lord said, "Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture," and promised that He would gather the lemnant and tiring them again to the folds. Jeremiah warned priests, princes and people of disaster if they did not repent their -evil ways. Angered, they would have killed him, but decided he was uttering Jehovah's words. One, Hananiah, broke the wooden yoke Jeremiah wore, but the prophet said an iron one would' replace it, and that Hananiah would die. MEMORY VERSE Jeremiah 23:28. St. John's Cathglic Church llrv. A. P. rtohrbacher, Pastor r.iw.n ity. St. Joseph . i M K . cry 1st and : I , H 00 a.m i ..nidi!. V '!(' 1'uildini: I .. in :.,! Sunday 8:00 a.m. sv'.i.i. i'.t i nan Lemon II.,.: i:vi : Sunday 11.00a in. v, jvnrs ille. Si John's i , ;i: . Y. i r Sunday ;i 00 and 1 1 00 a.m. Seventh Day Advent Tabernacle lnii r.errh St. Hazelwood 1.. P. Kneeht, Pastor Saturday : J"' a. m. Sabbath School, C ..;" Morsan. Superintendent. 1': i-.k hins services at 11 o'clock.; pcopU s meeting Friday , . t ,.i 7 '5i. with Dorothy Det . :i- ir. charge. -, ii v.- Sunday night with Evan u, '. Kpi-cht in charge. Salvation Army WAYNT.SVILLE Mountain Mission Center Maj'ir Cecil Brcn , ffffVr,. -vilK' a.-'m.'MSuri4'' d. '. S. !;i! for all age groups. 7.4 ) p. in Sunday evening evan--ii-:ic Meeting. 7 45 p. m . Friday Prayer M.'.-tin2. 7.45 p ni . Wednesday -first Wed. in month Ladies Home League M'lMns 7 45 p m Young People's Meet : ..: '! :.;: J Wednesday tn month. First Methodist Church (AM ON Kev. I.. K. Mi'vv. Pastor The pastoi ' - -. i "U'li Niihji c! Sunday niurim , will he "The Meaning of Our Faith In Christ". The evening senium Mib.ioct will he "What Mann-, i t Man". The Youtli Fi '.!. -hip meets at 6:30. The troop i'l ot Bo Scorns will nice: Tue-da at 7 n clock On Thur.-Ua the Woman Society of Christian Service will meet at 7.30 at the church. Priest Gets Money Back After 10-Year Lapse MINNEAPOLIS .CP' The licv Timothy W. Croley. pastor of the Church of the Holy Name, had his own check for $701 50 lelurned by the city after more than 10 years. Dated May 20. 1939. the check was heid Hi the city treasurer's of fice pending a proposed change in the alley arrangement in the rear of the church. Another plan was worked out and the change never was made. City Treasurer Gladys Miller said all parties seem to be satisfied with the present arrangement and Fath er Crow ley s clu ck for construc tion work under the original plan didn't have to be cashed after all. Methodist Circles Will Meet Tuesday Circ les of the W oman's Soci, ty of Christ mii Scrvi.v of I ho First Melhodi-t Church vu'l meel Tues day. ! ;'( ember .i. a follow : Orvi. No. 1 at I he home of Airs. Henry Gaddy with Mrs Will Han. y .-is co-hosto-s. at ;!.;sn p.m. Circle No. 2 at the li une ol .Mrs. .!. F You::: :!:"' p.m. Circle No 3 at the home of Mrs .1. C. C:oum"' at 7 30 p m. . Circle No 4 it the home of Mrs. Jonathan Woody Willi Mrs. Wood son .lone-- as cn-!iif. . .it 7:30 p.m. Circle No. 5 at I he i'lii'ie of Mi-..-liebe Mi '.'.lord w it h Mrs. iu M,.f lord as co-hus'.es.s. al 7 30 p.m. Circle No. (i a' I he homo ol Mrs Louise Gaddy al 7 3o p.m. AKT GOFS !U K AL POIITLAND. Me. l l'i A 30 piece art cohesion is on a per petual tuor of Maine so country folks who have never Seen a paint ing will have the opportunity to study art at close, range. The Hay letters, a Portland art troup spon soring the tour, believe lue display may move some of the country residents to take up painting. MISSIONS: SU'.v Springs: 10:30 a. m. Sard iv School every Sunday. M 30 p in Wednesday Home, Li a in- Meeting Second Wednes t!.,v ;.i month. Little Creek: 10:00 a. m. Sun-d.-" School every Sunday. 11 '"'i a m Morning Worship S i'v ice 11.30 p. m. Fourth Wednesdays ir. nmrtth Ladies Home League. 'h.''on Laurel: 2:30 p. m. Sonde School every Sunday. 3 r,n p. :n Worship Service. 11 30 p. m. Ladies Home Le i.uie every third Wednesday in irori'h. Ilorni" Hill: 3:00 p. m. Sunday Si hoi,! every Sunday. ; oo p m - Evangelistic Meet lr I'.'iy fourth Sunday night in men' h Church Of Christ I ST W AVNKSVII.LK Sumhiv I o a i Sunflav S( hool. 1 i !,. V.'or -1 1 ip Serv ice. Church Of God HAZELWOOD Tne Rev. Huuh J. Cox, Pastor Sunday School, 10 a. m. Preaching Services, 11 a. m. Fvancelistic Services, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., Young People's meeting. Jeremiah Denounces False Prophets Thom They Lull People With Their Promises Kenneth Miller Rites Are Held On Tuesday Funeral services were held at the home in Hazelwood Tuesday afternoon for William Kenneth Mil ler. GO, who died Monday morning following a short illness. The Kev. L. G. Elliott, pastor of the First liaptist church, and the l!ev. J. E Yountz, pastor of the Fust Methodist church, officiated and interment was in Green Hill Cemetery. Pallbearers were David Under wood. John Loyd. Floyd Miller. Will V. Strange, John Coble and I. A Miller. Nieces were in charge of the flowers. Mr Miller was a native of Hay wood county and the son of Mrs M. ry MehafTey Miller and the late Arthur Lewis Miller of Way nes vilie. He had been in the plumb ing business here for 45 years and al the time of his death was con nec'.cd with Miller Brothers Plumb ing Company. Surviving are the widow. Mamie Young Miller: the mo' her: a niece whom he reared. Mrs. Robert Phelps of Dethesda, Md.: a brother, Carl Miller of vV:y nes ville: four sisters, Mrs. Nissio Briggs. Mrs Sam Freeman and Mrs. May Dyke of Waynesville, and Airs Quakenbush of Asheville. Crawford Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. I First iipMsf Lhurcli idopis $20,400 Budget L 1 1 ICIydeT "SI Class Nak The First Baptist Church has a dopted a financial budget for 1950 carrying the total sum of $20,400. Administrative and operative ex penses are set at $!2.7!i3.(!0. The budget allots $505 for assoeiational and local benevolence. $4,256 will Co to state and south wide missions, with S2.856 oar-marked for the Co operative Program, or 14 per cent of total budget. '1 he sum of $2, 336.00 will be allocated for the building fund and repairs of pres ent buildings. On December 11. the congrega tion will observe Loyalty Day and subscribe sulficient pledges to underwrite the financial program for 1950. Asheville Dinner Set For Tonight By Davidson Men All Davidson College alumni. I parents and close friends of West- em North Carolina are invited to I attend the college dinner at Bat jtery Park Hotel, in Asheville, j Thursday . 0:30 P. M. Dr. John II. i Cunningham. President? - of David son, will be the principal speaker. A sound-color movie of the campus will be .shown. Church Here Sets Special Program The First Baptist Church will be engaged in a special week of For eign Mission emphasis, December 5-9. Under the sponsorship of the Woman's Missionary Society the church will have opportunity to study and pray for our mission work in China. The annual offering for Foreign Missions will be taken. This is known as the Lottie Moon ' Christmas Offering. One of the features of the ob servance will be (he showing of a sound-moving film entitled: "My Name is Han." This picture was filmed in China in which an all Chinese cast tells the story of what missions mean to a country ravag ed by war and starvation. This picture will be shown Wed nesday night at 7:30 o'clock in the social hall of the Welch Memoiial Building. The public is invited to attend. H -uictHiiU. '"I rem, R: " l!l L WHrc even heard ,. ... laptm rv l viCf REV. C. W. ROGERS, f Chat tanooga, will begin a series of revival services al the Hazel wood Baptist church on Sunday. Kev. M. L. Lewis is pastor of the church. Want Ads Bring: Quirk Results Episcopal Bishop To Hold Rite Of Confirmation Here The Ut. Kev. George M. Henry. Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina, will ad minister the rite of Confirmation at Grace Church-!n-Tlie-Mountains here at 11 a.m. Sunday. He will preach the morning sermon and will dedicate an Altai Reredas given as a memorial of the late Miss Meta Adams by mem bers of her family. Miss Adams was a faithful mem ber of Grace Church for a num ber of years. : J H Jaw j unanimously (.., !" '""U(mi copal Church ' Ht' WCMlsJLI Whll k I : 1 ' '; 'MHllj rciiional slaj & I "any yfus !,ii'lUviSH ".ldv toad the Want Can Eat Ami Thanks To & Mrs. Alma 0e Kaslcy. S. q 1 ale seemed lo stomach and gin hp ali: n:iserv I tried nun trealmenls h( 1 vvas about lo give I up when I heart I Fred Gentry, the Old Gospel Sipg ! er, I'tcommprdiiK ! Scalf's Indian River Medicine (over the radii. The Woman's Society of Cliris-jl'm hippy to? tian Service of Long's Chapel j i novv nl art Methodist church will meet at 2 Long's Chapel WSCS To Meet Tuesday p. m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs Charles KIopp. Mrs. C. C. Williams will serve as co-hostess. A special Christmas offering will be taken at the meeting. ; suffer no pain, fe I call il flondeifii Stalls is on t stores. Trv it ii S' i pt urc J'.rrmuili By NEWMAN CAMPBELL I!0V HISTORY repeats itself. More than 2") y-,'i.s ago, in a ;n Hebrew history, fa!.-o T'r'.i'hi ts were cii' rnnp the peep!-.- w.-.h ri on-.i.s' s of peace. Now. a:t- r t.vo dreadfal war.-, we continue to hope for peace, V.:t .t:ll th re is no peace. Petty b.ekcr.r.R bff.vtpa nations; quar rels, fa::l'.-!',r.f!.r.p-. interference in or.e another s affairs: clashing id-o!og:f-. make all the world fear other crr.Micts. In fact, there is constant righting in some parts of the we rid. and threats of violence m others. As v.e approach the Christmas season, we remember sadly that Jesus' birth brought the prom ise of peace on earth but it comes not. With Y.-.-i sure knowledge that Jehovah was angry with his peo r for their bsckshrhngs, Jere miah .sought to arouse them from their lethargy. Prophets iso-ralled) were lull ir.g them with cheerful words. He. reprovc'l. them,, saying, "How do ye say. We are wise find the law of the Lord i3 with us? Lo, certainly in vain made he it; the pen of the scribes is in va.r. ' For they have healed the hurt Of the daughter of my people 8S-JJ; ;; 2C-J3. If they would not hearken, Jeiemiah told them, ' Then will I make this house like Shiloh, and will make th.s city (Jerusalem) a euise to all the nations of the earth." J'ter.'..h was talksr.g to the prie.its, r.nces, people and so called prophets in the temple, anil when he had ceased speak ing, there was much, talk of put ting him to death. Jeremiah answered them: "As for rue, behold, I am in your hand: do with me as scem cth good and meet unto you. "But know ye for certain, that if ye put me to death, ye shall surely bring innocent blood upon yourselves, and upon this city, and upon the inhabitants thereof: for of a truth the Lord hath sent me unto you to speak all these words in your ears." Then all began to remember other great prophets who had been s nt to them and whom they had put to death. Their feeling3 changed and they decided not to harm him, for, said they, "This man i3 not worthy to die: for he hath spoken to us in the name of the Lord our God." In the 27th and 2fith chapters of the Book of Jeremiah, the peo ple were advised to submit to Nebuchadnezzar in all things. See Our Want Ads For Bargains 1 W m Church Of God CANTO S The Kev. W. C. Lee. Pastor Sunday, 9:30 a .m.. Radio Pro gram over Station WHCC, Waynes ville. 10 a. m., Sunday School. 11 a. m., Preaching Service. 7:30 p. m., Evangelistic Service. Wednesday. 7:30 p. m., Mid-week prayer meeting. MEMORY VERSE "He that hath My uorrf, let him speak My word faithfully." Jeremiah 2J:28 Rocky Branch Baptist Church The Rev. W. C. Weaver. Pastor Sunday School. 10 o'clock. A. Jordan, superintendent. Worship Service. 11:00 a. m. B.T.U. meets at 6:30 p. m. Mrs. W. C. Weaver, director. Evening Worship at 7:30. A fupcr ocean terminal with three decks is being built at South hampton, England, providing com plete boat, train and airplane con- nectioni aijd reducing the time of landing from hours to minutes. slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace." Thi.s is the first time the scribes as a professional class are men tioned in the Bible. They were the first copyers of the law, and came to be interpreters of the , law. They played a large part in the opposition to Jesus. Chapter 23 begins: "Woe unto the pastors that destroy and scat ter the sheep of My pasture! aith the Ixird." Some day, He promises, "I will father the remnant of My flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase." Is this prophecy being fulfilled :in the establishment of Israel, J where thousands of homeless peo- pie of the Jewish race are seek ;ing sanctuary? The Lord commanded Jeremiah to try again to bring the people to a sense of their sins and the punishment that mirely would come because of them. The king of Babylon had taken most of the gold temple vessels to Babylon, but they were not to rebel. The Lord had allowed Neb uchadnezzar to have dominion over this people, and they were warned to bow to His will. One false prophet appeared to the people, and even Jeremiah seemed to assent to his words. Jeremiah wore about his neck a wooden yoke, but Ilananiah broke it off, and told thi people that in two short years their ex ile should end and the golden vessels should be returned to the temple. This, Jeremiah knew was false. The Lord told him to tell Han aniah that the yoke of wood would be replaced by one of iron, and that they were not to look for deliverance, as Hananiah was a false prophet. Also Jeremiah was to tell Han-' aniah that because of his false prophecies he would shortly die, and he did "the same year in the seventh month." All Roads Lead To HOWELL Hardm TOiYS Now Showing Our Laraest Selection of Illustrated Here Are But a Few of The Many Varieties We Have In Stocc- I FOLDING DOLL CARRIAGE A gift to gladden the heart of any little girl. $5.75 - $6.75 - $8.25 STAKE BODY WAGON Sturdy rotistrurtion Rubber tires Tall side boards. $16.50 STEEL SLED A truly handsome sled with rons guiding bar and steel runners. 46 Inches Long $5.95 3 I scooiff Jk? wen- biff "i firi 5 , rn",f" rv un $1,50 s E4uctlea n4 ucd by pmaiaioo. EinuU4 b Kiof ftsturM SVMlMMt BIG lO-INCII WHEEL TRICYCLES $6.95 STREAMLINED FIRECHIEF Solid rubber tires $13.95 J BIG HUSKY ALL STEEL WAGON 5 Overslge rubber tires $1.50 to $9.50 HOWELL HARDWARE MAIN s.-

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