jhts he The Waynesville M OUNTAINEER TODAY'S SMILE "Many a man baasta that he wearf the panto in the family ha to pot an apron over them right after supper.'' Ed Gardner f I- that his name ery promptly nesville Lions t a donation to jistmas Cheer jwered a little t he presented ' his donation ial Lions Club ffice here, he ( not be handl cause of this Idn't stop him, ,ther envelope, nd sent it to 5 his apprecia fork. xplained later Jd have been ems a special irovision does jps to be sent before Decem jn does permit be handled on cember 3 and i township High 3d very hard in s. iy she passed a flying colors. I a $1 bill for ; fair exchange, 'as a rather un- t. f erent when she (jat she had it nk, where she i perfectly good, issue. to buy it then as j. . ag Our pugh? Bent from the ago to the effect colleges will be their amateur too much or I us that now is good old subsi roll out. The ing the regular Ually is the sig Uments, anyway, of the way Dan $ Mirror veteran Summed up the stem in the teges. He gave n of the nation, having its col- play just for d exercise, inci ig to the South yever, he put it PublishcJ Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park -r. 64th YEAR NoTlOl 2UPAGES Associated Press and United Press New! WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DEC. 8, 1949 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Countiea SHIRLEY GETS DIVORCE DECREE ; rr AW "1 I ; ? i Aliens Creek Petitions For Separate q County To Issue $25,000 In Bonds In Order That AM School Boiler Rooms vLlwSooiii To Be Fireproo fed Re-Elected JNDINO WHAT HOLLYWOOD considered "a perfect marriage," screen actress Shirley Temple signs final divorce papers against actor John Agar in a Los Angeles Superior Court Seated is Clore Warne, a witness, and standing is Attorney George Stahlman. (International Soundphoto) Aliens Creek Community De velopment Program officers have petitioned the county and state hurric if .,l.r) IniK 1 1 mnlt their section a separate voting pre- ' fTO etnet. Copies of the petitions, ad dressed to tile boards, are sinned by the Hew C. L. Allen, chairman of the Aliens Creek community organization, and Elmer D. Hon drix. CD secretary. The petition says Aliens Creek should become a separate voting precinct on the grounds of the community's size and population. More than five hundred eligible voters live in this community which covers an area five miles long and a mile wide, the letter points out, and "these people are required to travel across and through another town to cast their vole, several miles away. "The precinct in which they are required to vote has some eight een or nineteen hundred votors who must cast their vote also. "It is making a grcal hardship on our people to leave their own eoninuinil.v and vole at (his large (See Aliens Creek I'age 3) Mrs. Sara Murray Buys Waynevilla Motor Court ith in de lan' of ics don't run for I i. Je football fan ler day that the 3hip High School t the Mountain rg up with those 1-tight nylon grid On. Coach Carle whose boys just nine games, ty ping only one, uld be very nice, out, the athletic low him to outfit players in those 're pretty expen uldn't be worth a ason. )ld his boys play jh on even tough . -le longer on the ause these gnd ly on fields that - turfed and well lawn of the Bilt its Pace 2) i FAIR ;mber 8 Fair and '. today and Fri- lesville tempera by the staff of the ax. Min. Rainfall 7 17 8 17 I 34 .13 Retail Business Is Big Business In Haywood Haywood county's 484 active merchants did a cross retail sales business of $15,092,!)14 dur ing the fiscal year which ended last July 1. The figures, contained in a recent issue of the State Em ployment Security Commission's official magazine, also shows the merchants of the county paid $282,885.20 in sales and use taxes. In all. North Carolina's 5!!.- 068 merchants during the last fiscal year did a gross business of $2,137,223,018, and paid out more than 40 and one-half mil lion dollars in sales and use taxes. The state's gross retail busi ness was more than thre per cent above that of the previous year. Mecklenburg county's 3,169 merchants led all others of the state in gross retail business, showing a total $209,131,852 in gross sales at the end ot vne us- cal year. Sale Of Christmas i Seals Reach $350 j The sale of tuberculosis seals have reached about $350. accord ing to Mrs. K. C. banc, seal sale chairman. . The sale of seals this year is be ing handled entirely by mail. The committee sent out seals to pros pects, with the request that checks be mailed for the number of seals sent According to A. J. Faneher. ifoucii rpr about 15 per cent ot tnc prospective buyers of seals have responded. The committee this morning urg ed that those who have not sent in their checks do so at once m order to avoid further congestion of the malls, and also to help ex pedite the completion of the cam paign. Mrs. Sara V. Murray of Dayton. Ohio, has purchased the Wayne villa Motor Court on the Ashevillc highway in East Waynesville for $50,000 from Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M Patterson. Jr. The deed covering the transfer of the modern tourist facility was filed vesterday with Itegister of Deeds Bryan Medford. Mrs. Murray, sister of Sheriff H V Welch, in confirming the trans action, said she planned to make her home in Waynesville again to operate her new business. The Molor Court, built about I luce years ago, now includes 18 modern cabins, and a modern tea room and restaurant. The property has a 286-foot front along the Ashevillc highway. Mrs. Murray said she planned to keep the court closed this win ter until about mid-March, but that she would operate it all year round after that if business was great enough to justify it. Singing Session Scheduled For Sunday Night Tom Queen, secretary of the Haywood County Singing Conven tion today announced that the reg ular quarterly singing would be held at the Haywood County Court House at 7:30 p. ni. Sunday. Many singers, both in solo and in choral groups from surround ing counties, as well as Haywood, are expected to attend the melo dious session. Ray Parker, president of the Convention, will take charge of the proceedings. Prof. John E. Kinsland Dies In Tennessee News has been received here of the death of one of Haywood's best known educators, the Professor John K. Kinsland. who died No vember 21st at his home in Jappa. Tennessee. Prof. Kinsland was about 80, and taught at the old Haywood Insti tute at Clyde from 1886 to 1890. He was the third teacher at the former educational center. REV. M. H. WILLIAMSON was re-elected, chairman of the Waynesville Chapter of the Wed ('loss al the meeting of Hie board of directors here this week. Mr. Williamson has held the post for the past few yeai.s. Ministers Elect Gross As President The Hev. D. I). Gross, pastor of the Clyde Baptist church, Is the new president of the Haywood County Ministerial Association. He and the other officers for the new year weie elected last Mon day at a meeting of 50 Haywood ministers representing the Kpisco pal. Presbyterian, Methodist. Free Methodist, Wesleyan Methodist and Baptist churches; the Church of God and the Salvation Army, The session was held at Long's Chapel Methodist church. The Hev: Hubert MeCloskey, rector of St Andie-w's Kpiscopal church at Canton, was named vice president; and Major Cecil Drown of the Salvation Army, secretary and treasurer. These officers will assume their duties formally in January. This was the Association's final meeting of the year. The chairmen and members of it's various committees will be named at the January meeting. Williamson Again Heads Red Cross Chapter The newly elected board of di rectors of the Waynesville chapter of the Hed Cross have re-elected Rev. M. H. Williamson as chairman, All other officers were also re tained by the board, as they met for their second meeting after be ing elected at the annual Red Cross meeting several weeks ago. Other officers of the chapter include: W. Curtis Huss, vice chairman, Joe S. Davis, treasurer, Mrs. K. N. Barb er. Jr.. secretary, and Mrs. J. C. McOaris, executive secretary. Mrs. Jonathan Woody is home service chairman, Mrs, David Hyatt. Junior Hed Cross chairman, and Mrs. Ben Sloani chairman of publicity. The finance committee is com posed of Mr. Williamson, Mrs. Mc Daris, Mr. Davis, together with Leo Weill and N. W. Garrett. The board named Oral L. Yates as chairman of the annual fund drive which will be held in March. Mr. Williamson announced that the quota assigned the chapter this year Is about $500 less than last year, with the current quota being $2,77j. The board of directors elected al the recent meeting, and now serving include: one year term. Mrs. Charles E. Hay, Leo Weill, N. W. Garrett and Wayne Corpenlng. Two year terms, Rev. M. R. Wil liamson. Mrs. Jonathan Woody. Joe Davis and O. L. Yates. Three year terms, Mrs. David Hyatt, W. Curtis Russ, Mrs. Frieda Knopf, and Mrs. R. N. Barber, Jr. The present fiscal year ends June 30th. Heads Campaign C. R. Brown Dies Monday i Of Heart Attack ! Charlie Home Brown. 44, of Waynesville. died of a heart attack , while en route to Johnson City, I Tcnessee Monday morning. ! Brown was stricken near Wea- vcrviie while at the wheel of his J automobile. His wife slopped the 'car and an ambulance was called but he was dead on its arrival. Funeral services were neui m Pleasant Hills Cemetery in Greene villc, Tennessee, Wednesday after noon. The Hev. Malcolm K Wiliamson, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church here, officiated. Buri il was in the church cem Hery with employees and oficials of the Summers Hardware Coin panv scrvin gas pallbearers. Cous ins were in charge of the flowers. Mr. Brown was a salesman iui Summers Hardware and Supply Company in Johnson City and had been living here for the past six M'.irs. He was a native of Johnson City. (Sec C H. Brown Page 3) C. of C. Balloting For Directors Ends Friday The polls will close at 4 p. m. tomorrow in the election of nine directors of the Waynesville Cham ber of Commerce. The members of the Chamber .started casting their ballots the morning of December 1. The remaining 15 directors on the board are named by various organizations and municipalities. The board of 24 members will of ficially take office on Tuesday, De cember 20th. and from their group elect officers lor (he coming year. James L. Kilpatrick, president for 1949, today urged every mem ber to gel a ballot and vote. There are six groups of names on I he bal lot, each representing a particu lar group in the community. The nominees are as follows; One to be elected to represent (See Balloting Page 2) III" IK HI ORAL L. YATKS h a s Haywood Board Fol lows Recommendation Of State Group And Jury Every boiler room in Haywood school buildings will soon be fire proofed. This announcement came after the county commissioners ap proved authorization for selling $25,000 in bonds with which to do the work. Jack Messer, county superin tendent, presented the recommend ations of the State School Inspec tion committee and also those of Haywood grand juries, which call ed for Immediate fireproofing of all boiler rooms In school build ings. Mr. Messer estimated that it would take almost all of $25,000 to fix the buildings to meet state requirements. "If there is any left, we have a lot of needed repairs been that we can certainly use the bal- named chairman of I ho annual Hed Cross fund drive, which will he held in March. The quota for the Waynesville chapter is $2,775 He was named al a re cent meeting of the board of di rectors of the chapter. Carswell Is New President Of The Boosters Club Rudolph Carswell has been elected president of the Hazel wood Boosters Club, succeeding M. H. Bowles. Sam H. Lane is the new secre tary, succeeding Durand Tichenor, and G. C. Summerrow is treasurer. The new officers have assumed their duties, of one of the largest civic clubs In the community. The club meets monthly, holding regu lar dinner meetings at the Pres byterian church, except for the special meetings which are devoted to ladies' night. Sheriff Is Back Home; Much Better Haywood County's Sheriff R. V, Welch has improvec considerably since he suffered a paralytic stroke last September. Resting in his Court ttouse apart ment yesterday afternoon, he was in excellent spirits and appeared to be in good health. Aside from some loss of weight, he looked about the same as he did before he was stricken. The veteran officer said he felt that the treatments he had under gone have had good results. He is continuing the treatments and daily massages and exercises that he has been undergoing since he started his period of recupera tion. The sheriff's condition was re garded as very serious when he suffered the stroke the night of September 21 shortly after he had gone to bed. However, his condition improved and he responded to treatment in hospitals here and in Ashcville. He returned home in lime to spend Thanksgiving Day with his family. ance on, he told The Mountain eer this morning. Only buildings erected in re cent years have fireproofed boil er rooms, Mr. Messer pointed out. All the others will have to bo fixed. The sale of the bonds will bo pushed as rapidly as possible, in the hopes that the work can get underway right after the first of the year. $7,000 Bull Comes To Haywood Plans Are Complete For Club Achievement uay land Miss Margarei duiiii-.fi., (ilicates to home club mem- .i( fnr the an- 1 aim ... , , Plans are compie- librarian, who win present ieau- . . , nav nrogr nual Acnievr.mn. n , h,.. ,,t,r the Haywood Loum i.. - rh b(T Home Demons! ration t! fld , , w p. Ketner. county fede- will be held at thr Fhst i president, will preside. church. Friday. December Cornwell. Haywood 10:30 a. m. , . haS ai,c0 announced Miss Carolyn S.h.mcml.nf -a the Andrews in ,he ,,e made by members of tne iweu- Carollna delegate lo Nora ; jn the count international Foreign ouin i M hc awarded first change, will be the guest sp eaker n.bb n , 5he will talk on her "rj-h 1 "...in make decisions according ttnS: V" North Carolina Extension she visited during her sta ai scorecard for canned pro- : -1 The Younger Set that la the name of a new I column start ing today in The Mountaineer. This column about the young: people of Hay wood is being written by Mil dred Medford, senior of the Waynesville High School. The column will Include news and comments of interest to all high school students of the county. Today Mildred is visit ing another high school (lather ing material for future columns. She will visit each school in the near future. Her column today will be found on page one of the sec ond section. Noted Couple To Meet With County 'Silent' People Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones of Lumberton. will arrive here Mon day to start a week of get-together meetings with the people of Hay wood county and surrounding areas handicapped by the inability to speak or hear. The couple are noted for their long service among North Caro lina's mute people. The first of these evening gather ings will be held at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday at the First Baptist church of Waynesville. which will be the site of all the other meetings throughout the week. Meetings during the day will:be planned if people desire them. Everyone, in addition to mute people, are invited to attend these sessions. While in Haywood county, Mr. and Mrs. Jones w ill be at the home of Mrs. C. If. Chamblee on Boun dary Street in Waynesville. Gifts Are Needed For Community Christmas Tree Dr. Mary MTchal, chairman of the Welfare Committee of the Waynesville Woman's Club, is working on plans for the annual Community Christmas Tree, spon sored by the club for needy chil dren in the community. Dr. Michal is making an appeal to the public for toys to assure a suitable gift for each child. These donations will supplement the toys given each year by the Rotary Club. The program is scheduled for Christmas Eve at the Court House and will include special numbers by the Waynesville Township High School Glee Club, under the direc tion of Charles Isley. The Rev. J. E. Yountr, pastor of the First Methodist Church, will speak. All children present will receive toys, candy, nuts and fruit. Serving on the committee with Dr. Michal are Mrs. Noble Garrett, Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. James R. Boyd, Mrs. E. A. Williamson. Mrs. Charles Ray, Mrs. Grover Davis, Mrs. J. W. Killian, Mrs. J. R. Hipps, and Mrs. T. L. Bramlett. Dr. Michal asks that gifts be llt at the Health Department in the Court House as soon as possible. Jimmy Mann Steadily Improving From Illness Word has been received here that Jimmy Mann, owner of the Waynesville Art Gallery, is stead ily improving at his Hollywood. Fla., home. He suffered a heart attack here last September, and was a patient at the Haywood County Hospital for a number of weeks. This is the prize winning bull, which was bought last October by Graceland Farms, owned by M. O. Galloway and Dwight William's. The bull recently won third place in the International Livestock Show in Chicago, and the Haywood cattlemen paid $7,000 for the animal. The bull will be on display in the lobby of the First Na tional Bank Saturday. Other details about the animal on page one of the second section. Modern Fire Department Is Goal Of Clyde Folk By BOB MEDFORD Mountaineer Correspondent 1 Citizens of Clyde viewed modern fire fighting equipment on Tues day afternoon, and plans are be ing discussed for establishing a fire department in the town. The project is being sponsored by the Clyde Lions Club. The sponsors brought a late model $10,000 fire truck to town Tuesday, in order to give the citi zens an opportunity to see what is being proposed. In addition to the truck, town officials have under consideration an additional water tank, with a capacity of 35,000 to supplement the present 50,000-gallon tank. The pressure at Clyde is said to be the highest in Western North Carolina. The proposed program will bring a reduction in insurance rates of 20 cents per hundred, it was point ed out. While the truck under considera tion is the smallest made in the fire-fighting line, it is fully ap proved by the Underwriters Asso ciation. The truck is a six-cylinder job, and carries a 200-gallon booster (See Clyde Fire Dept. Page 6) MRS. HALL BETTER Friends here will be glad to learn that Mrs. Harry M. Hall, now of Charleston, is much improved after suffering a severe stroke last January in Columbia. She is with her brother in Charleston, and can use her hand again. Her entire right side was affected. tl Highway Record For 1949 (To Date) In Haywood Killed 7 Injured ... 38 (This Information com piled from Records of BUU Highway Patrol). mat

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