PAGE THREE (Second Section) aon, December 8, 1949 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER 4 ;i. Che (Solden dei if.. v5RRC IMS LIGHT nt hool Prayer and lence E IES in the s A er of Man'" f the lesson tian Science aceniber 11. 31:5. "As .he Lord of ;em; defend Uver it; and preserve it." held on the lasonic Tern- t Chapel I Waynesville Ishdp and Co-pastors e "Light and ;lde Broadcast 1st Church of unct'S the fol lies for your y 0:00 A. M. 4-11:00 A. M. CC7:30 I' M. de-awake Sun good singiiiK. esson that will a special foa punning. such rom the Bcgin Ct lesson to in OiuiK People's Sunday. If you School, come .111 change your 411 engage your Will bless your "Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is th fulfilling of the law -Romans 1310 longs iiaph. Methodist Church 1.AKK JCXAI.l SKA The Kcv. Paul II. Duekwall, Pastor SUNDAY 8:30 a.m. The Mi MmiliM limn over radio station WWM'. Ali'' ville. Dr. Ccorgc ('. B.ikrr. .Ii.. Pastor of Laurel llrmliK Metlui disl Church, San Autumn. Trvi-., will be the spt aker on Hie subject. "Dust Or Divine Destiny ' i):4") a in. Sunday School lor children and adults ul all aqes Visitors are cordialh welcome. 11:00 a. in Miirnm;; worship illi the sermon hv Hie paslor. 7-nn i. in Mi.iIimiIisI Vcnilli Kel- one thai fear- , ..... ,,. ., ... i..,n,,,.,i T IOWSIIII .Ml.-S IHIIllii- i.imi to;i kc h in His i :,, , NIGHT nd praise scrv- I 1 County Baptists j To Hold Special Meeting Monday The ---i i;il Hmi.i1 I n mil " U i Mobilialnm ' Null! will he hi Id A ! 1 1 1 1 c 1 . i ;, 7 '.W o'clock, at Civile II. ip' i-1 il'inch The ( Iheme !e ( h; : I I . (.nil I'.ver- 1 ; !.l-lll';: ' Ves ". The dcMlllel' ll V. Ill he l!l-V M I.. I.cwi-. pa-lor el the llael- y. n.iil chill ch "Sli.ii in ; I he 'lY.iiniim I tnoii With ( n her-. ' u ill he discussed. ml I he tic -..i::,- ' ( 'an We Kevta- 1 1 1 Our ('hiiMh''. riinnmh Spir ' ;tl(;. 'IV, mini:: " will he given Kv will have charge ol Hie worship j 1 1. i;, v ( ai l I: tnnrniiig to the Ho hour Sta (DI N AH and program. Mrs. John C. KlopP will he t he giiesl speak', r on I lie I heme. "Music In llvnins ". All voulh are invited to these Sunday evening meetings, Tl'KSI) A V The Adult fellowship will nieel I ii its miinlhlv invcred dish sup per in the h.r eiui nl of the c hinch ai ti:4" I' in Ah adults of the .liioi'h .i : id eemniiiiillv are invited Tl will lead cthodist gc Jewell. Pastor well will preach till 1 1 a.m. Sun- : K attend toy School which : period, tarn, wilh Vied HHMMW- ;d(nl ; Hoy Scout Troop No. !! ol Lake jwcll will preach Junalurka ..nets in the haseiiM-nl n, of the church at ' P m All hovs Will he held at of scouting age. eleven years nJ lerschel Rogers. , old are invited to alleml and ; join this iroop ild worship s., v- Till KSI V ith Mrs. Newell Hegular choir practice at the 'Sundav School church at V 30 p in Andv Ferguson, j Sl'XDAV. Dec H bn Dull Molho- I)'' ' X Clark, our l( ihip will meet at ! Sup. nnlendenl . will preach and tp.m. Helen Fer- 1 eor.duct the I nst Quarlerlv (or. lereiice at the 1 1 o'clock worship , serv ii e is inl'oi mal lellovv ship , ei-s V 1 I.e. 1 1 -! h iv in" people in coelei eiu cs at (i .'III p. in ' iiev II L Sinitli ia--lois and Ti .lining I mo n dil eetors Miss Mae I loltcl.-i'.v adult pre-ad. nls anil woikers Mrs Alhei I Mes'-er 'oulll,. Pen- ! ; 1 1 . ( 'inn:' elm - and 1 HT.cer Marion til Idee- Intel uli lll.lle ' l.cailei i". n or. and workers Mi , , ,iv Me. i e Junior Lead- ll-os ,oid wolkeis pave ('.die Story Hour lielj-i . anil workers -;w-i v 'i ,i :' I l ion ( )M li or in ! ! --o nil ion is in l , d to he pres. , along v. d h I lie pa -lo'. s Thos,- chin eln s I do not hav e -i 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 u t moll ai e extended a , ecial inv .on Clyde Pastor Will ; Speak Next Week In Radio Program ptist Church Cooko, Pastor 4, I y School with uperintendenl in 1 ( practice for the ill be held inline-1 day School. Jvening Worship Tinging the mes- a X p ni. Mid-week d Baptist Jch . Lewis, Pastor ducat ional Direc- 9:45. iOd, Superintend ip 11:00. eacher, Rev. Carl 1g I he Message i and Is Not", i 6:30. Ip 7:30. Message Uted The Unpar ' Rev. Rogers. .Ver Meeting 7: i 7:45. if Rehearsal 7:30. Salvation Army H'AVNF.SYILI.K Mountain Mission Center Major Cecil Bro"!S Waynesville 10:30 a. m Sun dav School for all age groups. 7:45 p. m. Sunday evening evan gelistic Meeting Tin nl t!, , Chinch I the m' , over W I lirougl ! The 'al Hies- l!ev . I) I ; , . v (' I) Sawyer, pastor ,,il: ('.niton Daplisl will Ii,- tin- speaker oil i -.; ih vol inns program . i( C m i w e. k, Monday i Saliirilav al !) 1.".. o!i-,wn:g week's (levotion s w ill h" given bv tlie !) Cros' pastor ot the ni Friday Prayer del Chun 7:45 p Meeting. 7:45 p. in in month i - Meeting. , 7:45 p. m. Young People s Mr I ing Third Wednesday in month Civile Baptist Chun h. Morning worslnp service will he hroadcasl iioin the First Melho- h. Sunday at 1 1 o'clock. Wednesday (first Wed. i dyflc ChlU'cll Honor Ladies Home League J . Koll iViinouiHfii The yoiii"; Adult Sundav School el,, , ot lhe Cly de M f Church -,,,,,,,1,,,,-e.. liie lollovving pupil-, wi re nam (I to I he honor roll for ,,m mln i Hill Morgan. Willie M.,(- Mill, i la t'v Hu ll. Bobby u ... ..mi .1 B Jackson J l( .laikson is president the :..s- m MISSIONS: in.,.,i Q.iiinns: 10:30 a ji tl i' i - -i " Sundav School every Sunday. 11:30 p. m. Wednesday Home League Meeting-Second Wednes day in month. Little Creek: 1 a m - : . . .. day -School every Sunday Ri,.Un, Rantist . .Morning i".""i' ol iska Baptist rch '. Beck, Pastor y School, D. R. wintendent. hing services on Sundays, g Union meets 4 Mrs. Carey Mc- hing services on "burth Sundays. week prayer serv- )f Christ XESVILLE School. ? Service. ; 11:00 a. Service. , , ,.r 11-30 p m -Fourth W rdnrsdav s In month-Ladies Home League. Shelton Laurel: 2:30 p. m.- c..v School every Sunday. 3 00 p m -worsmp ne.v ... 11 30 P- ni - Ladies "",c League every third Wednesday in month. -nH.iv Bonnie Hill: -5 1'- ' School every Sunday. R00 n ni Evangelistic Mcci JeJy fourth Sunday night m month. Rocky Branch Baptist Church Singing School lnds Hi, I'h.iul Baiili-l hui' h has ,-!,,., d a Iwo-wei ks -.inging L(-lioiil v loch w as condueled by Inn Halo o! Franklin who has had , xp r-ive ti aiiuni: in church music 'Che course was well-attended and v a- a success. Seventh Day Advent Tabernacle 106 Beech St. Hazelwood L. P. Knecht, Pastor I Saturday o m Sabbath School noctnr . t.. Cunorintpnrtpnt ... C. Weaver. r--- CVne .vimgan. c.,v Srliool Jordan, superintendent Worship Service 10 o'clock. A 3. in Mr1- 11:00 n t r meets ai o.jvi w C Weaver, director Evening WOTshipj' Church Of God HZELWOOD The Rev Hu?h J. Cox. Pastor Sunday School, 10 a m Preaching Services 11 ; Evangelic SVr, Wednesday. 7.JU r People's meeting. n.-n-irhin? services at 11 ocioi. Youna people's meeting Friday night at 7 30. with Dorothy Det ..veili r in charge. Services Sunday night with Evan gelist Knecht in charge- Land of Superlatives j Orpin's Cor-s bay leads all ports i fn ' ,,n-,bcr export. Washington , Gra-d Coulee dam bulks as the , i st,:.c!g:e ever built by , ",., Grand Canyon of the Illdll. au"'- - Srr1"1 rivrr is ihc ' ' 'j:, Nwrtli America. When God said "Let there be light," He created the conditions under which life could exist on the earth. Without light, the earth would become a frozen ball, barren, desolate, and lifeless. It was a great day for the human race when man learned to draw the imprisoned sun-rays from the elements and convert them into heat and light. It marked the beginning of human progress. Step by step he has advanced from the brush fire to the marvels of electricity. With more light he has increased his knowledge, added to his safety, and im proved his living standard. Religion is the light of the spiritual world, and is essential to the growth and well-being of the soul. The Psalmist said, "The Lord is my light and my salvation," and the teachings of Jesus are the "true light" for all who will heed them. Wherever the Bible is accepted as the guide of life, darkness disappears and the light of faith shines in the hearts of men. JO . . n,-C Sw!gjii J "iin Ss- -''V 1 1 ; J' 1,1 ( 1Mb 1). h - V iJAW 1 's "s .K --J , S,"SS, JiSlft'AM'fl,' If f if T "A' - - - s; t 4 it . ' 1 e -i. 1 5S' CHURCH FOR AU . AIL FOR THE CHURCH h. o?cZ?Zoron ear(h 1 '3 a storehouse oiTd,? g,d ci,'nship. rong Church, neilher d6n Wi,ll0ut a an survive, there a,, Cracy nor c"bzation ''y ond read ' chur" regu- Sunday Monday . , , Tuesday Wedneaday . . . Thuraday Friday ..''" Saturday ,r... your Bible daily. Book Cnai John Matthew Pealme Proverb Paalma Chapter Verse I 14-10 1 S 17 21 S7 J 4-9 1316 1-8 27)0 JO-12 J-10 hilanrMh-tttt4Ttt"-" ikii.ii ini nn laininiiiieaiiiii. This Series of Ads Is Iking Published Each Week in The Waynesville Mountaineer Under the Auspices of the Haywood .... . . i r- 1 I : TJ..J..:4: T I : -. : ,1 . 1 . . A I?.., I.... irrloKlickmantc County Ministerial Association, and Is lSeing sponsorea uy me ronuwing 1 auiunc umivmuais dim uusmvaa i.3wUiiamin.iiva . ami l c : j -1 A Pfft l-iresione nome iwo nujipiiL-s Bill Cobb Waynesville I'hone 531 Hi Auto Parts and Kquipnicnl Wholesale and Ketail Miller Street, Waynesville Phone r;i i Drlk-Hudson Company "Home f Better Values" Main Street, Waynesville I'hoiie 110 Garrett Furniture Store Garrett I'uncral Home Sanitary Grade A Cafe Meals Short Orders Sandwiches Home Cooking by Norman Gentry Main Street llazelwood Phone 1-J Phone 137 Hryson and Miller Motor Sales Asheville Koad Phone 878 Waynesville, X. C. Hiirj. Main Street, Waynesville I'hone 5r)(i-W Hurn'in's Dept. Store Dry ;Mds (irorrrie.s Meals Depot Street, Wa.vprville I'hone 331 Cale Furniture Company Your Hot Point PliUeo Maytajf Dealer Dial 3379 ' Clyde, S. C. Caliph Motor Company Buiek and Willys Jeep Sales & Serviep 101 Park StrM, Cauton Thone 2030 '-.-''. " Carolina " Insurance Realty f:y, Dfvlfcnd Paying Non-Assessable" 236 frtaln Street, Waynesville Phone 331 Central Cleaners ' "Superior Cleaning and Pressing'' Church & Montgomery Sts., Waynesville Phone 113 Charlie's Lunch Room & Texaco Service Owners Charlie and Claude Woodard Complete 24-Hour Service Davis-Liner Motor Sales Ford Sales and Service 24-Ilonr Wrecker Service Miller & Haywood Sts., Waynesville Phone: Day - 52; Night - 1071 Haywood Klcctric Membership Corp. Main Street, Waynesville Phone lid HowCjIl Motor Company DeSoto Plymouth OMC Trucks Haywood Street,' Waynesville Phone I'iO James Furniture Company , r I'Iaw Prices Keep Is Busy" Main Street, Waynesville I'hone 70!) Smith's Drills A Carolina Institution Since Waynesville Phone Junaluska Supply Company General Merchandise Building Supplies Lake Junaluska Phone 88 Ketner's Groceries Fertilizers Feeds Seeds Lake Junaluska Phone ij'J-l E. J. Lilius, Jeweler Diamonds Watches Jewelry Wateh and Jewelry Repairing Main Street, Waynesville Phone 98 Rogers Electric Company Sales and Service of AH Electrical Appliances 137 Main Street, Waynesville ' Phone 461 Shcrrill's Studio Portraits Photo Finishm? Framing IMI-ll:! Depot Street, Waynesville Phone 184 Timhes Pure Oil Station Washing Lubrication 40tl Main Street, Waynesville Phone 877 Underwood Sinclair Service .Main Street, Waynesville Phone 9170 Waynesville Auto I'arts W holesalers of Standard Brand Parts and Accessories Waynesville Phones 55J and 553 Waynesville Coal Company "Higher Quality at Lower Cost" Waynesville Phone 272 Waynesville Florist and Garden Shop When You Say It With Flowers, Say It With Ours 116 Main Street, Waynesville Phone 805 Waynesville Laundry, Inc. Fred Sheehan & Joe Liner "Particular Cleaners for People Who Care" Waynesville Phone 205 Waynesville Lumber Company Manufacturers of Hardwood Lumbers Waynesville Phone 15i Waynesville Radio Service 116 Miller Street. Waynesville Thone 1066 . " m i -.