fix; LCnSYILl.E KT I T P' TT "i t 17 TODAY'S S:HLE The driver is aaf er when the roads are dry; the roads are aaf er when the driver k dry. TAIN Of The) 1TJ News Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park WAYNESYILLE MOUM am tan X in f( Mill II ive; sizj IFYII i5S l Fishermen I - fch pond have been LSd-probably oth- posers has completed ' KSed pond on his Bainer has one on farm. Both wiU 7.ith fighn8 bss' siml i pond now three years JbyHarry Hembree on jfbose husband, is an ue' v.. jxh not own "i th.t she. favor- ,7 ponds-then she umhlance 01 an fZ her fishing husband tin the season. enalty Of Civic Noble W. L'hM of a 3-man solicit- t. mkP a drive ior jduj These wo eic' inniine over their list Uts, figured they needed tin to meet meir hu. ,.itin their heads togeth Ariied to make a hurried .1. without the third mem- . 1 I Al AvtM penalized mm me w- j tin for nov wii. ike i long story short, their frked. The Scouts have the 0 md Stovau ana uarreu Jir quota. cquaintance ; W about Abe Lincoln, tjo Indian, getting nis dbck particularly interesting w r Shelton of Waynesville. it in old acquaintance of Jdton. In 1899 ne ana me jo later became his wife denta at the Indian School Mance, where Mrs. Shel- her husband, who has since fere In charge of Indian Mr. Shelton at the time Id of the school. Mrs. Shel- lembers Lincoln and Lena, arae his wife, as conscien- lidents who enjoyed wide lack pay, which amounted toximately $1,400, was fo? of property by the govern- 63th YEAR NO. 15 14 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, FEB. 20, 1950 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties For State Senate V New Bridge To Be Built At Lake Bide are to be received this week on a general repair and moderniza tion Job of rebuilding the 553-foot bridge across the dam at Lake Junaluska. The project will cost about $16,000. , A new floor will be built., and then covered with asphalt, accord ing to present plans, it was an nounced by Dr. Frank S. Love, sup erintendent of the Lake Junaluska Assembly. New guard rails will also be built, and the steel framework of the bridge painted. Fire Sets Off Gas Explosions WILLIAM MEDFORD today an nounced he was a candidate for the post of State Senate in the 1951 General Assembly. William Medford Is Candidate For State Senate Post - " ' William Medford, Way ncsviile attorney, this morning made for mal announcement he was a can didate for State Senate. A post he held in the 1947 legislature. Under the rotating rules of the five-county district, the post alter nates every other term between Haywood and Henderson counties. Last term was Henderson's time to nominate the Senator. ; Mr. Medford during his term In 1947 was author of the bill setting up the N. C. Park Commission, (See Medford Page 8) th Officials : orize No One ell Medicine laywood County Health De It today warned the public authorizes no one to sell e anywhere. : jpuwic t a te m e n t was Id by at least four com' line department has re- Jo the effect that an uni- p salesman has been sell- I medicine and using the ppartment'g name to pro sales. ran, who said he paid the for a bottle of the p, reported that the man I he had found out from fty Health Department that pective customer had high ressure flth official here declared pita Officials Page 8) Contest p Staged H.H.S. apt. Davis Named Executive Oi Guard Battalion Capt. James M,i Davis. Waynes vllle National Guard, .officer, , this week was assigned to become ex ecutive officer of the third battal ion,' teoth. Infantry of the North Carolina National Guard.' He was' commanding officer of the Waynesville Heavy Tank Com pany, which he organized in 1947, when the orders were received. The assignment carries a promo tion to the rank of major. The arders also assigned First Lt. Sam Carswell, the Tank Com pany's executive officer, as Com pany commander, succeeding Cap tain Davis. The headquarters of the Third Battalion are in Morganton. But Captain Davis will remain in Hay wood County.. A resident of Hazelwood, h e works in Canton. Both officers are veterans (See Capt Davis Page 8) Patrolman Gets Minor Gashes In Auto Accident A State Hishwav Patrol rar lift U. S. 19A-23 near the U. S. Fish Hatchery at Balsam , Thursday afternoon, careened into the bank on the right hand side of the road, men swerved across the highway, bounced through a field, crashed through Sheriff R. V. Welch's fence, turned over at least once, and finally came to rest on its top in a smau creek. State Highway Patrolman Charles Lindsay of Sylva, was thrown out of the car as it hit the creek. He gashed the back of his head, sKinned a leg, and got wet. An hour after the accident, he was released from Haywood Coun ty Hospital and returned home. State Highway Patrol- Corporal, who investigated, quoted Lindsay as saying his car went out of con trol when a shock absorber broke loose.; . -..; ,. ne quoted ' an eye witness as saying the Patrol car's rear wheels were shimmying badly Just before it left the road. : .... -' Lindsay wail drtvintf' from" Sylva to Waynesville on business when the accident occurred, of 2,700 Acres Will Be Auctioned Soon 'J 1 A flash fire sweeps through the Rulane Gas Company's plant at Charlotte, Saturday, to set off a series of explosions which caused damage estimated at $50,000. The fire started when a big tank truck was being filled with propane gas from a railway tank car. Plant off iclals said no one was Injured. Mr. and Mrs. Knight Win Polio Campaign Award Mr. and Mrs, Sam Knight of Hazelwood last Friday night were announced formally as the win ners of the contest to raise funds for the Haywood County polio drive, , . They were presented with a certificate by Mr. Fisher, execu tive of Fontana Village, symbolic of the first prize week's expense-paid vacation at the moun tain resort during a broadcast over Station WHCC, i Mr. and Mrs.. Knight won the award for (raJvlng mere than $404 during the 1950 March of Dimes campaign in this county. Waynesville Rotariaris Observe 25th Anniversary Of Club; Cite Projects Editor's note The following is ganlzing meeting of the club were an extract from an address made at Rotary Friday by J. H. Howell, in observance of the Club's 25th anniversary, Mr, Howell is a char ter member of the club. Surveyors have completed the task of dividing the 2,700 acres of the Welch property on Balsam road into 40 small farm and timber tracts for an auction sale, March sped for the good of the past, by I have not followed the prescrib ed program for such an occasion as this. I shall. Instead, discuss the history, and the organization, as well as some of the accomplish ments of our club in the observ ance of its 25th anniversary. The Rotary Club of Baltimore, on their 25th anniversary used as their subject, "Wtty Do We Cele brate?" I like their Introductory paragraph to the answer, which is: "Men are measured by their re 'orty-second annual Hcla. fontest held bv th nnrr p Chapter, Daughters of an Revolution for boys - "ramie township High w be jtaeed in tho eMinni r.Wednesday morning at ?P? itt the contest will os, jimmy Swift, Don -lassie, Bobby Comp- owmey, and Sam A. Hyatt education, will preside Jmes w K-nn. f"1 the medal to the wln- 13. The property faces Highway No. 19A-23 for a mile and a half from Pleasant Balsam Baptist church to the Gordon Road, opposite Barber's Orchard. R. V. Welch and associ ates own the property, which has been named "Rolling Meadows". Penny Brothers will auction the property on Monday, March 13th, For Commissioner :ther FAIR k t " onry and Mon lday air and t Ht. wed hv r iempera- 51 farm) 6 oI the J. Min. Rainfall -i 24 y "" 1 Vii ... , n.iini ,.kmumimmmmM 10 Rural Road Jobs In Haywood Set To Begin Early In March Ten Haywood County road projects are among those being advertised by the State Highway and Public Works Commission for contract letting early in March. The projects are part of the Commission's two million dollar secondary road program. Bids, will be received from contractors until March. 2. ':. ' .' V . :--:"' : " '' TheprjoJfjtlls,Jior, the hard-surfacin of 12 miles of the following county roads: ; - ; Crabtree Mountain; Fiberville River; Lake logan; Aliens Creek; Hyatt Creek; Plott Creek; Eagle's Nest; Howell Mill; and Fines Creek. . r ;V Specifications were also advertised on 61 other highway projects throughout the state in the largest letting ever held by the Highway Commission. Commissioners at their month ly meeting on March 7 will review low bids after which con tracts will be awarded. v $25,000 In Haywood School Bonds Sold County Schools Superintendent Jack Mcsser today announced that $23,000 worth of Haywood school bonds was sold last week at the amazingly low interest rate of .2302 per cent. ' The bonds, sold bv the North Carolina Local Government Com mission, went to Kirchofer and Arnold Associates of Raleigh, Che low bidder. Mr. - Messer declared the low interest bid was an Indication of the excellent rating Haywood Coun ty's credit has throushout the state. The usual Interest rate on oub- lio bonds of this type is 4V4 per cent. The money from the bonds will be used to fireproof boiler rooms in two buildings at the Fines Creek School and in one each at Lake Junaluska, East Waynes ville, Central Elementary. Hazel- wooa Elementary, Rock Hill, Mag. gie, and Cruso Schools. He explained that this project wouia De m compliance with rec ommcndatlons made by the state school survey commilttee which In spected the county school buildings here last fall in connection with the proposed state school bond issue. ,' Bass And Bream To Be Put In Lake Sometime this spring, thousands of bass and bream wilt be "plant ed" in Lake Junaluska. The application has been made by Dr. Frank S. Love, superinten dent, and plans are moving for ward in meeting his request. The level of the' Lake will not be lowered. Jbls spring unless vjome unforseen emergency arises,, Dr. Love said. 4 Everything will be done to make the Lake one of the choice fishing spots in Western North Carolina, he pointed out. " their devotion to' the duties of the present, and by their vision in sur veying the future. By -this token it is that we of Rotary pause to pay fitting tribute to its founding pioneers of yesterday, to point with pride to the accomplishments of today, and dedicate itself to the task that, may filter out of the mists of tomorrow. To such an end this celebration and this ' historical sketch blend their talents." When I found that my memory was rather dim regarding the child hood of this club, and the birth certificate had been misplaced, I turned to the only other available source, The Mountaineer. There 1 found that my memory and the paper Were very much alike dim med with age, and showing signs of age. The ceremonies of the formal or- held in the dining room of the Methodist church, with some 50 members of the Asheville club and 24 local members attending. The district governor and prin cipal speaker was Major Haywood Mahon, of Greenville, He was as sisted by Fred Kent, president of the Asheville club in the organiza tion meeting. The first officers of the Waynes ville club were Rev. J. T. Mangum, president, S. H. Bushnell, vice-president; Ernest L. Withers, secretary, and Hilliard B. Atkins, treasurer. The board of directors were: The odore M. McCracken, J. M. Long, and J. H. Howell. The charter members Included besides those above: Dr. J. F. Abel Chas. Padgitt, T. Lenoir Gwyn, E. Hyatt, L. M. Killian, W. L. Lampkin, F. E. Martin, W. C. Phil- lips. Dr. N.'-M. Medford, Dr. J. R. McCracken, G. C. Plott, F. G. Rlp petoe, S. C. Satterwait, Sr., J. Dale Stentz, Dr. S. L. Stringfield, Dr. Thos. Stringfield, H. J. Sloan and George Ward. The first meetings were held in the former Green Tree Tea Room, and then later moved to the Meth dlst church, Baptist church, Ho tel Gordon, and several other (See Rotariana Page 2) Banks To Be Closed All Day On Wednesday The First National Bank of Waynesville and the First State Bank of Hazelwood will be clos ed all day' Wednesday, February: 22, in honor of George Washing ton's birthday. R. L. lJUSTICE of "Pigeon who announced last week he was a candidate for member of the board of Commissioners. Mr. Jus tice has been active in the rural road program and has served as member of the Bethel School Board. (Photo by Ingram's Stu-dio). Seeks Re -Election C. H. Leatherwood Announces For Clerk Of Court Hugh Leatherwood, Haywood's clerk of court since May, 1941, this morning formally " announced he was a candidate for re-election. Mr. Leatherwood, long active in the Democratic party, a native of Haywtod, held a post with , the State Highway Commission from l'(31 to 937, at whlc't time he be came State Gasoline and Oil In spector for the Department ; of Revenue. ;, He held this post until becoming clerk of court in May, i ;!., ; -v- 1 --'v - He also takes an active part in the Young Democratic .organiza tion of the state and district- HUGH LEATHERWOOD tis morning announced' he would seek re-election5 is Clerk j of Court, a post he has held since 1941. Rotary Birthday Cake Nets Scouts $25 In Cold Cash Rotarians had a birthday Fridav. Including a beautiful two-tier cake, but it was the Boy Scouts who profited from the occasion. . Before the cake was cut. the committee in charge of the annual Boy Scout drive suggested that the cake be sold and the proceeds put into the scout fund. Each Rotarian got a slice of cake, and the Scout fund $25. Each member paid up to 50 cents per slice for his club's birthday cake. Dr. N. M. Medford donated the cake. 3 Escape Injury Saturday Night In Truck Mishap A pickup t truck turned over a half mile west of the Spic 'N Span Grill on the Balsam Highway at 11 p.m. Saturday, but the three teen-agers riding in it escaped In Jury. State Highway Patrolman Joe Murrill quoted the driver, Roy Os car; Smathcrs, 18, of Waynesville, route 2, as saying he ran the truck off the road when he was blinded by the lights of an approaching car. ' C - -, The truck turned over, he con tinued, as he attempted to turn back into the. highway to avoid crashing into a bridge abutment. Riding with him were Alden Mc Cracken, and Lorena Haynes. of Waynesville, route 2, both 17 years old. Murrill estimated the damage to the truck at about $100. D. J. Noland Is Asking Re-Election As Commissioner D. J, "Doc" Noland this morn ing formally announced he was a candidate seeking re-election as a member of the board of commis sioners, a post he has held since December, 1946. Mr. Noland is a well known Haywood farmer, stockraiser and operator of the Waynesville Mill. He said this mornirig, "for the past four years I have served the citizens of this county as commis sioner, and have studied the needs and gone on record supporting those projects as far as we could see our way clear. In the four years 1 have learned a lot about the county, and with this exper ience, would like to continue to represent my f ellow-cjtlzens on the board." . , j Mr." Noland is active in farm circles, and a member of the First Baptist church, and also the! Junior! Noland hi Order. ,1 . the board Seeks Re -Election Mb ' i i Top Conductor Way Mease Is In Race For Place As Commissioner Way Mease, Pigeon township farmer, stockraiser and civic lead er, today formally announced he was a candidate for a place on the Board of Commissioners. This Is Mr. Mease's first time to seek public office. He is a veteran of World War I, and is at present a member of the county draft board. During World War II he served as a mem ber of the county Food Produc tion Committee, in addition to du ties as a AAA committeeman. He is also a Demonstration farmer. He was active in many programs dur lng the war, including scrap drive and the sale of war bonds. Mr. Mease is a Methodist and Mason. James Christian Pfohl will bring: his Davidson College band to the Waynesville Township High School auditorium ' tomorrow night for a concert. Rated as one of the South's finest musicians,' the Davidson College music di- ' rector also is conductor of the v Charlotte Symphony Orchestra and director of the Transylvania Music Camp which is held every ' summer near Brevard. The con cert Will start at 8 p.m. Crack Davidson Band To Give Concert At WTHS The crack 54 - piece Davidson College band, conducted by James Christian Pfohl, will hold a con cert at 8 P. M. Tuesday at the Way- nesvlLU ., Township High School ,(Udlt61tl.l:;f:,,.'-. '"t - While they are here, the mem bers of the band will be the guests of Waynesville High School music students. , ' ;;, Their appearance. on their home ward Journey after a successful southern tour, is being sponsored by the high school's , Music Stu dents' Council. The box office receipts will help pay for purchasing awards for Way nesvllle's outstanding student mu sicians. ' , . . ' ' Mr. pfohl, who has earned the (See Davidson Band Page 8) Aaron Prevost Goes To Mexico Aaron Prevost left Friday by plane for Yucaton, Mexico where he will be the guest of the Dean Company of Chicago on a visit to a Mexican Lumber Company. He will be taken on an inspection tour of the lumber company's oper ations and will especially note the process of growing, cultivating, and manufacturing mahagony. Mr. Prevost, who is connected with the Unagusta Manufacturing Company of Hazelwood and the Cherokee Furniture Company at Bryson City, is one of several furniture manufacturers from the States who will make the trip. He will be gone about ten days. Haywood Singers Prove Popular At State Meeting H. R. Caldwell. Sr., of Iron Duff, represented Haywood county at last week' three-day North Caro lina Farm Bureau Convention in Raleigh. .-. The session ended last Wednes day.. ' ';, , He reported that the Francis Cove Chord BustersJack Kelly, Wayne Edwards, Paul Franklin and Earl Hoglen proved highly popu lar singers all through the con vention and were constantly in de mand for entertainment. The four members of the quartet and Assistant County Agent Wavre Franklin accompanied Mr. Caldwell on the trip. D. J. "Doc" NOLAND this morn ing formally announced he would seek re-election as a member of the board of commissioners. Mr. Noland has been a member of since 1946. No Announcement On Senate From Ballentine As Yet State Agriculture Commission er L. y. (Stag) Ballentine had not announced his candidacy for the V. S. Senate op to 2 p. m today, the Mountaineer learned by telephone from the Associated Press bureau in Charlotte, Earlier reports from Raleigh were to the effect that Ballen tine was expected to make an official announcement some time today regarding hia Intentions to run for Senator Frank Gra ham'l seat Police Arrest . 14 Over Week-End Waynesville policemen this week end mafie 14 arrests, nine of them for public drunkenness. '- The - others included: one each -for drunken drivipg, violating the prohibition law, ... and driving through a red traffic light. Two other arrests were for affray. The count was for the period from ; Saturday ; morning through midnight Sunday. . Highway Record For . 1950 In Haywood :. - . (To Date) . Killed..,. 2 Injured... 9 (This information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol). - j I: -1