delight Of The I News 'jdern Way : I tirli teen-ager, went Jd, fountain and asked A'sod. Jerker if she fUp.doseo,;astor Vnot be tasted. . ' JTlt every day." smil- fSfa' dose, please," teen-ager's request uL a little time to get L, to hive a seat by V1' . JIU ...Vila about a uu fresh orange Juice, just ' ' ' ! it. mdssnany.-repueame bring it on. , W . ... II. J toon. l(I the soda p- t tk. kl BA st cleaning me '. - C'bout the dose of castor it girl, you had It in the cebci you uu "- sncious you mean you castor oil In the orange ank! I wanted the medi my sick sister. Oh dear, ess. . jhe added: L a double dose for Sis her fault, so flouoie me hat Would Not 111 1 Airaw iss never semcu North Carolina like it firglnia, according to Roy On a dark night in it is hard to even find jd before your face, com- y, as he told this story: vears ago, on one of those k dark nights, he was en he, foing down a railroad Suddenly there loomed up rkness, what appeared to eyes, about the size of Jates. They did not move, after muttering a ' few Id words, the 'eyes' stayed jcked up a piece of coal, at the "eyes", and still oit fired: The cnal shut. fathuA--,. - V was that he realized he jng at the endTrf a car load and the ends of three of were coated with fox fire ive off a slight glow, imainder of the trip home Je without any mishaps, Wee "eyes" made a pro ipression on Roy. Symphony Play Two ierts Tuesday forth Carolina Little Sym- rchestra, under the baton njamin Swalin, will make annual visit to Waynes concerts on Tuesday, bsephine Cunningham of will be soprano soloist at Jlng cnocert which will be f at the high school audl- Jt 8:30 o'clock. ernoon program, to be P 1:15 p.m. in the school Pra, will be broadcast .over FHCC for the benefit of who cannot attend the l... : - - f- symphony member which ; provided the these engagements, went y last fall under the snip of Mrs. Frieda 1 niembershiD ear in h Society will serve as " 40 the concert Tues as well as to all other r sponsored concerts F the state. Nbers wUl flnd single ftfckets on sale at the niSht of the concert. n iiJLiiJCi Wayne syille Mountaineer 65th YEAR 19 Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park 12 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News TODAY'S S.-.LE All the world la a stare, and all the women fet speaking parts. WAYNESVILLE, N. C MONDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 6, 1950 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Represent Winning Communities In Contest E7' sir 3 Men Behind Bars, Escape Itt Twb Gme B Governor W. Kern, Scott gave cash awards totaling $1,000 to representatives of three communities in the Community Development Program here Saturday morning. Left to right, Robert C. Francis, chair man of the Ratcliffe Cove community, and winner of $500 for first place; Governor Scott; Mrs. Bobert Davis, of White Oak, third place winner of $200, and extrtae right, Jarvls Caldwell, chairman of Iron Duff Community, second place winner with $300 In cash, (Mountaineer photos by Ingram's Studio.) Governor Lauds County Bmprovemenis Us Counly Program Opens 2nd Year Sidelights Of Tour By Governor Governor Scott is an-early riser, and believes in getting to appoint ments ahead of schedule. The local committee allowed themselves 20 minutes ahead of the schedule, and the governor was thre 18 minutes ahead. : i He saw the only snow of the sea son in some shady spots in the South Clyde Community. The party was delayed by the "special car" - designated for the governor. After two futile -attempts, the car was ; abandoned, and the Governor and party got back in "Number One" and com pleted the trip. y One of the most Impressive stops according to Mr. Scott's expression, on the tour, was at Elizabeth Chap el. He and party went all through the building, even the basement. Later'that morning in his talk at the court house, he stressed the (See Sidelights Page 6) N Mrs. James L. Thomas; cnuaren.: have re- 5 , j---. T.Mnng mends and ! South Hill, Va.,' and ,7n rs. Thomas' mother P here three weeks. 6 WE "Pres. Vp CLOUDY &ch6-Partly cloudy K.partly cloudy and 6 . IU. . j iimvi 1 1 a 4-. record I'J "f." ""ra te Ta u tne staff of a Mrs. Klopp Named Chairman Of WNC Welfare Group The new chairman of the district North Carolina Case Workers As sociation Is Mrs. Mary Jane Klopp of Lake Junaluska, children's case worker for the Haywood ' County Welfare Department. - Mrs. Klopp was elected at J meeting last Thursday at the 'Bun combo Cotintv Court House in Asheville.' Also during the business session, Mrs.- Klopp led the discussion con cerning a typical case. ? Saturday's Communy .Develop. ment Program awards , meeting closed the first successful year of Haymta at the same time launched a new one on a note of high enthusiasm. There' was a blend of elation, surprise, and a sense of added re sponsibility on the part of the peo ple of the communities who won the cash award. Among the rest of the 1,500 peo ple who jammed the court room of the Haywood County Court House to overflowing, however, there were few long faces. On the competitive basis, the folks from the communities who didn't finish in the money con gratulated the winners and at the same time declared: "Wait tin next year." Their general reaction, however, was expressed in the words of County I Community Development Chairman R. C. Francis, a few minutes before his Ratcliffe Cove community was announced by Gov ernor Scott as the winner: ,. "Let's not let up on this Com munity Development Program. If you don't get a prize, go on ahead with it just the same. "If you dp, then it puts more responsibility on you." There weren't any losers, how ever, in the program he declared: "Not all of you can get prizes. But all of you have already gotten friendship and the development of your community." ' Later, he received the $500 first prize from Governor Scott In be half of Ratcliffe Cove. Chairman J. R. Caldwell accept ed the $300 which was Iron Duff's award for placing second. Mrs Robert Davis, the 1949 chairman of White Oak, was presented the $200 prize which went to the com munity finishing third. In his address, Governor Scott declared that what Impressed him most during his morning tour of the communities was the clear-cut evidence of the work done to Im prove the churches "This revitalization of the phy (See Governor Paje 6) Revisions On Insurance Rates ,! On Tobacco OK'ed State Insurance Commissioner Waldo Cheek last week announc ed approval of revisions in the .rates on insurance covering dam age U tobacco from hail. $200 Heuard Offered In Jobbery At Onagusta Unagusta Manufacturing Com pany today offered $200 reward for Information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons breaking open the com pany safe early Friday morning The reward was offered by R Prevost, president of the firm. Between $800 and $1,100 in cash, and valuable papers were taken. Chief of Polica Ossie L. Sutton, of Hazolwood, said today all papers and checks had been recovered. A quantity of bonds and checks were removed in a box to a site on the railroad tracks back of the office. Several hundred dollars in cash were left on the office floor. Chief Sutton surmises the work was done in the dark, and at about 2:30 Friday morning. The chief made his rounds In the area at 2:15. r " "We have some good clues on the case, and the State Bureau of Investigation, Waynesvllle Police, Sheriff's office and State Highway Patrol are all working 100 per cent with us on this case," Chief Sut , tpn sild.' ... ..; ' . r, 1;; ' .4 "We will continue to work on this until we solve the whole thing," he said.' ; . c ' The large door of the safe was broken open by hammering off the combination to the safe. Entrance to the office was gained through a window. For County Post 1 1 A - - A t Contracts Awarded For 1Z Miles Rural Roads The H. R. Stewart and Company of Ashevijle was the low bidder on a state contract to pave 12 miles of Haywood County roads. State officials announced last week the A6hevllle firm submitted the winning bid of $113,711.51 on the project, which comes under the provisions of the governor's $200, 00Q.000 rural road bond program. The Haywood County work is one of the projects totalling 456 miles of rural roads on which low bids were opened Thursday. The total bids came to $3,127, 491.65. . : This was $540,000 lower than the State Highway Commission planned to allot as a maximum for the work. This saving to the, state was termed by Chief Highway Engineer W. H. Rogers, Jr., as the result of close competition and "extremely satisfactory" bidding. The 12 miles of roads to be pav ed in Haywood County in this new est project are included in 10 dif ferent sections - Crabtree Moun tain, Fibervllle, Lake Logan, River, Aliens Creek, Hyatt Creek, Plott Creek, Eagle's Nest, Howell Mill, and Fines Creek. Will Lead 1950 CD Program Officers Named To Head 1950 CD Program farm) Max. .37 .. 41 ... 43 iw61 These officers, elected Saturday at the couhty-wide awards meeting, will lead -the Haywood County Community Development Program through its second year: Chairman the Rev Mrs. C. O. Newell of Crabtree-Iron Duff; Vice Chairman Herschel Hipps of Hominy; Secretary Mrs. Marvin Leatberwood of Jonathan wee, Treasurer Jerry Robinson of Cen ter Pigeon; Reporter Mrs. George Boring of White Oak. ' Directors: ' Town J. H. Woody of Waynes vllle, Dr. J. L. Reeves of Canton, Rufus Siler of Waynesvllle, Mrs. Paul Hyatt of Canton, Mrs. Miles Stamey of Waynesville, Mrs. Levi Min. 18 20 18 -3a-I Morgan of Clyde. Rural Miss Bernice Harrill of Waynesville, William Osborne of South Clyde, Richard Barber, Jr., of Saunook, Mrs. Marshall Kirk Patrick of Lower Crabtree, Mrs. Welch Singleton of Center Pigeon, and Fred Mann of Hominy. Mrs. Newell succeeds R. C. Fran-, cis of Ratcliffe Cove as the county chairman. v These officers were elected by acclamation of the audience after their, names were submitted by a committee which nominated them at a meeting on February 11. Serving with Mr. Francis during the first year of the program were K. O. Carswell of Thlckety as vice chairman; Charles Duckett of Fines (See New Officers Pae 5) mi (7 DO GASTON BURNETTE, 61-year-old Insurance man and native of Pigeon, formally announced to day he would run for election as a member of the Haywood Coun ty Board of Commissioners. Burnette Enters Race For Board Of Commissioners 'Gaston Burnette, pigeon Town hip Insurance man, entered the race for a post on the Board of County Commissioners today by formally announcing his candidacy, For the 61-year-old Pigeon na- tive, this wilita'hia trtt campaign for a public office. Mr. . Burnette, a member of a family that was among the first settlers of Haywood county, J a former lumberman, has been a justice of the peace for 19 years, and served as a rural mail car rier in the Canton area for nine years. . . His current position is thut of special representative of the World Insurance Company in the Canton area. Mr, and Mrs. Burnette have three boys and Ave girls, all but one of whom are now married. . Five law enforcement officers narrowly escaped death Saturday night, when fired upon from a 1932 Chevrolet trav eling on Waynesville streets. Two brothers are being held in two separate jails, pending further investigation of the snootmgs, which started about 10:30. The father of the two men is in a third jail, being held on a charge of violation or the prohibition law. Investigations might continue for several days, it was learned this morning. Mr, Kitchen of the SBI returned earlv this morning from Raleigh where he, carried finger prints in connection witn the case. New Gulf Station . Is Being Built W. R. Roy Francis has started construction on a modern service station on the Main Street lot next to the Towne House. A long term lease has been made by Mr. Francis on the station to the Gulf Oil Company. - The station Is being built on the 84-foot lot formerly used as a suffle board court by the Chamber of Commerce, Ben Sloan, contractor for the building, said that work would be pushed to completion as fast as weather permits, and that in "about 40 days, , gas should be pumped from the tanks." - ' A large part of the lot will be used for parking, and servicing of ears, it was said. - No figures were made public as to the-cost of the construction,' . Gilbert Wise Of Canton Dies In Boat Accident Gilbert Wise, 52, of Canton, is dead, and Charles M. May, 36, also of Canton is a patient in a Sylva hospital as a result of a boating ac cident on Fontana Lake Sunday. The two men were found floating in water estimated at about 150 feet deep, about forty feet from shore near Judson Island. They were supported by life jackets and no trace of their boat had been found by noon today. Wise's death was termed ac cidental by a coroner's jury, led by E. G. Johnson of Bryson , City, which termed the cause due to a fall from a boat, and exposure in the cold water. It was reported at Grassy Branch Dock that the men had scheduled a trip from the dock Sunday at 8 a.m. but it is not known how long they were in the water.. , The men were sighted by a par ty of fishermen at 12:30 p.m. May's condition was reported as satisfactory this morning. He will (See Gilbert Wise- Pace 6) 7 Charged With Being Drunk Over Week-End . i Police records show that seven persons were arrested over the week-end on charges of being drunk. There was one hit-and-run case recorded on the police docket. Car Held In Hit-And-Run Mishap Here Police are holding a green Ply mouth, which they said was involv ed in a hit-and-run accident about dark Sunday. The police found the car, but were unable to And the driver. At noon today no one had made claim for the car, which is being held at the police station. - The car is said to have damaged another car about $25. Slight Damage In East Waynesville Fire The fire department extinguished a small blaze before noon today at the Jack Rogers residence in East Waynesville. Fire Chief Clem Fitzgerald re ported the damages as slight. The blaze was caused from a pipe too near the wall, he said. Sleeping Motorist Wrecks Automobile . .. A Kentucky motorist went . to sleep on Highway No. 19-23 near Long's Chapel about five o'clock Sunday morning, and crashed into guard posts on the bank of the highway. The car was consider ably damaged, but no personal in juries sustained. Highway patrolmen investigated the accident. People Responding Well To Area Red Cross Fund Drive The clima of the extensive man hunt came mid-afternoon Sunday. when 12 highway patrolmen, and deputies of Haywood and Jackson counties swooped down and com pletely surrounded the home of Vlck Smith in Jackson county. He Inside the officers arrested Jerrv J. Smith, 26. Th officem M ' Smith had a heavy rifle, and tots of ammunition at his side when arrested. The house was comDlut. ly surrounded with heavily armd officers. The guns carried by offi cers ranged' from heavy duty rifles to Tommy guns. ; Not a shot'' was fired in making the arrest. Earlier in the day officers )ad arrested Oliver Harrison Smith, 33, brother of Jerry. In the home, they arrested Vlck Smith on charg es of violation of the prohibition law, since two stllla were found by'; nfTtpAra al thatr nl 4kl up through the woods to the back of the house. ', The running gun battle started about 10:30 Saturday night, when three Haywood deputies were re turning , from natcam ro .no. werlng a call la that area. The officer noticed a car with a trail er hooked on behind weaving down me aisnwarr ny xeuowed the vehicle, and sounded the siren for the auspicious car to halt. Th driver paid no attention to the siren, and kept on for about two miles. The car turned up the Country Club drive, and the offi cer's car started to drive up beside them, thinking they would stop, when one of the occupants of the car started shooting through the rear glass. . "... uniei uepuiy wade McDaniel was driving his car, and had Deputy Jonn Keriey on the front seat, and Deputy Max Cochran on the back. The first bullet hit the windshield of the officer's Car. A second crashed through the hood, and into the dash, almost coming through, while a third shattered the radiator of the car. Deputy McDaniel said about 10 shots were fired in all from the fleeing car. No shots were return ed by officers. .."It all happened so fast, we did not have a chance. Then too, we only had pistols, and it would have taken a heavier weapon than that to stop the car." they said. The last shot hitting the car, caused all the water to leak from the radiator; and disabled the deputy's car. The officers gave a description by radio of the car, and the di rection of travel. Both police and patrol cars pick ed up the call and started out in search for the car. In the meantime, the occupants of the fleelnfl car, had unhooked their trailler and left it in the Ninevah section. This was found about daylight Sunday by officers and hauled to the police depart ment. The general alarm was broadcast and members of the Jackson coun ty sheriff's department, together with Hazelwood and Canton police, were alerted and road blocks set up. Shortly before midnight. Patrol man Joe E. Murrill and Policeman Paul Gough started out the Dell wood road, and met a car with the description of the hunted vehicle. (See 5 Officers Pare 6) These men and women were among the principal officers elected Saturday to lead Haywood's Community Development Program as it entered its second year. Left to right are Treasurer Jerry Rob inson. Center Pigeon; The Rev. Mrs. C. O. Newell of Crabtree Iron Duff, chairman; Mrs. Marvin Leatherwood of Jonathan Creek, secretary; and Herschel Hipps of Hominy, vice-chairman, Mrs. George Boring of White Oak, named county reporter, was unable to appear for the picture. (Mountaineer Photo by Ingram's Studio .) The first few days of , the 1950 Waynesville Area Red Cross fund drive gave an optimistic outlook to the prospects for reaching the $3, 745 goal. - Area Drive Chairman Oral Yates of Iron Duff this morning said the campaign workers described public response and enthusiasm as "far greater than we expected." The 1950 campaign was launched last Wednesday morning at a kick off meeting in. the Waynesville Presbyterian Church; Mr. Yates attributed this public reaction largely to the work of the organization's Blood Program: "This program," he declared, "apparently, has made the people 'Red Cross-conscious' to a degree much greater than they were be fore. "It is one one of the major fac tors, I believe, that have caused the people to realize how valuable the services of the Red Cross are in this community and the high quality of the work the organiza tion has performed." Workers, assigned to specific areas under special committees, are making a house-to-house and business-to-business campaign to reach the gtjal. Meanwhile, the Canton area drive opened this morning with the objective of raising' more than $5,000. This area includes the commun ity of Bethel and the town of Clyde.' " .-vV:' : 3 Highway Record For 1950 In Haywood (To Date) Killed..., 2 Injured .... 9 (This Information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol). I