STANDARD l'TG CO Cor" S TIM Si LOt JSTILLE KY o i y 1t i rn mm -sl JL. iliLiLJ lOUNTAINE WAYMESTOLE )I Tho (News Going . ' v L winter bowed out of f county (we hope) Satur 1 with cold, wet right h dy Saturday a fine cold hed the streets and roads. 'th county, apparently. Gap. where he gave Hing gift a mantle of snow, y day was Spring, but plan's memories .lingered 4 slopes of the surround- iNcst Hotel Jpen if lite, with lots of edl iectlng on the older days. lost Hotel has corae to see 1 4 print often. Since this hotel was one an out ! landmark1 In this area, It .ting to note that NEW Vest Hotel is in operation p, but down In Hamilton, 'it a brief description: . ..... !oo MOUni Liaiigwu uvci HimUton. with the blue h the Atlantic in the back t.inarh views from all bed W'" , T Spacious panoramic uining Iving outstanding food.7 almost like some of Hay Ljle's Nest advertising of gone by. Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains Nations! Park TODAY'S e ::le A small town is one i i which there is not much Ui but. brother, what u hear make, up for t! -a 63th YEAR NO. 27 12 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 3, 1930 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Holly wood Actress Queen Of Wilmington Festival . , ,..-r..J .jMff.lX munim ,, Officers Make Heavy MqTOF Hauls In 3 Week-End Raids X Movie 'Actress Gregg Sherwood from Hollywood (left) arrives in Wilmington to reign as queen of the annual .Azalea Festival. Mayor R. S. McClelland welcomes her to the City. She was crowned by two All-America football players, Charlie justice of the University of North Carolina, and Doak Walker of Southern Methodist University. The crowning took place at the Coronation ball at. Wrightsvllle Beach Saturday night. (AP Photo). . V ' : d For The Job jtt Phillips, 30 .. year old Hit postman, takes in the iUe business district and the school sertinn as he W rounds through wind I, hail and snow, and any' le that comes up. 1 that relatively small area lesvllle he walks about 18 Tie manages to wind up the fa riw tmnn eh ana : lining secret U no secret; i the Army, then volunteer DaMlrOODS. ' . r; ; tt did that during the war. jhe never consciously was I for his current job, i V; f with the Army para as never merely a matter t of a plane in flight. Mat. d, that part of it took less iaa any. Unless you were at Ming or the end of the d men scheduled to jump; taie any effort at all. t .- ot pushed otttV'V';.-v Hil work came ' befire. af f hile you were on the ager beaver buckins for eral's star always w try eti new marching record, ig the boys in his regiment, w, to try It. ivit ; . ; where Emmett kot most pining to be a postman.'. 'verage Army marching I full equipment was about ts an him Paratroopers stepped theirs fwerageof to 5. 't went through two years wen ms paratroop days cUcai jump over Fort Gi., he Shoved th niiin. file out, then followed it. f followed by the man be- men got tangled upf in' each chutes, with VmmAtt ?om. they hit the ground, was still on the hnttnm. rh broke two Veretbrae in Workers Begin 1950 Couiit ln Nation For Regular Census L-lany EHightvay From Canlon To Duncombe Line o Cost 0uer H Oluarler Million 'y, it was a lucky break. w know It at the time, nd Jumped right into a Uh Eileen ConsUnce of vllle, . met in AshevilU one day ffjw.out on a pass from gnem Hospital t nemby i. Ti nome m Boieman, r m a year later rotnm. wsvilie. Emmett will observe nd annivorcoM, rosi Office Soft Ground Saves Assistant Farm .-.'...., . Agent In Accjdent, Soft tplowed ground saved As sistant County Agent Wayne Frank lin -from serious injury Thursday morning.' .. V . j. . ' ' Trnklin-fell off a seeding ma- cltlne-..ih front of its corrugated rollers, as V U started to climb a slP;? durhig a seeding and pasture reHovatio'n demonstration at Mrs. Zenia Medford's farm .In the Ttiickety; community. ' The machine rolled over his legs and one arm before the operator could stop it. After first aid treatment, how ever, he returned home for a day's rest.'.: . TV ;" ' ' ' ' ' .:". He was back at work last Satur dav. "' ' - The ground was soft enough, however, to compensate for much of the crushing weight ot tne ma chine. ather J WARMER ih(," " raniy ciouay .- wy warmer Monday and J!jnesviUey tempera, Max. MiiRalnfaU 40 19 35 37 -07 Next Week Is Easter Seal Week Here . Citing the need for maintaining and expanding its services lor crip Died children. Mayor I. H. Way to day proclaimed this week as Easter Seal Week and urged all residents to support the current Easter Seal Drive sponsored by the N. C. League for Crippled Children. In his proclamation the Mayor pointed out there are numerous criODled children ana aauus m Uavunnri fViOntV. . all of WhOIIL should have the most expert pro fessional care in order to help them lead as nearly normal ana nappy lives - as possible. The services maiataihed by the Haywood Chap ter Society ire financed by money raised In tn Easter Seal drive. -"it is our responsibility to see hat onr criDDled children are giv f 9 their chance. This responsibility is beet discharged by supporting the Easter Seal Drive which fi nances the services to the crippled of our community by the N. C. League for Crippled Children serv- ices which mean new me ana hope to the handicapped. During the past year in our community many crippled children and adults hav received services in many different forms from the Society." '".Mr.": Jeff Garrett of Reidsville is here for a week's visit to her I ito'ad officials last week-end took another big step toward the actual Improvement of U... S. Highway 19-23 from Canton to the Buncombe County line. ' : vl They opened bids on the project of making the thoroughfare . a three-lane highway matching the road from the Buncombe line into Asheville. .'. The low bidder was" H.. R.' Stew art and Company, which had made an entry of $231,567,30 Low bid to build the Ave small structures in connection, with , the broadening of the 3.16-mlle stretch was submitted by T. F. Houser. This was $65,023. - n - 4 .. Not included in the ported Tenth Division .Highway Engineer Zeb tSowart. was the project of constructing a large three-lane bridge spanning the Southern Railway tracks near the eastern Haywood line, ; ' Railway and highway 'officials are still working on n agreement regarding the details of the span. The widening of the highway from the Buncombe line to Can ton will be part of a much larger project extending all the way to the Lake Junaluska intersection three miles east of Waynesvllle. This calls for the construction of a new modern highway running roughly parallel south of the pres ent road from West Canton westward.-''-' ''-''. . :- '- -i Forty-two people last Saturday morning started touring Haywood county, asking a lot of questions and getting many answers. After they've visited every home, they'll know exactly how many men, women, and children now live In Haywood. , For Saturday marked the start of the taking of tne census n ac tivity that takes place only once lo every ten years. . i Heading the county crews are C. B. McCrary of Fines Creek and Mrs. J. Ray Byers of Canton. The job will take a week longer In Waynesvllle, however, because of 'a false starV'V' The nose-counters started early here, but some time afterward, a town official discovered they were using an old map of Waynesvllle. If the error had not be discovered, the enumerators would have missed East Waynesvllle, the Country Club section, and Allen Creek-r-the new areas 'annexed since the old map was published. , : . - ' ' The census-takers, each bearing identifying credentials," will visit every farm and every home In their rounds, which are expected to take two weeks. V- . w , Any person 14 years old .or. olde In a family may answer the ques tions they ask. k -Meanwhile. Mr. McCrary and Mrs. Byers are asking for the to operation of all homeowners In this vital official project. Wildlife Club To Name Special Groups Monday Members of the Haywood County Wild Life Club will name : im portant committees to work - on their comprehensive-13 program when they meet at 7:30 p.m. Mon day at the Haywood County Court House. : ' '"": President Tom CampbelL. J r ., of Waynesvllle. will be In charge. Miss Francis Named Officer Of Meredith Student Athletic Asso. Miss Bess Francis, of Way nes- ville, has Just been named treas urer of the student athletic asso ciation at Meredith College. Miss Francis is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Francis of Waynesviile. She was graduated from the Waynesvllle Township High ScLaol In May of 1949, and since coming to Meredith last Sep tember, has been active In many of the athletic programs as well as other activities of the school. She is also a member of the Astrotek ton Literary Society. '..'.:. Damp Folks eel Candidates Officials and directors of the Ramp Convention will hold their final planning session for the 1950 event at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at Palmer's Furniture Store In Can ton. : Convention SecreUry Clarence Medford. meanwhile, reported that local representatives for U, S. Sen ator Frank P. Graham, WUUs Smith, and Robert Rice Reynolds had Indicated all three candidates for the Senate would be at Black Camp Gap when the 20th annual Ramp Convention Is underway there on May 7. Many candidates for other state, county, and federal offices, and state officials also ' are scheduled to attend the 1950 meeting which ttamp workers nave rorecast wouia be the largest on record. Arrangements for the 1950 gath ering actually started a few days after the record 1949 event ended with the names of nearly 6,000 visitors on the books. At the most recent meeting, held March 13 at Palmer's, the Ramp officials set up additional finance, traffic, and food committees. : : . Mr. Medford was named, chair man of the food committee which will provide supplemental rations for the visitors who forget to bring their own to the Jitg event. Dick, Powell la traffic chairman, who'll, get together with the State Highway Patrol, te cooperate In handling the expected heavy vol' ume of cars and trucks carrying people to the convention site Bryan Medford of Jonathan Creek and Sebe Bryson of Waynes vllle were named to the finance committee which will scout around for funds to help defray the costs of the convention. To pay for the previous 19 events, Convention officials them selves dug Into their own pockets to pay the bill. But last year's galh erlng proved the event had grown too large for any small group of men to afford. Mayor Floyd Woody of Canton heads the committee on entertain ment, which, aside from the food and ramp-gathering groups, is the moot Important of the Convention. , Secretary , Medford's food com mittee already has collected 13 hams for the occasion and planned to start work immediately to build one open kitchen and one enclosed kitchen at the Convention site. Hazelwood's New Post Office Started 50 Attend District Lions Cabinet Session Here The Lions Club District 31-A Cabinet yesterday endorsed a state committee proposal to increase the number of districts from three to slx.!':. thii was the major action of the five-hour . Spring quarterly meeting which attracted 50 Lions cabinet officers and other club officials to The Lodge yesterday. , Dr.. Basil Whltener of Boone, former district governor and mem ber of the three-man state com mittee, submitted the proposal to the - 30 cabinet officers meeting (See Lions Club Page 6) Waynesville HS Debaters Win One, Lose 2 Contests By ANNE BISCHOFF . (Mountaineer Correspondent) Waynesvllle High " School's de bating teams won one and dropped two - inter-echolastlc matches last week with two western schools In a triangular cdntest. '' Nancy Floyd and Elaine Francis, taking the negative side of the question: Should the President of the United States continue to be elected , by the electoral system? defeated Forest City and Marion at Marion. ' ' But Marlon won the match at Waynesville and at Forest City. Making up the second Waynes vllle team, which took the affirm ative side of the argument, were Vivian Watkins and Edna Callahan. Masons To Meet Here Friday Night Waynesville Lodge No. 259, An cient Free and Accepted Masons, will hold a Stated Communication on Friday night at 8 p. in. a very Interesting program has been ar ranged by the Committee, the Rev. J. E. Yountz of Stanly Lodge No, 348, of Albemarle, N. C. and pastor of the First Methodist church, will be the speaker of the evening. All Visiting Masons are invited to at tend. Building Permits Rise With Coming Of Spring Spring is just around the corner if building permits issued through the month of March has anything to do with It. Business buildings amount to $124,200 and resident!! $45,650. A total of $169,850. Ben Colkltt At Duke Hospital Ben Colkltt, Sr., who under went an operation at Duke Hospital two weeks ago. is reported to be progressing nicely and is expected to return home the middle of this week. Mrs. Colkltt, who has been In Durham during her husband's stay at the hospital, will accom pany him home. '. ; Mrs. Dave Russell spent the weekend In Brevard with her son. Charles Russell. 0''' . V. - -s i Vv " III y i. . l i v-'V .sr' I ' i. ,v Si i ; :.. .1 v 1 1 , 'i,V.v.i.w. :il.Ml..iit R. L., Prevost (right), president of the Unagusta Manufacturing Company, breaks ground for Hazelwood's new $10,000 post office building. Left to right are Postmaster Thurmand Smith and T. C, Norrls, Waynesvllle' contractor, whose Arm Is erecting the struc ture. The work is expected to be completed In 60 days. . . . , , (rhoto by' Joe Davis.) EUaschvood Post Office Demonstrations, Meetings Set For Farm Folks ' Haywood county's farm folks face a busy week of lectures and demonstrations. ' Here Is the schedule announced this morning by County Agent Wayne Corpenlng'a office: Pasture renovation and Ladino seeding demonstrations (continued from last week)? Tuesday, 10 a. m. at Jack Rog ers' farm, Upper Crabtree; 2 p. m. Weaver Parkins, Panther Creek. Wednesday, 10 a. m. C. B. Hosa flook's. Dellwood! 2 p. m.-Norval Rogers', Maggie. Thursday, 10 a. m. Mrs. E D. Head's farm, Francis Cove; 2 p. m. R. L. Price's, Center Pegion. Farm and home planning meet ings: . ' - .Monday. 7:30 p. m. for Beaver dam community, Beaverdam School; Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Cecil community, Cecil School. Summer Visitor Dies In Florida Services For Walter Hawkins, 84, an annual summer visitor to Waynesvllle died recently in a? Jacksonville, Florida hospital after an Illness of several weeks. '' f,': ': Mr. Hawkins spent a number of seasons with his family at the Ho tel WaynesviUe and later stopped at The Maples. . Surviving In addition to the widow are three daughters, Mrs. William A. Shands of Gainesville, Florida and Waynesvllle, Mrs. Laura Hawkins Brlttain, Tallahas see, and Mri,. H. H. Derlngervof Chestertown, Maryland, and a son, Walter Hawkins, Jr. ' ' , ''- ' '-A ' : ::': ' ,..;: . .V 'V . : - .. Tourist Group To Hold Monthly Meeting April 5 The regulaf ' monthly meeting of the Haywood County Tourist As sociation will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Haywood Coun ty Court House. - President Carl Henry of Soco Road wiH preside. ' . Ground was broken last Monday for Hazt I wood's new $10,000 Post Office. V..; 'It. L.' Prevost, president of the Unagusta Manufacturing Company who Is financing this civic project, said tho modern building on the corner of Richland and Main Streets fs scheduled to be com pleted In about 60 days. , ' Taking part in the Informal ceremonies were Postmaster Thur man Smith, Mr. Prevost, and T. C. Nnrris of Waynesvllle, the contrac tor who Is erecting the building. - Actually; Mr, Prevost Is build ing the new structure to house the Post Office facilities, Under the customary procedure, the govern ment will lease the building under a long-term arrangement. The structure Is being built ac cording to the specifications and plans furnished by the govern ment, The reason for the new building, Mr. Prevost explained, is simply that the town outgrew the old Post Office. This is the most recent step for ward in the development of Hazel wood's postal system. The first one came when a sub station was established in the days when Ilazelwood was still young, Four years ago, the postal sys tem graduated into a higher class when the town got its own Inde pendent post office. Two Stills And X Truck Are Nabbed , By Local Officers i A busy week-end netted Hav-' wood county officers two stllla and 117 gallon of liquor In three sepa rate rslds and lert three Small boys in teara. I hate to see my beer joint torn down," lamented the bovs ism 10, 9 and 8 after they saw officers capture a 50-gallon copper still about 3 p. m. yesterday in the Hemphill section That was the tenth officers have put out of business in this county, since January 13. And Deputies Horace Mehaffey. John Ktrley. Wade McDanlel and Max Cochran, and U. S, Alcohol Tax Unit Agent Roy Reece had to become bloodhounds to do It - The bird-dogging became neces sary when the officers found a uspected location deserted. A still had been there shortly before. But lt wasn't when they arrived. So they decided that the opera tor had moved his outfit to another spot when he suspected that the small boys had been drinking his beer for free. J Judiciously using their noses, the officers turned up the still and 50 gallons of mash In one spot about a mile from the original k cation, Then they "smelled" out a cache of 15 gallons of white liquor about the same distance away in the op posite direction, - Deputy Cochran launched the busy week-end on Thursday night when a red panel 1946 Chevrolet delivery w truck cruising through Frog Level aroused his suspicions. When he started following it, the driver started. a race.-. ' , Cqchran radioed, to McDjntei fort help, and both ran the truck down after a 30-mlnute chase through Frog Level.,' Inside the truck they found a load of candy bars, potato chips, and pies. But under these delicacies they found 102 gallons of illicit liquor. They identified the driver of the truck as J. D. Graves of Murphy. Held under $400 bond. Graves was scheduled to appear for a hearing today at 2 p. m. . Also being held is the truck, the merchandise, and of course the liquor. The officers prepared for their Sunday raid by nabbing a 40-gal-lort still and all Its accessories in the Wllklns Creek area on Friday. Before they left, they poured two gallons of mash Into the creek. . -. . Alarge crowd of spectators gathered behind the Court House Sunday" afternoon to watch the officers unload their latest prize. -Observed one man: "That's , the first time I've ever seen 19 gallons of liquor right out In the open. G. S. Director To Meet With Workers Here Miss Mary Johnson of Atlanta, regional director of the Girl Scouts of America,- will spend Thursday and Friday in Waynesville and meet with the local Girl Scout workers. Members of the Hazelwood Waynesville Girl Scout Council are asked to meet with Miss Johnston at The Lodge Thursday at 10 a.m. The group will have lunch and con tinue the discussions in an after noon session, On Friday Miss Johnson will meet the troop leaders at the Girl Scout Hut at 10 a.m. and will conduct a short training course. For this meeting the leaders are asked to bring a nose-bag lunch and remain for an afternoon meeting.'- : .; Mrs. H. L. Martin has returned to her home in Lenoir after a vis it to her sister, Mrs. R. H. Black well and her niece, Mrs. F. H. Mar Roll Call Service To Be Held By Presbyterians ' v.- . ' " ' "' The annual Roll Call service will be held at the Waynesville Presbyterian Church on Wednes day evening at 7:30 o'clock at which time all members of the church and their families are requested to gather and answer the call of the roll. Special recognition will be given those who have united with the church during the last Church year and tribute will be accorded those who have passed away. Brief announcements will be made regarding the accomplish ments of the church, after which a social hour will be enjoyed with re freshments being served by the Women of the Church. Highway Record For 1950 In Haywood (To Date) Killed.... 2 Injured. ... 9 (This Information com plied from Records of State Highway Patrol). mother, Mrs. R. H. Blackwell.,

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