c. KV D r D ! u . n r J i Dl HI I I J - 7 -a idelights 1a( TU News. ing Time, dding. Messors favorite story is as it concerns the confirm- hn believed in stick- ,e letter of the rule regard- m goes that the farmer mi planting times, - and us plant my taters on Good .n when it falls on Sun- c ... ull Moons In May . . n i k Rocers. of fines ree, tention to the fact that there iwo full moons in May on r,d and thirty first, ding to Mr. Rogers this is I time he ever remembers nth having two full moons. hat affect it will have on ither, is just matter of h . . : .... only-.' interpreiauon u editor could put on the un- Ictdent. was "It looks like joing to be a mighty favor nth for these couples that court In moonlight." For Smiles Van with the biggest smile low probably is a Florida fruit grower. on a vacation in and a- JTitusville, FU last week, itovall, being a citrus cus- limsetf talked with a lot of mostly citrus growers. ... icneral," he reported on his home last weekend, "they ley ve never maae more then they did last season." major reason for all this he quoted them as saying' belopment of the food con. I Industry. That, of course, those little frozen cans of Bruit Juice you buy at the jrocery. : - l Brings Blr3, More Basketball calendar and the weather time for baseball, Basketball refuses to leave tW.p. m. Tuesday, the teach. the Crabtree-Iron Duff and Fines Creek School will the Fines Creek gym. :ontest will be for the bene- le 4-H Club and Home Eco- pepartments. Box Office Sands Of iwo Jima" set a lime box office record for ssie s Park Theater here. Jhe third straight .-light, room-only crowd last i the story of the Marines' Battle unfold on the1 brought the total attend new record high of 3,683 That represents lust about F in Waynesvllle and that, the greatest attrac- Mf. Massie'S Inns thpnfpr her had been "The Trail wnesnme Pine," which 10 an audienr tntallino Ji Its two days of showing 'MO. st was "Battle flrnnnd " P of the 101st Airborne heroic fight at Bastogne "r. mi. wdrew 3,300 fans in the an it was held last month. . 'wo Jima" story foropor did even betlpr frnm ih PSdeliglits Pape 8) FAIR April 8Fair anA " ! fhursday and Thurs ; "iday fair and warmer Z Waynesville tempera- wrded by the staff of 'erarmt:-- - , Min. Rainfall - 73 55 -:- 70 57 62 35 .04 .66 HE Published Twiee 63th YEAR No. 28 20 PAGES Needs ToldTo U. Gommission Dog Pound Soon To Be Ready Only a few details remain to be done toward finishing the dog pound by the Town of Waynesvllle. The. pound useit is aoout ready for dog boarders, and G. C. Fer guson, city manager,: is getting a huge dog net ready for the dog catcher, The board of aldermen are expected to name a man to this position within a few days. The board authorized' the con struction of the dog pound several weeks ago as a means of clearing the streets of stray dogs. - Road Officials Of District To On Tuesday i Tenth ' division highway engin eers jjd.ll .telUFestejco JJoxthjCarcK Una residents how much road bond money has been spent on road im provement, where improvement has been made and how much more is planned at a division-wide mass meeting next Tuesday at 10 a. m. in Buncombe County Courthouse, L. Dale Thrash, division commis sioner, announced. The meeting has been designed as a complete report to the public of how highway officials have handled the division's share of the $2,000,000 road bond issue of last spring. Zeb V. Stewart, division engi neer; J. T. Knight, Asheville dis trict engineer; W. B. Ferguson, Burnsville district engineer, and E. L. Curtis, Bryson City district engineer, will report on every phase of road bond building and improvements within this area. Thrash said the entire road pro gram is further advanced than had been anticipated by highway offi cials. Thrash also announced that no more roads will be added to the 10th division maintenance system until after July 1, beginning of the State fiscal year. Total expenditures for the divis ion runs into several million dol lars it was pointed out. Road bond money became available first in October last year and again the first of 1950. Seeking Post JENNINGS McCRARY, Crabtree farmer, has announced" he is' a candidate for a post on the Hay wood County Board of Education. He will seek the Democratic nomination in the May Primary. ; ( " ssiis:;--;: - ? ; , . 2' Census Is Now WAY - A - Week In The County Seat Associated Press State Utilities Group Holds County Hearing Representatives of every section of Haywood County that docs not have telephone service described their needs Tuesday morning at a State Utilities Commission hearing at the Court House. Approximately 30 '. persons, in eluding community leaders, mer chants, and tourist business repre sentatives listened closely to the testimoi.y presented to the Com mission representatives. Ed McMahan, of Brevard, a member of the state agency, after ward told the audience that every? thing would be done to expedite extension of telephone service to those areas which need it. The other Commission repre sentatives at the session were D. D. Davis of Jackson County, who represents the agency in this area; Charles Hill, a Commission in spector, and V. W. ; Chase. Com mission engineer. Aiding in the conducting of the meeting was County Agent Wayne Corpening. In general,) the story related by thajruxal-spolfccsmen. was -to the effect that the service was badly needed and that, in most cases, the Southern Bell Telephone Company had assured them their commur. ities would get phones as soon as facilities permitted. The firm, which serves this area, could not (See Telephone Paee 8) Local 4-H Leader School To Be. Held Here Apr. 15 ..... . . - . The local leaders of Haywood County's 4-H clubs will meet at the Haywood County Court House here at 10 a.m. April 15. Assistant County Agent Joe Cline in charge of boys' 4-H work made the announcement today, re maining the local leaders of the postponement. The meeting origin ally was set for this week. Mr. Cline and Assistant Home Demonstration Agent Jean Child- ers will conduct the session. Local Chairmen, County CDP Board To Meet All community chairmen and the county-wide board of direc tors for Haywood's Community Development Program will meet at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at the Court House here. Assistant County Agent Turner Cathey, supervisor of the Program, said in his announcement today that the local and county leaders will draw plans for the overall 1950 work during the session. The Rev. Mrs. C O, Newell of Crabtree-Iron Duff is county Com munity Development chairman. Walter Kaufman Flies To Europe On Sunday Walter Kaufman, of Wellco Shoe Corporation, leaves Friday for New York, and will fly from there on Sunday to Europe. He plans to spend about three weeks on the continent, visiting England, France and Belgium on business for his firm. MR ROLLMAN AT HOME Heinz Rollman returned , to his home Wednesday from the Hay umnrf rmintv Hosoital where . he has been a patient. .Ph'oiie Under Wav nesyille Mountaineer of Haywood County At The and United Press News WAYNES VILLE, N. C. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 6, To Be Inaugurated DR. PAUL A. REID will be in augurated as the fourth presi dent of Western Carolina Teachers College on Saturday morning at the College in Cul lowhee. . Many From Here To Attend WCTC Program Saturday A number of Haywood citizens are expected to attend the inaug uration of Dr. Paul A. Reid, as the fourth president of Western Caro lina Teachers College on Saturday The two-day event begins Fri day afternoon at four o'clock, with a May Day program on the wood land stage. A concert at 8 o'clock Friday night at Hoey auditorium will climax the Friday activities, with registration of guests for the inauguration to begin Saturday morning at nine - U, The inauguration ceremonies "wilt b6 TiCTd at eleven o'clock, fol lowed by a luncheon for the guests at Moore Dining Hall at one. A band concert Is set for 2;30, followed by a reception for the president in Moore Parlors at four o'clock. The Inaugural ball will get un derwav at nine in Breese gym. Dr. Reid took office last lau, succeeding the late Dr. H. T. Hunter Hazelwood Town Hall Named As ' Voting Place Hazelwood voters from now on will cast their ballots at their new Town Hall. This was designated last Monday by the Haywood County Board of Elections as the new ofliclal "vot ing or polling place in the Hazel- wood Voting Precinct." Before the board took this ac tion, Hazelwood citizens had been doing their voting at the Hazel wood School. The announcement of the action was contained in a notice signed by Elections Chairman Jerry Rogers. V & Yi Census Job Finished In Some Parts Of County Census workers, like mail car riers, worked on regardless of the weather, and indications were that some areas would be completely counted by noon Friday, accord ing to Charles B. McCrary, super visor of this immediate area. One section in Hazelwood was completed today, and the entire town is expected to be covered by this week-end, Mr. McCrary said. It is expected that it will take about ten days more to cover Waynesville, and some of the rural areas. The work was progressing satis fiactorily in the Canton area under the supervision of Mrs. Ray Byers. Thirty-nine enumerators are at work in Haywood. The enumerators in the Waynes ville.area, and their territory, are: Mrs. Isabella Redmond, Mt. Sterling. Mrs. Wayne McElroy, Crabtree. Jack Ferguson, Fines Creek. You Eastern Entrance Of The Great State Group Approval On For Hospital New Traffic Signal To Be Placed In j Hospital Area Within a few days motorists will find a new traffic light In front of 1 he Hospital on Highway No. 19A-23. The iK-w signal light is here and ready fer installation by the town light department. Several months ago the' town Installed a blinker light near the Hospital, but too many motorists fail to heed the warning, so a stop- and-go Mgnal light will be in stalled.. "There is a lot of traffic, and the curve and hill makes for dan gerous driving in the area," Q. C. Ferguson, town manager, said. Band, Choral Groups To Give Benefit Concert I For Travel Expenses ! Highway Dumper Turns Over; Driver Escapes Injury A nine-ton dumper used In high way construction ran off the road near Bethel School Tuesday after noon, laid down on its side in a ditch, and pinned down its driver by one leg. But all the operator, Harrison Valentine of Maggie, had to show for his experience was a minor skinning. Passersby freed him a few min utes after the accident. State Highway Patrol Corporal John L. Carpenter, who investigat ed, quoted the driver as saying the vehicle left the road when the brakes locked after they be cam overheated. Valentine was released from the Haywood County Hospital - after treatment. Crushed Stone Placed On 2 Town Streets Daisy avenue has been widened and is getting a new surface of crushed stone by the street de partment of the town. A street in Aliens Creek has also recently gotten a hew mrface of crushed stone. Mrs. Jack Chambers, Iron Duff. Wilburn Campbell, part of Ivy Hill. r Miss Fannie Campbell, also part of Ivy Hill. TMrs., Grady JV. Howell,; portion of Jonathan Creek. Mrs. M. C. Green, in Waynes ville. , Mrs. Virginia Cribble, Hazel wood. George McCracken, Hazelwood. Mrs. Jane Love Tallfer.ro, Waynesville. Mrs. W. A. Hyatt, Waynesville. Mrs. R. L. Coin, Waynesville. Mrs. France, Jones, Lake Juna luska. r Robert C. Hall, Rural area near Waynesville. t Joe Turner, Jr., also rural area near Waynesville. Haywood Plott, in rural area near city limits. i Hugh Constance, Waynesville to (See Census Page 8) Don't Count Until Smoky Mountains National Puts Formal Blueprints! Expansion State Medical Care o(Ttc)alsZ)iave formally approved plans for tttj- ex pansion to the Haywood county Hospital, which will provide 51 ad ditional beds, it was learned today from Lee Davis, administrator of the Institution. The plans are now in the hjmds of federal officials for their ap proval, and then the plans wBl be submitted to contractors for Alds. The expansion Is expected to cost $600,000, Including equipment. The building program was ap proved by Haywood voters: last fall when they voted $225,Qp0 In bonds for the project. j Mr. Davis said that it now lAoked as if actual construction wouRl get underway about July. This date de pends upon the amount of limp the federal officers take in approving the plans, it was aaid. The high school music depart ment will put on a "triple" con tort - here Thursday, April , 13th, to raise funds tor transportation to the state contests' in Greens- J borp Jatet this mantju, Two high sphool bands, and the mixed chorus will give a con cert in an effort to raise $400 needed to pay bus costs to Greensboro,'- ' - "; . V Charles Isley, director, said thut the football band and concert band, of about 50 pieces each, would par ticipate in the program, in addition to the chorus pf 100 voices. The concert band won a superior rating in Class 6 in the district meeting, which is the highest group of high school bands In the state. : - The chorus also won a superior rating in the class A group in the chorus contest. Members of the band and chorus (See Band Pace 8) Tourist Group To Publish Listings : Of This Section The Haywood Tourist Associa tion here Wednesday night aban doned the Idea of establishing and maintaining a separate information booth, other than the Chamber of Commerce office. Action came after a report of in vestigating the possibility of setting up such a booth by a committee headed by George Kimball. Carl Henry, president of the as sociation, pointed out the associa tion felt the booth would be in part a duplication of work' already being done by the Chamber of Commerce, and the added cost would not be justified at this time. The Association authorized their vice-president, Paul Hyatt, to work out details for immediate publica tion of a folder giving complete listings of every available tourist (See Tourist Page 8) LOOO-Foot Water- " Sewer Line Laid A thousand . feet of sewer and water mains have been completed in East Waynesville by the water department of the town. The work included the installation of a fire hydrant. H- ' ' i The mains were laid on the street leading off to the leftj in front of the Hospital. HUGH MASSIE IMPROVING ' -V. Hugh Massie, who was; taken ill Tuesday morning while at his place of business, was showing improve ment this morning. - Park 1950 ' $3.00 In Advance In Varied S(ervicesSlateci. In GoinniiiMty Sportsmen To Raise 10,000 Trout Ten thousand baby trout will be raiwd in Henry Campbell's pond n DelKvood to stock Haywood County's fishing streams for next season. ; Tom Campbell, Jr., president of the Haywood County Wildlife Club, said today he will go to Marion on Monday to get the trout from the State Hatchery, there, The plans for the breeding of fish for restocking the public streams Were approved last Mon day by members of the Wildlife Club. The announcement', came a few hours after State Trout Biologist Bryant of the State Wildlife, Re sources Commission. hsdlvlen his official j(jlpt'o,va toriVSwd''ai a desirable place for raising' the Ash. Members of "the club started (See Trout Paw 8) W.B.Matthews Dies In Atlanta W. B. Matthews, Sr. of Waynes ville and Atlanta, Georgia died this morning in an Atlanta hospital. Funeral services will be held in the First Baptist Church here Sat urday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Rev. h. G. Elliott, pastor will offici ate and interment will be in Craw lord Memorial Park. The body will be brought to Waynesville tomorrow. Surviving are the widow and two sons, David and Carl Matthews of Atlanta. . --. Kids Worried As Winter Returns On Circus Day Snow is distrubing enough coming on any April 6, which is about three weeks beyond the deadline Mother Nature is supposed to set for such doings, particularly in this "sunny South." But today is no ordinary April 6. Hence, the neat white blanket which was still coming down in small sections about noon today, brought special problems and anxi eties, particularly to small boys For Constable 4f I ARTHUR J. GREENE, 30-year-old World War II Marine veter an, will seek the Democratic nomination for constable of Clyde Township . in the May Primary, This will be his first race for public office. You Are ! TODAY'S SMILE At soon today, it looked as if the Easter bonny might have to wear nowshoei (or his visit Sunday. - Haywood and Jackson Counties Easter Sunrise Services, ' I Other Special J Programs Are Set ; Colorful sunrise services and other special programs will be held by churches of every denomination throughout Haywood County on Sunday morning in observance et the 1950 Easter. V : Largest of the Easter morning gatherings is again scheduled to take place at the Cross at the Lake Junaluska Methodist Assembly. There th Haywood County Metha dist Youth Fellowship will sponsot the traditional Sunrise Service. 'w Ministers from churches through out the county will take part in tho service, which will open at 6 a.m. Fifteen minutes earlier, Sunritie Services will be held at the Clyde Baptist Church, with the Rev., D. D. Gross, the pastor in charge. L Unless the weather is inclem ent, the special rites will be held In the church's upper cemetery. The Hazelwood baptist Church, with the pastor, the Rev. M. L. Lewis conducting, : will open Its Easter Sunrise Service at 6:45 a.m. Soco Mountain will be the scene of. the .Free .Methodist , Chapel's Easter Sunrise Service ' at ft a.m. Those planning to attend will guther at the Boundary Street Chapel at 5:30 o'clock for the trip to Soco. Church workers were busy this week preparing special programs for each of these dawn services. The students of St. John's School in Wayneaville, meanwhile, start ed their week-long Easter vacation after classes ended yesterday. The pupils of the county's' pub tic schools, however, will have ho extra time off beyond their cus tomary weekend. Classes will end Friday after noon, as usual, and resume Monday morning. . and girls. For today is Circus Day in Way nesville. All through the morning, anxi ous young voices asked the Mount aineer by telephone and by person al visit: , , , "Will the circus be called off on account of the snow? "Will the weather be too bad for the animals to come out?"' A quick check with the Dale Circus people, however, permitted the Mountaineer staff to give these reassuring answers: The show will go on, at the field next to Waynesville Htgh School. Snow, sleet, hail, or rain to the contrary, the afternoon perform ance will start at 3 o'clock, and th6 evening performance at 8 o'clock. (See Winter Pae 8) . -Highway - Record For ,1950 In Haywood . (To Date) Killed 2 Injured.... 9 (This Information com plied from Records of Stat Highway Fatrol). Counted

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