4 I Ecavcrdam.'. Follis To Meet Tuesday Night Residents of Beaverdam will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the fieavwdam School to name their officers for the 1950 Community Development Program. Another feature of the session also will be the showing of The Champion Paper and Fibre Com pany film, "The Price of Freedom," by Assistant County Agent Wayne Franklin. .Read the Want Ads for bargains Shelton Trio To Sing At Aliens Creek v' By MRS. EDNA HEMBREE (Mountaineer Correspondent) A song concert by thp popular Shelton Trio will feature the Al leys Creek Community Develop ment Program meeting at the Al iens Creek School at 7 p jn. Thurs day. The P.ev. C. L. Allen, community chairman will pr eside over the session. Freshman athletic schedules are planned at Perm State next fall for the first tune since before the war. . 4- iible Quiz Ansuer (Questions on Page 2) Today's Bible picture represents God's revelation of the Ten Commandments to Moses. 1)1 Hi lir AND THE LORD came down upon mount Sinai, on the top of the mount: and the Lord called Moses up to the top of the mount: and Moses went up . . . And God spake all these words, saying, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, OUt of the house of bondage. .. Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any like ness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth be neath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me; And shewing mercy unto the thousands of them that love Me, and keep My commandments. v Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for th lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain. . Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days Shalt thou labour, and do all thy Work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: In it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy (laughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattje, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and' rested on the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. V . Honour thy father and thy mother: that thv davs on the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. Thou shalt not kill. , Thou shalt not commit adultery. . . Thou shalt riot steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbour's. . AND ALL the people saw the thunderings,, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off. ;: EXODUS 19:20; 20: 1-18. From the 0xfor4 Bible. ; 't'"6 ' r PAREt THEATRE - Where you can enjoy the best pictures in comfoet 7 .J. sk&MTKDON LUXURIOUS BODIFORM UPHOLSTERED SEATS. ,A - -- a iu t r. m. nmuraayg 11 A. W. conunuoui ntKUl ODOWI 1 llfl H M Knniiav VI a-hi Q.9A 'ill II . -III PROGRAM MONDAY & TUESDAY, APRIL 10 & 11 , k J I . i V muiifiiiESsa... smr qf the mEm. COMES THE STORY OF 12 man WOMEN NV KNWTNEM( GREGORY PECIC lUKUUK-KUlUSn 37 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 WO' Y0U UUGI1 L Y0U v' Tiif a r T ' .. ., "VV 4 -I Pi c.MriON.LAKl.slrAMS f TIIURS. & FBI., APRIL 13 & 14 r HOT-AS-TKE-HEADLINES HIT! T" i 1 II I, i.l Vi I ROBERT ELIZABETH TAYLOR TAYLOR Coming To The Strand Thursday - I ' ill, ,in , iiaMMPwwwpimll'UiwIil Jul... ntnju ! Ray Mllland and Gary Cooper starring in the action paiked drama "Beau GesteV story of the JFrench Foreign Legipu coming to the Strand Theatre Thursday,". First Birthday 01 Francis Co vo CDP Observed Sat. By MRS WM. KOLLINGSWOBTH (Mountaineer Correspondent) Francis Cove celebrated Its first birthday in the Community De velopment Program Saturday night, y: 'y) .'.-:V:-; :"-' " : The residents of the Cove ob served trio occasion with a party that attracted a large audience to the Community Church. The urozram ooened with the singing of "Battle Hymn of The Ki'pubJic oy the audience. Two offerings were son as bv the young people's choir of Hettie rrankim, Kuth Boone, Sara Boone, Carol Webb, Bill Boone, Katfe Franklin, Edward Rickman, Frank Rlckman, Francis Webb, Mark Radford, and Allen Boone. , Vinson McElrov reviewed the ac- complishments and progress the oommvuuty made during Its first year of existence. The Rev. C. O. Newell of Crab tree and Iron Duff save the devo tional program, and the greeting was offered by Mrs. Henry Francis. Another feature of the program was the piano solo by Betty Frank lin of a selection by Coleman. The guests were introduced hv Community Chairman Robert Boone and Mrs. Homer West In troduced the featured speaker, Mrs. C O. Newell. In appreciation for his services in aiding with the Community De velopment Program, Assistant County Agent Turner Cathey was presented with an aluminum tray which' had been made by the Cove women at the handicraft school held recently at the home of Mrs. Henry Francis. The women also had made fdur wore trays to present to the other agents of County Agent Wayne Corpening's staff. Photographer Joe Davis of Haz elwood was on hand to take a pic ture of the community's birthday cake, the sportsmanship trophy the Francis Cove boys had won In the recent Community Development basketball tournament, and the first officers the community resi dents had elected when they or ganized their Program in 1949. Punch and cake were served by the ladles of the Cove to the resi dents and their guests from other communities. ; Among the visitors who attended Varied Program Features White Oak Meeting . By MRS GEORGE BORING (Mountaineer Correspondent) The White Oak Community De velopment Program meeting had many features of Interest Wednes day night. Co-Chairman Roe Bed ford presided, due to illness of the chairman. Devotionals were led by David Teague and Robert Fish er led In prayer. Everybody joined in singing hymns and popular songs. Several selections were sung by the Quar tet. An Easter story was then told by Mrs. George Boring, and then the quartet sang "Kneel At The Cross," after which the story of the Dog wood tree and blossom was told, as the cross pn which Christ was crucified was made of the wood of the Dogwood tree. Also the story of how the robin got his redbreast by plucking a thorn from the crown of Christ as he hung on the Cross, and the blood from the thorn touched his breast thus making it red.' :, Many items of business were dis cussed and future plans laid out. Workers on the Red Cross drive turned their, final reports over to Chairman Bob Williams. Robert Fisher helped Mr. Wil liams canvass Upper White Oak, and Mrs. Boring covered Lower White Oak members. Too, It was voted upon to change the future meeting night of the club from Wednesday to Saturday nights. The next meeting was set for April 22. Plans for a n?w club house were enthusiastically" discussed, every one present giving his own idea as to what it should he like. The 4-11 Club meeting that wag to be held at the leader's home, was changed to 8:30 at the Com munity meeting place, just prior to the Community meeting at 7:30, on April 22. Refreshments of cookies and cold drinks was then served by the ladles. News Itoms From Cecil Community By MRS. J. EDGAR BURNETT (Mountaineer Correspondent) The showing of The Champion Paper and Fibre Company film, "The Pjrw of Freedom." was held before full' house at the Friday night meeting of th Cecil, Com munity Development Program. One spectator remarked later: "It is a film wlilcb. makes you think how precious is the freedom which we have from day to day and which we seldom stop to ap preciate." Assistant County Agent Wayne Franklin was In charge of this part of the meeting. During the business session which followed, the list of special committees for the 1950 Program was. revised and a committee for visiting the sick was appointed. Community -Chairman Carl Green presided. The first Friday of each month was set as the regular date for the Community Development meetings. The residents of the community started organization for the new year the previous Tuesday night, with the election of Mr.-Green as chairman, Robert Messer as vice chairman, Mrs. George Rogers as secretary, Clyde Caldwell as treas urer, and Mrs. 3. Edgar Burnett as reporter. A capacity crowd filled the Cecil School auditorium for this session, and many more stood outside the door and the windows because even standing room in the hall had been Oiled.:"' ' it The Park Monday and Tuesday Gregory Peck and Academy Award .winner Dean Jagger starring in Darryl F. Zanuck's record-breaking picture "Twelve O'Clock High showing at the Park Theatre Monday and Tuesday.; Ex-Red to Testify Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Med ford have purchased the Ira Mas jie farm. The Massies will live In the new lovely brick home they bought near Canton. Mrs. Herbert S. Francis is at home after a week's Stay at Hay wood County Hospital where she underwent an operation. One of the first roads of Hay wood County to be paved was the Lake Logan thoroughare, which Road Commission officials term the most travelled in the county. A work crew had gravelled the highway to Ted Inman's recently. The paving will start at the Par ris Store and run as far as the Robert Messer Store in its first strip. More of the Lake Logan road will be paved after right-of-way problems are ironed out. Mrs. Edna Browning has passed the test as census enumerator for the Cecil Township. . The average cost of a television sattion is around $400,000. were Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Francis of Ratcliffe Cove, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse James, also of Ratcliffe Cove, and Mr. and Mrs. Oral Yates and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis, of Iron Duff, In addition to those previous ly mentioned. Two Shows Dally Monday through Friday 7 & 9 P.M. Saturday: Continuous Showing from 11 A.M. Sunday: 3 Shows, 2, 4 and 8:30 P. M. MON. - TUES. . WED., APR 10-11-12 Patricia Medina Collins Wclntii ' A UNIVERSAL- INTERNATIONAL PICTURE lonq );- & esa vy "X THURSDAY, APRIL 13 GARY COOPER Q RAY MIDLAND 'BEAU GESTE" Ml NEXT WEEK: BING CROSBY in "RIDING HIGH" BE WISE GET STRAND WISE Jim Reece is recuperating at his home following a, long Illness. Mrs. Lawson Reece is still con fined to bed at her. home. She has been ill for the past four months. Corporal Wallace Pressley re turned last week to his station at the Roswell, New Mexico, Air Force .Base. He had been called home two weeks before because of the serious illness of his grandfath er, George O. Allen, wno died. ft ' 1 t Twg mountaineers lyere complaln .ng about the cold. "Nearest I ever :ame to freezing," sfcid one, "was when I was holding the lantern for my wife while she cut the. kindling." Cat Stems The children were having a gresi ieal of fun playing with the young sittens. After while little Mary same running into the living room in tears. : "Mommy, Jimmy Is hurting tha tittens. He if hpldin them up by their stems." New Look At last Mikt hit it rich.' He bet on three horses and they all came in. Bubbling with good pews, he rushed some, flung a wad of greenbacks W the table and shouted: There, Baby now at last you :an go out ajid buy tome good looking clothes." , "I'll do nothing of the kind," Mrs. Mike spsnped. "Vvt going to buy the same kind other women are wearing." Exhibits A, and B - Asmall retaUer In a city had been trying for months to collect an over due bill But all his pleas and threats were completely disre garded. As ft. Jast f esort he sent snaphot of his little dauehter. Under the picture ti wrote '"The reason I must have my money,' A proniSt reply enclosed a ohoto- graph of a beautiful blend !ht I i uaumg iu, laociea: "'xne reason I can't pay." Frvda UiUy A FORMER Communist who left the party in 1031, Freda Utley (above), revealed she hat been asked by Sea Joseph McCarthy (R-Wls.) to appear before a Senate subcommit tee In Washington as a witness against Owen Lattimore, Far East ern expert At a press conference, she said her testimony will be based .on LatUmore's writings. "I think Z can prove they follow the Party line," he declared. (International) Anti-Smoke Ordinances As far back as the thirteenth cen tury, London had an antismoke regulation. As long ago as 1924, some 50 American cities had them, and in 1949 it is a rare city which does not have an ordinance aimed for smokt abatement. Left Handed Child Forcing the left-handed child to be right-handed, may cause an emotional disturbance and unusual behavior, such as stuttering or Stammering. ScxeWtVarms la Uogn - Screw warm can be controlled, but it U absolutely necessary that bog raisers chckthcir hogs every day for breaks in the skin where the eggs may be laid and the worms develoMd 18 Townet. . n iatonMeefi beheK featuring clinics 0 " Problems. 0,1 resentaUves of a!!S' Forest, Black j j SfkHWarStall.j 17 meettwl from Clyde, H Waynesvi Up 7 Csrttea Carets actually im npply of ttevafcTii crotene. durmT Wi the U. S. deD.. culture. CaroM much wanted ta vitamin A is formS H By winning thel9MJ tercollp0lnia i.... championship, Yale Lj fourth P(inGwi.:,. ... 1 -'vvuiive uut, THE WAYNESVILLE DRIVE - IN THEATRE WILL RE -OPEN WEDNESDAY APRIL 12th 7:30 P. M. NEW SCREEN The Management I pV OF THE ' JUSTICE wn itare Store This week marks the third anniversary of our business, and we wanM take this opportunHy to thank you for ywr patronage, and assure you W the same big bargains we have featured in the past wil bevailable to)'0" in thp future. Wp are not putting on a big sale, because every day is SALE DAY BARGAIN DAY at Justice Furniture Store, on Depot Street. The SAV INGS are here for you come and get them. Again, thinking you for your patronage oyer the past three yers, look forward in serving you often. HOMER JUSTICE, Owner. GEORGE PARRIS, Salesman.