delights Of The News - 'EE .YNESYI TODAY'S SMILE Among- tbos (hint most fUn opened by mistake is the month. JuJLiJCj Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park !1 vs Brother 65th YEAR NO. 30 16 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 13, 1930 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties County CDP Officers State Board 01 Elections Still In Session Adopt Plans For 1950 Moontaineee' r n I , boy needs friend a ... ' i - w v.. that will no some uauy and let this young fellow his game. This is a typi- scene, now that base- gaining momentum. kc With An Odor Is one Waynesvllle mer- ho is now a full - fledged Inhaler." iomer who had been ' eat- llv of ramps went Into a lore, and bought a pair of he clerk managed to stay habie distance away during And when the customer a hat, the clerk was also keep out of the "foul - air iked as if the salesman had e grade, and was heaving relief as he wrapped the disc for the customer. Lit, a minute son," said lip eater. "I want a pretty d one." ' salesman showed the, rack nd from a distance point- veral as being appropriate, lake this one," said the as he lifted a fire -red to the rack. "Now do me a n. I ain't used to tieing r if you'll tie It vin a pretty irm around my neck. Ill to you. I can slip it on without untieing." was the last straw. The lot in close quarters,- and Jmost "see" the ramps, as omer talked as hard as he luring the tieing. We Go Again flan .Winter can't read. Ap he doesn't know that it's night at eight o'clock, a fm was swirling through morning, it was' covered hv ph white blanket. Pld Man also left the ridges wounding hills powdered lite, ; - 1 that bird take a hint?" ne shivering Waynesvllle wsi Sunday was Easter. pall season has started IStronz Stovall, Wavnesvill Wn Must back from Florida, U. S. Rep. George' Smath !Wod County native now 1 Miami, Is going strong in w take Claude Pepper's S. Senate. ' P In assets, reports Mr. are his Dersnnalttv .nil hto i ...... j ..,u .lid . his ideas across to diences-either in person :' broadcasts. "a his observatinna ' (nHI. V favorite particularly a- COLDER "icooi y partly nZ, 818,101 M. Min. Rainfall 74 70 62 40 48 30 .01 flier V- j By MRS. GEORGE BORING County Community Development Reporter Community chairmen and coun ty director of the Haywood County Community Development Program last Monday night adopted details of the 1850 activities in a busy session that marked their first of ficial gathering of the new year. It was the first meeting of the officials who had been elected to guide the organized communities and the county-wide program as a whole through its second year since their election this winter. Among other major action, they: 1) Adopted the recommenda tions of the Development Pro gram's recreation commission for the summer program; 2) Re-elected the Rev. C. L. Allen as recreation commission chairman; . 3) Made plans and set specific dates and places for several spe cial events; 4) Agreed to continue last sum mer's policy of holding intercom munity field days and farm tours; 5) Discussed specific farm and community problems and projects t for example, organization of new Boy Scout troops, establishment by more communities of committees to visit the sick and others in dis tress, establishment of better fenc ing, and methods of solving the stray-dog problem. These special events are plan ned: ', . April 26 Poultry Tour through a nearby county; May 23 Livestock Field Day at the Waynesvllle Armory, with lo cal merchants cooperating; June 4 County Community De velopment Program Day, at Lake Junaluska; (See County ProgramPage 8) Students To Elect New Officers The students of Waynesvllle High School began their spring elections for Student Council of ficers last week by holding the class primaries. ...'Those nominated for President were: Charlton Davis, Linton Palm er, Jimmy Swift, and Margaret Reese.' Those nominated for Vice-Presi dent were: Danny McClure,.Dibe Early, Mary Michal, and George Dewey Stovall. Secretarial nominees are; Ann Coman Crawford, Betty Jo Ray, WHburn Davis, and Joel Burrell Stanley Wlllamson, Tom Cogdill, Elizabeth Watkins, and Billy Rog ers were nominated for treasurer. The election is to be held April 20 and 27. These officers will serve for the 1050-51 school term. Listing Of All Tourist Places Is Being Compiled The Haywood Tourist Associa tion are compiling a complete list of all places catering to tourists The list will be printed Immediate ly, and distributed through the Chamber of Commerce. Officers of the Association and Chamber of Commerce today urg ed all places to contact Mrs. Schenck, at phone 433 immediately, and give the correct listings for the folder. No charges are being made for the listings, as the cost will be paid for from dues to the Associa tion. Details" of Information wanted will be found In an advertisement on page one second section in this issue. Two Fires In Keep Smoke - It had to happen some time, and Waynesville had two fire trucks to meet the emergency. At 6:05 p.m. yesterday. Chief Clem Fitzgerald got an alarm to fight a dangerous brush fire in a lot back of a group of irame houses at the corner of Assembly and Oak. Exactly five minutes later, the second truck went racing out to fight another dangerous brush fire off Park Drive in Hazelwood. . Both teams of firemen arrived to stop flames four to five feet high, sweeping on a high wind, toward private homes. Heads Rotarians RICHARD BARBER was eltcted president of the Waynesvllle Rotary Club this week. He' will assume oTice July first, succeed ing Jonathan Woody. Barber Is New President Here Of Rotary Club Richard N. Barber. Jr., was elec ted president of the Waynesvllle Rotary Club by the newly elected seven-man board of directors. Mr. Barber will take office on July first succeeding Jonathan Woody who will become vice. president for the coming year. W. M. "Bill" Cobb was named secretary, and Russ Klbbe, Jr., treasurer, and Billy Dover assist ant treasurer. Plans were completed for the new officers and members to at tend the district ; conference In Hickory on April 20-22. Lyman Reed has' been" tiaraed" chairman ot the committee to get a large dele gatlon from here to attend. Mr. Barber expects to attend the international convention in Detroit this June. Dave Felmet was nam ed as alternate. Mr. Barber Joined the Club In 1943, and has served as a member of the board of directors and is secretary this year. In 1948 he was chairman of the March of Dimes campaign. He Is also a member of the board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce, and chair man of the Building Committee of the First Baptist church. Former Pastor Here Dies In -Richmond, Va. The Rev. Albert S. Anderson, former pastor of the Presbyterian church here, died in Richmond, Virginia Tuesday. Funeral services will oe held in the Cramerton Presbyterian church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock with the pastor, the Rev. J, H. Dulln, officiating. Interment Mil be in Green Hill Cemetery. Waynesville, at 3 p. m. The Rev. Malcolm WU liamson, pastor of the Waynesvllle flresbvterian church, i will assist with the graveside rites. An honorary escort will accom pany the body to Waynesville from Cramerton where Mr. Anderson served as pastor in more recent years. . - - GEORGE BROWN IN HOSPITAL George Brown, Sr., Is a patient at the Haywood County Hospital recovering from injuries received recently in a fall. LUTHER McKAY Luther McKay, who was taken ill while at work at the Unagusta, is now at home and is doing nlcelyi 5 Minutes Eaters Busy Chief Fitzgerald reported -the flames were extinguished with rakes and water before they did any damage beyond that to dead brush and some old stumps. The wind-driven flames were on ly a' few feet from one large frame house at the Assembly-Oak site when the firefighters checked it. The Park Drive blaze also was dan gerously close to' a large frame home which had been shut down for the winter. The flames had swept over more than an acre of the lot in Hazel wood. , Sogers State Board Still In Session At Noon Today The State Elections Board was still in session at noon today in regard to investigations of alleg ed election irregularities In several western counties. The Associated Press, replying to a Mountaineer telephone query,' reported the Board had made no! announcement up to that time in connection with any action it may have taken in its meeting. Nation-Wide Advertising Given Local Plant Product A Waynesvllle product was feat ured in a nation-wide advertising program last week-end, with more due In the near future. "Koolfoam" pillows, made by The Dayton Rubber Company In the Waynesvllle plant, wore adver Used in a page advertisement In Life magazine last week. This full page Was In black and white, and is Is' understood that in the near future the article will be advertised in national publications in full color. ' All the pillows made by Dayton are manufactured in the Waynes vllle plant. Elks Lodge Votes $175 Collogo Aid To Student The Waynesvllle Elks Lodge last Tuesday night voted college aid to an unidentified Waynes ville Township High School senior. The Installation of the county- wide Lodge's 1950 officers featur ed the regular session. Grand District Deputy Master C D. DeVault, aided by three com panions from the Ashevllle Lodge. formally invested Alvln T. Ward as exalted ruler, M E. Davis, es teemed leading knight; Robert Korte, esteemed loyal knight; Hugh Daniel, esteemed lecturing knight; James W. Reed, Jr., secretary; Joe Casabella, treasurer; and O. L Noland, tyler. In regard to the $175 scholarship fund, the Elks voted this as a mem orial to the late L. H. Bramlett, (See Elks Pape 8) 2 Improvement Projects At Lake Are Being Pushed Work on the new 555-foot bridge across the dam at Lake Junaluska Is moving rapidly. All the old part of the bridge has been torn away, and moved. Workmen are now putting in the new tim bers. The bridge will be paved In stead of having a wooden floor as formerly. Excuvations have been complet ti IV! K 3 V1 ' -SM I T H lit ! L. c This interesting arrangement of Senatorial campaign banners intrigued Young Democrats at their recent regional rally in Ashevllle. First, supporters of Willis Smith put up their sign. Soon, 'adher ents of Bob Reynolds spread their banner above Smith's sign. A little Jater, Senator Frank Graham's supporters hung the top sign with their slogan: "Frank Graham is Already There." (Photo courtesy of the Asheville Citizen-Times). : pesigns;; 3 Guest Preacher 3 REVV D. L. DANIEL, pastor of the First Baptist church of elln dersonville,. will do the preach ing at the revival services begin ning here Sunday morning at the First Baptist church, The services will last for one week, and will be held each evening, at 7;30. County MYF Rally Set For April 30 Plans for a county-wide Vouth Rally were completed by the Coun cil of the Methodist Youth Fellow- , ship '-"Sub-District,, at. thdlf mect r4iNs't,Mfrtduy night. v- The Rally is to be held at Camp Hope April 30. The program, which begins at two o'clock, will consist of a "get acquainted" period, an assembly to elect new officers, three classes, supper, recreation, and a worship service in which tthe new officers Will be installed. The three classes are: Worship, taught by the Rev. Jv E. Yountz; Boy and Girl Relationship, taught by the Rev, Asmond Maxwell; and "What It Means To Be a Chris tian," with Mrs. Culberth teaching. The committees appointed by Jimmy Galloway, President of the group, were: Registration Anne BischofT, chairman; Publicity- Geraldlne Fish, chairman; Recre ationRose Ann Duckelt; and Worship, Chris Gales. Jerry Alexander of Canton will serve as Toastmaster during sup per, ed for the $100,000 Motel near the West Gate at the Lake, and Dr. Frank S. Love, superintendent, said yesterday that present plans Were to begin actual construction early next week. The 30-unit Motel will be push ed to completion for use the early part of this season, it was pointed out,,' Political Signs Of The ! v.-:- i I n IS 01K f2, TA tAA 6 u V Wi'A '. HO QS ROOM- 428- Saturday At Six Is Last Time To File For Primary So far, 36 candidates all but two ot them Democrats have filed officially for nomination for county public offices. This does not Include everyone who has made a public announce ment of his candidacy. Others are expected to file formally before the deadline which is 6 p.m. Saturday, April 15. Meanwhile, the new elections chairman late yesterday afternoon swore In the registrars and Judges for the county's 24 precincts. These were named last Satur day afternoon after the county .board members took their Oaths of office.. , Following the swenrlng-ln cere mony yesterday afternoon, the pre cinct officials received their in structions on local elections mat ters. . Mr. Cole also announced that the registration books for the com ing May 27 State Primary would open at 9 a.m. April 29. The official lineup through noon today was as follows: (D Demo crat, R Republican): For State House of Rep'resenta lives W, G. Byers, (D), Oral Yates, iD); ,For State Senate W. "M. (Bill) Mcdford, (D); Sheriff Fred Y. Campbell (D), Charles E. (Bill) Milner (D), L Medford Lcathcrwood (D). Claude V. Thompson (R); Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Glen A. Boyd (R). David F. Underwood, Jr. (D), C. C. Francis (D); Member, Board 'of Commlssion- er D. J. JVolanrHQV Way Mease (D), Jarvls H. Allison XD), Gaston Burnetts '(D), James E. Hender son (D), Frank R. Medford (D), R. L. Justice ID); Member. Board of Education James Klrkpatrlck (D), Jack L. West (D), Marvin Leatherwood (D), Jennings McCrary (D), C. R. Fran cis (D); Clerk, Haywood Superior Court C H. Leatherwood (D); Register Of Deeds P. D, Turner iD)' Jule Noland (D); Tpx Collector Vanar W. Haynes ID), Sebe T. Bryson (D); Coroner Dr. J. Frank Pate (D); (See 36 Candidates Page 8) New Policeman Joins Waynesville Police Force WaynesvlIIe's newest policeman Is at work making his rounds. He's 22-year-old Ray Whltener of Waynesvllle, who Joined the Dp partment Saturday to start his police career. Mr. Whltener was employed by the Dayton Rubber Company of Hazelwood at the time he was ap pointed to the local force. Active as an athlete when he was in Waynesvllle High School, he still kept It up later, anl last season played for the Hazelwood baseball club of the Western North Carolina Industrial League. His wife is the former Miss Mary Henson of Jackson County, Times .Jj Hat In Ring . PI rr fl i 1 ' A- ! ; ( N- V 1 i -i ' N;, BILL MILNER. ex -Duke All America and Chicago Bear end from Har elwood, is seeking the Democratic nomination for Hay-' wood County sheriff. He filed of ficially for the May Democratic Primary last Tuesday afternoon. Pro Grid Ace Files As Candidate For Haywood Sheriff Charles E Bill) Milner. 38-year old pro football player from Hazel Wood, last Tuesday filed formally la a candidute for the Democratic nomination for Haywood County sheriff. 'y -'..- ... Milner, World War ll ; Marine veteran,-served on-.OiHlf t-n(l (See Milner Pane 8) Frank R. Medford Is Candidate For Commissioner Frank R. Medford. a nrocresslve farmer of the Crabtree section, has iormally announced that he is a candidate for the nomination as a member of the board of commis sioners. .This is Mr. Medford's first time to ever seek office, although his father, the late W. R. Medford, was a former sheriff of Haywood. Mr. Medford owns and operates a 400-acrc farm, and is one of the county's largest stockraisers. -I He is an Elk and an active mem ber of his church. C. Of C. Banquet Tickets Go On Sale Tickets for the annual Chamber of Commerce banquet went on sale yesterday. The banquet is slated for Friday, April 21st, with Carl Goerch, editor-publisher of The Slate, as the speaker. Accomodations have been made for 300 persons, and the demand for tickets is expected to exceed the supply. Another Series Of 'Go To Church Pages' Start Today marks the beginning of a second series of a "Go To Church Page" which has been running con tinuously since, last October. . The special feature, published every Thursday, has met with pop ular reception throughout the area. The messages have a definite appeal, and are always accompani ed by art work of merit. The sponsors for the page for the next six months include 28 local business firms, who make this feature possible. .They include: Belk-Hudson, Cagle Furniture Company, Canton Motor Company. Carolina Mutual Insurance Agency, Central Cleaners. Charlie's Place, and Texaco Station, Davis-Liner Motor Sales, Inc., Firestone Home and Auto Supply, Garrett's Furni ture, and Garrett Funeral Home, Haywood Electric Membership Corporation. James Furniture, Junaluska Sup ply, Hyatt Plumbing Co.fE. 3. Lilius, Jeweler, Reno Pure Oil Station, Massie's Furniture C o., Rogers Electric Company, Sher ill's Studio, Smith's Drug Store. Texaco Products, Underwood Frank D. Ferguson, Jr., Is Now A I Member Of Board Frank D. Ferguson, Jr.. Waynes vllle attorney, was named as a member of the Haywood Board of Election filling the vacancy cre ated by the resignation of Jerry Rogers, 'former chairman. - The appointment of Mr. Fergu son was made by the State Board of Elections In . Raleigh Wednesday afternoon. The announcement was made by Charles M. Brltt, of Ashe ville, chalnnan of the board. Rogers, the only old member of the board who had been reappointed was : sworn in on Saturday. His res- i 1 ... II m " ignauon was eltec- tlve at six o'clock r Wednesday, A p r 11 I 12: . K This was the sec- u ond time In less than a month that ROGERS Ferguson has been named as a member of the board. He was first appointed on March 18th whan the State Board of Elections held its regular meeting for naming county boards. Five daya later, Ferguson, to gether with Roy Haynes and Glenn Boyd, were removed when the State Board met hurriedly In Ra leigh and rescinded the appoint ments of 15 persons who Aad not been recommended by their county party leaders. The Haywood Democratic Execu tive committee had recommended three men for places on the board of elections Rogers, C. E. Cole and Arthur H. Osborne. Shortly af ter the recomifiondatlong4 were sent to Raleigh, Mr. Osborne wrote a tcUer asking not to be considered, due to other duties. This left Rog-' ers and Cole on the recommended list for the Democrats, and both (See Rogers Pace 8) Local Girls To Go To State FHA Rally Ten girls from the Waynesville High School FHA Club will leave Friday to attend the State FHA Rally in Raleigh. Miss Elsie Palmer, a club mem ber, will model a dress in the state fashion show Saturday. Those going are: Braxton Crock er, Mouriene Carver, Anna Messer, Betty Sheehan, Carolyn Saver, Ma ritta " Dlllard, Llbby Pattoiu Mar garet Vickery, and Margaret Nol and.' While in Raleigh the girls will hi, L, .. n,.n..t. Af ft;.... n .. : o Francis, a student at Meredith Col lege, for supper. On their return trip they plan to tour the Duke University Cam pus and the campus of Woman's College in Greensboro. Mrs. John Nesbitt, faculty advis or for the club will accompany the girls. Sinclair Service, The Towne House, Waynesville Auto Parts Co., Waynesville Laundry, Waynesville v ow Ull UCII , I " ' J 11. ville Radio Service, and Waynes ville Drive-In Theatre. Highway Record For ' 1950 ' In Haywood (To Date) Killed.... 2 Injured. ... 9 (This information com piled from Records of Stats Highway Patrol). 1 h

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