,,v Afternoon, April 1", 1C3 Till: WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER fa; z ( AQORICA'S 3 GQOAT iRDEHIUG AIDS NOIVI iieep things grow beautiful best xP0 . u'L ,f."v UPeSt provide oil lectio" most oaf- lO-WeS destroys f ,00 diff.reM w..d. U, roots, stems ondalll I t & 1 . Tm-T If -' c TTT rt i i . i i I l. D 1 ... m.l .1 'fca la. ! I ,1TIII I f i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 " mm P-l 4 MODEl' ONLY $1JIS.95 EASY TERMS if Imagine a famous quality EASY washer at a price like this! The new Easy "Economy" is packed with wanted features to give you the best, easiest washdays you've ever known. Has big family size porcelain finish tub,' Proven Performance Aluminum Agitator, Mod ern Streamlined Safety Wringer and Quick-drain Pumps. See it today I " National Safety Award Given Enka Third Time American Enkr Corporation has von the Nations! Safety Council's I Distinguished Service to Safety Award for the third time according to a recent announcement by Ned H. Dearborn of Chicago, Council j President. I The Award is presented for out- i standing achieven.ent in maintain ing low injury frequency and in jury severity rates and by sharply reducing the injury severity rate in comparison vith the previous year. Of the thirteen textile nlants in the United States which have re ceived the Award, only three, in cluding , Enka, have qualified for the Award three times or more. Enka becomes the second plant in this State to be accorded this honored distinction. Mr. Dearborn also announced that American Enka now ranks third in the textile plants division in the. entire United States for bet terment of accident prevention, low injury frequency and injury sever ity. , . . ' In addition to this national roe- ognition, word hes been received from Forrest E. Shuford. State Commissioner of Labor, that for the third consecutive year Enka has qualified for ,the U. S. aitd N. C. Departments of Laboc "Cer tificate of Safety Achievement." YOUNG SLEUTHS HALT DANK BREAK t r 1 ....... V v. 1 rr ML .... - , 1 c U 1 .nr?nnor n i L , v u lust one look will tell vou hy the 50 Ford is style show all by itself . . . why it's the ? csr in sufmatiit history to twice receive the Fashioo Academy's Gold Slrdal Award as "Fashioo Car of the Year" (and two years in row, at that!) i nn 12) ior.8BB CREDITED BY POLICE of East Dubuque, I1U with thwarting an attempted bank robbery, six embryo G-Men gather about broken window through which three other "teen-agers had allegedly sought to gain en trance to the bank building. All three were captured. The boy heroei (1. to r.) are: Earl Haskin, 15; Fred Jungwirth, 16; Bill Budden. 16; Dave Freidlein, 15, Darrel Sendt, 18, and Charles Kraft, 15. (International) No other tar la FonTs teld offers so much hip and shoulder room. The 'SO Ford is big and (eels bin. The minute you take this great car out on the road you'll feel its luxurious big car coat tort, its effortless "Finger-Tip steer ing and its solid readability. A tea minute "Test Drive" will convince you that the '50 Ford is truly Mr. Big for spaciousness, for comfort, toe per forma oce and for value. C. N. ALLEN & CO. lane 48 . Hazclwood Operetta To Be Presented At Clyde School An operetta, "Hansel and Gret el." will be presented at the Clyde school auditorium, Friday at 7:30 p.m., by students of the second and third trades. The program, which is directed by Mrs. R. C. Cannon, teacher of the two grades, was presented In March and met with such success that a request was made for it to be repeated. The second 'perform--anre Is belli? eiven fnr the benefit of the school (not ball campaign. The cast included Van Metcalf as Hansel, Carol McClure as Cret el, Hoyt -.Hooper, as a bear, Cath erine Jenkins as the mother, Joe Haynes as the father, Amelia Rob inson as the witch, and Ronnie Hall and Stanley Caddis as sand men. As an added attraction for the evening the rhythm band, com posed of 00 primary students, will make its first public appearance In new uniforms. NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION .IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA, ' HAYWOOD COUNTY. ARTHUR KOCH VS CLARA H. KOCH The defendant above named will take nolioe llu.t the above entiled action was commenctd in the Superior Court of '.Hay wood Coun ty, for an absolute' divorce. -on the grounds of In'idelity, and thai summons in the above entitled cause was issued against th(f de fendant on the 1 2th day of April, 1950, by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina; which said summons Is ret ui liable before said Clerk nt his offlcp in the Cily of Waynesville, North Carolina, on Ihe filii day of May,-. 1030, ' when and where the defendant is .required to appear and answer or demur to the com plaint, or the relief demanded will bo granted. DIXli: CAMl'llKLL Ass'l. Clerk Superior Court Haywood County. 1930 A 13-20-27 M, 4 r L v 4,- ij & it hp, 'j. ';' n I w s s s r ' ... GET THE GREAT NEW NO'NOX- DESIGNED FOR WK'S POWERFUL NEW ENGINES h if- . . . i r,T' - i i i t iii GREAT FOR NEW CARS' '"':-.'" y. "" - ' G,ulf wicntists worked hand-in-hand with leading automotive. en8inccrs to bring you this great new gasolinedesigned to jjVe Peak performance in today's powerful new engines! With new No-Nox, you'll get whisper-smooth power thrilling UP quick, safe passing and unexcelled mileage! GREAT FOR OLDER CARS ! The new No-Nox actually gives smooth new vigor, new pep, and stops knocks in older cars too even many with heavily carboned engines! If you want to get the vory best out of your present car jack-rabbit starts surging hill power and plenty of miles per gallon fill up with the new No-Nox today! Get Gulf's greatest gasoline-terrific power in every drop! The WVSl W (Good Gulf our famous "regular" gasoline is now better than ever, tool) eS V S. W. ENLOE, Distributor And Your Local Good Gulf Dealers 18 Towns To Be Represented At Canton Meeting ' A regional meeting of the North Carolina League of Municipalities will be held April 18 at Canton featuring clinics on town and city problems. Expected for the. session' are rep rcsentatives of Asheville, Blllmoro Forest, Black Mountain, Columbus Burnsvllle, Brevard, Dundarach, East Flat Rock, Hendersonvllle, Hot Springs, Lake Lure, Laurel Park. Marshall, Mars Hill, Rosman, Saluda, an Wpavcrvllle, as well as Canton. A similar meet ins is set for April 17 at Bryson City, with delegates from Clyde, Hazclwood, and Waynesville scheduled to attend. if. I J ---T?''v' -51' : ! -iiiwiimfwufi . ' ' 'r'f . . 7f?A . - U j UE!1!!11I!SS3 bin V . : And Champion of its Class for ECONOMY Here's real evidence of Ford's extraordinary pas economy. Ill the official AAA supervised Mohiliias Grand (unyon kconomy Run, a ')0 Ford Six equipped wuh Overdrive1' won in its class the three full-site cars'i'n the low-price field. Low first cost, low operating cost and hith resale value murk Ford V-8 ' "Six" as the "Bis Economy Package" in its field. "Test Drivel It at your Ford Dealer's today. (Am'MUt mi mn mQ Tfir DRIVE" IT AT YOUR FORD DEALER'S ... r.a -.":..-'-::'...'''.. .''' .!. I Davis - Liner Motor Sales, inc. Phone 52 Waynesville WHAT will the 1950 sis s this Area? Your Guess Might Win A VALUABLE PRIZE Hothing To Buy Holhing To Sell EVERY ON CAN ENTER Except Enumerators- Thcsc two banks, just like you, arc interested in know inu what the 1950 census will show for our county, our towns. We are staging this contest in the interest of Civic Pride and from an educational standpoint, and without any commercial affiliations. Stop in today at either bank, and fill out a blank giving your guess as to the 1950 census figures. YOU may WIN one of the THREE valuable prizes. Hurry, the first cor rect answer WINS. 3 Census Results to Guess Haywood County - -"v r- n 35 W Waynesville Hazeluood n n n wwm THE FIRST CORRECT ANSWER GIVEN WINS (Each Guess Will Be Timed) Get an Official Blank at Either Bank Today-Time is Limited This Contest Staged As A Public Service By The The . first State Bank First Haiional Dank IIAZELWOOD WAYNESVILLE MEMBERS FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 1. I