TO WOMEN activiTIE, CLUB Office Phone MRS. BEN SLOAN, Editor Home Phone 462-J OF INTERE ST Benefit Party To Be Given By Woman's Club Announcement was made today of a benefit card party to Ik? held Wednesday, April 26, at 7:30 p, m. The affair, sponsored by the Waynesvilie Woman's Club, will be held in the display room of Davis-Liner Motor Sales, Arrangements for the- party are In charge of a committee com posed of Mrs. Virgil Smith, chair man, Mrs. Carl Mundy, Mrs. C. F. Klrkpatrlek. Mrs. Charles Ray, Mrs. W. M. Cobb, Mrs-Charles Ketner, Mrs. Will Fahrion and Mrs. John Hipps. w , Eojot new outfits every seuon . ; ; and sit. It'i to esy With in All-New NEW HOME. See the distinctive , new foodels tody. Shfratdh Style Table 637,' in ma hbg&ttf. bleached mahogany, and ttalflUt. Easy Terms. 20 Year Guarantee. i it Htm x i o oiah j C. N. ALLEN & CO. Phone 48 Hazelwood V) MASSIE'S BIG Downstairs Store of ' Shoe BARGAINS I Mil I ' ' MMW W . I J -i. AND UP J Also Complet Selection For MEN - BOYS CHILDREN AT ECONOMICAL PRICES Save Here On Shoes Senior Prom Is Colorful Event At St. John's One of the most eagerly antici pated events at St. John's School, the Senior Prom, was held in the school audiiorium Monday even ing. This year's prom theme was based on the song, f'f$lue Moon," and decorations were unusually at tractive. Dark blue crepe paper, studded with silver stars, covered the celling, and a half-moon shone against the drawn curtains of the stage. Table were arranged along the walls and were concealed from the dancing area by blue paper streamers. Reigning over the affair were Queen Doif Keihast and King Hal lett Ward, who were crowned In rolorful ceremonies during the dance. the coronation followed a grand rriarch ltl which the couples par ticipating fbrrried an drfch for the foyal ptaeesslon. Miss betie Hannah was the honor attendant for the tjueen and was escorted by Jtick Willis. Other maids were Glhny Kernan with Tudor Hall and Barbara Jean Pbtts with Tommy Hudson. The girls wor dresses of different pastel Shades and the queen was attired In White tulle. Refreshments were served during the evening. Serving as chaperons and assist ing With the prom were Mrs. Wil liam Hannah, Mr. and Mis. Hal Iftt Ward, Mr. Raymond Lane1, Mrs. E. J. LIllUS, Mrs. Wnlt r Taliaferro', Mrs.1 Leo Miirtel, Mrs. N. F. Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kctner, Mr. and Mrs. John llipps and William Sanderson. Special guests for the prom were students of the music school of St. johh'S and a number of Way nesvilie High School students. Mrs. Sam Jones has returned from a visit to her son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Don Honey, cutt, in Waukegan, Illinois. SS-' ' , "Bett Draflds Mean Better Buys" Luxurious Cotton Gown Dainty pink lingerie. By VERA WINSTON SOME of the daintiest, the pret tiest lingerie seen in many a sea son is of cotton. AH the loving care usually lavished on fine silk hat been bestowed on this charming nightgown of pale pink cotton of very sheer, fine quality. Matching embroidered banding is worked into a pretty neckline and is Set-In ' at the wmpt. The bodice is finely pleated above the waist Below the waist turks are released into the gentle fullness of the akirt. There ia a matching ribbon sash in back. Mrs. J. L. Carwilc left Wednes day' for Lynchburg, Virginia to be with her sister, Miss Lena Drake, who was injured in an automobile accident en route to Washington, D. C. . ' ' , v Jri 5 for Town, Country Spring and Summer! 1 Miss Lois Miller Is Bride Of h R. Jackson Miss Lois Miller, daughter of Mrs. Howard Cagle and the late Hadldean Sillier of Way'nesville, became the bride of John Richard Jackson, son of Mrs. Alice Jack son and the late R. W. Jackson of Waynesvilie, in a ceremony which took place at the Ratcliffe Cove Methodist Church at noon on last( Saturday. The Rev. Paul Taylor pronounc ed the vow;, using the double ring ceremony. The church Was decorated with baskets of gladioli, white carna tions, and lilies against a back ground of ivy. Branched candelab ra were also used. Prior to the wedding Jimmy Galloway, pianist, presented a pro gram of music, which included "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life," "Oh, Promise Me." "Because." and "the Rosary". The traditional wedding marches were played as proces sional and recessional. The bride and bridegroom en tered the church together and were lihattended. the bride wore a Spring stilt Of navy blue with navy and white accessories and her cor sage was of gardenias. Usher, were Jack Af rlngtoh of Wayhest'ljle and H. W. Jackson, brother of the bHdegrodm, of Quonsct Point, Rhode Island. Immediately after the ccrehibnv at the church the couple left by tar for a wedding trip through the South. Mrs. Jackson received her edu cation in (he Waynesvilie 'schools and is now employed at Curtis Drug Store. The groom who hds the rank of quartermaster, first class, has serv ed for the past four years in the United Slates Coast Guard, bur Irig World War It he served four years lh the Navy, most of which was spent in the Pacific theatre. He is a graduate of Wayhesville township High School and is ndw stationed in Baltimore, Md. Out of town guests at the wed ding included Mr. and Mrs. Ruftis W. Jackson of Quonset Point, R. l. Crabtree YWA Holds Meeting the Young Woman's Auxiliary of the Crabtree Baptist Church met tucsday at the home of Mrs. Spen cer Fisher at Fines Creek; Mrs. Charles Noland, president,; was In charge.';;. Plans were made for a picnic to be held in May. Following the business the pro gram was eiven hv rill mftnhtt-s presentincluding Mrs. Hugh Walk er, Mrs. OMIle Alien, Mrs. Speh cer Fisher, Miss Geraldine Allen, Miss Betty Jo Allen, MlSs Dorothy Haney. Miss Lane ;Walker, Miss flettv LoU Walker. Miss Rtith tlil. lett, and Mrs. Charles Noland. During the social hoUr the host ess was assisted in sprvlhi? hv Mite geraldine Allen. Rogers Cove Home Club Holds Meeting the regular meeting of the Rog ers Cove Home Demonstration Club was held Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. L. Yarborough with Mrs. David Riley, president, in charge. the devotional was given by Mrs. Horace Crawford. During the business session the grolip decided to hold night meet JngS in order to include ladies In the cohimunity who are not able to attend the day meetings. Recipes were submitted for the county' Wide cook book. The demonstration, "My Best Dress," given by Miss Mary Corn Well, home agent. Leaders reports included Mrs. Horace Crawford on house furnish ings, Mrs. Carey McCracken on home management; and Mrs. Davis Riley on family life. Miss Com well Gives Demonstration At Club Meeting Miss Mary Cdrnwell gave thfe dorndhstrallon on "My Best Dress," at the April meeting of the Francis Cove Home Demonstration Club held Wednesday afternoon at the hOitie of Mrs. Bill Hollihgsworth. Mrs. Henry Francis presided and Mrs. troy Wyche gave the devd tlonal. Plans were made to work with the Iron buff club oh a jdlnt exhibit for National Home Dem onstration Club Week, a discus sion was held on the Club's partici pation in, the coUnty-wlde essay contest; and Mrs troy Wythe was named chairman of a publicity committee. Project leaders reporting Were Mrs. Henry Francis, Miss Vinson McElroy, Mrs. troy Wyehe, Mrs. R. C. Richman, and Mrs. Homer West '-.' A social hour Wis enjoyed fol lowing the meeting. Girl Is On Boys' Golf Team 4 'J :'! ' ''r,(--',:iw Jane thomas (left), outstanding girl golfer Of Salisburyhas earned a regular position on the men's golf team of Catawba College. She is planning strategy with Tommy Llewellyn (right), a member of the team. Jane Is a junior at the college. She will compete against men's teams from other colleges and will ask no quarter. AP). Miss Cdtheyls Honored At Party In Clyde Mrs. Robert Murphey:-entertain ed Ihformally at a buffet supper at her Home in Clyde Saturday even ing, honoring Miss Lucille Cathey of Greensboro, who spent the Easter week-end with her mother, Mrs. thad Cathey, in Clyde, The Easter motif was observed in the living room .and dining room where miniature baskets, colored" eggs, and rabbits, decorated the mantel and tables. '' After-dinner games Included de signing and coloring eggs, and an egg-rolling contest. , ' Mrs. Harry Swartz of Portland, Oregon, sister-in-law of the hos tess, was a special guest. Others present Included Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hutchison and Mr. and Mrs. Chick Moses of Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs. Bryson Ledford and Alflin McKinnifih of Canton, Mr. and Mrs. tiugh Francis of Waynes vilie, Miss Doris Brown. Miss Gla dys Chadwell, Milton Brown, Glenn William Brown, Sammy Kay Haynes, and Joe Haynes. Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Haynes, parents df Mrs. Murphey, assisted in entertaining. D.A.R. Will Meet Friday At 3:30 The Dorcas Bell Love Chapter, Daughters of the American Revo lution will meet at The Retreat to morrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Mrs.' Robert Osborne and Mrs. J.. F. Aoel will be hostesses and Mrs. J. W. Killian will preside. LAFP lZi&S-- - - r ijmrt un, ton nTem iyxoicati, Im, woils v "I fell out of i Eddy Weatherby Is Honored At Birthday Party Mrs. Carlcton Weatherby enter tained with a party at Miss Llhd sley's Kindergarten Tuesday morn ing in honor of her son, Eddy Weatherby, who was celebrating his fourth birthday. Faster colors were used In the party appointments and favors were balloons, candy baskets and paper hats. Various games were played and prizes were awarded to the 'win r.ers. .. Mrs. Weatherby was assisted by Mis& Sue Willard Llndsley, teach er of the kindergarten. The guests In addition to Eddy, were Marietta Campbell, Mary Barber, Mary Mae Moore, Mary Linda Sloan, Sara Jane League. Cathey Massie, Carey Howell, Mlmi Rollman, Charles Hendley, tommy Walker, Lanny Rollman, Freddie Whisenhunt, Harris Pro vost and Jimmy Medford. G. S. Troop Names Officers - New officers and patrol leaders for Girl Scout troop No. 4 were elected Wednesday night at a meet ing at the Girl Scout Hut, Betty Ann Brown was named president and Anne Bischoff was re-elected secretary-treasurer. Pat rol leaders elected are Vivian WatkinS; Joan Morris, and Mary Osborne. . Leaders for the troop, a senior group, are Miss Mary Lu ElWood and Mrs. John Carpenter. - A - DAY iam hatvin, tres oq tWone Mrs. William Hannah and daugh ter, Bette Hannah, and ton, Win gate Hannah, left this morning for a vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nonnan and children have returned to their home in Aliens Creek community after spending the winter at Fort Myers, Florida. S he p p eS Fashions at your price You'll bo going around in "circles" this Spring in Sheppe's "WHIRL-WIDE" $ -.'5:-:' Swirling skirts (240 inches of wonder ful swing) . Vibrant skirts boldly 5,,! .i,:iu 1!1.. r tin ttnn in WfiWHCU Willi IlVt-iy tUlUlO- - VI AlllV " Sheppe's 123 Main Street-Strand Theatre Waynesville's Newest-Finest Keith, ar J. , G,t 5'bs J Bryson City as "g 1 !' Mrs. MackV Jim Page 0f ,,, 'rned home re t C John Owens of for the ihritt and t)f 1st til t un. hi. shop Sheppe'J Of llnlf cUn J. I that lend W tl.- t i 1 iiiiut'iy; $5.95 -. Others To $10 SI At last! Dresses in hard-to-fit M Sj2es, arc styled to make the of your best points ,. mize those you'd prti luigvi. iui onivnoesoH group of half sues do that . . . but they're ma fashion's most popula: 'rics ... in all the o pastel shades and ntf of the new seasor.l -one & two piece st one and two p sytlcs Si7.cs 16'! to 30 fiesti blous in fine sanfori? with exquip e nioideries pastels. Sizes ml X X J X3 i

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