today's .::lc Customer (la iroi store oa Sunday n orning): Tlease fire me change for a dime." Dru grist: "Here yon are. I hope yoa enjoy the tennoa." nf a to Of The flews Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Jl And On 65th YEAR NO. 36 18 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News . WAYNES VR.LE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 4, 1950 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties dsiigW The Waynssyille i0! ito: IK turc F01 fOl way of 1 W in the a ire no in open- nf Haywood and the approach of htsare yellow, but it liwd. and from Main I like a red one-eyed The Singleton Triplets Are Identical ruth That Wasn't led 1? wh0 were U to The sirana fjLniv had their1 names , the list, and their ;nt to other persons, the one thai woum nave -any a rea --. Mmes were submutea xor wpdnesday and Thurs- person selecting, the knot know the people who chosen to get passes. , .bole story is a wmuw m tJIS, ,ndalsoa well known has never married, were , Cet tickets-which was l,iellnd gooa, eicH- Ik film showing was v Her Own. I that Is tne reabou nuino e names were made at the ale, ...... :. Shortage? t early stages of the cam ibe candidates were Just hands with the qualified teens, in the usual man lidenee presented by J it other day indicates, how- !it inings seem iu ue gei- all over. One candidate ton bended knee before an idow of an automobile. He ve been using this .tradi- kure of supplication, how make a friend and influence Itred citizen. Other possi were that: as too tall to address his in the driver's seat without i little. m explaining why he came late for dinner the other laj just tying his Shoe. . i these days on the eve of ion. the sharn-eyed observ- Js to paint with deep ilg k even the most Innocent, jless gesture or action. another time recently, for gentleman was staunchly kin favor of his favorite fe to a small group in a lore. lug a sound from one mem p audience, he turned on Md roared: . -'': you'r'e voting against W Well, I'm glad to know to stand, anyway." iWm vigorously tried Mm: "I was only blowing e explained. of - f V I W ',c 1 VI .-'.,! Oaywootl imccrais EUCUSON IN HOSPITAL Noble Ferguson, who is patient at the Haywood Hospital, Is reported to be Iron Duff Folks Give $300 CDP Prize To Churches The 14-year-old Singleton triplets , of Bethel, are so much alike that even relatives, and neighbors cannot tell one from the other. They are shown here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Single ton, and their only sister, Velma. The boys took a slightly differet "look. Into .the camera when this picture was made, but don't let that fool you they are Identical in every way, size, temperament, scholarship and even their appetites. Unless they change places, they are left to right: Roy, Ralphand Ray. Mr. Singleton is -rounding out 22 years at Champion Paper and Fibre Company. (This is a Moun taineer photo by Ingram's Studio.) ' , ; v. Bethel Boys Have Loads Of Fun- Being Identical It is not unusual to see "iden tical twins'' but find "identical trip lets" is a much harder task. However even that is easy, if one goes to the home of Mr.' and Mrs. Dennis Singleton, at Bethel, and asks to see Roy, Ralph and Ray, the fine , looking lVyear-old boys, who are so much alike that neighbors, relatives , and school teachers make no attempt to tell them apart. -.-.,----r- All three of the boys weigh ex actly the same, wear the same size shoes, and all other characteris tics are Identical: When they were four years old, Ray had an attack of appendicitis; when the two others were in the first grade, they also had to un dergo similar operations, and the appendix of two had bursted. The three brothers have always been in the same room at Bethel school, and their grades average the same month in and month out. The boys weighed only 4 pounds each at birth, and being premature babies, had to have special care for sometime. Dr. Roy Moore was the attending physician, and Mrs. Artie Williams the nurse. The three little fellows were born at home on November 18, 1935. (See Triplets Page 4) Convention Haywood Democrats will hold their convention at the court house Saturday at two o'clock for handl lng a number of routine matters. it was announced by Mrs. Fred Y, Campbell, chairman of the Demo cratic Executive Committee, Among the matters to come to the attention of the convention will be the naming of delegates to the state convention, and formal recog nition of precinct chairmen and vice choirmen named at last Satur day's precinct meetings. Also a new chairman of the Executive Committee will be named to succeed Mrs. Campbell. The chairman named on Saturday will be the third in thirty days for the county. W. G. Byers resigned the post as he is a candidate for House of Representatives, and Mrs, Camp bell, vice president, assumed the office. There is a possibility that the election of a chairman might be deferred until alter the Trtmary on May 27. This was not official, but was hinted from several sources here this morning. Ramp Speaker , . .! ; I I 1. . 1 ii 2 Former Haywood Men Win Nominations For Seats In Congress jrist Group Told Area ,2ds More Advertising The $300 Iron Duff got for plac ing third in last year's community improvement competition will be given to thV community's churches. The residents of Iron Duff vot ed last Monday to use their prize money in that way. Thus the Methodist and Baptist churches of the community will di vide ke funds between them. 4 ' The Dvi -Chapel Methodist Church already' has laid plans to start building new classrooms, while the members ok the Antioch Baptist Church plan to paint their building. In this way the money wil bene fit all the people of the community, the residents decided. During the Community Develop ment Program session also a five member committee was appointed to make plans for a community building, which Iron Duff needs badly for a meeting place and re creational purposes, 1 s. Charlie Francis of Ratcliffe Cove told the audience in the principal address of the great possibilities that the Community Development Program offered. ' ' He stressed the advantage which results when residents of different communities meet together and en gage in friendly competition. Community Chairman J. R. Cald well presided, and Lawson McEU roy held the devotional. Refreshments were served by the members of the community's hos pitality committee. loint Committees To Complete Plans For S.C. Motorcade Representatives of the Brevard Chamber of Commerce ' will Come here Friday afternoon to ijvork nfit with the local committee details for the proposed good-will motor cade into upper South Carolina. Considerable groundwork on the plan has already been completed, and many contacts from Greenville, Spartanburg, Greenwood and An derson officials have been made. The dates, and other details are expected to be completed at the meeting here Friday, The motorcade is being sponsor ed here by the Chamber of Com merce, Merchants Association and Tourist Association. Wade Noland Died Today After Long Illness U. S. Commissioner Wade Hamp ton Noland, prominent Haywood County citizen, died at 1:25 a. m today in the Haywood County Hos pital after an extended illness. He was 78 years old. The funeral will be at 2:30 p.m. Saturday at the Crabtrce Baptist Church. Officiating will be Rev. Oder -Burnett e. Kev. L. O. Elliott and 'Itev. B&ilus '''Rogers-. "Inter ment will follow in the church cemetery. 4 -.' Pallbearers will be the follow' ing grandsons: Grady Boyd Noland, Jack Noland, Pete Noland, Ray No- land, Howard Dotsan and Charles Ferguson. Honorary pallbearers will be of flcials of the Haywood County Courthouse. A resident of Ratcliffe Cove, Mr. Noland also was serving as a jus tice of the peace, and had served (See Noland Pase 8) TIIAD EURE, North Carolina's Secretary of State, will be the featured speaker at the 1950 Ramp Convention next Sunday at Black Camp Gap, Mr. Eure Is the only chief speaker ever elect ed by the Ramp Convention offi cials and they named him to the job for life. Arrangements Completed For 1950 Ramp Meet Ramp Convention officials today wcro praying for fair, sunny weath er for Sunday's 20th annual event the only occasion of its kind that Inch Of Rain In 10 Minutes Here . On Monday ntfcht, an inch of rain fell in a 10-mlnut period. according to the official reading by the State est Farm, The total for the day was 127 Inches.. .. Two-Week Civil Term Starts May 8 Judge Zcb V., Nettles of Ashe- ville will convene the regular May two-week civil term of Haywood Superior Court here Monday morn ing."' . ' Court Clerk Hush Leatherwood indicated that the docket would in clude principally routine divorce pays tribute to the only thing in actions amj a few damage suits nature which repels at ine same time that it attracts. The powerful little vegetable which was the roason for the first and the last 19 Conventions has, according to observers, the most strenuous fragrance of all the spc- 42 George Smathcrs Wins In Florida And Edward Robeson, Jr. Wins In Virginia Haywood county will be the best represented section in the nation, in Congress, though by sentiment only. ', Last Tuesday, former Rep. Geo. Smathers won over Incumbent Claude . Pepper for the Democra tic nomination for the U. S. Sen ate in the Florida state primary. The same day, a few hundrtd miles north, In Virginia, Edward J. Robeson, Jr., his nelghbar from Haywood county, was winning a seat in the U. S. House of Representatives. Both won their campaigns by top-heavy majorities. Pepper, veteran New Dealer who had been in the Senate 14 years, conceded victory to Smathers after the latest returns showed him trail ing by more than 50,000 votes. . An Associated Press writer terra- middle-of- Meanwhlle, the names of county citizens were drawn for ed Smatherj a young dossiu e jury uuiy iui me iciin. aa i uic-i j uh follows: First week: ; Harrison Davis, Fines Creek; Hugh Rabb, Waynesville; Grady L, cles in the vegetable or animal Owen, Beaverdam; J. R. Justice, kingdom. Fines Creek: Bill Lowe. Fines Hut n is expeciea to auraci creek; some io.uuu men, women, ana cnii dren to the late J. R. Boyd's field at beautiful 5.000-foot Black Camp Gap on the edge of the National Park, ; ' ',;'" v m. 'tS Tot the ramp all by ItselJE, however, that will be responsible for the large crowd from many (See Ramps Page 1 -Sec 2) Jack P. McCracken, Pigeon; Pat Cole, Clyde; Carl W. Green, Beav erdam; Arthur woody, Ivy Hill; Hardy Carver, Jonathan Creek; Frank L, Jones, Waynesville; Ar lry. B. Parton, Clyde; j-1ra W, -A. Osborne, Beaverdam; Mr. Robeson in his race in Vir ginia's first district, gained a 42 per cent plurality over his two Democratic and one Republican op ponents for the unexpired term of , the late Rep. Otis Bland. He'll seek a full term In the August primary. His winning margin over his near est opponent, Democrat William A. Wright, was more than 3,000 bal lots.', . ..i,:.!tf. Blake T. Newton of Westmore land,, president nthe-State Board of Education, wasne other DeniOK Tourist Ascnpta. Wednesday night Dollshed Mrthet plans for th rnm- j ui.a)u i. v a from the extreme parts rTf point out some sug- ' increasing the tourist P Eller. nf finv a till. L ""( U '. stressed the need for f "t'ne season w onnvW. of the beauty of the 'DO fall 6,nn. j ti.- "-'"js ia nits ?'ho told the tourist mi the "weak point" '"US, from Miphloan UZW another con- Pt0 be donp Inrallv ,ac people of the north --; -u me south it was """iner. wi, it.t i Cvei tremendous influx of visitors," he added. Carl Henry, president of the association, presided during the business session. The group approved increasing (See Tourists Page 8) WARMER Clartly cloudy H,IZ ""uaJ evenu q? Friday i WaVhopiTiii j I iw muc temopra. ZV "V the staff of Max. 78 75 79 Min. 55 55 54 Rabifall .11 1.27, 5 Mrs.- G. C Plott and son, Hay wood Plott, have returned from Camp LeJeune where they spent a week as guests of the former's son-in-law and daughter, Sgt. and Mrs. J. B. Luckadoo. Objectives Set Up For 1950 Community Program By MRS. GEORGE BORING (Mountaineer Correspondent) Extension Service workers and officers of the Haywood County Community Development Program last Monday night set up five main objectives for the basis, of the judging in the 1950 Community Improvement contest. Putting the projects on a point system having a total value of 1, 800 units, they set up these ob jectives: development of a home food supply, with 300 points award ed for the best; develop and im prove sound systems of farming 500 points; Develop and improve farms and homes in appearance, comfort, and convenience 300 points; ; ; Community organization and de velopment 500 points; and keep ing complete records in scrapbook form of the individual community's accomplishments 200. ' As year, prizes totalling $1, 000 again will be awarded to the (See 1950 Program Page 4) Steak House Destroyed By Fire Today Fire of undetermined origin ear ly this morning destroyed Jake's stpnk House, three miles east of Waynesville on the Asheville high way. ' The proprietor, Jake Jones, nar rowly escaped injury himself, wak ing up as the flames were sweep ing toward his room in the small frame building.' The loss was. estimated at about $10,000., " ' Fire Chief Clem Fitzgerald re norted Mr. Jones had to drive to Charlie's Place in East Waynesville to phone in the alarm because the blaze had burned out the telephone wires in the grill. The fire chief said the restau rant's roof had caved In and the entire structure was enveloped in flames when the fire truck reach ed the scene at about 3:30 a. m, (See Fire Page 8) 'Amos J. Moody, Jonathan cm in the race, The Kepuoncan Creok; Arthur Lewis, Ivy '.Hills Joe was Nile Straugtian, Frederick S. Davis, Crabtree; Thomas Mc- burg businessman, Gahi, Cataloochee; Alney Mehaf- Mr. Robesn, an executive of the fey,' Ivy Hill; ' Newport News Shipbuilding Com- . Wallace W. Hill, Crabtree; John- pany, will serve for at least the son Smith, Clyde; Raymond C. remainder of this year. Congress Stamey, Beaverdam; Douglas Rath- man Bland's term was to expire in bone, Beaverdam; Thomas R. Rob inson, Beaverdam; Edward Greg ory, Beaverdam; Second week; Frank Rathbone, Fines Creek; Amos Arrlngton, Fines Creek; Howard Sellars, Beaverdam; C, C. Palmer, Waynesville; Robert ' McElroy, White Oak; Mary Wells Freeman, Beaverdam; Jog Tcague, WHile Oak; Hub Press ley, Clyde; II. C. Duckett, Waynes (Sce Couit Pag? 8) January. Mr. Robeson s victory was re garded as an upset to the regular party politicians. SMATHERS Mr. Smathers, who served with the Marines in World War II, is 30 years old, and is currently serving his second term in the House. His Republican opponent in the November election will be John P Booth, Miami attorney. However, (See 2 Haywood Men Page A Waynesville doctor, nurse and welfare official today endorsed the current Haywood County Can cer Drive which started this week. All three pointed out the in crease in cancer cases and the need Spotlight Of Politics In North Carolina To Be Focused On Haywood es Three Senatorial Candi dat Senator Graham ' Coming Here For Week-End From Program At WCTC Senator Frank P. Graham will be a week-end guest in Haywood, but is not slated to participate in any public program. . 1 Tentative plans are for Senator Graham to come here about 4:30 Saturday afternoon from Cuuc whee, where he will appear on the morning program as principal speaker at the fiiauguration of Paul A Reid as president of Western Carolina Teachers College. Senator 'Graham will be 'the Euest of R. L. Prevost, his Haywood camoaisn manaeer. on Saturday nieht. He Is expected to meet a mimhop nf friends during the eveninsl ' . ' .. ' On Sunday morning Senator Graham will accompany Bryan Mprtforrf In ihe Ramo Convention at Black Camp Gap, leaving early (Ke, (Iraham rage- o; Just Visiting ' , ' '- t SENATOR FRANK P. GRAHAM will spend the week-end in Waynesville. No formal speeches are scheduled. Parade To Feature Welcome To Smith Here Saturday Morning For Address Haywood backers of Willis Smith, candidate for - U. S. Senate, pre dicted this morning, a "packed court house" to hear the first major address of the current campaign made in this county. Mr. Smfth will speak at eleven o'clock Saturday morning. Sheriff R. V. Welch and Arthur Osborne, who are looking after Mr. Smith's campaign in Haywood, said this morning that plans had been completed for staging a' pa rade down Main Street about 10:30. The parade will be. led by the Canton high school band," Sheriff Welch said, "and. upon arrival at the court house, the band'will play until the formal program gets underway in the court room." Sheriff Welch made this formal statement regarding the band: "We (See Smith Page 8) To Visit Here Visiting, Too Speaks Saturday WILLIS SMITH will make a ma jor address of the Senatorial campaign here Saturday morn ing at eleven. Reynolds Might Make Initial Kick-Off Of Campaign In West Over VVeek-End ' Robert R. Reynolds, another candidate for the U. S. Senate, has indicated to officials of the Ramp Convention that he will come over Sunday from his home in Ashe ville to attend the event at Black Camp Gap. He is the only one of the three not scheduled to spend the night in Waynesville. Mr. Reynolds has been devoting most of his campaigning in the Piedmont and Eastern part1 of the state, and some onservers here this morning were of the opinion that his coming to Haywood this week end would be the initial kick-off of his campaign in the west. No public address is slated tor Mr. Reynolds, except for the inv promptu talks at the Ramp Con vention. ' Officials Urge Support Of Haywood Cancer Drive for a constantly vigorous campaign against the dread disease which of ficials predict will take the lives of 2,916 people in North Carolina alone this year. Dr. Thomas Stringfield, in his capacity as county physician, declared- "I have seen and treated more cancer patients during the past 12 months than in any other one year. "It is my hope that all the peo ple of this community will be very generous in making their donations to the present cancer drive, which I consider a most worthy cause." Mrs. Sam L. Queen, superintend ent of the Haywood County Wel fare Department, made these state ments: "During the past year, the wel- . fare department has handled the treatment of 15 cancer patients. : "The American Cancer Society ; (See Cancer Page 8) IllplilC'' ROBERT R. REYNOLDS has told friends he will arrive Sun day morning to attend the Ramp Convention. Saturday Is The Time To Register For The Democratic Primary, May 27th Highway Record For 1950 ' In Haywood (To Date) Killed.... 2 Injured .... 12 ( -. . . (This Information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol) it r,

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