- TO CHURCH SOMEWHERE EVERY SUNDA (The (Sold en (is Micah Gives Hope of Salvation ILLUSTRAItO SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By A'.frtd J. Butschtr 0 .Scripture Mleah 4:1-5; 5:3-4; 7:18-20.. ii in ,,y Grove Methodist Charge fff. Allison E.Belk, Pastor Vinv OBOVE CHURCH ivl . trt.ii-i r.ipn novd. ' sf -S iajScliw1 luu" LiP3 1100 a m by the Rev Ji 3 1 3 ft a re 4 94 sorifl nd4 er th 0 are one ce line vh 7:45 with the Homer fustic Party in charge. 7:45 l1" ... ..,!., .1... tL'i'i K. lGCIK CHURCH -Jay School at iu:uu a.m. mis. hite Supt, v. iJcUnS' at 11:00. a.m. by Rev. L public is coruuuiy iyuu snd ail tnose ei v..-. Vayncsville Presby terian Church let. M. R. Williamson, rasior lencr Prevost, auperiiueuu Sunday School. to School at 10:00 o'clock. fliine Worship at 11 o clock. 1,5X0 BE ELEvTiiU. ; jstill be a sermon-based upon j ih ercat doctrines of the Pierian Church the doctrine tinn. Uil music lor me services i.nrnvldea Dy me viiuiv.li Fellowship meeting at 7:00 irst Baptist Church WAINF.SVILLE Utv. L. G. Elliott. Pastor ?1Y- " anday School., Frank atrlck Is general superlntend- Micah painted a lovely picture of Israel when Jehovah had forgiven the people their sins; "The mountain of Jehovah's house shall be established on the' top of i the mountains , . . and peoples shall flow ' ; : unto It." ' .' "And they shall beat their swords Into plowshares, and their spears tnto prun ing: hooks: nation shall not lift up aword against nation, neither shall they leain ar any more." "Rut they shsll sit every man under his vine and under his fig-tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of Johovah of hosts hath spoken it," thus the prophet comforted his people. "Out of Bethlehem shall come One that Is to be ruler In Israel . . . And He shall stand and ahall feed Hia flock in the strength of Jehovah," Micah prophesied. MEMORY VERSE Micah 4:2. ftichland Baptist Church ' The Rev. Hen Cook, Pastor George MUnt r, Superintendent SUNDAY, MAY 23 10:00 a.m. Sunday School. " 7:30 P. M, Revival meeting be gins. Everyone is invited. If there ever was a tiirfe the world needs a revival, (hat time is now. Trayer meeting every Wednesday night. ..; Crabtree Methodist Charge The Rev. C O. Newell, Pastor The pastor will preach at Mt. Zion at 10 A. M. and at Crabtree at 11 A. M. : . Mrs. Newell will preach at Fincher's Chapel at 11 A. M. on the theme, "A Precious Cornerstone." 50-Morning Worship, er tv the pastor; "Lest We For Scripture, John 15:7-14. Spe- lo Training Union. Mr. R. H. T. U director. , 10 Evening Worship. Medita "New Testament Baptism", pastor. Scripture, Matthew ii. Special music. Ordinance 'jlism. " ; ' PAY- im.-Daily Vacation Bible MAY- ' - -yj 11:30 a.m. Bible School. 'TODAY ... 11:30 a.m. Bible School, p.m. Junior choir rehears- pm. Midweek Prayer I J) p.m. Senior choir rehears- Lay 11:30 a.m. Bible School. Mble School, . "HJiole School picnic. ; St- John's Catholic Church Rev. A. F. Rohrbacher, Pastor Bryson City, St. Joseph Church Every 1st and 3rd Sunday 8:00 a.m. Canton. YMCA Building Every 3rd Sunday ...... 8:00 a.m. Sylva, American Legion Hall Every Sunday .. .. 11:00 a.m. Wayncsville, St. John's Church, Every Sunday . : 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. pllieMountainter Want Ads Church Of God ;'' CANTON ' The Rev. C..E. Westmoreland, - v..-';V'V -j Pastor Saturday night - ! 7:15 O'clock WPE Service, Sunday 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Preaching Service. 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Mid-week prayer meeting. v Salvation Army WAYNF.SV1LLE Mountain Mission District Major Cecil Brown. O. F. WAYNESVILLE CENTER Ecst Street Mrs. L Ray, Y.P.S.M. 10:30 a m. Sunday School. 7:30 Sunday evening service. 7:30 First Wednesday. Ladles' Home League. 7:30 Second Wednesday. Soldier's. meeting. 7:30 Third Wednesday. Junior Legion. 7:30 Fourth Wednesday. Family Night. MAPLE SPRINGS: D 1 at r 1 c t tleadquartcrs.t Officer's Quarters, and Children's Home. On Max Patch Road. Blanch Lowe, Matron. 10:00 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 Morning Worship. 7:30 Tuesday Evening Class. LITTLE CREEK: Jessie Lowe. Y.P.S.M. . 10:00 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning worship. 7: jo p.m. Wednesday prayer meeting. BONNIE HILL: Perry Gowan, C.S.M, 2:00 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.. Fourth Sunday Evaa gclistic Service, SHELTON LAUREL: Archie Rathbonc, Y.P.S.M. 2:00 p.m. Sunday School. 3:00 p.m. Salvation meeting, 2:30 pm Home League each Third Wednesday. Everyone is cordially invited Bible FRANCIS COVE CHURCH SunGay 2 p.m Sunday School. 3 p.m. Preaching by the Rev, L G Elliott, oastor of the First Baptist Church of Waynesville. Burnett Cove ' r ' Baptist Church The Rev. R. R. Mehaffey, Pastor Sunday 10 a.m. bunday School every week with Clayton Pressley, super intendent. ' Every Sunday night Prayer meeting and choir practice. 11 a.m. Preaching on the sec ond and fourth Sundays by the pastor. Saturday- Prayer meeting in the homes every Saturday night. Everyone is invited to attend this friendly church. l THE 1950 niiFic new CROSLEY WORKSAVER design GIVES YOU NEW SPACE, MORE SPACE ALL at the "CONVENIENCE LEVEL" jjf"'..,,..,,,. .. JIB"' ,.! '.'.'.'."Wl .nv, -ie i ....zml d 1 i: 9 -' I, Kff- . MB! f' ii ,rn?c;, .. &sim!ssma!!wi&M&& ' " 0 "tlrr- " Z7 NEW LOW PRICES! $189.00 fl - at low m , space fully Serated.v; to reach- it i. Up to 23 more space m same siza cabinet. Nearly 2 cubic feet of extra space all completely refrigerated! White plastic shelves completely recessed in heavily insulated door. Beer Products for Happier Living 10 Down 2 Years to Pay! PS FURNITURE CO; "Low Prices Keep Us Busy" 1 Main Street Gospel Party To Conduct Services At Shady Grove The H6mer Cox Gospel Party will conduct a series of soecial daily services at the Shady Grove Methodist Church from May 28 to June 11. '. In making theinnouncemCnt to day, the pastor., the Rev. Allison E. Bclk, said week-day services would be held at 7:45 P: M. On Sunday, the program will be held at 11 A. M. and also at 7:45 P. M. The group whose headquarters are in Wilmore, Ky.y Is led by the Rev. Homer Cox, a former direc tor of the Youth For Christ pro gram and graduate of Asbury Theo logical Seminary. His wife, who is associated with him, attended the Music Con servatory in Kansas and teaphes voice and evangelistic singing. David Cox sings tenor in' the quartet, and aids in Gospel magic and object work in children s meet ings. Cheryl Cox sings soprano in the quartet and Joins her mother to form a duet. Violinist for the group is Miss Florena Wiles, a high school music teacher. Among the features of the ser- ReV. Belk To Conduct Morning Hadio Devotions The Rev. A. E. Belk, pastor of ' he Shady Grove Methodist Charge will be In charge of next week's series of morning devotions, to be broadcast over Station W1ICC. Guests on the program will be the members of the Homer Cox Gospel Party, which Is holding a series of services at the Shady Grove Church. The morning programs will run from 8:45 o'clock to 0 o'clock. Church Of Christ EAST WAYNESVILLE Sunuay- - 10 a.m. Sunday School. 1 1 a.m. Worship Service. vices will be the singing of soloists, duets, trios, and quartets, with In struments used Including the piano, solovox, vibraharp, violin, electric guitar and clarinet. The Gospel magic is part of the balanced program set up for the children's meetings which also will feature music, flannel-graph, ob ject lessons, and chalk drawings. Mr. Belk said In his announce ment that everyone Is welcome to attend. Vacation . Bible School Starts 29th Daily Vacation Bible School will begin at the First Baptist Church Monday morning at 0 o'clock, May 29, and continue through Friday, June 2. Preparation Day is sched uled for Friday, May 26, at 9 o'clock. For the second consecutive year, Miss Hatsie Slier Freeman will serve as principal. She will bo as sisted by n able staff of teachers and helpers. W. Frank Kirkpatrick, Superintendent of the Sunday School, will direct the activities. AH children of the church from four to sixteen years of age are urged .to attend, beginning with the preparation day on Friday of this week. At this time the chil dren will be' enrolled and workers will be assigned to the various de Norman R. Ferrell. assoclation- al missionary, will assist with the Intermediate department. dren, Bible Quiz Answer QUESTION ON PAGE 4 r Today's Bible picture represents Christ receiving the little chil THEN WERE THERE brought unto Him little children, that He should put His hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forLHd them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. And he laid his hands on them . . . VERILY I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein. MATTHEW 19: 13-15; LUKE 18--.17. From the Oxford Bible. Want Ads brlntt quick results. f. 7A Th Christ. "God will Itoch u of Hia way, and w will walk in His poth."( . -Mitoh 4:2. Mount Zion Baptist Church Thomas Erwln, Pastor SUNDAY, MAY 28 10:00 A. M. Sunday School with the superintendent, Mr, Hugh Franklin In charge. 7:00 P. M. Training Union with the Director, Mr. Dennis Singleton In charge. 8:00 P. M. Message by the past or." '.. '. ;- : .Wednesday, 7:00 P. M. Meeting of Sunday School teachers. Juniors DELLWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. George Mehaffey, Pastor . t Morning Worship at 11 o'clock, with the sermon by the pastor,.. ' Prayer meeting Friday night at the homes. ' Bible study conducted by the patsor Wednesday night. B. T. U. meets on Sunday night. The church bus operates for all services. will meet at same time for prayer meeting under the direction ot Mrs Tom Lanning. , Haywood Circuit Methodist Church i c V.N.Allen, Pastor Route 1, Waynesville, N. PREACHING SCHEDULE First Sunday Morning, 11:00, Spring Creek. First Sunday Night, 7:30, Fines Creek. Second Sunday Morning, 11:00, Piney Grove. Second Sunday Night, 7;30, Louisa Chapel. Third Sunday Morning, 11:00, Fines Creek. Third Sunday Night, 7:30, No scheduled service. Fourth Sunday Morning, 11:00, Louisa Chapel. Fourth Sunday Night, 7:30, Piney Grove. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening, 7:30 at Louisa cnapei. Bring someone with you. Lake Junaluska Baptist Church The Rev. O. J. Beck Pastor Sunday 10 a. m. Sunday School, D. R. Rilev. ceneral superintendent 11 a. m. Preaching services on the first and third Sundays, 7 n.m. Training Union meets every Sunday, with Mrs. Carey Mc cracken, director. 8 p.m. Preaching services on the second and fourth Sundays. Wednesday 7:30 pirn. Mid-week prayer serv Ices.' ; Seventh Day Adventist Tabernacle 106 Beech Street . HAZELWOOD Saturday 9:45 a.m. Sabbath School, Clyde Morgan, superintendent. 11 a.m. Preaching. Elder L. P. Kntcht in charge. . , James W. (Jim) Gillian IftTHffi For Member Of The Haywood County Board. Of,. Education Because of a close relative's illness, I have been unable during the pasf. month to speak personally to my friends throughout the county in regard to the coming Democratic Primary. I hope that I may count on your support in the Primary on Saturday. James W.(Jimmillian For Member of The Hay woo4 County Board of Education Political Advertisement , And Good Citizens of Haywood It is your responsibility to go to the Polls and outlaw Gambling. You may have elected wrong men by staying away from the ballot box on Election Day. 1 Mothers and Citizens Committee of Hay wood County. Mrs. R. C, Lane, Representative PAID ADVERTISEMENT ! ENROLL NOW WITH RESERVE HOSPITAL PLAN Pays in Full Reg'ardlesg of Any Other Insurance You Have, or Workmen's Compensation 1 1 ..oiijjia!! I :::vlllt.,fl . I.I WKWl : I 1 ACCIDENTS SICKNESS CHILD BIRTH INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY GROUP PLAN POLIO PROTECTION $3,000. " ' LIBERAL CASH BENEFITS FOR: Hospital Room, Operating Room, Anesthesia. X-Ray, Medicines, Laboratory Expense and Ambulance. Pays Surgeon's Fees for Operations Due to Accidents or Sickness. Costs Only a Few Cents Per Day for Whole Family. Choose Your Own Doctor. LEGAL RESERVE PROTECTION NO FUTURE INCREASE IN PREMIUM STRICTLY NON-ASSESSABLE ASSETS OVER $3,000,000 FULL DETAILS FREE JUST MAIL THIS COUPON BENEFITS ARE NOT REDUCED FOR CHILDREN OR ELDERLY ' DEPENDENTS AGE LIMIT 1 DAY TO 80 YEARS Preserve life insurance co. 329 Haywood Bids. Phone 2-1413 Asheville, N. C. F-5 Please send me information about your Hospital Plan. No obligations. NAME - ''' -' . AGE -: STREET OCC CITY STATE ;:)rf