nravif I.E ' M.0UNTAINES1 today's s:::ix life is like a mirror you don't set more eat ef it than you pat into it. Of Tho News - Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park O- - jg Big Stars jkie Sue Messer Is feat-'.h.lf-page Picture In the 63th YEAR NO. 50 20 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 22, 1930 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Senatorial Candidates In Runoff Vote "Section of The Atlanta jr,nd Journal of June fleir. daughter of Mr. m Messer. 1 shown VL Ames Scott planit W u JT-i. Wno th pell- WAl -iiriiL j nils of the room Into a . article, titled: "Agnes SJlSda To South'. Fin- tope-''; ' ';v;: a At That is English -Owl is one of the best herokees on the Reserva lj. is a veteran of World r,nd two, holder of several ;derees, a college prof es rti has an unusually keen humor. - rte together with Bill Tyn Ta. th trio into South . ith the motorcade, re ,Md enjoyed every minute . mv trip. No doubt the jhtol the trip for George Spartanburg. tbt group was going Into the i rwolanri I OP juncil. uk th Chamber of Com . spotted George and Bill lwar bonnets" and walked t. meet them. As the ener wretarv approached the aerokees, he raised his hand aid- "How. Pale face, wanta i friends wun flg uicuhio, gave the secretary luting look, and in the brogue Londoner, enswerea: . e old chappy, Your English hit off-key today, 'trust .fMllna hale and hearty." Jabbergasted secretary ex- wi limp hand, and remarxea: riy, lunch Is ready come visitor from further South Led her pickup truck on Main it the other day. then hurried its do some shopping.. : A lew i!s later, she came back, walk- ibsentmindedly past her own h, and climbed into the cab fee that looked Just like it k insarted her ighltlori key switch as susual, but couldn'l it. Frowning with irritation, wiggled it around, trying to it work. Then she Btepped k starter. The motor turned M didn't take. she got out of the truck, i tround to the back, look p the wheels, walked around front, then got in and tried key again. Nte of her inspection tour. an't made up its mind to work. this time, a small crowd of pby had gathered and was m her efforts with interest, has the owner of the truck ,v. ! t 11 72 Acres Added To State Test Farm Here GRAHAM SMITH U. S. Senator Frank P. Graham (left) and Raleigh Attorney Willis Smith are winding up their campaigns this week in final prepara tion for Saturday's runoff Primary. Arrangements Completed For June 24 Runoff Vole Car Goes Down 320-Foot Bank Wrecker crews were attempt ing this afternoon to pull a burn ed car 320 feet up a steep em bankment in the Cove Creek section. The car went off the steep embankment early Wed nesday night and burned. V The driver is said to have es carped, injuries. The name of the owner was not available as The Mountaineer went to press. Driver Warned In Time To Quench Blaze In Truck V ' " . " . . A truck driver yesterday after noon, warned by motorists round ing their auto horns, parked his burning vehicle and doused the flames before they could do more than minor damage. Mr. Cutshaw of Waynesville was unaware of the fire burning under his truck until two motorists wait ing for the red light to change at the intersection ' of Church and Haywood, sounded the alarm. . The drivers of the waiting autos on Church saw smoke billowing from the truck and the flames licking around the drive shaft near make out. m pulling switches, buttons, er gadgets without success, lady dismounted and went is the street to a filling station the hnttnm ttf thu rah as tho ve Wetly waited to see hpy? she hicie(- ioaded wjth logs, passed the intersection on its way east on Haywood. Cutshaw promptly parked and aided by a bucket brigade formed by residents of a nearby house, e tinguished the flames just as Way nesville firemen arrived The truck driver said his emer gency brake got hot and ignited grease around it, The flames were licking danger ously close to the truck's big gas tank when the blaze was discovered, a, with a worker in tow she M to the truck. p man took one look at the . and, turning to the anx- iy, observed quietly: , pyou wouldn t want to drive f truck even if you could get girted. v.-:.-Wongs to Mr. Stovall." r lady's face turned a nice J With a sheepish smile, she r the man, and walked i p me street in search t struck. pi Women Return Teachers' Meet r Alma Jackson and Mrs. j Sogers, returned recently f Work Shop Classroom Conference held at Mere- 'ouege. The sather tin Mtttm M HUMID June 22 Partly P' father Urft.m an J - Ikj no tu fUU UU1U1U W and Friday, with scat- L.wers or thundershowers i - mosuy in the afternoon. Lfded by the staff of the c'irarm); . Min. Precp 60 61 !H Max, " 81 JOE REINERTSON IN HOSPITAL Joe Reinertson, who is a medi cal patient at the Haywood Coun ty Hospital, is doing nicely. Church Leaders To Speak At lunaluska Senator Graham, Three Bishops To Haywood County's elections offl cials were completing arrange' ments today for Saturday s run off primary in the Senatorial race between Willis Smith and Senator Frank P. Graham. Crom Cole, chairman of the county elections board, meanwhile forecast that the Haywood vote would run about 73 per cent of the record 5,000-plus cast in the May 27 Primary. He added, however, that there was little evidence of the intense wide-spread interest that marked the senatorial and local races in the May 27 voting. : Mr. Cole yesterday delivered the printed ballots and the registration books to the officials of the 24 pre cincts. ' V When asked about the expense of the first primary and the runoff, Mr. Cole estimated that the May 27 vote cost the county "more than $5,000". ;'-.- .--V TheW for flifrunff,;M Es timated, would amount to about $1,500 -:;-V;;;-: The cost Includes bills for print ing and in salaries of clerical help. Workers in some precincts stayed up most of the night of the last Primary, while most of the staff in Waynesville Precinct 2 (North Ward) were on the job 42 hours counting the ballots. ; However, with the ballots for only two candidates to count, elec tions officials saw an early clean-up to the tabulation in the 24 pre cincts. . The major county races which had more than two candidates were decided in the first primary. The runnersup in the battle for other local offices where leaders failed to obtain sufficient major ities did not exercise their right to call for runoffs. : , . Referring to the results of the original primary,' Mr. Cole also forecast that the turnout In the Beaverdam precincts would be much larger in future elections than it has been in the past: "The success of some of the can didates from the Canton area in the May 27 primary has stimulat ed the interest of ;the voters in that end of the county. "They found out the importance of their individual vote that last time." Circulation Of The Mountaineer Hits High Record This Issue of The Mountaineer goes to more paid subscribers than any regular edition ever published. The circulation of The Moun taineer has been continually climbing for several years, and today's total marks an, all-time high. :.: The readership of this news paper for every edition is now well above the 20,000 figure. Work Starts On White Oak Center The White Oak Development Program meeting was presided over by the Co-chairman Roe Led ford at the meeting Saturday, June 17th, Mrs. Sarah Ledford read the ninth chapter of Luke for the scrip ture and Robert Fisher led in prayer. Everybody then Joined in group singing and practicing. The majority of the meeting: was devoted tS business ai5d singfhto Plans were discussed regarding the new community house. The men in the neighborhood began con verting the old Presbyterian church into the White Oak community house today. They will begin with the roof and all men are asked to be on hand to help if at all possible. Lunch will be served by the women on the grounds, and they will also work on the scrapbook. The food sale by the women of White Oak at the Ned Clark auc tion sale added more money to the building fund. Contributions were also received from several candi dates who were unable to attend the box supper but wanted to help, thus swelling the amount to $401.00 instead of the $387.00 as previously announced. George C. Boring, Roe W. Led ford and Brownlowe G, Seventy-two more acres were added to the Mountain Experiment Station Test Farm here this morn ing, it was announced by Howard Clapp, director in charge. Tho title for the 72 acres, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keener, of Bryson City, changed hands, as a check for about $18,000 was paid for the land by the State. Mr. Clapp said the formal trans fer this morning climaxed two years of work in getting the pro ject approved, and the funds in hand. The additional land will be used for plot work, and establishment of an orchard for research work. The orchard work Is expected to be come a vital factor, as it has been looked upon as a big need in agri cultural work for many years. Mr. Clapp said that work is slat ed to begin immediately in devel opment of the additional acreage. The new addition brings the Test Farm total acreage to 388, Mr Clapp said, with the modern 4-H Club Camp adjoining the property The 34 acres in the Club Camp were also purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Keener several years ago. L, Y, Ballentine commissioner of agriculture, has been interested for sometime in acquiring the ad ditional acreage, and the commit tee if rom' the State Agriculture Commission, was composed of Bert Slagle, of Franklin; W. B. Austin of fWCvst Jefferson; and O. J, Holler, or KUHiertoraion wouiny, Preliminary Work Starts On Zoning Of Waynesville Rufus Siler was elected chair man of Waynesville's new five member zoning commission Mon day afternoon a few hours after a Raleigh attorney started work on plans for the town. ; '.. ; The election of the chairman fulfilled "the requirements of the recently-enacted town ordinance that this officer must be named within ' 30 days after the appoint ment of the full body.' The attorney George C. Frank lin, general counsel for the, N. C. League of Municipalities is draw ing up a preliminary tentative plan for submission to the commission. Franklin, incidentally, has help ed set up zoning lit more than 50 big and little North Carolina towns, including Asheville, Char lotte, and Canton, The zoning laws, if adopted, he explained, will protect both the individual home owner and the man with heavv investments in real property. In brief, it will state where husiness and Industrial buildings ran and cannot be located. At the same time, it will help Houoinn neighborhood areas hrn.ioh the encouragement of building of essential business struc tures in sections not conveniently located near the business district. The zoning provisions would cover - everything irom ,.tne ; loca tion of million-dollar factories to the size of the side alley between two houses. "It's - a job that should have been done long ago," -observed Town Manager G. C. Ferguson Mr. Franklin 'said Waynesville is the last large town in the state to start the machinery for estab lishing zoning laws. - ; The commission, of Mr. Siler, Charles Ray, David Underwood, Jr., Charles Woodard, and W. Hugh .Massie, will go over Mr, Franklin's preliminary recommend ations, then submit them with any revisions it thinks necessary, to the town board. The town board then will call a nublic meetinK to discuss the details of the proposal, after ad vertising the plan for three weeks. The board then will consider the recommendations, complaints, and suggestions of the individual citizens, make any further revi sions, then call another public (See Zoning Pag-e 8) inn i iii ii ww " "" ' " .. . t :.. .- v. BISHOP PURCELL BISHOP KERtt Art Gallery Launches 18th Season Tonight The Waynesville Art Gallery will launch its 18th summer season when it opens here tonight. Jimmy Mann, the operator of the firm that has become a Waynes ville summer institution, said to day sales will start at 7:30 p.m. and will continue every evening at the same time until July 1. Saturday, July 3, the Gallery will hold two sales daily, one start, ing at 10:30 a.m., and the second at 7:30 p.m. Ready for the 1950 opening night audience are thousands of pieces Messer of fine jewelry, furniture,, china, Bishop Clare Purcell (left), of the Birmingham, Ala., area, and Bishop Paul Kern of the Nashville, Tenn.; area, will be among the -v featured speakers during the four-day Methodist Convocation for ' Teachers and Presidents of Adult Classes of the Southern Juris diction. Sharing the rostrum with them will be Bishop Arthur Moore of the Atlanta, Ga.( area, and U. S. Senator Frahk P. Gra ham.... . . Senator Graham To Speak At lunaluska June 26 ,U. S. Senator Frank P. Gra ham will address a convocation of 2,000 Methodist Jay leader at Lake Junaluska at 9 p.m. Monday. ', This will mark the venatoPs first public address following the close of his campaign for the Democratic nomination. ' . I accepting the Invitation, Doc tor Graham deidd to ,gajuunt. these hills' instead of tak ing a non-peaking post-cam-paign vacation at the beach which his advisers had suggested.. The diminutive North Caro lina junior senator, who served as president of the University of North Carolina for 19 years up to his appointment to the con gressional post, will discuss the education of adults for living In the existing economic and poll . tlcal order. . . His address is scheduled to open at 8 p.m. The session, which will open Saturday night, is for presidents and teachers of adult classes of the church's Southeastern Jurisdiction. were elected as irusiees oi uie new community house. Any person wishing to go to the music festical this coming Satur day night at the Waynesville High School at 7:30 o clock and help out their community In the group sing ing, and don't have a way to go, are asked to be along the road and Robert Davis will pick them up with his truck. Robert Fisher will lead us in the singing. : New Scout Troop Chartered In Haywood County Haywood County gained a new Boy Scout troop Sunday night, Troop 15, sponsored by the Spring Hill Baptist Church, was chartered formally in an impres sive ceremony at the church. - Serving as Scoutmaster - of . the new organization Is Harold Press ley, assisted by Robert Clark. Chairman of the Council is Woodrow Fleming, while other members of this body are M. V. Bramlett. George Henson, Welton Mease, Gay Chambers, John Ship man, Oliver Hill, and Owen Mur ray.' . - and other items, including Mr. Mann's choice collection of Meis sen, Dresden, and other antique porcelains. Zoning Official To Address Lions And Rotarians George C. Franklin of Raleigh, general counsel for the North Caro lina League of Municipalities, will be featured speaker at this week's regular meetings of the Lions and Rotary Clubs. Mr. Franklin is currently draw ing recommendations for a propos ed zoning law for Waynesville. He'll address the Lions at their weekly dinner meeting at 7 P. M. today in Patrick's Cafeteria. The next day he'll address the Rotarians at their 1 P, M. luncheon session at The Towne House. - He'll tell both groups about zon ing procedure, and its benefits to the individual citizen and the com munity as a whole, Mr. Franklin,' who was raised in Asheville, has aided in setting up zoning laws in more than 50 North Carolina cities and towns, includ ing Canton, Asheville, and Char lotte. . Southeastern Choir Of 100 To Sing At Lake The singing of a choir of 100 voices selected from the finest in southeastern church choirs will be a feature of the Methodist Convo cation For Teachers aid Presidents of Adult Classes which meets at Lake Junaluska this weekend. ' ' M. Leo Rippy of Nashville, Tenn., director of the conference, today indicated that' the function of this ' chorus would be consider ably" more than to provide musical background for the sessions. He said that, by the time the conference ends, the approximate ly 2,000 delegates would be thor oughly familiar with up to 30 of the church's greatest anthems. Mr. Rippy explained that the 100-voice chorus would sing 12 anthems during the course of the meetings. Some of these are well known hymns. But many of them are among the great pieces that are not universally known among church congregations. Generally, he pointed out, local church practice is to have the sing. ing of possibly half a dozen of the favorites habitually at all services. The result is that many church goers do not know some of the greatest anthems or hymns of the church. The choir will be directed by Dr. Fagan Thompson, pastor pf the Cullum, Alabama, Methodist Church. '" Serving as organist will be Cyrus Daniel, regular organist at the As sembly who also holds the same position with the First Presbyter ian Church of Nashville. Mr. Rippy is director of the Methodist Board of Education's department of Christian education of adults, with headquarters in Nashville. Hugh Montieth Is Named District Gov. Of Lions Hugh Montieth, of Sylva, was named district governor of district 31-A of North Carolina Lions at their annual convention in Char lotte. A number of Waynesville Lions attended the Convention, which featured the Waynesville band in a parade on Monday, The Canton Band, accompanied by a number or Canton Lions, also participated in the convention program. National Editorial Awards Announced Mountaineer Receives National Recognition The Mountaineer received spe cial recognition by the- National Editorial Association this week as the 1950 awards were presented. The Mountaineer was the only newspaper in the state of North Carolina to be included in the list of awards, the report said. The special recognition was for service to agriculture. The National Editorial Associa tion embraces the small dally papers and non-daily newspapers In the entire nation. The announcement was made at the annual convention at : Provi dence. R. I. 21 Wilderness Riders To Return Friday From 125-Mile Trip In Park The 21 riders who left ten days ago for the 125-mlle trip into the remote sections of the Park, are scheduled to arrive at Cataloochee Ranch mid-afternoon Friday. The Trail Riders of The Wilder hess, led by Tom Alexander, and his two daughters of Cataloochee Ranch, had "perfect weather" until Wednesday, when they encountered rain. Prior to that, they had en joyed ideal weather conditions on every hand. Friday night, the 21 riders will sleep for the first time in 10 days under a roof, other than a tent. They will have their first indoor meal Friday night, at the "big spread" at Cataloochee Ranch, and then participate in the usual square dance which marks the end of such trips. There are 17 people, from about seven states, on the trip. Some are veterans of previous trips, and others are making it for the first time. The group were contacted three times during the ten days, with a re- supply pack from the Ranch.: Twenty-eight horses were quired for the trip, and another similar trip will be made in Sep tember, leaving on the 19th. The group have camped out dur ing the entire 10-day period. Those making the trip were: Roy C. Atkinson, Fowled. Ind.; Mrs. Richard Boyton, Buffalo, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Burdick, Kal amazoo, Mich.; Mrs, Earl Kenyon, Jacksonville; E. W. Nick, Erie, Pa,; Andres F. Rabe, New Bremen, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Stock fiek, Philadelphia; Miss Anne Thompson, High Point; Miss Lu cretia Vaile, Denver, Colo. James B. Hubbard of Raleigh, representative of the American Forestry Association; Dr. F. Eu gene Dalton, of Ventnor City, N. J., medical officer in charge. iTom Alexander, in charge of the group, Misses Alice and Judy Alex ander; Sam Woody, cook, and camp assistants, Glenn Messer, V. A. Henry, Elmer Messer, and Tom Alexander, Jr. Address Group Church officials were com pleting preparations today for the opening of the Lake Junaluska Methodist Assembly's largest conference. Approximately 2,000 delegates from nine Southern States are scheduled to attend the Methodist Convocation for Teachers and Presidents of Adult Classes, which will open at the Assembly Sat up day night. . Most of them " are expected to arrive on Sunday. : The list of featured speakers Includes three Bishops and a U. S. Senator. Bishop Clare Purcell of the Bir. mingham, Ala., area, will address the audience at 8 p.m. Sunday. : Senator Frank P. Graham, ia his first public address, since the end of his campaign to return to Washington, will open the Monday night program. . 2 Following him on the rostrum will be Arthur J. Moore, bishop of the church's Atlanta, Ga area.. The address of Bishop Paul Kern of the Nashville. Tenn.. area at 11 a.m. Tuesday will close the con ference. V " , 1 In charge of the arrangements for the session is M. Leo Rippy, director of the Department of Christian Education of Adults of the Methodist Board of Education ' at Nashville, ' ' The convocation will open Satur day night, with the address of Dr. William Cannon, professor in the School of Religions; of Emory Uni versity at Atlanta 6a. , His theme will &eJ'Jn. A Divine Call."-- . y. ' Thi sessions AvUl continue' Sun-"-day with a series of lectures, ser mons, and addresses. Dr. Paul Anderson of NeW York City will discuss "Christianity and Communism" during his speech which will open the day's program at 9:30 a.m. in the Assembly Audi torium.' ', At 10 a.m.; Dr. Georgia Harknesg of the Garrett School of Religion, Evanston, 111., will preach a sermon on the subject: "Go Teach". Bishop PurceU's address, "Adults Serving The World," will open the evening program at 8 o'clock. He will be followed at 9 p.m. by Dr. N. C. McPherson, pastor of St. John's Church of Memphis, Tenn., whose subject will be" A New So ciety". " . y Dr. John Rustin, pastor of the Mt. Vernon Place Methodist Church of Washington, D. C, will discuss church and adult recrea tion in his talk at 10 a.m. Monday. That evening, Senator Graham, who served for 19 years as presi dent of the University of North Carolina, will speak on adult edu cation in relation to political changes. Bishop Moore's address, which will follow the senator's, will be on "Macedonian Call". At 10 a.m. Tuesday, the final day of the convocation, Dr. J. Q. Schlis- ler, secretary of the division of lo cal church board of education at Nashville, will discuss the theme "Winning Adults To Christ". Bishop Kern's address, on "My Church," will follow at 11 a.m. The delegates on Sunday and Monday afternoons will split up into 34 discussion groups for spe cial sessions. : - Comprising laymen who are lead-! ers in local churches, and more than 600 teachers of adult classes, this body represents approximate ly 800 churches in Virginia, Nortlf -and South Carolina, Georgia, Flor ida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennes see, and Kentucky. Highway Record For 1950 . In Hay wood (To Date) Injured . . . . 18 Killed . . . . 3 (This Information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol) 65 .03 114 VUp - w

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