1 LMtiWOOi Haywood Lads Wallop Shelby Hero By 8-4 Legion VmuaUy ... ' Clinches A rea Four Tith Haywood" County's American La gion Juniors, gunning for the Area IV League 1 title, evened the count with Shelby's one-time na tional champions last Thursday af ternoon at the Waynesville High School field. Charlie Poindexter gave up sev en scattered bingles and got per fect fielding support from his teammates as the Haywood boys won the contest 8-4 for their fourth straight victory. The result gave Haywood a rec ord of six victories against only one loss in the League 1 competi tion, going into Friday after noon's game with Hendersonvillp at Canton. Shelby, which had walloped the local Legionnaires, 15-5, in Hay wood's third game of the season, had a heavy-hitting ag'resation. But beautiful fieldini work re peatedly turned boomin2 flies and sizzling drives into just so many more outs. Haywood's defensive fire.vcrHs, which amount to practically hav ing another good pitcher, thai Sed up four double plays over the nine-inning route. Th boys did all the scoring they needed in four frames. They started off by shelling Starting Hurler B. Lovelace for three runs their first time at bat, then worked Relief Pitcher Bridges for three counters in the bottom of the fourth, one in the fifth, and one in the seventh. Intermittent rains threatened to halt the game in the top of the fifth, and again in the eighth. Urn pire Bud Shaney actually called time in the eighth, but when the rains stopped 15 minutes later, the Shelby boys elected to play It out in spite of the sloppy condition of the field. In the opening frame. Second Baseman Dave Bristol drew a walk after Outfielder Jimmy Abbott fanned. Then First Baseman Dave Kirkpatrick rapped out a single, setting the stage for Shortstop Dave Robinson's base - clearing triple Poindexter sent Robinson home with the third run and Catcher Ray Morgan drew a walk before Lovelace gave way to Bridges The rangy relief pitcher quench .1.41 1 . i ea uie.asauu, leaving .two men stranded,- and held things under control upttlv thg bottom of, the fourth. i The whole trouble, as far as Shelby was concerned, lay in the efforts to get Bristol out in that inning. Pete Howard drew a walk, then Ledford singled1, . After Abbott grounded out, Bristol rapped a double that chased Howard home. The Shelby second sacker, try ing to catch Bristol coming into second, bobbled the ball, and Bris tol raced to, third, right behind Ledford, who romped home. Then the Shelby catcher' threw wild, trying to catch Bristol com ing Into third,' and the big second baseman raced in with the third run of the inning. Howard drove in the seventh run wltlj his booming triple in the next Inning, with Robinson, who had drawn a walk, tallying. ; - Robinson's homer to deep left center in the seventh wound up the Haywood scoring. - Shelby had several big scoring chances, but" each fime the Hay; wooa defense limited the damage up. in. Hendersonville Bows, 13-7, To Local Nino Haywood County's Legion Jun iors made it five straight Friday afternoon, .whipping the Hender sonville Legionnaires, 13-7, at the Canton High School diamond. The Haywood boys battered Emery and Wright for 14 safe hits, scoring in ail but two innings. Sprouse and Kenneth Jones gave up 13 safeties to the Hender sonville boys, but kept them scat tered, except in the seventh when the visitors scored four of their runs. Pete Howard slammed a two- run homer in the tilth, and two singles to lead the Haywood attack, while Bobby Kuykendall was run nerup for individual plate honors with three hits in five times at bat. The result . gave the local Le. gionnaires a record of seven wins and one loss for the season, going into Saturday night's game with Marlon. Hen'vllle .... 020 000 401 7 13 3 Haywood .... 160 221 01x 13 14 1 Emery, Wright (8), and Lewis; Spruce, Jones (6), and Poindexter, Morgan ' (6). WP Sprouse. LP- Emery. 2B Ward (Hendersonville) 2; Poindexter. 3B -Ward, Peeler (Hender'ville); Bristol, Klrkpatrick (Haywood). HR Howard. Locals Lick Marion, 20-5, For 8 th Win Champion walked after Hamrlck grounded out to Robinson. Charlie Lovelace, the ; Shelby first baseman, lined out a single that scored two of his mates But then Ledford picked up Hicks' grounder, whipped the ball to Bristol, who completed the second double play to Kirkpatrick That squelched the first danger ous Shelby rally. In the fifth, the boys did it again. Huges singled, but then Lee s grounder went into a Robin son-to-Brlstol- to -Kirkpatrick twin killing. The fourth piece of work of that nature came in the top of the sev enth. right after Shelby scored its final two runs. Robinson, Bristol, and Klrkpat rick, worked .the gadget again, with Robinson starting it off by fielding Kirkendall s grounder, The next man up slapped out a triple, but the bases had been cleared by the defense, and he died on third when Bridges ground ed out to Kirkpatrick 'v Shelby put another man on base Haywood County's American Le gion Juniors virtually clinched the Area IV League 1 baseball title Saturday night with a 20-5 victory over Marion at Marion. Even losing their remaining two games this week wouldn't remove the local Legionnaires from the League title contention. The worst that could happen would be that they would drop into a tie with Marion and Ruther ford County provided both these clubs won all their . remaining games while the Haywood boys were losing all of theirs. Local Legion officials will con sult with Area Commissioner J. MacTeeter of Hickory regarding a rained-out game that has not been rescheduled. Indications are that the Haywood club may not have to play out the full two- game series with Lenoir. The two clubs couldn't get together on an other date for the postponed en gagement, a n d, officially the League 1 season closes Friday. The way the picture currently shapes up, Haywood will tangle with the League II leaders, Gas- tcnia, and possibly one or two oth er clubs for the Area IV title. The Area IV winner will meet the Area II winner to determine one of the state finalists. The Haywood boys collected 17 hits In walloping the Marion dub, while Southpaw Jimmy , Kuyken aau was limiting trie losers to six scattered safeties. Shortstop Ray Robinson, slam ming out a triple and three other safe hits in six trips to the plate, led the Haywood offensive. Led ford collected three for five, In cluding a triple, and Dave Kirk patrick got three for seven. The victory left Kuykendall with a record of five wins and no losses for the season to date, ';. Gadget Aids GolfecT&Get Right Swing By RALPH SPRINKLE AP Newsfeatures majujMn jthetppi of the opening Inning. But Bobby Kuykendall, playing deep left, raced in and snared a long fly with a brilliant catch. Then .Shelby Catcher Champion hit into the first of the Haywood double plays. Kirkpatrick picked up his sting ing grounder a few inches from first, tagged the runner, then step ped on the bag to force Champion out. .. In the fourth, Shelby's Freeman Jed off with a neat triple, then CHARLOTTE Golf , beginners, dubs and improved dubs may soon be able to groove their swines in the eighth, and another in the like the par busters. ' ninth in their last chance. But They can at least renew hope of Abbott snared two long files and attaining the- smooth swing that Howard got one to kill off the threat in the eighth. A strike-out, and easy flies to Howard and Ab bott nullified Lovelace's safety in the ninth, and the game ended. Box score; Shelby (4) ab h r Freeman, 2b 4 2 1 Hamrlck, ss 4 10 Champion, If 2 0. 1 C. Lovelace, lb 4 11 Hicks, 3b .. ....... 3 1 1 Kirkendall, cf 3 0 0 Huges, rf .... 4 1 0 Lee, c 4 1 0 B. Lovelace, p 0 0 0 Bridges, p 2 0 0 Totals 30 7 4 Haywood (8) ab ' h r Abbott, cf 4 0 0 Bristol, 2b 4 12 Kirkpatrick, lb ...:.:........ 4 11 Robinson, ss ..... 3 2 3 Poindexter, p 3 2 0 Morgan, c 2 0 0 Howard, rf 3 11 Ledford, 3b 3 1 1 $.:.ItderaialL, If. 4.;, 4 . ft: 0 ? Totals V..,j. :...;...!.; 30'' ,8 . 8 V Score by Innings: Shelby ...,;:.....;..:.; 000 300 2Q0 4 Haywood 300 310 lOx 8 'Errors Freeman, Lee 2. HH Robinson. 3B Robinson, Howard, Freeman, Lee. 2B Freeman, Bris tol. RBI Robinson 3, Bristol, Led ford, Howard. Hits off B. Love lace, 3 in 13 inning; Bridges, 5 in 8 23; Poindexter, 7 in 9. Walks off B. Lovelace, 2 in 13; Bridges, 8 In & 23; Poindexter, 8 in 9. Double plays Kirkpatrick; Ledford - Bristol - Kirkpatrick, 2; Robiriwn-Bristol-Kirkpatrick. WP Poindexter. LP Lovelace. Um- MACK'S MANAGER-TO-BE? By Mavcr life : 1 ' , yi:4 (mm ' m'Mti&V fiRwlt.- tie lwV rfvl i-M .VI mm DYKES, PROMOTED FROM COACH TO ASSISTANT MAMAGER. trie f s, ff A TfAT MPties ( ' COMB MACK WiAPFiPfA , AlAtiAtSZR, :jt-:W: ' " ' 'J' n I; ttt Z2ACTM YBARZ WTti THe A'S AMD WliTS sox. Me pimep eveRy hfieItP positon AHO MB TMB OfiV tfHtTB &0 01.0? ZlNce iQ2o ,72? FNl3H Af TAB ler "' 1 DMGlQ1-6 fME9 H ii. F(JU &v4saVS IFoeefs DIou WIes M - Star lame, ?J 7th Inning Triplo Icc3 Contest 3,000 Bass Planted In Waters Of Lake Junabiska Three thousand bass-were put intovLake Junaluska' on last Friday, as part of the'program of making..,the Lake one of. the best fishing spots in the area. ' Earlier in the spring 58,000 breamwere-put in the Lake. : ... - ' ' SCOTTS SCRAP BOOK n. '- -- . , - ';: ' y . I J(,?; : ... ; w-ftmoR. . . J- X I -Y 'wasoH, By R.J. SCOn IK A.TIRL -fts-r, TLA.MIS FROM -Cut eamKypl OffIRt LlAftD 4'i-ClMIS AS HlQrt fROM ' -fflffoP Of k . " WOODEH BAAH. CAN. CAEA.1URE. w.Ri Bott scales amp KAvIR . Al PAA. , .r .WILSOM AS KMOWH AS UttCLS SAI4PURIH6 ilJ f eH.AHB'fttE HAMt qRACUAUir sets Ben Hogan, Jimmy Demaret Sam Snead and other play-for-pay greats apart from the week-end par chasers. "Groovemaster is the proposed answer. It's a device that con trols the movement of the club through the arc of the swinj from start to finish through the back swing, wrist cocking, down swing and follow-through. Visualize a free - swinging pen dulum to which the clubhead is at tached, and there's your "Groove master." It can be set up in home, office, gymnasium oc yard wher ever a club can be swung freely. Its backers, headed by- Harry Frohman, former Charlotte gear manufacturer, claim the device eliminates the need for remem bering a flock of "don'ts" at the same time automatically applying the "do's." It is expected to be in produc tion this spring. , . The secret jof "GroovemasU . ter?' Tsuecesg, according to Fred ' Hyatt, Veteran Charlotte pro, is that it automatically imposes the correct swing, Either the club head goes through its proper arc or something gives the pupU. Hyatt, who recently completed a six-month trial run with the device in a Miami, Fla., golf school, says the device emphasizes: Bringing the olubhead back, low and straight along the intended line of flight, the, importance of a straight left arm, proper wrist breaking and a downswing that throws the clubhead through the point of impact from the Inside out. How many slicing golfers would love to find that inside-out groove! The "Groovemaster" is equally adaptabl e, Hyatt says, . to . tall . or short players. It also is adaptable to varying degrees of upright or flat swings. Its principal parts include a bracketed arm extending out from wall or tree, much in the manner of the kitchen can open er. From the end of this arm hangs, the pendulum, a light metal rod. The gouiut end of the rod attaches to the olubhead on a ball socket. The clubhead, at the bottom of the swing, is about teed-ball height off the floor or ground The pendulum-like rod control the path of the clubhead through Its arc, with the pupil's arms serv ing as the spokes of the wheel and the neck as the hub of the swing. The device, brainchild' of Sam a. Maimer, owner of a Jackson ville, Fla., trucking and storage company, has won the endorse- ment of two top-fligh,t pros U. S. upen tnampion Cary. Midjilecoff FAYETTEVILLE SOLDIERS FACE CHARGE Two 19-year-old soldiers were ar rested early Saturday morning on charges of assault and robbery and have been bound over to Superior Court after hearing in City Re corder's Court. Both youths, Pfc. Clyde C. King, and Pfc. Sebastian W. Neller, were arrested after a complaint was made by Dr. Henry Edstrom,: of Springfield, 111. They held him up in his hotel room. pires Shajiey and Whitaker. Time 2:13. of Memphis and Charlotte's Clay ton Heafner, member of the Ryder Cup team. Hyatt has had little chance to compile case histories on his tran sient Miami school pupils. He re calls one progress report, however. A 100-plus shooter, after a few lessons with the "Groovemaster," pulled his score down to 84 his lowest mark at that time... That'9 enough to put a 100-plus golfer into a real frenzy of en thusiasm 'or don't you play golf? Use Mountaineer Want Ads Farmers v Federation Picnic Sol For August 5 The Haywood County Farmers Federation's 1950 picnic will be held Saturday, August 5, at the East Waynesville School. At the same time, Federation of ficials announced a grand prize of $100 would be awarded for the best specialty entertainment number presented at any of the Farmers Federation picnic in the state this summer. : ; ' ' Second and third prizes of $50 and $25 will be awarded also, with the presentation being made at the end of the picnic season. James G. K. McClure, State Federation president, also a n nounced there: would be an addi tional grand prize of $25 to be pre sented for the truck bringing the largest delegation of people to any of the Federation picnics. Oliver (Babe) Yount, The Moun taineer's athletic pressman, is the to34 of the tfttfelwood and Waynesville sporting public, which Is considerable, today. For it was lus long triple that won the ball game for Buxrell's Bombers in the WNC Industrial League All-Star game at Ashe ville's McCormick field, 7-8. The Waynesville outfielder slam med the game-winning three bag ger down the left field sidelines, chasing two mates home with what proved to. be the tying and winning runs. The Bombers and Slider's Slug gers were all tied up at 4-4 when Yount came to bat. He picked one out after working Jack Cunning ham to a 3-2 count. Elmer Dudley of Hazelwood and Dusty Rhodes of Sylva had made the bases on a two-bagger and a walk respectively. After they came home on Yount's hit, Yount himself trotted in on a I squeeze, with Mark Ferguson of Beacon turning the trick ' for the clinching run. Little Jack Ammon,s, Hazelwood righthander, was credited .wijth the victory, while Paul Israel of Mar tel was charged with the loss. J. C. Burrell Hazelwood man ager, served as pilot for the Bomb ers who were star players from Hazelwood, Sylva, Enka, and Bea con. Ray Slider, Berkeley pilot, man aged the Sluggers, comprising stars from Berkeley, Martel, Sayles, and Ecusta. .. Sluggers Goode, Berkeley, cf ..... Thompson, Martel, 2b... Colegerakis, Martel, 3b Pack, Berkeley, If .. ....... Sams, Ecusta, ss ..... ...... Smith. Sayles. lb ......... Adams, Martel, lb ........ Carland, Ecusta, lb ...... Head, Ecusta, rf . ........ Sprinkle, Martel, rf .... Waldrop, Sayles, rf ...... Slider, Berkeley, c ...... Hunnlcutt, Berkeley, p Israel, Martel, p .... Hoots, Berkeley, p Totals Bombers Pattoh, ' Enka, cf Milner, Hazelwood, cf . Dudley, Hazelwood, lb Tweed, Enka, rf Cunningham, Sylva, rf Price, Enka, c ......... ... Buckner, Beacon, c ..... lounty Legion Official To Discuss Junior Ball Club Finances June 28 ab 5 . 3 : 3 .3 .5 . 2 . 2 .. 0 . 2 . 1 r 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 3 0 ...2 .... 1 .... 1 .. 33 : ab 3 , 2 .. :. 4 .... 3 .... 1 2 Thyroid Drugs , Cows fed -. thyroid - stimulating drugs to increase milk production will lose weight unless given extra amounts of grain. HOSE SAVES MAN BURIED IN WELL 0 'i s 1, 1 ; AFfER PACINO DEATH tor two hours when trapped by the cave-In of a . well he was digging on his farm near Elkhart, Iod Henry Randall la shown near the end of his ordeaL Directing his rescue are Fire Captain Carl Wisolek and C. M. Smith. A neighbor, Vernon Sysjngar, scooped a passageway through the sand which engulfed Randall and shoved a garden hose (as shown here) into the victim's, mouth. (International 0 Rhodes, Sylva, c 0 4 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 31 Yount, Hazelwood, If Ferguson, Beacon, 2b ...... Clark, Beacon, ss Ammons, Hazelwood, p .. Dillard, Sylva, 3b ... ....... ... Benton, Sylva, p ..... .... .... Ayers, Beacon, p Hamilton, Sylva, ss ........... Totals Officials of Haywood county's three American Legion posts will meet at the Waynesville Legion Hall at 7:39 pan. to consider plans for raking necessary funds for paying the county's Legion. Junior baseball club's traveling expenses in the event the team enters the Area IV playoffs. The Haywood Juniors were leading the Area s League 1 with six wins against only one Utes through last Thursday. On the same date, baseball finance committee chairman J. B. Smith reported, the club's bank balance stood at approxim ately $GG5, . Baseball officials said that bal ance would pay the team's travel ing expenses for the remaining road trips in the five games still on their Leaeue 1 schf dultJ less they have to mak. ilil -- rained out However, they dw -uLa would not pay the bill for J " "8 '"" Playoff tiJ held away from home, tin Mir uvja collapse complptti, their remaining Ove games-, sibly only four it app, though they will be playing top.Biedmont teams (or ih title. A A fund-raising campaipi Haywood County iast spr sandwiched among several tional charity drives, netted team about $1,300, However ifieM-iy covered in view o several charily fund-raising t naigns men in progress. Haywood Legionnaires Close First Round Card In 2 Games This Week Haywood County's American Le gion Juniors tomorrow open their final week, of Area IV League 1 play with only two games left on their first-round schedule. They'll meet Valdese in a re turn contest at Waynesville High School field at 3 p.m., then n close with Lenoir at Canton High School at 3 p.m. Friday. J Friday's game will be the first meeting between the two clubs. The first om originally sched uled for Granite Falls earlier this month was rained out, andi previ ous schedule commitments cancel led out the possibility of the two clubs making it up, ' In the event of a close race for the League I leadership, 'the win ner at season s end will be de termined on a 'percentage basis. The Valdese club will be out to even the. score tomorrow with, the Haywood youngsters, who won the first same, at Valdese. by a 9-1 Count,. Vw- "-.'v'-:-,': The Haywood ; Legion Juniors' season's record to date: II Opp. 3 Hendersonville (10 lnngs.) 11 Rutherford Co. 5 Shelby 9 Valdese 13 Marion .v...:..l:. 8-Shelby 13 Hendersonville .... 20 Marion 2 2 15 GRAVEYARD LIVE SUBJEf A graveyard is usually a sol dead subject for a story. But is not always the case. Take old Howard Graveyard on OcrJ Island, for instance. One of stone markers in that eem carries the epitaph of Ann Hoi who died at the age of 117 Nearby another marker (evidi a stone-cutters error) indicated Warr.en Wahab was born years after his death. Read the Mountaineer Want! 2, Slider, Dillard, Dudley 2. RBI: Sams, Patton, Thompson, Yount 3, Pack, Ferguson, Hoots. 2B: Patton, 10 Dudley. Pack. SB: Thompson, Sluggers,................; 201 000 110 5 Price, Colegarakis,. Pack 2, Patton, BomDers iku no 30x 7 'Clark. Tweed. Left: SluRgers 10. B: Clark, Ferguson 2, Thompson Bonbers 6. Houunild can a cigarette iyJ)REPEOP SMOKE CAME than any other cigarette and among the millions VAUGHN MONROE Popular band leader saya : "I discovered the meaning of ciga rette mildness when I made the Camel 30-Day Test!" Who I You m Find Hi 's 7 Smart - Cool - Comfortable $4 IN OUTSTANDING VALUES GABARDINES - Sfl95 up ' . I ..!'-.. : ' BIG SIZES For Largo Mon Sizes up to 5( Boysf Summer Slacks . Wo Boliove - It Will Pay You to Shop At $3.95 uf EATS