,y Afternoon, Anjust 7, IE T7ATNTSVILLE JI0UKTAINIE3 OP INTEREST TO WOMEN activities CLUBS Office Phone 700 MRS. BEN SLOAN. Editor Home Fhone 462-J .Tucker deOi owell Jr . ,i,...Tiiikor rialich. r ana is. "-- -r of Canton and James well. Jr., son of Mr. and ks T. Powell of Canton. tried Saturday auernoon First Baptist cnurcu i ' T . Cmith nns. .v Horace r iucted the service. la, ivy and Oregon fern h keround. ana vases oi -rwnnhtla and tuberoses d, interspersed wim sev tied candelabra, iv rless of Canton, organ- (Ulliam P. Whltesiaes, jr. College, vocalist, present which Included "An Rpve Angenque, : voi .nrt selections from "Lo- Mrs Pless. and "At i Love Thee." and VrA Praver." Mr. White lair de Lune" by ueous niaved during the cere d the traditional wedding uprp used. line was elven away by her kte wore a dress of whije taffeta made with bodice. The bouf 1 - ... h with flounces enaea in Lin. The fingertip veil of llusion fell from a bonnet ,n trimmed with seed she carried a nosegay of . i ini- nti earaenias ana imcs Isllev. William W. Wells. Jr. of was matron of honor. She ldress of pale yellow organ vellow taffeta with a pic- It of matching organay h with yellow satin. She car- nosegay of mixed summer miads were Miss Martha liiathers. Miss Dorothy Hel- (ley and Miss Patricia Lee til. all of Canton. They bwns of pale green organdy een taffeta with matching hats. They carried nose mixed summer flowers. km H. Powell ot uanion, of the bridegroom, was In, and ushers were Charles troll, Carl S. Owen, Jr.. Al- Sllips and Harold L. Cooper, Canton. Iwine the ceremony a recep- fes held at the home of the parents. Assisting at the re- p were Miss Agnes Brown of lie aunt nf the bridegroom. Ithoda McClure of Canton, Raymond Rickards, Mrs Campbell. Mrs. Alton Phil rs. Donald Hipps. Miss Doris Sand Mrs. Bryson Ledford of Mrs. Albert P. Cline, Jr. I x r I VV Beta Sigma Phi 'o Meet Thurs. The regular meeting of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority will be hold Thursday at 7:30 p. m. in the ladies parlor of the First Methodist church. Mr ini Mrs J. C. Jennincs had s their guests for the week-end, Mrs. Garry Brooker. Sr.. and Mr. and Mrs. Garry Brooker, Jr., and children, all of Orangeburg, S. C. MRS. CLINE is the former Miss Beatrice Lee Medford, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Nick Mann Medford. Her wedding took place Sat urday evening in the First Methodist Church. Miss Beatrice Lee Medford Weds Albert P. Cline, Jr. Tucker, mother of the wore a beige lace dress with velvet sash and hat. Her accessories were beige and fcrsage was of green orchids. bridegroom's mother wore a of pink and gray printed silk gray accessories and a cor- pf pink roses. br the reception the couple fy motor for a wedding trip LKh the Sbuth For traveling 'ide wore a white eabardine with navy accessories and a ma corsair e Mr and Mrs. Ill will reside in Canton. Powell is a graduate of Can- lliuh School anil attended rn Carolina Teachers Col- She was graduated from Vir- Intermnnt PnlWn In Rri- Va., where she was maid of r in the May Court. Mr. Pow- a graduate of Canton High 1 and Wake Forest College Miss Beatrice Lee Medford, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Nick Mann Medford became the bride of Albert Purcell Cline, Jr., son Of Dr. and Mrs. Albert mrccii uine of Canton in a ceremony at the First Methodist Church, Saturday evening, August 5, at elRht o'clock. The Rev. James E. Yountz. pas tor of the church, assisted by the Rev. C. W. Klrby, pastor of Cen tral Mpthodist Church of Canton, pronounced the vows, using the double ring service. The altar Was decorated with floor vases of white gladioli and seven branched candelabra against a harkeround of evergreens and palms. ! A program of nuptial music was presented by Miss Peggy McCrack en, cousin of the bride, organist, and Mrs. James Fuller of Gaines ville, Georgia, sorority sister , of the bride, soloist. Miss McCracken played "Liebestraume," "All The Thines You Are." and "Kappa Al pha Rose," and Mrs. Fuller sang "Because," and "Through The years." "I Love You Truly," was softly played during the ceremony and "The Lord's Prayer" was sung as a benediction. The-traditional marches were used as the proces sional and recessional. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a nf ivorv Duchess satin fash ioned with fitted basque, long tight sleeves and a sheer yoke which was edged with a design of seed pearls nnri Hppo ruffle of lace. The bouf fant skirt, which had an insert of lace ruffles in the front, ended in a full cathedral train and her to an unannonuccd destination. For traveling the bride wore a suit ol stone blue faille and a hat of ba lengiazo straw with matching ac cessories. Her corsage was ot orchids detached from her bridal bouquet. Mrs. Cline is a eraduate of the I Wavnesvllle Township Hieh School and Brenau College in Gainesville', Georgia. She majored in sociology and education and was a member of the Phi Mu national fraternitv She also held membership In the Cotillion Club at Brenau and was vice president of the Sociology Club. Last year she taught music iu the Bethel School. The brldeeroom ts eraduate of the Canton High School and Bay lor bchool tor Boys at Chattanooga Tennessee. He attended Duke I'ni versltv where he was a member of the Kappa Alpha, national social fraternitv. and will enter the School of Dentistry of the Univer sity of North Carolina this fall During his four years at the Unl versity the couple will reside in Chapel Hill. Aleen Williams Is Honored At Music Camp Miss Aleen Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Williams was selected as the bot all-around girl camper at Transylvania Music Camp In Brevard for the season which ended Sunday. Miss Williams, wno played the flute In the A-Band of the Camp, was also on the camp council. She Is a member of the rising junior class and the concert band of the Wayncsville Township High School. Golf Club Plays Scotch Foursome The third Scotch foursome was played by members of the Wayncs ville Golf Club on the local course Sunday afternoon. Tied for first place with a low gross score of 85 were Mrs. Bess Gwyn and Whitener Prevost, Mrs. Evelyn Hyatt and Bruce Morford, and Mrs, Wllda Prevost and C. C. Nicholls. Mrs. Dorothv Prevost and How ard Hyatt won the low net with a score of 73 and Mrs. Laura Mae Ray and R. L. Prevost won second low net. Tied for third low net score were Mrs. Eunice Roberson and M. H. Bowles and Winifred Stoker and Ralph Prevost. Following the matches, Canton members of the club were hosts of a dinner at Lake Logan Inn, where golf prlies were awarded. Grover Golden Has Second Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Wade H. Golden entertained their son, Grover Gol den, with a party on the occasion of his second birthday, .Sunday afternoon, at their home in East Waynesville. Misses Thelma and Edith Carv er assisted and favors ware pre sented to the guests. A color note of pink and white was observed in the refreshments, Those present In addition to the honor cuest were Linda Sue Mel ton, Mary Wanda Melton, Jeanette Melton, George Mlnneck, Vicky Russell, Betty Shoaf, Elizabeth Ann Lackcv. William Swanson. Rickey Swanson and Rita Kay and Ralph Newkeak. Miss Boyd Is Married To Leo Browning Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Bovd have announced the marriage of mcir daughter, miss lou ueiie Boyd, to Leo L, Browning, son of Ed Brownlnff and th late Mrs Browning of Waynesville, Route 1. The weddina was solemnized at the Acton Methodist Parsonage in Candler on Saturday. July 29, at five o'clock in the afternoon. The bride Is a teacher of seventh grade In the Waynesville Junior High School. Mr. Browning Is employed with Ro-Search, Inc., In Waynesville. Mrs. Ward Is Hostess Of Luncheon Mrs. Hallett Ward entertained with a luncheon at her home at Lake Junaluska on Friday. Guests were seated at the dining table which was centered with an arrangement' of gladioli, butterfly bush, and gypsophilla. Those present were Mrs. Noycs Lone of Old Hickory, Tennessee, Mrs. John Allen of Burlington, Vermont, Mrs. Ralph Prevost, Miss Helen Ray, and Mrs. ucn Moan. : Miss Eula Davis Is Married To Neal Leatherman Miss Eula Davis, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davis of Waynesville, became the bride of Ncal Leatherman. Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs Neal Leatherman of Ashe- vlllc, in a ceremony at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Er- w In of Canton, Route 3, Saturday afternoon at five o'clock. The Rev. Mr. Erwin pronounced the vows in the presence of rcla lives and a few close Irlends. The bride wore for her wedding a light blue dress with white accessories. Both Mr. and Mrs, Leatherman are graduates of the School for the Deaf In Morganton. They will reside in Waynesville. Haywood Team Fourth In State 4-H Dairy Judging The Waynesville Senior 4-H Club placed fourth in the State 4-H Dairy Judging Contest last month. On the team were Dale Medford, David Noland, and Wade Francis. The Guilford County team won the title. Twenty-six teams competed. Head the Want Ads lor bargain. How mild can icigaretti bt? MORE PEOPLE SMOKE CAMELS than any other cigarette! end among tht milUom mk J.- COLE PORTER Famoua aoni writer has thia tc ay : "Crali scored a hit wttt , me year ago. A great-tailing moke! Anc Ctmili art mild!" where he was a member of Alpha Sigma Phi social fraternity and of Delta Sigma Pi business fraternity. He is now assosicated with his father in the lumber business. For The Finest In Authentic N. C. POTTERY VISIT (IkePaiteAu Place ON SOCO GAP ROAD W. B. Stephen's American Cameo & Crystalline Jugtown"s World Famous Ovenware In Orange and Brown And our own SOCO GAP POTTERY Antiques Glass China k Lamp Bases Store Hours from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. 8 Miles west of Waynesville Route 19-23 ' On the road to Cherokee Operated by Mrs. Nikki O'Conner finger-tip veil of imported French illusion was held In place by a Juliet can of lace outlined in ir- rldescent sequins and pearls. She I carried a cascade bouquet of white niRos centered with a white or chid and showered with stephano- tis. Mrs. Phil Medford, sister-in-law of thp bride, was matron of honor. She wore a gown of larkspur blue nylon marquisette over taffeta ol fhe samp shade, designed with fit ted bodice and ofT-the-shoulder neckline edeed with a band of lace and deep ruffles. The bouffant skirt was trimmed with Inserts and eraduated ruffles. She carried a fan of pastel garden flow- ers tied with matching ribbons. Miss Virginia Cline, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of hon- dr and bridesmaids Were miss Virginia Kesler of Jefferson, Georgia, Miss Hazel Smith of Nash ville, Georgia, Miss Barbara Boyd, and Miss Jean Ann Bradley, soror ity sisters of the bride, and Miss Mary Ann Massie and Miss Mar- ciiprite Wav They wore gowns identical in pnlnr and desien to that of the matron of honor and carried iden tical fans of pastel flowers. Little Miss Mary Barber, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bar- her. Jr.. was flower girl. Her dress was a miniature model of those of h other attendants and she car ried a colonial nosegay of pastel flowers. Mirhael James, son of Mrs. John Thomas James of Canton was ring bearer and carried a small white cane to which the rings were attached. Dr Cline served as his sons best man and groomsmen were Dr. Phil Medford, brother of the Driae, Wilburn Rhea. Walter Clark, and Frank Hardin of Canton, William Mitchell of Henderson, Robert Haroe.of Asheville, Sanford Dun- son of Summervillc, Georgia, and Jimmy Dobbins of Hutnenoraion, cousin of the bridegroom. Mrs Medford. mother of the bride, wore a gown of peach lace over matching taffeta, with lace mitts and a corsage of lavendar or chids. Mrs. Cline, mother of the bride- crnom. wore a gown of champagne chiffon and lace and her flowers were brown orchids. Following the ceremony at the church, the parents of the bride entertained at a reception at their home on Love Lane. The resi dence was decorated throughout with white flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ward, un cle and aunt of the bride, received at the front entrance and Mrs. Richard N. Barber, Jr., introduced the guests to the receiving line, which was composed of the bridal party and the parents of the bride and bridegroom, i Others receiving were Mrs. hod- ert Breese. Mrs. Fred Martin, Jr., Miss Ann Osborne, Mrs. Harry McCracken. Mrs. Joe Cline, Mrs. Hush Massie. and Mrs. Fred E. Martin, sr. Mrs. Grady Boyd invited the cuests into the dining room and Mrs. Bill Alexander was in charge of the bride's register. The bride's table was covered with a white satin cloth overlaid with white net and was decorated with swags of net and white gladi oli buds.. A three-tiered wedding cake topped with wedding bells and encircled with white flowers formed the centerpiece and white tanprs were used at each corner. Immediately after the reception Belk-Hudson Welcomes Our Young Visitors From The Land of "Tall Corn" welcome, you line Iowons to the mountains of Haywood.lt is fine that you have come from the plains of the mid-west to visit us here in the mountainland of the East. You'll hear a lot about our county, and since ALL HAYWOOD KI30VJS THESE FACTS OF BELK-HUDSON "The Largest Store West of Asheville1 Bclk-IIudson is the largest de partmcnt store in nil Wester North Carolina (outside ii m - Asheville) and only two years ago was completely modern ized and enlarged. 23 DEPARTMENTS This huge store, with lots and lots of room, has 23 complete departments, each filled with merchandise that means sav ings to our ever growing list of customers. NEW MERCHANDISE Every day sees new shipments of merchandise arrive at our store. Goods direct from the manufacturers, and style cent ers that affords our customers the best at the lowest pos sible prices. We, feature NEW goods. YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THIS STORE HAS 3 BIG FLOORS The store has three full floors the first floor, a second floor, and full sized basement, also filled with bargains. The basement is a complete store within it self, not just a place to put hard stocks. 72 BUYERS Our organization has 72 buyers each a specialist in their respective lines that constantly scour the mar kets and mills for the best available goods at the best prices. These buyers are your assurance of getting bet ter values at Belk-IIudson. LARGER STOCKS Today we have a much larger stock of merchandise than ever before. We have added extra people to just unpack the new stocks which we are receiving. EXCELLENT SERVICE Our personnel is trained to serve you, but to never use high pressure to sell WE "SERVE, instead of selling. Of course we have the convenient lay away plans, and no matter when you come to Belk-IIudson, we will cash your pay roll checks, and without obligation. Almost everyone that lives in Haywood has made this their Headquart ers we invite you too. uti irir i MI! k K A A M the couple left for a wedding trip