STANDARD PTG CO tVmp -20-230 S I'"irst LOUISVILLE KT o The Waynesville Mountaineer TODAY'S SMILE Definition "A food hus band: one who (eels in his pockets e e r y time he passe a mailbox." (Lion Chatter!. Of The News Lie, Terrible Smith, the Hazelwood . . .. . snln mountain L BU supply is unlimited P t na urn Inn Urt Ut, history of thej Kr. mountain stories, or; ' . w. latest is about the L just made in a in While Rin "" w,v rill Ju 0 hind, he carried his gun In al I stranger, ne sioppea, .i. ...urnmer the lug and f, ki- drink. The man U whereupin me obu" U jun on me mu, ... r shoot. . nheved. but almost led when he sipped a small k frible stuff, ain't it?" in- I the man holding the gun. Li, mtten." came the reply. h hold the gun on me while i drink," said the distiller, gapped his gun for the Jug. i Published Twice-A-Veek In The Ccjity Scat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance 01 The Great Smoky Mountains National Park 65th YEAR NO. 80 16 PAGES Associated Press Crusade For Freedom "WAYNESVILLE, N. C: THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCT. 5, 1950 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Countltt Governor Sees Effects Of Road Program In Haywood Starts Here Tuesday Crusade Head :et . - - . Inl. mil drove i-uupe " Hid asked for a special raon- hing job. told the proprietor he want- In the form of a large bulls liv, saia me pumeu ihere do you want U? man pointed to a battered Iht itipro." hn said. "These Ids have been hitting me any- ktely, and I want to give them hing harmless to aim al next Aaron Prevost Is Named As Co-Chairman AARON PREVOST of Hazelwood has been named co-chairman of the Crusade for Freedom in the Waynesville-Hazrlwood area. Whom the Bells Toll L a vou ooen the front door L Firestone store, you make . Owner William Cobb a few '.ire Installed a set of chimes bounds when the front .door L let the clerks know that a jtustomer has Just com In. uty Surplus Vhant snmp rollece bands can Western Carolina Teachers ige's musicians In talent, it nnt in maiorettes. lartlni? h WCTC band in the Be here Saturday t afternoon 'ding the WCTC-East Tennes- -tatp fftnthnll a amp will be: Irolyn Edwards of Leaksvllle, jorette who was "Miss North Ulna" of 1950 and one of the 15 lists in the Miss America Beau- imtfest last month. itty Jean Hines of Raleigh, the majorette, who was Miss lit Leaf" last summer and tied during the ceremonies at ant to the world premiere of ( motion picture, "Bright Leai, incy Rogers of Charlotte, who Miss Merry Christmas" last ler in her home city's annual Istmas pageant. pywood Farmers tend FHA eeting arm renrespntaHvps. from 22 tern Nnrth Carolina counties. uding Haywood, at a meeting Asheville last week discussed Ihods of improving the overall cultural program, "he meeting was sponsored by federal Farm Home Adminis lion. State FHA Director J. B. Ik was in charge. CDresentinB HivwnnH at the fion was a committee of Jarvis ttalriwpll 11 chairman- Charles lUner. and Tom Rnflers. 'arm Management Specialist Iph Turner told the delegates It mainr alliisfmanla In fVlP - j v uuj vtovtiiviiio , in jning program must be made if average cash farm income in Fth Carolina is In hp raised he the current $1,089 per farm f year level, (he FHA'q nAi.nln .mmlllui am. ered by law to certify to the gibility of applicants and loans ier the Farm Housing, Farm 'nership, and Farm Operating grams. Cr MeDarris Is supervisor for FHA in Haywood County. St. John's To Install Pastor On Sunday The Rev. Lawrence Newman will be installed formally as the new pastor of St. John's Church of Way nesville in ceremonies at the church at 7;30 P. M. Sunday. Officiating will be the Rt. Uev. Monsignor Louis J. Dour, dean of the Western Carolina Catholic Diocese. Thu installation seavke will be followed by the BenedWim f the Blessed Sacrament. Participating in the closing ser vice will be the Rev. C. F. Hill, as sistant pastor of St. John's. The parishioners will greet their new pastor formally at a reception in the St. John's School Auditor ium after the service. Father Hill sa'd all friends of the church and school are invited. Cprvina nS hnstPKSPK will be Mf.S. John Wasilik of Franklin, Mtss Gertrude Flannagan of Cherokee, Mrs. R. C. Lane of Lake, Mn Harold Hnnson of Canton, and Mrs. Morris Morrill of Cullowhee. The arrangements were made under Father Hill's direction. The appointment of the new pastor gave St. John's an all-native Tar Heel administrative lineup. Father Newman is a native of New Bern, and Father Hill was born and raised in Burlington. Haywood will officially launt "The Crusade for Freedom" card pain here Monday night whej community chairmen and eountj chairmen meet for the initial drlv to get 10,000 signatures to frei dom scrolls in the county. Jonathan Woodv. and his c4 chairmen, Aaron Prevost and A. Hutchins, announced this mornii that the leaders would meet Mo day night, seven o'clock, for dinner meeting at the TowH House. Starting early Tuesday workers are to make a thorouw ... canvass of the county, getuii names to the scrolls, pledging fieht rommunln The scrolls w be sent to Herlin. and there placi in a shrinp with the freedom IK as a svmbol of American dedicl tion to the cause of world freedorl Mr. Woodv said the quota assig pel H.-wwond was 5.400. but til committee had almost doubled tl quola to 10,000, instead. "The pe nle in Haywood love freedom we love America, and we arc goiil to prove it by getting 10,000 nam on these Freedom scrolls, he sai Reuben H. Robertson; of Canto i Is general chairman for the tvi Carolinas, and Beekinan Huger h assistant. Edwin Jones, ot cna lotte is state chairman; R. Greif Chrrrv. vice chairman. James K McClure is district chalrmal with Frank M. Parker, co-chairmik and Mrs. C. E. Dameron, cxecutlii secretary. I Among the speakers on Mond. ' night will be Mrs. C. O. Newe , Rev. M. R. Williamson, A. J, Hu chins, and Mr. Huger. I The community chairmen are k follows: South Clyde, William OL borne; 1 North Clyde, Glenn Ham Brown; lake Junaluska, S5A Massey: Iron Duff, Jarvis Caldwefc Lower Crablree, Mrs. Hugh Nl land; Upper Crablree, James Be; Fines Creek, Charles B. McCrant. White Oak. Mrs. George BorliJ; Cove Creek, Mrs. Hobart Franj-lin- Jonathan Creek. Enos Boyi; Dcllwood. Mrs. W, D. Ketm; Boosters Club, Carl Henry: Sa (See Crusade Pane 8) . if i m For Exahsion Of Local Band -fcor Governor Kerr Scott expresses approval of a photograph showing a large cor.Kiegatiou in front of the Rockv Branch Bapt ist Church in Aliens Creek community. The road to the Church was improved un der the governor s rural road program. He said he was gralilled to see that the improvement of the roads permitted so manv more people to gel to church, and that he'd keep tho picture on his desk. The photo was presented bv Swan Hendrix. 'extreme light', rural road program chairman for Wavnesville township. Left to riRlit "e I- Thrash. Tenth District Highway Commissioner, the governor, ami Dr. Kelly Bennett of Bryson City, former state senator. This Mountaineer staff photo was made at Tuesday's district Democratic rally at Sylva. (Staff Photo). Governor Scott And Haywood Democratic Leaders Baptists To Hear Dr. Love Sunday Dr. Frank S. Love will occupy the nulDit of the First Baptist Church for both services on Sun day for the 11 o'clock morning service, and again at the 7:30 eve ning service. Dr. Love has served as super intendent of Lake Junaluska for the past six years, having resigned recently, effective October first. Union Services To Close On October 11 The Union Revival and F.vangjl istic Services, sponsored by tie Proshvt ei ia n a nd M c t h o d 1 i t Churches of Hazelwood, are bei 4 g conducted each evening this we.fc. except Saturday, in the Mcthodfct church, at t.m. After Sunday morning the serv ices will be in the Presbyterian church, and will continue each evening through Wednesday, Oct. 11. Due to a heavy schedule of other evangelistic meetings Mr. Warren will conclude our series on Oct. 11, rather than on Sunday, Oct. 15, as first announced. The evangelist, Rev, A. M. War ren, is a graduate of Davidson Col lege and of Princeton Theological Seminary. Though a native of Allendale, (See Union Service Page 8) is, 1 i I f C Fund-Raising Drive To Be Launched With Parade This Saturday -.Tonight the High School band will play a dual role In the life of thh community officially open their Hand Building, and inaugu rate a campaign to raise $4,200 for uniforms and equipment. The modern 'band building is the first home of the band which was . organized in I IKK). Tonight marks the beginning of the third cam paign for funds during the 11-year period. W. A. Bradley, chairman of the hand committee, said today that thi assets nf tln hand Is now $20. 000, exclusive of $18,837 In Instru- f ments owned by the individual members. Mr. Bradley pointed out the urgent need for 30 additional uni forms. In order that Waynesville could put 90-playlug musicians on the field or In a parade at once. Also urgently needed are live In struments, a bassoon, tuba, bass clarinet, and 2 piccolos. The uni forms, and five instruments total $3,800. The additional $400 Is to cover transportation costs to the state contest, where the band will go next spring In order to defend the title of holding first place with Appointed : bJ i -.-; " v r It 1 W. ! , 1 ROBERT HAIL. 27-year-old I'r.i- ' vcrsily of Nortl Carnlina Ki adu ate, went to work Monday as Haywood County's Or't proba tion officer. His official title ti "assistant probation officer." and Ik- is on the staff of the County Welfare Department. Bob Hall Named two other bands in Class Six music the top class in the state. l First COlint Y Mr. llradiey pointed out hanrl rnmmlttec owns $7,975 111 I ' instruments now, some of them bought back in 1039. There Is an investment of $0,284 In uniforms,, Hobert llall, 27-yenr-old former, nd a music library valued at $4,- program director for Radio Station 000. Supplies on hand, together WHCC, started Work Monday a with other physical equipment, Haywood County's first assistant- Probation Officer probation officer. Mi s. Sam Queen. Sr.. county wel fare superintendent, announced his appointment by the County Welfare Hoard. Actually. Mr. Hall Is the first person ever appointed in a West- Governor Scott, in a genial mood talks with a group of Haywood County Democratic nominees ami nartv leaders during the Congressional Uisinet uemocraue nan, rt, .--,. .a.,, ....j William Medfnrd. Wavnesville, state senate nominee; Charles B. MeCrary. Fines Creek, chairman of the counlvs Democratic executive committee; Krel Campbell of Ha.elwood. nominee for sheriff; Oral Yates, Iron Duff, nominee for slat, ; represent alive; and Charles Francis, RatelilTe Cove, nommee for chairman of the board of county commissioners. iStafi I'hoto). Employ Handicap Week Proclamation Issued Publication Gives Space To Projects The current issue of the Exten sion Farm-News devoted a large percentage of space to the dedica tion of Camp Si haul), and the visit of the Iowa 4-H (-luh Hoys ana girls. .l I hp front nage and Dr. Frank Jeter end with eflorts aimed at undir- i..t ,n the uditorial : scoring the importance of - iirviiii it iiiinw" -.. space to the two events. The mayors of Canton, Waynes ville. and Hazelwood today Issued proclamations setting aside this week as Employ the Physically Handicapped Week. The local observance of the na tional ciinoaiLUi opened last week- Canton Man Heads First District Society A Lot Of Chickens Going To Market 0 leather PAIS ilhllrcrl... i t m !.-! J tautty, ictooer o rr -mm Thursday. Friday fair, be Unit . . r "s a mtie warmer in the ai- p noon. I'Offipi.i . W rraynesvuie lenipeia- f s recorded by the sUff of the r" iesi farm): .-"ate m.. ui. ninfall . .'.BA, nBU ... A L. Z no An IU to .... 3 74 38 - 73 , 45 .30 luiihi ll. JW'JI'ijilillllillJ'fl t " I HiMt? n 'i,i.i"n - oi'V'" ml ill - h J "'wizl '"fit ! 'f t 1 ,HI.'K! mi J .. it Ml "1 ering a prospective employee s ability, instead of disability, in re viewing qualifications for a parti cular job. Local Campaign Chairman Arth ur Vielli pointed out that in the Waynesville and Hazelwood area alone, there are a substantial num- , r ........I.. luilrlini) a 1 1(1 performing competently skilled! the Medical Foundation of Chapel (See Mavors PaKe 8) (Hill, was the featured speaker . during the meeting, Dr. Alton Bottoms of Canton took office Monday as president of the First District Dental Society. ' The installation ceremonies were held during the closing session of the Society's 29th annual meeting in Asheville. Dr Svlvester Green, former mieh as cabinets, stage platforms,) and office equipment adds another $900 to the assets of the organiza tion. The 30 uniforms, which are need ed to bring the number to 90, will cost $1,800. The instruments ana transportation costs total $2,400. ern Nm.(n Carolina county to do H- ,,....t...viiuttlt, 950 : ......Knt i,t,i ,.'ri,'b nil, I iw I h( mill' nnp llieie ,11 U nJiMiAiiiinnij -...-i jjiwiras n, ...... ... .... students now taking band in the doing this type of job in the west four groups beginners, juniors, ' vrn area at present, military band and concert band, j Mr. Hall, incidentally, also is Charles lsley is director, and the first man ever to he named to Robert Campbell is assistant. ! t he staff of the Haywood County The band committee is composed , Welfare Department in the 32 years , 1...1 , w v. ; it lias been operating. ot ivir. inauiiy, mi" " i , f Prevost secretary, W. Hugh Mas-' Men have filled the office of sic treasurer M II Howies, Jack superintendent of Hie department Me'sser C E Wealherby, Claude since it was organized on a part N Allen George A. Brown, Jr., time functioning basis in 1918. Und T. Bramlett. s But ."- h-- 'Z "In considerat ion for I he many , (Sc HallPaEp 8) public appearances, and outstand- i . , ing contributions the band makes each month to our community .life, q . J-,,, Will it appears that a campaign lor jii- uuiuimuj ? 200 for a four-year period is an excellent investment. We are urg- inu that all interested in the con tinued growth of the band contri- libeially," Bradley said. Mr. Isley announced thai the nd would stage a parade at 11:30 Saluidny morning, and the Lions Club would operate a dime board in behalf of the band all-day Saturday. butt ha Be Parade Day Here New Sunday Hours For Theatres Announced The arfiouncennent this morning thai tin was made Park and at eXr Durham ...aid and Strand Theatres would open now executive vice-president of eight o'clock on Sunday nights, with the picture beginning at 8:110. This new hour will continue through the winter months. irtL Library Work Is Discussed Here By WNC Group Today About 30 were attending the Western District Library meeting here today, with state and regional leaders leading a discussion of cur rent problems for libraries. Miss Marearet Johnston, Haywood li brarian, was general host, for the meeting, held at the Presbyterian church. Misc Marearet Ligon.. of Ashe Friday's Contest To Be No. 42 In WTHS - Canton Series Fririav night's game will be the j season. 42nd time that Canton and Waynes- The second game of 1939 took ville have met on the football field. ! the cake for being the closest. Wavnesville holds the edge In 1 Canton won it, 2"-20. the 18-vear-old series, with 24 vie-: But quite a few others ended toril,s " ! with a margin of only six points Carton has won 16. ! between winner and loser Onlv one game ended in a tie. j The first game between the sea- That was the scoreless first game j sons was one of those wmg-dings of the 1940 season. ! Canton came through with a 25-19 Canton came back and won the victory Everybody love a parade, so Saturday's prncram is jst what the doctor ordered for the Way nesville folks. There will be one before ech meal, except breakfast, pn that hie day. At 11:30 A. M., the Waynesville Township High School band will start marching- duwn Main Street from the First Baptist Church to observe the opo'ilne; of its 1950 funri-raisinc. drive. At fi:15 P. M this one, and the hands and majorette of East Tennessee State "ollp?e and Western Carolina Teacher's Cot leee will start paradintr from the Hotel Gordon up Main Street. That one will be a preliminary to the Fast Tennessee WCTC- football game at 8 P. M. at the high school stadium. Miss Margaret uigon, pi . ' i , nIv 22 of lh, cont,.s,s did the ville, was leader oi me oiscuss. n . see , . , " I , . . cnn,.. wavnes- . k v h t he the largest load of chickens ever shipped at one time from here. The load of VtOO t2 w S. d 12,oS pluTdf and was worth about $3,000. The hens were bought from the hatch 2,100 hens b the Haywood County Farmers Cooperative. The hens were sold on the ing egg flocks PnJnm over other markets. The chiekens.left here at five o'clock, Alff n the nex? Lny wL in poultry display cases in stores. Shown here, left to right. M Duh ZX ot Me" Cooperative; Carl Crawford, of Brasstown, Tenn., and Lyda Patron, LperSi e driver, and Mr. Crawford, in cab of truck. Staff Photo). Others taking part were Miss He en Rex, field worker for this dis trict, Miss Elizabeth House, direc tor of the Library Commission, Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn, member oi the state Library Commission, and Which goes to show you that ville was shut out in nine of these, i and Canton in 12. ; The first game of last season Knhlv ranie closer to being a what happens in the first game isn't an exactly infallible indica tion of what's going to happen in A i 1 - . me secoou. ! .. , .u. , , i ,.f k , riourtincif man anv oi me initio ion, ana in me vasi iiiajuiujr. w V'M"VT . , l-'.i ....... t . n nt I William Medford, slate senator,! double-headers which started witn ; ouisiae ui .um land member of the Haywood Li-! the season of 1937, however, the 1940. . brary Loard. 1 same team won both games in each (See Game-1 age Highway Record For 1950 In Haywood (To Date) Injured .V. .27 Killed . . . . 6 (This lnlonnatlon com piled from Record" of Stat Highway Fatrol)

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