3TANDAFD nr. Lu LOUISVILLE XT Inday's !st Mail living ter Now only mail U now ar J ,n hour or so later than 'due in a change In schedule, learned from Postmaster J. J oniv mail from the east ar Jon Sunday is now put up In ies by 5 30 to 6 o'clock. The futgoing mail to the east it 11 o'clock. Instead of nine, mail closings for the east H-days are 6:30 a. m., 10:30 1 p. m and 5 p. m. t-day mall irom me easi is retributed by 8:30, 2:30 so, it was explained. k Seen As t Hope i r Peace nirrr-rrn-i TXTTT .' . . T U . IJIBi vv AY ry JKB V 1JLJLE MOUWTAIWEEK Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park I TODAY'S SMILE The hum ib brain It a wonderful thine It start worklnc at birth. And not atop vntil yea stand ap to make a speech la public 65th YEAR NO. 86 20 PAGES Associated Press .WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCT. 26, 1930 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Countiei It's Apple Bobbing Time In Haywood ur foreign- VruiicDtKMHKJiii Wr s of Syiva aeciarea tues- , ...... . .... ..... hi that the united nations last hope to save the world the destruction oi a intra War. iddresjed his remarks to the LvitU- Business and Trofcs- Wimun CIUD. dinner meeting at the fjyr- fca Uo'i.n opservea me nrin rsary if the drill ot me 1 Nations. nv obsj.vers feel" Mr. Par dared, "that World War II have iK'.i prevented hod Id League of Xntu ns reacted Unit 'd Nations reacted u fcrcan crisis." said tliat th- UN has nound- to some extent unco u was rpd. it floundered, he explained, becau ' ii ran up agam. pruu- hat had not been anl.-upnlcd. ip UN has dene ,au excellent he continued. Jrea proved that It can do the en for which It was not set do." explained Secretary of State Ion's proposal, now being con- id by a UN committee, and I would work if it were ariopt- said the plan is designed to the veto. Russia had been present to ase the veto when the UN iiy Council approved the action in Korea, this action ,would have bean taken, -pointed out, however, that la would be present if the UN Is called upon again to act lease of aggression committed pother Russian satellite. former United Press and iated Press foreign and war Ispondcnt also declared that Irs of the existence of a pow- Russian-created East German apparently had no basis in felligence reports said such an existed only on paper, that fntained less than 60,000 men Imbat units. East German air force doesn't even on paper, intelligence s have reported, and the fleet fore of a coast guard to com- Imuggling. ithermore, he added, the Rus- do not want an East German JSee John Parris Eaue 8) jr Ti 1 v. ... : H-:-':". 1 J, 'WSSfc v-.,v-. Ave ,:i' ,V,t -4 I -v - i ' ' IS :iLi: fty n MtA- M1 i lm-im 11 11 111 ' 1 "; ? These young people started off Apple Week in a big way at the Sub-peb party Tuesday night as they bobbed for apples from the tub of water. Ronnie Haas, of Canton, is trying tu got his apple, while Mary Ann Uyrd waits her turn. Sally Stovall, center, and Miles Stamey are enjoying, their apples, while Doris Ann Ensley sets set to try next. The young people, in costume, had a v;ala time at the Youth Center. (Staff Photo. Colorful Program Set For Hajwood Apple Fesiival The usual pre-election word slinging will give way to pie-slinging at the Haywood County Court House Saturday. Cherokee Indians will re-enact William Tell. And the words of (he-open-air preachers will give way to the rich, mouth-watering aroma of, apple pies in the, process of baking. Fact is, anybody who opens his mouth around the Court House on Saturday morning has a good chance of having an apple pie thov, ed into it. That, of course, brings us direct ly to anothef big Teature of these festivities. Selected ministers of Haywood County's churches will be given an opportunity to display their skill and capacity at the dinner table. They will take part in the pie- j celebration, eating contest. Pie a la mode eating contest, to split hairs about it. Each pie will be decorated with three large scoops of ice cream. The winner will be crowned Haywood County's pie-eating cham. plon. His prize will be a large, economy-size glass of bicarbonate of soda. The Indians will compete in an archery contest. But first they'll warm up by Halloween Party Scheduled For Armory Tuesday The Masquerade Party at the Waynesvllle Armory will climax the local celebration of Hallowe'en Tuesday night i , . The event will start a 8 B'clock. The Waynesvllle, Chamber of Cdnimerce and the Wayr.esvtlle Merchants AssoeUtioa k apMisor- lng the event for the high -school students. Prizes will be awarded to those judged as having the best costume. There will be bobbing for apple, cake walks, and other games, that add to the gaiety of the traditional Band Goal $1700 Short, Concert To Be Given Saturday Is Final Day To Register Crom Cole, chairman of ho board of elections, this mnrnlns pointed out that persons who did not register in Fines Creek, Aliens Crwk, and at Waynesville two pre cincts lnt spring, must of necessity j do so on or before Saturday in or tiler to vote on the 7th. i These precincts were created i prior to the primary last spring, 1 and many persons took advantage j of the new registration at that time. '. Thof-e who did not have until Sat ! unlay afternoon to register. i The election official also point- i ed out thai persons formerly' Vol i inn at the court house, at Bethel ; ami Saunook, must register by I Sat 111 day, as new precincts have been created at each of these j places : ' .... i Registrations have shown a de 1 tided increase during the past i week, Mr. Cole said. ' Those living In whal was the North Ward ait' now in either the new- Kast Waynesvllle, Center Waynesvllle, or West Waynesvllle precinct's. The Pigeon profnel is ow dlvid' cl into I'iyeou and Center Pigeon All those living fi tile Saunook si'diim also must register again, Mure this has been sol up as a new precinct. The polling places where persons in those areas ran register are: Kast Waynesvllle -East Wayneg' vlllc School; Center Waynesvllle Haywood County Court House; West Waynesvllle Presslcy's Store; Pigeon Hothel School; Center Pigeon Spring Hill School; Saunook Saunook School, The 55-pieie concert hand and 95-member mixed chorus will give a concert at the high school audi torium Thursday 'night to climax the Band Expansion Drive, As of noon today, the tliiye hail netted $2,500, which loaves a bal-! . ance of $1,700 i ti Older to reach' 1 Haywood Bells Ring Out Good News 1 n i xf 1 6 tv ;The "pPbiwdV'frohT the conct'i will be applied toward j llm ex pansion drive. Charles Isley said the selections by both the hand and chorus would be particularly 'appcalinj to chil dren. The concert will start at eight o'clock. Boyd Withdraws From Race For Board Chairman Glenn A. Boyd of Creek, prominent Haywood County Republican leader, announced Tuesday he was withdrawing as Re publican candidate for the General shooting apples off people s heads, j Election race for chairman of the (See Apples Pae 8) rinSis- age Boost Announced For aylon Rubber Employees wage boost of 12&C per hour We than 900 employees of fDayton Rubber Company at its jhesville plant was announced week by Harry A. Bourne, fac J manager of the Thorobred 'ion of the company. The in . Fc came as a result of negotia nt between the Company and -277. United Rubber. Cork.' fleum and Plastic Workers of f nca. CIO eather' According to Mr. Bourne, the innroao was cranted to all em ployees, including those on salary.! who are on the company's payroll! at Waynesvllle. All increases were i made effective October Ifi, ' The wage offer was ratified ry ; the union membership In a meet ing held at the Hazclwood Elemen- tary School on Friday, October 20. j The present contract with the , Union covers the period to October 3, 1951. ' Haywood board of county com sioncrs. His action leaves Democratic Candidate Charles C. Francis of Ratcliffe Cove unopposed for the post. In his statement announcing his withdrawal, he declared that it had always been his personal and polit ical ambition to make Haywood County a better place in which to live. -He formerly served as chairman of the County Republican Execu tive Committee. He explained that, in his opinion, that the Democrats in the June primary selected a groun of men of high character and ability Since the people have "taken the step to have clean politics here, he continued, he did not see where it would be an advantage for him Jonathan to fight politically this type of men. Mr. Boyd declared that this state ment expresses his own personal views, and does not advise other Republicans as to what course they should take. ' He added thai he will "always stand by the-churches and all the elements thai go for the better ment of Haywood County." regard less of the outcome of the elec tions. He expressed his support for better schools, roads and other im provements, regardless of who is in power. In his statement. Mr. Boyd de (See Boyd Pajre 8 VFW Commander Speaks Here Former National VFW Com mander Otis Brown of Greensboro, discussed the international situa tion last night at a Waynesvllle VFW meeting here. Approximately 80 members of the local veterans' organization and its auxiliary hoa-vi the address at the Haywood County Court House. Mr. Brown's speech followed a dinner held In his honor at the Towne House by the Waynesvllle VFW Auxiliary. He is currently executive direc tor of the North Curollna Depart -! mont of the VFW. I Mr. Brown also In his address, discussed the Importance of all ! veterans belonging to some vet- erans' organization. J Among those who attended the session and the dinner were Cole Cogburn of Canton, North Caro lina VFW department vice-tom-mander, and Mrs. Cole Cogburn, president of the Canton VFW Aux iliary; and Mrs. Marjoric Haynes. representing the Asheville VFW Auxiliary. itF.t. JT. U. YOlJNTZ, pastor bC the First Methodist Churl-h, s shown pulling the bell roe on'Tuesduy, as ehuich bells all" over the' world rang in observance! of United j Nations Day. Bells throughout Jlaywood were rung Tuesday. (Stall' Photo), ' .4 ; ' ' '.- . ... ' ..',.. 14,840 Haywood Names Put On Freedom Scrolls 24 To De Inducted .-..... Uovember 17 Twnty-four Hajwood -"ounty men will report for Induction at Charlotte on November 17. They will be the first in tho county to be drafted in approxi mately two yearn, and the first group ot draftee to leave for ser vice since the Korean crisis began last summer. At the same time, the Haywood Selective Service board reported today tt had been ordered lo send 25 more men for preliminary ex aminations on November It. This will make a total Of 1M men from this county who will have taken their pre-lndurtlon ex amlnations since the first call rain in September. Only 38 so far have passed their pre-inductlon physical and mental examinations. . The draft board last week also reclassified 60 men. These Included all those who failed their pre-in duction examinations In Septem ber and October. They were classified as 4-F. However, the group was not made Up entirely of these men. The rest were reclassified for other reasons. The following have been order ed to report for induction Novcm ber 17: James Athel C.illi'tt, Clyde; Charles Steve Chambers, Waynes- vllje; Billy Marlon Ferguson, C'jdc; George Jerome Bradley, Waynes vllle; Billy Eugene Smith. Canti n; Charles Clifford Devlin, Canvon: Joe Letch Worley, Canton; Edward Wheeler,-Wayncsville. Truett Walker Medford. Way nesvllle; Jack Gentry Brookshire, Canton; Angus Worley, Canton; D. C. Jenkins, Cove Creek; Hubert Pressley, Canton; Enloe Floyd Schuler, Balsam; Charles Andy Ferguson, Clyde; . , Jack Douglas Hipps, Hazclwood; Hugh Allen, Canton; Ishmael Worth Parton. Hazel woodr'Nathanlel ljw- fjCBtrtt 'Grady RMnw4-4ir-i field, Canton; Herbwrt hugene in- 'Kle, Canton; Conrad LevMis Boone, Waynes vllle; Joe Francis Christopher, Hazclwood; and Hardy Richard Stinnett, Clyde, Haywood Youths To Show 35 Calves InWNC Event "Thirty-five Haywood County 4-H j Club and FFA calves are entered i in the 1950 Western North Caro-, Una Fat Slock, Show and Sale. j The event will be held Novem- j ber 1 and 2 at Bernard Walker To-1 bacco Warehouse (No. 2) in Bilt more. Serving on the show's steering committee are Counly Agent Wayne Corpening and B. F. Nes bitt, Crabtree-Iron Duff High (See Haywood youth Page 8) John L. Davis Dies Wednesday Aiter Illness Haywood almost went three to one in the Crusade for Freedom drive over the quota as 14,840 sig natures were put on the scrolls, ac cording to Jonathan Woody, gene ral chairman. The quota assign ed I lay wood was 5,400. v;," Voluntary contributions to the campaign totaled 140 48, accord ing to Mrs. Johnny Ferguson, who served as treasurer for the cam paign. Signatures from person.; in every si ction of t lie coumy was obtained, Mr. Woody said, and the i espouse was gratifying. Aaron Provos! a rved as co-chair-j man for this arci;. and A. .1. Ilut chins -'as - co-chairman' for the Can ton area. John L. Davis, 82, died at his home here Wednesday after an ex tended illness. He was the son of Harris and Margaret Keener Davis of Knox County, Tenn., and had resided in Waynesville for twenty-four years. Until his retirement several years ago, he wag connected with Hyatt and Company. He was a member of the First Baptist Church. Funeral services will he con ducted tomorrow at' 11 a.m. in the First Baptist Church with the pas tor, the Rev. Broadus E. Wall, of ficiating. Burial will be in Green Hill Cemetery. Active pallbearers will be Mark Galloway. David Felmet, James White, Harry Sullivan. G. 1). Sher rill. and Henry Foy. Honorary pall (See John L. Davis Page 8 1 Haywood Folk At WNCAC Meeting In Canton FAIR no --;.. I , "nuucr i air aou p today and tonight. Warmer Official w. .mi- a . as recordert hv h f ih Test Farm): T.a. iilUI, JtVBUUilli 23 24 23 Churches Pledge Funds For Junaluska Expansion Plan Southeastern Methodist 'churches have pledged $291,616 toward the fund campaign for new buildings at the Lake Junaluska Methodist Assembly. This was reported recently by officials of the Southeast er, TurUHirtion headquarters at'Atlanta, Ga. The report- also said 90 fund-raising dinners had scheduled throughout the area through May 1, 1951. Thp ramDaien's objectives is $600,000. The 1951 season at the Assembly will open June 5, and j the summer agenda has already been completed. This announcement was made by Dr. Embree H. Black' ard of Asheville, chairman of the Assembly program com. IIU..VV-. ... t t -- U IJJ been '" -', f ". '..17 ' 'if'Vl I Democrats To Hold First Precinct Rally Friday Among those representing Haywood at the WNCAC meeting in Canton Tuesday are shown here. Standing. left to right: James L. Kilpatrick, president Waynesville Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Gor don Schenck, secretary, and Ross Caldwell, of Cherokee. Seated, left to right: VV. B. Harrell, of WCTC; James E. Henderson, Canton; Mrs. Edith P. Alley, secretary WNC Tourist Association, Havwood Count's Democrats! will launch their pre-C.enerai Elec-i ; I ion campaign tomorrow. ; j The first ot series oi precinct I rallies will be held at (he Cruso ; j School on that day. i i The featured speakers will in-" i elude Attorney John M. Queen and I Judge Felix Alley. 1 The second rail" is scheduled for Wednesday tor Jonathan Creek, i: Maggie, and Ivy Hill townships. . ! The headline speakers will be ! led by Senator Clvde K Hory. who , will appear twice on November 4th. together with Representative - Red i den. also Secretarv of State Thad i F.ure, Solicitor That! Bryson. form ! er Solicitor John M Queen, Judge Felix E. Alley and Judge Sam Cathey. Chairman McCrary said today "this is just a impressive a list of speakers as any county will have have during the campaign. We are well organized,-and are going out after a big majority on the sev enth.'' he commented. will address a rally at the Canton High School, with Judie Sam Cathey going to the Crabtree (See Dcmocrats-r-Page 8) Highway Record For 1950 In Haywood (To Date) Injured .... 27 Killed .. . . 6 (Tb.li Information com piled from Records of SUta HUhwty ratrol) ...72 53 .10 He said the' principal n'ew feature wnicn nas.Dcen aaacaj. WCTC; James E. Henderson, Canton; Mrs. Lditn v. Alley, secretary winu lourist Association, .,, f)n ThurS(llv N(,v v, fhad Eurc'l bw -. Ptro '-."TO"-: "M-' '-'m--- , ,.., ,mn mrrtin'-' scheduled for June 24- July 8.1 Waynesville; Paul Russell, assistant superintendent Nantahala National Forest, i Staff Photo). i . - " .'. tjmmmmmmmmmmm 7q is the old time camp nit-t-i" ; . Saturday Is The Last Day To Register For The Coming General Election