STANDARD PR; m romp 2i0-230 First a LOnSVILLK KY Q- Sidelights Waynesville Moun TO DAY'S SMILE The only pen with a prr ea life time guarantee- la Alcatra. Of The News Published Twice-A.Week In The Countv Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park ... . : WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOV. 2, 1930 SJ.uu In Advance in Haywood and Jackson loumiq 65th YEAR NO. 88 20 PAGES Associated Press .Tax .j.!ioc of owning dogs LS.njeifthepropos- Klmentto the siaie ouB .w itJby.the General Assem- Vates, the Democratic nomi nate represemauve, uecu ,ntrarv to Impressions in L.tinnC the new law would L the license taxes now In urrent rate is $1 a year for i .j m vpr for females. ana . . , proposed amenamenv manes mpt to change k Suspicion Lv night Hallowe'en two had the misfortune I ... halkv car. After one mi . . . . . .. (r' they proceeaea lowsra onlv to have the car spit. inH en dead. L t nut and began to push - . , ... ,W car down a nui, wnen ins car. with several men, li it was a Hallowe'en prank itn jumped out of the pass- Lr, and were in the act oi kwhat looked like nrst-ciass lism, when they learned two swere in distress, mm eave a helping hand. If vehicle started, and even that the two passengers got hrtmfV s well that ends well even lllowe'en. Xr!"t"tFMM!"to3M ., Several State Officials To Speak At Rallies "w t y 1 1 ?&v l-nri v"'s w ri I 1 :i Yr - - ' I. Inge of The Times nf (he annual pranks on Hal in is for someone to put a For Sale" sign In front ot hh school. the morning-after, this year, mstomary sign was not , in but in its stead, was a huge irnucht in from the Soco Gap which was used In advertising leptile Farm. The 6 by 8 foot ead: "See the 1000-Year-Old iters Alive." VUle ponce unu miiiiucia wi mi- v".v.... t. Object of Search ive Mail Sent Street, House mberNow you want to get your mail at house or post office box, have to tell folks where you exactly. ' : ivnesvilln Postmaster J. Har- Blowell, Sr., gave this advice communique from pis main It headquarters today. is a postal regulation," he ex- N. lail scheduled for delivery by 'carrier has to have the street house number, as well as the and the town of the person Jnom it is addressed, you have a box at the post r. tell your corespondents to tne number of your box in address," f suggested folks notify the f water deoartment. telephone 3 ... , IPany, dairy people, insurance le, and everybody else, so 11 hp ahlo tn oof thair hills " vu v - fered promptly about the first he month Jack in the good old days when nesvuies biggest traffic prob- was thp hpara uihlnh Vont CPt- in the wav of the horses and fcics nn Main St i h mail ,1 .. . . . ' w'fui was simple. the Dnstmactpi lrnau, Auorvhnfiv 1 " Min 1 nen the nonv exoerss came "ice a month, he could Just lean the Winrinur mil hnllov fnr thp m ..... ,v . . u 1 1 v, uvuu a vy f to come and get it. m me town has grown quite a iRiuce inpn. A. " V more than 8,000 people in tnesVillp Sinna than has grown far beyond Main is Creek have joined the mun- f.iamuy. foner or later, everyone of uiore-tnan-5,000 gets an an- i a letter. !iice the post office people don't " cvtryooay in town any more 'heir first name, they often do ; Know avaMlu Jollvpr rter that is addressed simply: iepn Doaks. Waynesville. i 5 ' Searchers Drag Lake Junaluska For Farmer, Missing "Since Sunday Couple Injured In Auto Accident Tuesday Morning ZEB CAGLE is shown with his wife" in the yard ot their home last summer. Searchers are dragging the bottom of Lake Junaluska for his body. He has been missing since Sunday aiter- noon. Zeb Cagle, 80, Last Seen Walking Near Lake (Other pictures on page 8 It U I. I. E T I N Shortly before noon today Deputy Max Cochran and Lt. Pacp of 1reHlsTieWefce"lJe.' partnient, found tracks Into the water, and several steps from shore at a point about 25 feet from where Zeb Cafle'g hat was found Monday. The tracks, under water, were clear, and a thoroueh search did not show any tracks corning out of the water. It was from this point that the search was being con centrated. The search for Zeb Cagle, 80-ycar-old Dell wood farmer, last seen at midnight Sunday, focussed on Lake Junaluska this morning. Asheville firemen with special grappling equipment, assisted by deputies of the Haywood County Sheriffs Department, started drag ging the bottom of the lake again. The dragging operations started yesterday when a woman found Mr and Mrs. Richard Kieeg of rrll M V nurpntc nf Hi A IdlliltdM, 11. ., ' ..wL M.uj ........ u ...... . - R. Riegg of Hazelwood. were injur- j j;at. later identuied as the missing ed late Tuesday morning when 1 man's, on the shore by a boathouse their car left the highway near ! ,,n the Assembly grounds. r.. .hii( V miles southeast nf ; Htiwever the work had to be dis- Wavnesville. continued because the equipment proved inadequate, and the sheriff' (See CaRle Page 8) Dr. Riegg's two-year-old son. Bobbv, who was riding with them on the sight-seeing trip, suffered a face bruise. Slate Hienwav rairoi vuif- . Pritchard Smith repoHed the "uto.ifjjie Uent Pi 1949 Chevrolet two-door sedan, i .XT O A struck a concrete abutment alter IJUan; llOW tC Registration Now Totals 18,000 In Hay wood Haywood Elcclions Chairman Crom E. Cole said today approxi mately 18.000 of the county's vut er haW1hetrflarmrtin" thphr pte cinct registration books to date. In the last registration period preceeding the November 7 Gener al Election, virtually all the new registrations were made up of those in ih flvp new Dreclncts where registration was required. In those precincts,. approximately 80 per cent of all the engmie vot ers registered, he added, He referred to East, Center, and West Waynesvlll?, Pigeon and Cen ter Pigeon, and Saunook, which si t up after the summer runoff jyrl- mary. , In the three Waynesvilla pre cincts, he said, approximately 1 900 voters had registered. In the two Pigeon precincts, the new registration totalled 1,100, and in Saunook, slightly more than 200 put their names In the book, Local Soldier Recovers FroriT Wounds In Korea Pfc Louis Sanderson of Ilasei Parkway At Waaon Road Gap Closed The lock has snapped closed on the section of the rifuc Ridge Pork way ,'f.nim Wagon Hoad Clap. The last car allowed on the section was noon Wednesday, as Hanger C. W. 'Sonne dosed llio gate until next spring, Since last May thousands of peo ple have visited that area of the Parkway off Highway No, 276. The procedure of closing the sec tion to the public is always done at this time of year for two reasons the danger of fire, and the fact that the area Is in the heart-of the Pisgah Game .preserve. Milk Goes Up leavinc the highway Mrs. Riegg, who sullorerl nn fractures, was reported in poor con dition by Haywood County Hospital attendants. The condition of Mr. Riegg. un der treatment for a fractured leg. was reported as fair. Attendants said he showed improvement yes- tnrrlaV. Mr. and Mrs. Riegg were ing tijeir son and his wife at their Hazelwood home this week. The JySfrc feather ftffpf" GOING BACK TO FLORIDA Lt. and .Mrs. "W. l"l'M'k and two children, man 10 inum to MacDiil Field, Fla!, on Monday, after visiting friends and relatives here. CLOUDY Frsday, November 2 Partly Vnl and warm Thursday. Friday r'y cloudy and cooler. I'OfTicial Wavno.nio fomrmn. 5i 1 "-"'ucu oy tne siau vi -ie lesi Farm): )ate. ..... , ... iiv ia. wim. riKKv, Jobcr 30 79 46 - Pober 31 79 41 fvemhs. 1 taA Milk is up one cent a quart. The m ice increase went Into ef (Wf yesterday on milk sold in Mores and delivered by distribut ors. The increase was uniform, bring ing the price of Grade A pasteur ipH in ilk to 24 cents a nuart. The local office of Pet Dairy and Hurein's Dairy informed their cus tomers of the price increase early 1 hk week The boost is in line with tha in crease made inrougnoui mc west ern section by the dairies. 1 Southern Dairies and BlltmoTi? had previously announced their in creases on Grade A pasteurized. j the premium grades, and homo- I genized. Eure, Hoey, Redden On Campaign Programs Hawvood County's Democrats spotlight (heir campaign tonight in Canton where North Carolina Secretary of Slate Thad Eure will address the rally of the six Bea verdam precincts. The series of rallies, which open, ed last Friday in Cruso, will close Monday night at Fines Creek School where local candidates will address the voters of Fines Creek and White Oak. A motorcade of the party's coun ty officials, headed by Executive Committee Chairman Charles 11. McCrsry of Fines Creek, will meet Mr. Eurt at the Uuncumbe county line and escort him back to Cmitou. At the town limits, he will lie greated by another delegation with the Canton High School band. He'll ride in a parade to the Im perial Hotel, rally headquarters, prior to proceeding to the high school auditorium for the meeting. The biggest day of the campaign will be Saturday when U. S. Sena tor Clyde it. Hoey and Rep. Monroe M, Redden will address the rallies at Ihe Haywood County Court House and at Helhel. The Waynesville session is sched uled for Saturday afternoon, open ing at 3 p. m. After dinner, the party will pro ceed to the Hot hoi School where the Senator and Congressman will speak at the rlgeon Township rally opening, at. 7:3U p m. v . -Tomorrow at 7:30 p. m., Judge Sam Cathey of Asheville, will ad dress the voters of Crablree and Iron Duff townships at the session at Crabtrce-Iron Duff School. County Democratic headquarters, following the first rallies of the campaign last Friday through ea ly I his week, expressed optimism over the spirit of party unity and en thmsinsm shown throughout the county. "If North Carolina goes as Hay wood county will go," party lend ers declared, "there will be a solid stale vote right down the line on i the entire ticket." To Head Rotary District Meet Here- ; -V V''vj I . I'V :J' KJ .an ii 1)11. WALTER T. NAC. district governor of Rotary, from Hickory, and Louis .S. Jacobson, of Dayton, Ohio, will headline the inter city forum to be held here Monday afternoon and evening at the llaelwood school. General Election Vote Of 8,500 Seen For County Officials this week forecast the Haywood County vole in Tues day's General Election may run as hint) as 8.300. This would be a new record, or close to It, for a mm-presidentlal election. The 194H Dewey-Truman cam paign drew 10.27O Haywood County voters to the polls. Armistice Day Plans Are Drawn wood, who was wounded in action n Korea, has returned to duty. His mother, Mrs. Ila Sanderson, received this information st weekend. The soldier, who enlisted in Sep tember 1948, had been overseas 17 months when he" was wounded dur ing the fighting In Korea. Mr and Mrs. Rufus Summerrow left Monday for San Antonio, Tex- ...n, I 4klD as, where iney win nyenu week as guests of the latter s nephews, John and Bob Hamilton. 8,832 Haywood Cars, Trucks Registered By Oct. 1 Haywood County folks have 8,832 cars, trucks, and trail ers. That was the number on the registration books of the N, C. Department of Motor Vehicles on October 1. The report was made public this week by the Department. Mecklenburg County was tops, with 64,126 motor vehic les registered. Guilford was second with 62,278, and Wake third with 54,148. The total registration for the state' for the first nine months of 1050 reached an all-time high of 1,124,411. That is 140,000 motor vehicles greater than the registra tion showed for the same period last year. Clay County, with 849 vehicles registered, had the least number. Buncombe was fifth highest, with 3,671 registered. Forsyth stood fourth. The mcmlHTs of Ihe Waynesville American Legion Post and Its Aux iliary at a called meeting last night worked on plans for the local ob servance of Armistice Day Novem ber 11. Legion Commander Milas Fer guson said the program would fea ture i parade, service, and the an nual dinner at the Hazelwood School. Officials continued work on ar rangements to obtain the speaker for the occasion. The Rev. Hroadus Wall pac;lor of the First Baptist church of Way nesville. and veteran of World Wars 1 and II. will preu'i the mist ice Day sermon ,it 11 a. m. at the Haywood County Court House. The parade will start, at ".0:3,1 a in. at the First. Baptist church, proceeding down Main Street to Ihe Court House. In it will be the 'Waynesvtlle Gold Star Parents, members of the Legion and the VFW and their auxiliaries, the Nurse Corps, Way nesville Heavy Tank Company of the National Guard, and the Way nesville High School band. The annual dinner of the vet erans" organizations and their aux iliaries and guests will start at 7:30 p. m. Many Rotarians Of District To Come Here Mon. Rotarians from nine clubs iti Western North Carolina w ill gather here Monday, Nov. 6, for the Inter city Forum, as conducted bv offi cials of Rotary International. Dr, Walter T. Nau, district gov ernor of Hickory, will preside, with the meetings being held In the auditorium of the Hazelwood School, and the dinner In the school cafeteria at 6:15. Richard barber, president of the Wavnesville club, will extend the welcome to visiting Rotarians. a; the meeting formally gel. under way at three o'clock. Registration Is to begin at 2:45. The frntirretT- TprnrT- rttl Louis J Jacobson. of Dayton, Ohio. A former president of his club; he has been active in Roary -hieo 19:U. and has served in various capacities in the International or ganization. The discussions during the after noon will include subjects such as club service, vocational sen ire, 'community service, and climaxim', with international service at the dinner meeting. Outstanding speak ers will handle each subject, Dr. , Nau said. The clubs to be represented h' i'O include Andrews, Asheville, Bre vard, Brysori City, Franklin, Hen dersonville. Highlands, Sylva and Wavnesville. Precinct It! Officials To Meet Thursday Flection officials of HavWvl County's 28 precincts will receive their final instructions at a meet ing at 2 p. m. Thursday for tho Tuesday General Election. The session was called I hi-' week by Haywood Elections Board Chair man Crom E. Cole. He said part of the ballot blank i will be dlstrit uted to the precinct representatives at Hie meeting. But not all of them will go out on that day because of the volume of the tickets. New Superintendent of Junaluska Takes Over Halloween Pranksters Were Pretty Harmless Bethel Boy's Hereford Reserve Champion In Show Tne baby beef, owned bv Ne.ilNcal placed s-'"''- . . r lk Unlllrl 4-lf f 11 ' Was J1HyWOU COUIMJi JJia;i:l Kiv., Stamey of the Be. 4 . crowned 'we trrn No-.h ty groups of home-raised animals Sohna Fat S Show and S-lc , . The sale is scheduled to start at .... in tii. in Asheville. .. .... . ,,.,,1. tu nunod vnnth won their B"iS,"Tthec n U, indm- honors In' the show that featured first place m the cum tri f a.u .H dual steers. . r .,, j! ,,- Farmers nf America boys nf llewaill ' ay..'" " ; w.u.t of Waynesville route 2 placed from throughout the western sec thl j" Mp'dford Iron Duff 4-IL The entries included 33 owned, Wei t0orpd hononrs for fitting by Haywood county youths. - showmanship in the event, and. '''' ' -' i C ' ' 0 fA y. ,V "':'' 11 ii - i , I. 1 "" . 1 . 1 .... . 1 i ti- ,.er,r. Aiitaiinf in his Ki'Cie- Dr H G Allen new-superintendent of Lane junaiusKa, is suuwu ... . " m SrV M. Ben Phillips, a. they began work in the Assembly office Wednesday Dr Allen is former ly of Wihston-Salem, and succeeds Dr. F. S. Love as superintendent. 'Strff Photo.. Waynesville's Halloween prank-; sters got a pretty good mark for i deportment from the Waynesville Police Department. i "There was no serious damage reported, and very little of any; Li.,,1 ' s:,ifl Police Chief Orvtlte' ! Noliiod Wednt'sdaj morning i I One motori-t suddenly found t hiniMif confronted by a "road i hlock" ol logs and other Hems ! right in the middle of Pigeon , St -vet. But be crashed through it with out serious results. Police discovered another road block made of poles and tourist! court signs near Ihe Aliens Creek Church. . But they removed it before it caused anv casualties or damage. Many home owners and town workers had a considerable amount of street -cleaning to do Wednes day morning. The witches and demons had dumped over several garbage cans l into the midde of streets in several sections of town. Store and car windows through out town were marked in the tradi tional fashion. i But many local merchants report ed that they had gotten off pretty lightly. A heavy crush of traffic rem'm scent of the height of the tourist season, clogged Main Street early in the evening. (See Halloween Page 8 Highway Record For 1950 In Haywood (To Date) Injured .... 29 Killed . . . , 6 (Thl Information com piled from Records of Stat Highway Patrol)

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