STANDARD PTC. CO Cmp-0-CO S nr IX) VIS VILLI RT delights Mountain: IB R TODAY'S SMILE Jack: What type f a l on lives the loMMt? Jake; A rich relative. Of The News Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat ot Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park D- -a Votes 65th YEAR NO. 95 12 PAGES Associated Press WAYNESVILLE, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON. NOV. 27, 1950 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties . ... in nv band is al- ussnoui '.-.. i'" i-n Fridav. the Winner Oi First Place In The Community Floats Here Friday Shivers As tbf pa'""'- " natural catch-all f snow (lakes. . Lend of lne Pa,auc- WAYNE .,nd parted nibbling. (oungstcr "-""b. . .iUimed: '-Gee, this tastes .vou musta Deen piajms I.... ikA hoce hnrn ling to The Record l!)f first Tobacco Harvest il pjradc, there was a heavy eei ana i "" Lied the second parade. K third in me. the winter feu. v minutes before the 1950 .t nnrfpi waV. snow began (or the heaviest fall in two I record has been the i unlimited conversation, '. h brought forth scores ,PStions even that of hoici ioarade next July fourth in jj beat the snow. Heather For Ducks v ,how was falling fast, half Lke was frozen over, but a or more of ducks were lcis- snimming about in trie icy ll H1.K4- 1 1 fc. Once incy swam wm U( of the ice in front of the looked arround. and L back for the deeper water. A ur'iWinter- , P - ii aMlAMilxy IVF' r-1- v ' . -v.iv ..... ofc.mi.' ... t - , , ; : - ; , hk I Blast Strikes November Court Term Enters Final Week Today Haywood HDC, Beaverdam Win Float Honors '1 ht Haywood County Snow-Balling Of Parade Brings Complaints Lrd While Oak float, one of the in Friday's Festival parade, tfrf a lot of hard work. ft work was rewarded by hon- L mention from 'he judges turkev dinner with all the unities for the workers. Jj workers received their re- d Friday night, at the hancs of Bob Teague, former resident Utile Oak, now living at Pisgah EV dinner and the other Just lrts were given at the home Is. Boh Davis. lesTo Play . , 1 !., ' 1 ..I Tl... The Beaverdam Community float, covered with snow, won first place Friday. This picture was mcie as t e n , ,..,s , . .. ... . Mountaineer, at the end of the parade. Jus, as the picture wa snapped, the little boy ho.d.. bail nd hat dropped the bail. Mts. Audry Liner is candidate for queen, and is shown on the float. .(Staff I'hoto'. eep Freeze Postpones Final Part Of Festival Program ...... m I I,..v..4., Winners Named In Window Display Contest Coltrane Says Abundant Production Needed Now torn Cole Resigns From County Elections Board Crora E. Cole revealed last week- ttfthafhp had filed his resigna- as a member nf the Havwood I; few weeks a;o, Coach Carleton iterby observed: p nwke a good guard, a man to reallv like to olav football. Is the toughest position on the n. Joe Hipps. he replied to a ques- fis a good guard who really to play the game. Joe Hipps proved it Thursday. A few plays after the opening toff he felt a stab of pain travel i his left hand as he hit Canton .tk Phil (no relation) Hipps. He said nothine about it. went jk into the line and kept play- t The nain nersistert all afternoon. it he didn't mention it, except to ' his hand taped.- He played his usual terrific de risive performance through most the game. The next morning, he went to a 'dor. The examination showed Joe's had been fractured on that Early play. ( rnier 1 iKewii v.uiiinmiu.,T , ----- the bts, window display of the David S. Coltrane Friday mght 1 Uli I'll 4,..iHfi - . Festival. The board of judges awarded the community, headed by Chairman George Stamey, first prize ot ? in the contest. Harvest Festival audienee nfiarii United States is "entering a phase of determined mobilization." This means, he declared, that abundant production will be neces- i i.rAay in fill pverv need. xai y ii .... j The results were announced Sai- The naRe ut,en forced by the Communist threat, and we face a siniBBle that we dare not lose, State Treasurer Addresses Festival Audience Friday Beauty Contest Deferred Until Saturday Night ..-Hav nicht bv First National Bank President Jonathan Woody during the Friday night program at the Armory. Jonathan Creek, whose chair man is Enos Boyd, placed second, and won $7.50, and Stamey Cove, headed by the Rev. V. N. Allen, finished third, receiving the cash prize of $5 awarded lor mat posi tion. Photog Worked Hard Last Week MRS. EVANS AT HOME Mrs Harrv Evans. Sr.. returned to her home Wednesday after un dergoing treatment at Duke Hos Dr. Coltrane told his audience ot approximately 350 at the Waynes ville Armory. "The American farmer has to raise enough," he continued, "to supply the 150 million people of the United Slates with food and clothing, as well as building up large reserve stockpiles future needs." At the same time, this can be done at prices that are reasonable and fair to both producer and consumer. In reference to the outlook, ne declared that tremendous demand is in" sight for 1951 for agricultural products and other commodities. And while the farmer will en joy a high price level lor ins com modities, the cost of the non-agri cultural items and services he must buy will be at a proportion (See Coltrane Pace 5) Friday's snow and the deep! freeze that followed It , paralyzed i Haywood County' Fourth Tobacco: Harvest Feslivai as It wfcs entering 1 MOlintainOer its final day The queen s court ami the queen will be selected next Sat urday night. The season's first heavy snow started --for the second consecutive year just as the Festival parade was starting at 2 I". M. Friday. I It quickly costumed the 52 com-1 nuinity and commercial floats, the I queens and their attendants, and the musicians of the four college and high school hands, and their I ins'trunients. I The tloats were never more j beautiful, and the vision was never more vague for a daylime crowd against i meet its demands for workers. j Despite the cold and the driving i n .dfli-rl that these available i flakes, thousands of people from workers also can learn any skill I throughout I he county lined the that is required of them. I streets to watch the procession down Mam Mreei u .in state Treasurer Brandon Hodges told a Haywood Tobacco Harvest Fet ival audience Friday that diver sified agriculture must be develop ed into every cove, that manufac turers must be 'sold" on establish ing nlants In the rural areas, in order that the states per capita income may be raised higher. In his address at the Haywood County Court House following the ! Festival parade, he pointed out that North Carolina still ranks low ' among the states in the income her j average citizen receives, i He declared that when indus- try moves into a rural area, it ! finds a readv supply of labor to J Vncontested divorce suits and : several non-support cases occupied the attention of Haywood Superior ! Court this morning as the second week of the two-week November : term resumed work dispitc the j weather. Judge .1 W I'less of Marion re Home , convened the session following the Demonstration Clubs and the lleav- long Thanksgiving holiday, which erdam Community Development had started with the recess late Frogram won first honors in Frl- j Wednesday afternoon. da s Haywood County Tobacco - - - Harvest Festival l'arade. ; The Home Demonstration Clubs organization float was judged best in the commercial division, and Hcaverdam had the best float en tered by the communities, Jonathan Woody announced the names of the winners during the evening program at the Armory, i Friday night. The judges in the community float contest were Mrs. John Slier of Waynesville, former home econ omist in Michigan, and Mr. Gra- 1 bam. president of the Asheville Merchants Association. Judging the commercial floats were Sam Hyatt of the Cherokee Indian Iteservalion, Julius Stop of the Carolina Power and Light Company, and Mrs. Harold lleiison of Canton. In the eommeieiat division, 1, and It Hardware of Hazelwood placed second, and the Waynesville Merchants Association was third. In the community division, Hut -elille Cove was second, and Fines Creek placed third. The shower of snowball that hit Hie participants in I i Iday alter-; noons Harvest Festival parade brought a shower of complaints, over Hie weekend t" the Mountain-; eer office. i The callers all expressed resent-' inent over w hat several termed "the lack of respect for the peo- j pie taking part in the procession.'. A woman reported that her daughter, riding on a community float, was shuck ill the face by a hard packed snowball, and suller ed pain for several hours af'er the parade ended She added that "little boys weren't the only ones who were throwing them, either There were several grown men doing It, too." The reactions of the people In the parade l the .snowball lushing were mixed. Some expressed resent mcnl, oth ri laui'hi'd off the missels, and tossed siiiiii .till otlw Snow, Low Mercury Freezes Activities In This Area A three-inch snow fall Friday afternoon followed liv l2-degrf temperatures Friday muM and jero readings Saturday morning slowed traffic almost to a stop and dis rupted mail and bus service The bitter cold frv hlf of l.nkr JunuluMia. This condition nftcrrd a para dox of sports: Kwlmming and katlnt. Whilr skalrrv fllord by Miull dogs, ilidrd over thu twH Inrh crut roatln th upnrr rnd (if the lake, wore of ducks Pd dlcd In the hlur open wilr w herr the ict f ndrd. , This was the tint lime In several yrn lhi lake had trrn. The sudden snow and deep i freeze, striking on Ihe heels of a mild Indian Summer Thanksmv- 1 im: Dav closed the eountv's schools Monday, and brought a halt to nth er activities scheduled for last Sat urday night and Monday. The final events of Ihe Tobacco Festival were deferred till Satur day. County Schools Superintendent Jack Messer said the bad travel conditions made the extension of the Thanksgiving Day holiday 1 necessary. The start of rephasing work on the main lines of the Haywood .Electric Membership Corporation and the new survey of Haywood County Schools, both scheduled for Monday, were postponed. The re-phasing work, part of the $(1(10,000 HE A expansion program, I was to start, on the Cruso-Ilethel , line this morning. Mr. Messer wijs notified of th I postponement of; the new trhwil survey snturdayinormng m a tele phone call from J. Sidney Kirk of schoolhotise stoical indifferenci , , , . ., j , ine stmt' uivir,.i.i in duck nno me tiuwu, . , w ..." Planning and surveys. UlllllMilllllli (UliiUMV.i Monday, November 27 Partly m 3"d . slightly, warmer Mon '' Tuesday fair and warmer. Official ?t as recorded by the staff of the lest Farm); - Snow " Max. Min. Z - 59 24 .... . 2 50 19 2.50 ll 21 0 .... 26 1 .; .... ' 7 County Board of Elections. He had been named cnanm. the board following his appoint ment by the State Board of Elec tions last March. Mr. Cole said his resignation was caused by ill health. He explained that he notified .1.. cinto Rnard of Elections in Raleigh in a letter he mailed last Monday. The letter was sent, to htatt Elections Chairman Charles Britt. and a copy filed with it. c. well, the board's executive secre-j tary. . . ... uu. He acted, he continues anc ... physician advised him to give up his post because of his nervous condition. ' He had been confined to bed for about ten days up to last Wednes day. . rW. He had served as a nepmy .... iff for 18 years up to the time short- i.. -fio.. hie l r,v hoard, ana lormei.y WHITE OAK CDP MEETING POSTPONED The White Oak Community De velopment Program's regular monthly meeting originally sched uled for next Saturday night has been postponed until two weeks fmm that date. The change was made to avoid conflict with the final r the Tobacco Harvest res tival scheduled for next Saturday "In the old days, he said, It was a matter of the source of la bor moving to the factory. "Now it's a matter of moving the factory to the source of labor." At the same time he compliment ed Haywood County on its diversi ty both in agriculture and m in dustry, and declared; "That is good." He added that this diversification and development must continue throughout the state in order that the state's people might realize the benefits accruing from a high level of income. Mr. Hodges was introduced by Haywood's State representative elect Oral Vales. State Senator-elect William Med ford was in charge of the program. At the speaker's table also was Assistant State Budget Director D. S. Coltrane. whom Mr. Medford introduced as the speaker for the march Court House. J Generally, both spectators and, marchers lound added zest in the snow fall. Small boys and some grownups; gleefully pelted the Waynesville. town ear with snow halls j But only one registered a direct hit Alderman Felix Stovall receiv ed one on the back of his head I "Let us hold this Festival earlier next season." he declared later, with tongue in cheek. "Preferably when it is too warm to permit snow to fall to permit small boys t" make snowballs therefrom." I The adverse weather produced 'one unfortunate incident I A Mars Hill College majorette's brief costume proved insufficient I (See Festival PaT 2) If a picture is worth !0,00Q words, the readers of The Moun taineer should tret a few bil lions' extra reading in this Issue. Last week, the Mountaineer took more news pictures than it ever has In the 65 years since it was founded. ' These were divided between the Fourth Annual Haywood County Tobacco Harvest Festi val and the Thanksgiving Day football gamp between Canton and Waynesville IliRh Schools. The Mountaineer took more pictures of these subjects than any other publication did. . This issue reflrcts the volume of the work the staff photogra pher did but hardly all of It. There will be lots more pic tures in Thursday's issue. RoyC. Parton Opens Feed Store The closing program of (he Fourth annual Haywood County Tobacco Harvest Festival sched uled for last Saturday, will be held next Saturday. These events include the Selec tion of the queen's court and the oueeii. and the square dance and Itoy C Parton is announcing to- string band contests, day Ihe opening of I'arton's Feed Also postponed was the arrival Store at the Depot. j of Santa Claus, who was lo come Mr. Carton has been in Ihe feed in as the queen was crowned His business here tor ten veers, having arrival was scheduled to herald Ihe been connected with Farmers Ex-' opening of the Christmas trade sea- change, and later the Haywood son here. Counlv Farmers Co-operative. The new firm is in the building ! formerly occupied by the L'nder 1 wood Feed Company. ! Miss Mary Osborne returned to Mhe Woman's College in Greens ! horo yesterday alter spending the j Thanksgiv ing week-end with her mother, Mrs. Hohert Osborne. Good News Goes Long Ways of Havwood people who lost their homi to the family last week, has The cenerouu response of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde West, made news over the nation. ,i,..,i The story as carried in The Mountaineer went on to national news wired, and in addition to newspaper accounts, some of the best known news commentators commented on the story. Among ll,:?t received letters from former Haywood residents now living in other parts of the nation, regarding the news As William Davis, now of Washington expressed himself "To hear Mr. Harkness tell of what happened in my hometown made me feel good all over." . night at the Waynesville Armory. I evening program. Winners Of Annual Tobacco Show Here Over 100 Entries Feature Festival Tobacco Show the serv-, . ,nn nf tho hurlev! Flvings . DriLL" w7ii" " . . i .i . MenclHont n! ine no.'"""" i u rmirth annual riaywvuu vvm i iiiuiviuuai r...".w gu. aa jJiciiiu'-v v . . ; i uc i - , County Young Democratic Club. :(y Xobacco Harvest Festival last . each Mr Cole said he wouiu i-u...!. Friday . Flrst piacc nay n.s..c., - fn Wrve as elections chairman un-j Van Arsdall, one of the judges rloyd rjsner (his father); 3 Fred til. a successor was named by the:,,, a rj S. government ader Mann. Hominy: 4-S ,P Liner; B- State Board. Louisville.' ivy., .cu chanes uaureio-Mi, v"- """" luska. The exhibitors finishing among CHOPPING HAYS . l. :.nAiott nlans are ! ,.knc hnrtpv I've seen As far as nis. i""."------ A , iw - jiUdnn- H he dec ared ne lmenu- Th wmners in eaco u.v.:.... ed to take a long rest in Lugs- " ,Flovd the top tive receivea h- t0 recover his . ,m ! Waynesvme f.ady I totalling ivo " He added that he was a nsner, r... - .j nesvllle Mercnams , ' iKVdTm; Ray Fbher, Fines! The judges in addition toMr Beaveraan , were R R Bennett, N. C. i Creek 4-H Club, roller Extension Service; , v -a Fisher Fines' Dr. Luther Shaw, tobacco special-, First place-Floyd Fisher. Fines ur. F.xoeriment Station; WilmiMton ,nnounc -",. fin., Crk; -K. - ... , .1 W2i&4v' - I-- - - - Ji County Agent Wayne Corpening said Saturday morning all events scheduled for that day had been postponed until next Saturday That included the selection and coronation of the queen, the string hand and square dance rotiiesK and the coming of Santa Clan.-; to herald the opening of the Christ inas trade season here. The snow and ice that covered the highways radiating from Waynesville completely prevented mail reaching here Saturday uiorn- l ing. , ! The Highway Post OITice. which : usually arrives here at 6' 30 am , I from Asheville, couldn't make it ! at all. The condition of the highways, however, had resulted m only two minor accidents through noon Sat urday. On Friday night, an auto slid into the rear end of a bus that hdd -lopped near the Waynesville Drive-In Theater just beyond the eastern town limits. The car sustained about $150 damage, and the bus about $30. i In the other accident, two rar , side-swiped each other on High way 276 at a curve near McCi ark en's Orchard. Damage amounted to about S50 to each. I No one was hurt in etber--ac- (See Weather Pge aaa what Dusinew would enter after that. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT , i .!. ..... k w.i h ihe winners i Samples of Haywood s better tobacco were snow n - bmUtt dlret.tor havmg keen competition Shown in this pictuie, J J m indlvduBl . pinner from Raicliffe Cove. 'Photo by Ingram's Studio.. Highway Record For 1950 In Haywood (To Date) Injured .... 28 Killed . ... 7 (Thij Information com plied from Record! of Stat Hbibway Patrol I SSJa? wiuniiujiu . n Ka of a son, Hugh Thomas. Jr.. on No I vernber 8. .' - M. Scott, Beaverdam; . isr - Villi CHRISTMAS s