rAYNESILLE M TODAY'S SMILE The tent of some pw ples religion Is that they know the name of the church they stay away from. 'Of The delights TheW TAINEER News ctpDoers J, nd his Soco Gap f .re following a busy I1" Last wee Kin Charlotte, with an kfV.nnn On Saturday I Ml iUUV. Itf w jrt.,.n In Mnrffan- ew"r It -fhev f irdav the dance group P 0,h anci to Lenoir on ije lam, P- :n ko rhristmas. to resi, iu"tv 65th YEAR Published Twice-A-Yeek In The County Seat of Haywood County iu. 3 12 r.u.tv Associated tress L Offices i . i nn ruin r iinm i . more man a.. . .... .hnirallv without a PLrnev.. county auditor, or Aboard ot irusic.. r cnm nf lona stand ft, 11K 1 l"Jl " . . . L appointees of theia j commissioners I . . A 1.1 kntlKfl Htm nations ro u.e - . , of noon i"ua. nc ... nf the old board was to He resignations, and sign '-utcs, closing their admini- .,, an nour 4 commissioners wem .;ve session and filled each of .wcies. 99999 Percent Right audit by an Asnevme nrm U showed me ruiywuu" office had pted some pretty good book- h kiudti touiiu me ton its record of, ?wu,uuu u- collection. means the error amoumeu sly about one cent on' k auditor for the company l.i.i u tho pn.se si marum UlOl "M-i A observed in checking books hout Western North Caro- ilor firms, municipal, ano coun- iwrnments. r .. . . ..i a . a Collector heDe Hrysou " the closest we Ve had nere, Haywood Officers Take Oath For Four-Year Terms At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park . . u ml V B-v W-M A A"lk f'i ff 1 WAYNESVILLK, N. C, MONDAY AFThHNOOX, DEC. 4, 1930 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson CounUet ' : 1 -XI 3 i 1 I .xKe " ' iil' I m I f. 1 M Set . j , ...... . . .. For Lake Junaluska tt! si (.1 0 School Survey Committee blieclnng Local scnoois . . ' ... .....v. it . n.n tnrtav ' This' picture was mad These Haywood officials were given u.e. u- "'" i " : . , . ' , .u .... ; Yi..... i ..ft . richt- Dr .1. Frank Pate, coroner: Jule Noland. icgW . . r a m naviR rommissioner heoe 1 board; Jams it. Aiuson. i-uinuiiMMwm... . ...... . nivii. r.n,nh.;il. assistant clerk of court, and J. B. Silcr, clerk of court as the individual officers had taken the er of deeds; V. t rram-is, ni.iu i...... u......... iv oll.'rl.ir Fred Y. t auipoeu, mu-iih. ...i. futr i. lJlo1',,. ndministeied 1lu odh. iStatf l'lu.to. New Administration Sworn Into Office Today ii... .-.,.,.1 f'.nmlv ad- - " " Two Landed In rt 1S Forged Checks . i fWellco Employees Blood Bank Given Gilts Un Their Birthdays almost V, ik,.i,. fr . a wMp there Waynesville's Bill Sutton had new all-time national Punting nc At first we figured his fais average was 50.6 yards lb all-limn averaee. the Asso- M Press informed us, was 47 b set by Paul Stombaugh of plan University, a few seasons tat then taking Bill's average nAA'tnri tVinm all 1111. IBI.1I 31111, aUUlllg 11IVUI r fi taking the average gave us 46 rhat. technically, isn't his aver ' kicking performance. Actually, the Associated Press In informed us. that represents a Ifa figure. m get his true average, we mid have to take the length of 4 of his kicks all through the an. added them up, then divide it fifitire by the totaL number of those particular figures from n... it' ... P" Rmiif uus season. Tl... , .. . . , i nun aoesn t mean, however, inai ill U ... .... J! " "as neon roDoea or me a ;ction of being the best punter the United States His average actually would be . uere oeiween ine ngure ai Ve(i at by taking each game as a rfinln J.l. ... 1 I... f ""c, aiju me average reacneu uy Swing the total yardage of all 'vuimiiueu on rune ' mu ii numii C mini v an IIP III"" !"J ministration took office formally today The elected county oiuciais vu-ie; n . sworn in in the commissioners Jq - Qf t'OSSing rrw.m in Hip Havwood County Court .. House. Ar,.M-nvim;dclv 100 spectator lined the walls around the commis-, r.aslnnia men are being held sioners table, and many '"on ,Iavw()()(1 unty jail charged , Fm. 1!)5, t,)(lv wi Bl.tthafs crowded outside the. door. wi(h forging checks. They were j fl som,( bu it is a ,Hndsome rhPiiikee. and brought s I IIP Uiunn v.v uuih' ' - , cm noon by J. B. Siier, wno nau "--, here oy -ui. nuviwui sworn in as the new clerk of supe- 1(. nighway patrol. The two men yt n( Bhmit 9 o'clock this ,,...i been working In Haywood, morning bv the outgoing clerk, C. : passing several forged checks here. miliums . ...:,., ci,l ho tW() ODPra- H Leatherwood. I U" om.iu - . Siler first administered the oa ui . b The orgod to Fred Y. Campbell of "aw,w,,,d' j m(,s were usually of people well the new sheriff. ! knovvn in church circles or preach- Sworn in upm, m .. ,.,pvp Chairman C. C. rian- Set For Wednesday Mrs. Gramling Is Speaker For j Garden Club i Mrs Henry dramling of dram-1 ling. S C. was the guest speaker, ! for dip' December meednK of the i Kli hlaml C.ardcn Club which was j ! held Friday in the home of Mrs Hoy I'arkmnn Mrs C.iaiiilinK gave an Illustrat ed talk on Christmas decorations for the home, using as her theme "A Way Of Life". She was Intro duced by Miss l.oulsp Mallard. Mrs. Hut us Siler, president of the club, presided during Hie misi Further discussion mowing out ! of formal protests against building Jvui school buildings in Haywood will be-resumed tonight at eight in ; the court room The Slate School Survey Conl- mittee is here today making a j luither study of conditions., and will bp at the meeting: This morning about 2fi citizens from spveial sections of the coun to, together with huth the old and new members nf. the school boards, met for more than an hour behind ilosed doors Two members of the State Committee .1 Sidney MlK, director ol school planning and sunev, ami T C HoIiIiimiii, of Aslieville, were ben'. This nl'ler lioou tbey aie bp joined by H. 1 llueck. another member ot the com- The Itlooilmobile will pay its las( visit of tf)tl to the Waynesville area on Wednesilay. The Vanesille F.Iks Lodge i' program for the Birthdays are a vital pari of the program at Welleo Shoe Corpora lion. F.very employee is remem bered on their birthday with a gift from the company. Last year each lady received a mw.i u'liiln pvpi-v man received a ciaare'tte case. ' .sponsoring Hi I This year both groups received a date. I leather billfold. j -pbe donor room ill be set up in the basement ot the Waynes ville l'rpshylei ian Church, and will I open at 10 a.m. to receive the 11 W Rollinan. "resident said: ,,!,, t,.eis and close at 4 p.m. ..i r....i ii..ii L I,...' pMinlovees . n..... ,,i ..v...i .loutit 1 It'll inn' ni" v....r..-.. j I IOUkH . H J i.x...- ; spend most of their wakitaf-hours ,h.a lha JjHJiU,u Hulim r Company; with us together it ft not ' more' t,ml)oveps' record of H!! pints do- than proper and appropriate that na,L,(1 September 27 would be brok. avV()0(l bapllSl we remember them on their birth-; ,m,mhei s ot Ihe Klks com-1 dav." I mittee said they hoped for a ' good lirHl) 10 ItlCCl e eiuu, m i-.-inii-.i . , . mittee. 1 ness Hour which pi eeeiieii im- .. ..- .... ,;,,,, :llld plans were made for the; ,li.M when die - to meet in the home of 'finish U-r ' ; ' - 1 Mrs John Smalhers, Jr.. on Wed- Crmal .mm.-n.l..li " nesday. December 15. to make port was not known .0 noo toda, fhristmas decorations lor the, . Haywood County Hospital. Mrs .1. W Hay report eii thai ten; dogwood trees would be planted on j the "Model Mile" as soon us the' ' weather permits. M..i. members welcomed were. Mrs W. S, MeCall, Miss Anne Al bright, and Mrs. F. O. Hippetoe. 1'iior to the meeting a buffet luncheon was served by the host esses, Mrs. Packman, Mrs. W. L. Kirkpatrick, and Mrs John Smath ers. Jr. Bethel Students To Give Circus Tuesday Night ers. oruei, wtic v.. cis of the board of county commis sioners; Jarvis Allison and Frank M Davis, county commissioners; Jule Noland. register of deeds: Sebe Bryson, tax conecioi ; mm J. Frank fate, coumy c.,.. , The members of the board of; education will be sworn in in Jam.- ; ary after they are appointed by the' 1951 General Assembly. Also to take office in ';'u.;" mi . 'ciiin onator-elect William will ue ""' v Medford and State Representative - elect Oral Yates. Both will take their oaths a noon January 3 immediately befou . :i..i.,i,ii pops into ses- the siaie a'Bi'''i- sion. . , , . ... . Thn first official aci oi me commissioners was to make ap- . . . i iu fTires W.U e Sheriff Camp- riM, (l nwin wanted in sev eral parts of the stale for passing j .bowing The (..ray Ladies ol Ihe Wasnes- ille American Bed I ross cliapier will assist with the adniimslrallve work and operate the canteen lor the donors The Klks' roininiltee in charge .1... ',i'r:,m'iin,'llls )r. A. I 'The Haywood Subdisl net ol the " . Wi,vnesvill'e. chairman itfiinnnK viiiiiii i i inwiiui ' t-sb Haywood MYF Tov. m m . I ... Meet it uanion Church Tonight forged checks, officers said. 'White Liquor' Resulted In Several Arrests 4 tu nun i ut njvr 1 'TILL CHRISTMAS While lkiuor caused a busy week end for officers here, the officers said that each of the people arrest ed over the week-end for being drunk had been drinking white liquor. , . ! The highway patrol reported. ! throe arretted for driving drunk, ' a half gallon of liquor caught in a ; truck, and several speeder! r. nuniu.-"" c,,ri(T rami)- al Lake Junaiusna - At the same time, Sheriff Camp ,n con5ldcrablc bell announced the commissioning , (et oniy minor Injuries to of his deputies frd:the driver. The. investigating off ic- Chairman "-'' "' '' M cr was not available tor ae-..8 the new board into Us fi session, opened die liiecnob v pub,ic . iu. v ,i inr. Mmi rtiristmas lie uee ; ecutive sessions. pw missioncrs wouia "" meetig an w "l ' Public- . . .. iimpnls of ,anls Claus is practically just .hpalsista.it lax collectors, he told J,,,,,,, tlu. corner. the assistant iax Waym-sville Post Office the spectato. h- t c t. JZl'tcd las. weekend that would be Kcpi.u.- :r- n thinking, at least, w ... Ihl'PP 11 li.i.-i. .win.-,, i"" - i i I 1 . .. ..... . .i..,i...j:..i i'l,,,.,.l, ! 1)1 .1. I-. meet a inp rirsi ivieuiom.si v .,u.i.. . .. . ... M..,i.,v i. ' chairman oi v anion hiw.ou ij.ui. .iiwiimiv, stead of at the ceiurai nieiuou.si Church, as originally planned. The MYF of the Waynesville church will present a Christmas pageant as the feature of the pro gram. Miss Anne Biscboff of Wayncs Iville. president of the Haywood 1 sub-district, will be in chaigp of the session. Beeves. Canton, vice Noble Carrelt. Jr., Dr A P, ('line. Dr. Alton Bottoms, Ceorge HischolT. eh Curtis, Joe Palmer, Fred Sbeeban, Kenneth Slahl, and Bob Allison. llelhcl High School's journalism j students and in-lruclor will give h, eircos Ti.eMlay to raise money I fr the school newspaper and radio 1 progl'Nf' f The sideshows will open at .:i" , ,,,,11.. and the main show al 7 '30 i p.m. . , ' The atlraelions will rnchule monkey wedding. Jubilee Singers, The regular Quarterly meeling i the "one and on v goo u. um f th,. Ilavwood Baptist Executive , tlvity , KUlora the. lia.md Promotion Committee will be held pliant . ,v , 7-3(1 P m. Thursday In the lobby j A boxing male h I . we 1 .. t (lf the Lrgan and Ward Building!.,, M; 1 in Wavnesville. alive, ' t Miss 17'l-ane Qu.i.lan will Th,,- Ms., will -leave tomorrow for Atlanta to ac- tr.chs. ae obals. ... k '" ; ;.pt a position for the winter with horse parade, and many othu (he National lied Cross. oils Hems. Tobacco Festival Queen Crowned Saturday Mrs Hinlolph Cai -wi ll and hil dren. Jackee and .o,nn. spent the week-end wilh rel.iiices m Fay-etleville. The Weather 2,000 Ailend Final Events Of 1950 Tobacco festival .. -. ... ir..i. ........ I ..ii,,ltin:it i. oi Irooi Canton was icceived an a- n;ftc Hrrrds Vl XX Iff -w December 10-15 tu iin.,.., f"niintv Tobacco coinOiniiiiori ir n ""."" ,UM J lit; HOT v '-. - 7 ' Harvest Festival held its postponed i nerlip. .,..., ,..,i,,rri;,v nicht. I The Canton ha ii.o morp than 2.000 people ward ol S-tO. who jammed .he Waynesville Arm-: n the sipiare darn ing (ompeti in (i, raftprs (oonrlthe events i ( 'omPrmirP Farm "t llenuei nnrfl, ...nilinO for ! Slllivilll' (lilPCtpd l)V The crown of the Festival Queen won tin Uvent to Miss Mary Lou Ferguson FREEZING Oiievi'""" ., . , . rn intn arrears tmee lea 10 i-'i ' . . . ,, in five years, as mcy nau ; many cases oemn.. The sew .appointment County Attorney-W. Ro rr.m cis of Waynesville; Hospital Board-V A BracBcy of Waynesville Rj e Spjdo, Underwooa, j Stone of Canton. County Auditor - James M.k Pck-.C!'"U,(l.un,v home jandXm-Jack Allison .reappoint- C Xssistr.nl tax coUcc.orMrs J .. r: WavnPSVltll H Frank Min.z smooth'' dancing competi tion, and the Waynesville Junior Chamber of Commerce learn, called by llarrv Kerley, was judged tops in the clog event. ,,. . (.......,.. ... wivi. nr. , m.:j ... pombe County, was runnerup for , 6A; smooth dancing honors, and Laurel fctf Park of llendersnnville placed sec- . . . t . nr...,,.i:i.illi. T-.iv. . lV ond Deninci in ,.,'"""" ' V- (,cs Johnny Zachary was caller lor Buncombe team, and John Bell Houston directed the Henderson-, , , tp rjicne Waynesviue. i .. - Monday, December 4 Decreas- j f cvf)e who wi!l be the of- j rxccl,tive CommittCC cloudiness and cold with dim- "V - k r : 1. , whi- . .. . - fices field woimi. ,.t xf ri dc Tn moP.t winag nionaay .ana otui.-i Earlit.rt sheriff tampoeo ; ji tciua i intiiii . iincn a v inir h nil lu ii- ' . . . . . rinniu ihc r v. - i uned cold. 'Official Waynesville tempera ,Ure as recorded by the staff of the Nate Test Farm)! Date Max. Mln. Rainfall ... 52 15 . ... 1 58 13 .... 2 62 41 3 ........ 61 50 .10 W. 30 uec. weiii i ii.i.-i.-, .'mi. . Waynesville Township High School student from Francis Cove. The lovely 1949 queen. Mr Jennie Mac Karly, made the coro nation after Judges T. C. Boberson, Buncombe County schools superin tendent. Haymond Sutton of the .. ,.. f ..i Ci'li9 iinH Harrv rune mas: .. . ,,..i.u.. , .. infl IllL'll VI""1'" Tl... ..,., f ll:iv-lr.m lUOIPI hiii. packages and Christmas cards. ; y II;izt,iwood. chose Miss Fer iwt master J. Hardin Howell. , gus()1 from among lhe five finalists , Sr ,avs cards and gifts should bc-. ma(jc p thP ,ueen' court. . . hot ween uccciii-, . .i a',, v master ot cere- .. . mailed some - - jonauian ville cloggers. her 10 and December 15. at the . moni(,s fof thls event, announced runnerup ih latest: .,, ... tUo ; the winner, . , d'nr, contest won $50 and $25 By doing that you Will avoid the, Mjgs Ferguson's prize is $100 (Uvision; . usual last-minute rush and be fl coU(?ge educaUon E na th string bands were L th. vour cards and gifts reach she does not go to college the JuMJ" varH. state K-our friends before Christmas. ,ward wil! revert to the Fest.va. (jf CuUowhee, fc : Major Howell a.so po m- -; fund.- , u Miss and W. J. Martin of Brasstown hat the incoming V Z. m , -V.. r.k The dance judges were W Heg.na rergu: s oi r jUng ()f Ash(..ville, Wayne Hol Mifs S"'Fran 1 S tn of S ! .and of Brasstown. and Lonnie MiFrances Shelton of . P.ips . f0ntcs, JAl!hb!IcC.Tew of the more than hut the Friendly Five, led by Ton, m -athed after the conte, to : i?k see Santa Claus arrive and watch ; Southerncer i : n.tii. ii. . ..tftnn nni n Hi t liic; um""' - . .. n... .. -. The executive promo m. ,ie chised the pro-i honorable ment. on .or u.e.. oance ivr: -.!J;u. formances. usually starts reaching large I Portior.s between December 10 i and December 15. nnoneed the new - deputies were " i nIH tnrmLT Tho PICPC.'UIIVH I'l w"" Carl beuer, . Haywood Baptist As- dance cpmesw. -.nai . Waynesville poiice.iia . - - ' meet i(1 the offices gram just before miamgoe MP from Deliwood; Charlie Jones , , n will ,mel 1 o Thursday l The Brookshire String 1 b-.rHnm: Cordell Evans. flf Morgan and warp oi . . ... , ,...,:,, ip,i bv . ,, ... , from nwoodrCharUe - --ciat'o" having the nn nf Beaveraam; u.u ,u - mintf u be-1 Hpndersonviue, wa y r-,v..v ..tiP..t Utn v i. ...111 corup 'SS, ;hl a) 7 .i . 1 IK mcv...0 e" f Maggie. Wno wni - . lugm ciH nf HrAnlfvhire. fi ' i iailer: ana r.veien mui'v j roy of Deliwood Road. (See Officers Pag? 2 McEl- in, called by Horace L. bman u lirooKs, c ; r tcgt. . i ihu rnmra i- nrize oi o" . r-.nlnn cnailinao i - - , tee. prize oi . and Marie Bell's Champipn TOICA l"V mnsi heauliful beard. The victory gave him cash first place award. the 25 : : "I 1 1 I S I ' ' ' " - - "V It -nfJ.wi'.... 1 ; - ' v air" Committee Appropriates $150,000 For Building The Lake Junalusk.i Methihft Assemblv will l.iuneh $Mi.0i1 worth of new building projects early next year The new work consists ( addi tion or improcineiits to rxl.ttr structures antt is p.ut ,,t the JliOO, 000 expansion progi.un The Assembly s buildin-2 and grounds commitlee appropriHled the funds during a recent meet ing tit the lake. Of the total. SIOti.oiMl i. fir marked for the construction oi ad ditional units to the new Junalus ka Apartments, the 20-umt hous ing project which was built List spring. This project wllj be named in honor" of J. B. hey of Charlotte, one of the Assembly's most loval supporters Officials said tbrv hoped that the funds would be sufficient to build 20 more units In the other projects. $'! ' 0O1 was appropriated for the comple tion of the chapel. This will he the , const ruction of a Memorial Uonnt 'honoring the servicemen and wo men of the Southeastern Jim.sdic I K.n who sacrificed their lives dur- ing World War H 1 The other $25,000 will go into improvements to the auditorium. Approximately half ol the SHOO. mill In 1 inds for expansion of the Assembl. has been raised, either In actual donations or in pledges The Improvements already made under the program include the construction of the 20-unil Juna luska Apartments, the rebuilding of Ihe bridg. n th iuipaov'e. ment of the Terrace, the Assem bly's main- hotel. Construction work on the new projects Is scheduled to start a, soon as the weal her becomes la vol -aide, either late this winter m : early next spring. . The Assembly itself will .do ti'. work under the supervision of Kd win L. Jones of Charlotte, a men' her of the building and ground committee who is an executive ot the .1. A Jones-Construction Com pany. The other members of the com mittee, in addition to Mr. .lone are Dr Elmer T. (Talk ot L.ik ! Junaluska and New York. Dr 11 C. j Allen. Assembly superintendent . '. Hear Admiral W N. 'I homa .. r ; dred. of Lake Junalu-ka. llem:- , Gramling. ot Gramling. S C, ..-ml illugli Massle of Waynesville Gilliland Shot Saturday Night; Assailant Sought One man lav in Haywood C'1,.ir,' hospital today tinder treatiiu rt fee bullet wound's wlyle poll...- nigb' his accused asatlarrt Thomas Gilliland ib'")' '"- "' Howell Mill Head, wa- b"1 left shoulder and left rd.- . it'irdv night as he walked up a -I " ' ' ' driveway just olt M-oi "-'i""' engage .. ui.. I Police Chid ():'-..- No 1 1 "' Jim Melt.-n. v. -"'-;" was charged w.d- ' !" the vhoolin- The sear. ;i to,-. h Hon wa - "' ' ufiderwae a' noim )oda ' Chief Noland said Hie -boniub.' W out of an argument " e ,-,-,.,! earlier ,n Hie ' vennn: ollcc were still il!V's"U-'"inS ' Mountaineer went to pi ollll-er 2." calibn Jiooiuu u:l the .iil'onia' ii: ail r-t pt .to; Here ,s vour queen. Miss Ma.y Lou Fe. a.ned queen of the Fourth annual Harvest Festival. More than 2.000 1 Ml', Armory see the events that dosed the annual. est ,val. jiu.nr ,,' I I, tin is Cove wa : .:: ., ,,-uinil numy loo.o. v ip;,: ::-.r.imed 'the V.'ayr.es-, th,- ijue-n and the "'her Highway- Record For 1950 In Haywood (To Hate) Injured .. . . 28 Killed . . 1.7 (Tbts information com piled from Record of HUhway Patrol)