rim Sidelights Of The News -a Good To Last Waynesville Mountai Published Twice-A-Weck In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky' Mountains National Park TODAY'S SMILE "He made nosnally rood after-dinner apeeeh." -Whit did he ujt?" ' "He Mid: Walter, rive me the cheek." 1 - Inconsecutive days, the 35 If " . rralpp Mozelev s us -" " " fS" . .-..!- high han , cade ai ju 1.. . n absentee. came the "deep freeze" of taving week-end. and when . -i g members , -Jipentu u"j class answercu iw..- i-dav record was broken . before the class' had en , , .1.1.. treat from their 1 1 oouulc " ' r j oiturintpnnpnt for ana jfv.--- ood record. wit All The Time L from newspaper sports L w the Optimist bowi prac- jijweek:.; .' . . . . Derensivety, bod aeuer 01 Lille is standout, t,oacn L iof the western au-siarsi Lrs him one of the best col- tospects on tne squaa. r is big and fast and hits , bulldozer." ; (report adds: fckfield men Who looked espe promising were Red Sud- ;d Asheville High at Wing Charlie Poindexter of Can- j quarterback . . . " L Shots two Deer nit leave It to the Ray-Rhea lor bagging deer each got lurks in lone hunts. Vernon L nii Tom Ray (they won't Ln spelling) are the envy of 1 deer hunter. Pictures ot re Dublished today one on lone of the second section and iiher on page one ot me mira 65th YEAR NO. 98 18 PAGES Associated Press WAYNESVILLE.-.N. .C, ' THURSDAY .-AFTERNOON, DEC. 771950 53.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson CountiM w ork Started. Hospital Board Signs Oath Of Their Office oader Vision steam shovel is biting away at hie reri hank at the corner l.r anH Havwonri Streets like till boy going after watermelon. I dirt is being used to nmn ine 611 of the alley back of the on the east side of Main I." V : 1 v-n f. J " -H.' '''''m,''i 'n rf' f & iiiiiiiii.i t 1 s f 11 r 11 1., $250,000 Apartment 22 Units Being Duili On 3-Acre Trad Near " . High School n are j e first ! In, . 4 if Hal- f VH the S- V h Mi 1 rH Hazelwood Man Gives 7 Pints Of Blood To Red Cross hit buy friends attended the party lit the home of Mr, and Mrs. i, Fancher of Hazelwood in of the season's newest de 'sse. N affair, was -Jield .on ,, the ifids near the home. It main entry was salmon. bill salmon, of course. Hehonoree ate five plates of it. Hie guests brought gifts of cat i;-. honoree was Zekie. who was years old that day. ifkie also became the first male jiitante of the season that day. 3( also became the first cat to ie a coming out party this sea- was also Zekie's first birthday to. Ill of Zekie's friends honored P8s. cats, chickens and two fa attended. ITh Crfa warn cartroH Gnlmnll. f dogs were served fresh bones. w ducks and chickens were pd crumbs cake crumbs of Isrse N)e center piece was a beautiful Fhday. cake lighted with 16 Mies Wlie didn't oat nnv nf it. B couldn't have, anyway. It was See Sidelights Page 4) The board of trustees for the Haywood County Hospital are shown here just after taking the oath of office, and W. A. Bradley is shown signing the oath, while W. J. Stone, left, and Spaldon Underwood, second from left look on with Clerk of Court J. B. Siler, on the right. Mr. Slier administered the outh during the executive session of the board of commissioners Monday afternoon. (Staff Photoi. Underwood Named Chairman Hospital Trustees Spauldon Underwood was named chairman of the Haywood Hospital board of trustees Tuesday night, as the board met for their first exec utive session. W. J. ton was named secretary. The other trustee is W. A. Bradley. All three were sworn into office on Monday afternoon. Shortly after the board was UwoTn inthey held a loint meeting with the board of Commissioners and unamlously re-elected Lee Davis as administrator, a position he has held for the past three years. The trustees also re-elected Mrs. Ellen Freeman as superintendent of nurses. At the joint session of the trust ees and commissioners, the officials went on record as "unamlously re electing Mr. Davis, and giving him a vote of confidence for his worK as administrator." Promised Snows Arrive In Heavy 2.19 - Inch Rains The winter blizzard promised for Haywood County this Snrof cr! week turned into a spring rai " But is was a heavy one that would nave maae me uuuai ened blizzard'perhaps more welcome in some respects. The Test Farm weather ftiuuon Thaw you V n My 14 Shopping Days Until Christmas The liflJ a . tiMI III , rnin W n Thursday, colder In the w . OI1 nigni. rnaay, cieai I'Or ,con,inued very cold, yn'cial Waynesville tempera- St t a D" ine siai1 Ul Date leslFa- . . iWr . Max. mi . rrecP . ' 3 M pmber -53 .48 24 31 W. A. Bradley Resigns As Chrm. Of Draft Board W. A. Bradley of Waynesville re signed this week from the Hay wood County Selective Service Board to accept an appointment to the board of the Haywood county Hospital. I tj ,,;ac .hirman of the draft ! board. Clayton Walker of Waynesvnie was recommended yesterday for appointment by SUte Selective Ser vice headquarters to fill the vacan- C!Tk. rwnmmendation was made jointly by C. C. Francis, chairman of the board ot nay .-v Commissioners; County Education Superintendent Jack Messer, Sup- 01,1 , , t d C lor and erior Court L-ierK js - the county elections board chair- maThe remaining members of the draft board are Rutus Bir -Aliens Creek, and Way Mease of Canton. Cecil Soldier Killed In Action In Korea Private Gerald, Rogers of Cecil was reported killed in action re- "r Mr. and Mrs. Hub Rogers, received the Defense De- partnwnt message on . Private Rogers earlier had sur vived the sinking of his ship in a Korean harbor. New Chevrolet To Go OnDisplay Here Saturday Added safety, greater driving A . , restyling highspot fhTl t Chevrolet which goes on display at Watkins Chevrolet show- rooms Saturday. nri ' . , imnrnvpments ana sis snd body, x ne,se-"?'' V " tZe from the "biggest brakes in trie ow price field" to the extensf de (See Chevrolet-Paee Haywood Lions Set Christmas Party' For Blind Haywood County's three Lions Clubs will entertain the blind Sun day afternoon with a Christmas nnrfv The event will be held at the Central Methodist Church of Clyde from 2 P. M. to 4 P. M. Members of the clubs at Waynes ville, Clyde, and Canton, sponsor ing the party, each will have a blind person as his guest. Refreshments will be served, and gifts presented to each of t h e guests. Working on the arrangements are Mrs. Pauline Williams, county case worker for the blind, Lee Davis of the Waynesville club, Grover Haynes of the Clyde club . Between KM) and 125 men scheduled to boein work the of the week on the 22 units of sam Manor Apartments, on acre tract just back of the liih school, The project represent an investment of about $250,000. The buildings w ill he brick veneer Allx-rt W. Drake, superintendent In charge of the project, told The Mountaineer that he expected to have brick masons laying brick the first of the week, and within u week's time start erecting framing The apartments will "'be eight buildings, of the one story garden type construction. There will he 22 i apartments, consisting of two and three bedrooms each. The plans call for a large picture window in each living room, spacious closet space, 1 complete electrical kitchen, and built-in cabinets. There will be 12 garages. The streets and sidewalks will be paved around the apartments. Mr. Drake said. The Balsam Manor, Inc., are sponsors of the project, with Bruce A. Cioode. president, John Slaught er. Jr.. vice president, and Ben Lee Slaughter, secretary-treasurer. All are of Winston-Salem. Mr Drake said that his schedule called for completion nf the project In 90 days with favorable weath- II i " t if" I For seven consecutive trips. George V. Smith has met I he Hloodmohtle as it came here, and each time has given a pint of blood. He Is pictured here with Mrs. Ben Colkltt, registrar; Col. F. S. Wright, physician, and Miss l.ucy Davis, nurse. Mr Smith works In the Anishlng department of the A. C. Lawrence Leather Company, where he has been for nine years. He never feels any ill affects from giving the blood, and' In all seriousness offered an extra pint on Tuesday; "Since 1 started donating blood I have gained weight," explained the 202 pound man. The first lime the bloodmobile came here Smith got to the sleps, and turned back For the p;isl seven times he has been light on the spot, cheerfully donating a pint each time. iStalV Photoi. farm land In others. However, the State Highway Pa- trol reported, the main roads were (See Weather Pare 4) reported that the Waynesville area wasspaked with 2.19 inches of rain through the 24 hours up to :JU Tm . , was 01Rhlll,,.rf ,y u P.M. . 1. t.lner. Or sometime ago. He Thp Pieeon River ovcrflowen i ' .. ,, . , ,, ane rigton mvci I IhUt sold his property, and the secondary rqads In at east one rommi,lmnt t0 the Balsam place In the county, and inunnaieq nor, Ine;, who are completing by tnmmn laft In nt K,tPC . ... ... 11 the lirsl ol me year a sinuim unn of 50 apartments in Brevard. Mr Drake said yesterday that his plans were to have the Brevard mills 'ready for a family to have Christ- i CantOIl Chief Named ! mas dinner there j tOIlwuri auir (nil WrtJ. in.,,.. the apartments, and several car- j loads of materials have been un loaded In warehouses here. Mr. Drake said that 250.000 would be ; required for the Job. This will be the largest single; construction project here in a longj time. ' The apartments will be on the! high school ' Bond Vote To Be Sought To Improve AH Schools To Police Group Canton Police Chief William M. Stroupe has been named to the membership committee of the In ternational Association of Police Chiefs. The committee appointments were announced Monday by State SBI Director Waller Anderson, ol hill overlooking (hi ...... ru ... i ..hlFannu IL'III ti( fJrover Havnes ot me uivuo emu,'"- piam. in-- ...... and Henry Cabe of Canton, who Is ! Raleigh, president of the Interna- j frf)m Ba,Mm slrt.el J . . t. t l..tial A iBt-irlal inn I serving as chairman lor me cveni, - i Santa Visiting 'In Stores Here tevery Day Santa Claus is in town. He U here every day In the stores, and on the streets from nine In the morning until noon, and then again from one to 4:30 in the afternoon. He is greeting the youngsters, and have a treat for them. When not In visiting around In the stores, he is usually in the Dime Board house in front of the bank. The Merchant Association have ararnged to have Santa here, every day until Christmas. Bloodmobile Gets 44 Pints Of Blood Here Wednesday I People of the Waynesville area ! yestcrday-'Tlnnaflr pints of trtood to the Asheville Regional Blood , Center. ' Officials Draw Jury For January Term Of Civil Court 1 A soeiial count v school bond . I , I , ... I ..A ' CUT il Will oe sniigiu in iiiiHiii-c . . ., ... . , , ... . ,... ..,, The American Red tross Blood I he job ul bringing all the county si . I . , . P i .i ,imn i mobile s final v sit of 1050 to the schools into lop physical condition, A group ol Haywood County ; area was sponsored by the Waynf . eltlens Mondav night went on vllle Elks Lodge, record in favor of holding in abey-; Col. F. S. Wright, medical dircc ance the county's $345,000 share of tor and administrator of the Re slate school building funds and glonal Center declared thai the estimating I he tolal cost for all' Center must now obtain 4(0 pints sehools Tins estimate would be (See Bloodmoblle-Page H in,. ii;iik, ul a reuiies for a tMinn election ine him i .null ii mi- ,.,... meeting held at the Haywood Coun. Jq Aide GlVCn l.V I OU II IIIUIM" "MM rt .nait-ni'- pointed school survey committee. (")aV Here ToaCIV (ouoU Schools Superinlendent WUlU "etC UUUX .,.k M,'ss,'r "'l'- Mnw Haywood Cou n tv .w,o.ra!h '" "" ,'V '. "'didn' have an auditor for.,, d,v? "''"""' ' ' "' r ' "t i C:n.rle Metcalfe had resignM e! tions o. ,he mm vcy con ,ni e we r, ,,.,., ,0 the tunty Board of ' appointed tv tM- IMiication .: ..',,, rnuntv commissioners to fill uL.i.. ii ,i nf h.niu'uiion featured the public County Auditor, 1 MC M Hi' liHdlll a' i m 'v v( i. 9 - m . i tC. l' . - 1 v ' Zy jV .. -,.."7 Xj'-:-) - ( 4 ?) . - i., Uulek'h on the survey commll- (See Sehools Pane 4 Janitors Named For Court House The board o) Haywood County commissioners ibis morning an nounced two move appointments to .t... '...,,! Hun';, i U:iff I IM' '"ii ' . . . ,., ( ;,.. u n was reappointed t ... .in,, i.initoi- and Homer Rogers But there was a delay in imp ing the necessary bond f'M Klrkpatrick. and the vital d- -ment didn't arrive until last iii-:1" Mr. Klrkpatrick was sworn jut" office this morning by Stipe nn Court Clerk J B. Slier Also sworn in at the -im. ; was Homer Henry of CM" - "? sislant tax collector Mr. Henry will '' n" "'ir'; the county, for the cmuM'tO"-- "f tax payers, visum;: " Wavncsville and other ponn- p"i- was engaged iis night janitor. ddically. 17 Haywood Men To Leave For Induction December 15 . .u.. ..i . lurv for the January term of civil court. One of the first duties of the new board o 7, and invited "all who would" to sheH,ff sms ?tr2 K.rr;w ,0 Tfew of the 'spectator, can be seen in the background. 'Staff Photoi. Sevcnli'i n Haywood County men will be inducted int.. military serv ice on D' ceinber 1" A11 ,,;..s,.fl their pn-inductiun ! exaniiii.it ions October i ! The men v.il! report to. the Hay. jwuod Counly Court House and ;k.,,V(. I.y bu- at it a in. for the i induct ion cento at Charlotte. Thi- will b" i he second conuii-.-,.,r,il U.iNV.ooi: dvaltci'S t be in ducted -ine the outbreak of the conflict in Korea Last month. 24 were inducted. The county meanwhile, will send 5S more men to Charlotte tumor row moniiiw tor the examinations preliinic.'iO ' induction These men w .a lea-e from in front of 'he Court H.m-.' at 8 a m The (iratti'is who will report for induction on December 15 are Charles .,.. Caddis. Waynes ville David LaWMtrt Teaguc. Cove Creek: James Everett Turner, Waynesville: E'mer Lee Inman. Canton; Ned Jones. Waynesville; Robert Vinson Cable. Canton; Nor man Grooms. Canton: Howard Kelly Gilreath. Canton; Israel McDan'ieJ Fisher, Clyde; Jos, ,ib Edward Curtis. Ha.'O""" Weld. m Lawrence GooKby. Ca""1 Hcnjamin Ralph Winchester. M clwood; HayManley Burnetl- I ton. Clarence Sylvester M-,i) Wavncsville; (See Draft Vr- 4 Highway Record For 1950 In Haywood (To Out!) Injured . . . . 23 .Killed ... . 7 (Thlt tnformattoii com plied (rous Secordt of State Hlahwnr Patrol)