ST i VT 1BT Comp 220-230 S fuw M LOnSTILLE KT 7. IC Of The News UnThe Hunter" ( v shot his first deer the Vvin fact it was the first Thad ever pointed a gun at "fl,e buck was a nice 10 f.lo Yesterday Tom recelv , fallowing poem through the rib no name attached: .took your HIe dog or gun, J etit a hunting you thot id tfhen by golly, in the woods In dense. Lad to shoot in self-defense.! tij the truth were only told, I rt not what you call a hunt- j 1 puiu, ( only reason you shot that I . -.lit B to get your picture in The Mountaineer. Platoon Men ;oever said the two-platoon . nut nf 111 players was perfectly right. kle Bobby Setxer or waynes nd Blocking Back Charlie irttcr of Canton played in Tin-Dlatoon system for the I stars in Saturday's Optira- fowl game at Ashevllle. by were specialists, both platoons. M boys played In the offen- u well as the defensive line- lor all but a few minutes of fime. Ur, incidentally, won laurels his work as both an offensive defensive specialist. was named the best blocker the lop defensive lineman on fsstern team. kides specializing at tackle, he specialized at guard. must be true, The two-pla- svstem makes specialists out football players. jeeeives His Looks pwrence Walker has just ob- tved his 83rd birthday but can !y pass for a man In his late IKS. T feel like doing a day's plow 1 any day, if It were not for my left knee," he said. "It don't Irt except when I walk a lot." Years Young Wednesday, December 13th W. C. Allen will observe his 1st birthday. The veteran profes- , historian, and educator, de lta his looks, in that he could m for a much younger man. In all his 91 years he has never pen superstitious of 13 the date his birth. Short Memory Santa Claus approached a young- Mr on the streets, and asked the lual stock-in-trade question: "Son pal do you want me to bring k" The little fellow did not show the sual enthusiasm, and instead of parkllng eyes, a form of scorn pered his face as he said bitter- "Not a thing you didn't bring Jhat you promised last year." 5ce Here, Son State Highway Patrolman Robert 1 Constance of Wavnesville. ' on futy near Southport, arrested a uth for sneedine. Hailed into fe:order's court, the defendant. See Sidelights Pae 6) Is SHOPPING PAYS 9 1 Weath COLD Monriav r.... 1.-- II ' Dsrllv c'oudy and continued rather cold winay Monday; clearing and "Onf innoa , . , .. . uesday fair and warmer. ' 'Official Waynesville tempera te as recorded by the staff of the rest Farm) uat ' Max. 1 '''f-i-'mmli'h--'- TILL CHRISTMAS Thel kwlv ! Mln. Prescp. 30 2.19 10 26 .02 21 1.00 "ee. 7 .... 51 ...42 .... 44 ... 39 9 10 The 65th YEAR NO. 99 Distribute 547,403 'Back Pay' To Teachers Today I aMmm m wimun.irr- mib 1.;.-- i This picture was made this morning in the Board of Education oftlce, as the stuff mil,; a final check of the 200 checks, totaling $47,403 which goes to Haywood teachers for back pay as provided by the last Legislature Mrs. Kenneth Stahl, seated left, and Miss Patsy Rogers, right, go over the checks, while t.!, Mocor m,ntv suoerintendeiu of Education, standing, lends a helping hand. The checks were to be ClstWhtife this afternoon. Report On School Survey Expected Here Any Hail The report of the State school survey committee Is expected on any mail, according to Jack Messer, superintendent of education. The committee was here the first of last ween, ana maae a sur vey of the schools in this area. The report of the cofnmtttee was adopted by the State Board of Education In session Thursday and Friday in Raleifih. The contents of the committee's recommendations were not made public prior to presentation to the State Board. The minujjes of the State Board will contain the report, and that Is what Is ex pected on any mail. Power Erecting Additional Lines At Balsam 4-H Club Group From Austria Visits Hay wood Twelve 4-H Club members from Austria visited Haywood this morning for one of the two stops in North Carolina, They spent some time at the 4-H Camp and Test Farm, and then after a brief stop at the court house, left for States ville. mi n Whisenhunt. director in --.... I- ...,,1 Wavile charge ot me . . , Corpening county agem, the visitors about. ThP trrouD are visiting me sum t .nonca tn an inv anon tended by L. R. Harrill, who spent three months last year: in Austria organizing 4-H Club worn Chamber Of . Name Directors lnursaay The members of the Waynesville Chamber of Commerce will start voting Tuesday for their directors for 1951. The deadline for the return of the ballots is noon Thursday. The nominees, with each clari fication indicated: Representing agriculture, and ii ...i, director! w. 'M livesiu. .'"- whiconhiiht Boiling Hall. M. r i Galloway, and Frank Davis; Autos, services, sales, repairs (one director) Wallace. Ward H. L (Jack) Liner, Jr., Ben Phillips. Charles Milner, Clayton Walker, and young Allison; Industry (two directors) Harry Bourne, Ralph Prevost, L. K. Bar- WAYN Published Twice-A-Week In The County Scat of Haywood County At 1", PAGES Associated Press v x : . i fStaff Plu-)),' ,. ,..... hi... u.Mor PhrUl-i I mas for many residents of the Bal- I sam area. Workmen for Carolina ! Power and Light Company are "culling in' families on some of ! the 10 miles of new power lines in I the area. James M. Hall, manager here, said that two miles of line from Balsam Gap down highway No. 1 9-A was energized Saturday, serv ing about 15 homes. The lines will be extended up Woodfin Creek for a mile and a half for 15 additional families. Present schedules call for this to be completed. by Christmas, if weather permits continued work outside. Mr. Hall said that six additional ": r ,,,, k nines oi power noes "... along the Dark Ridge Road. He ciH that schedue called for com- r . (h n,njpri plction of this phase of the project within sixty days, some ngm-oi-ways are being cleared for the 6 miic section now, Mr. Hall said. Commerce To mi - J ber. C. G. Thompson, John ones, George Bischoff: Business and Professional (one director Dr.' Robert Turner, Dr. Hugh Daniel, Dr. Boyd Owen, Frank D. Ferguson, Jr.. J. B. Slier, Ralph Calhoun; Hotel, boardlog houses, restau rants (two directors' Carl Henry, Leo Feichter, Jim Murray, Bud r-iinco Heorffp Jones. Jr., J. iseay, 'Paul Hyatt, Charlie Wood- ard; Merchants (two directors) J. C. Jennings, Ralph Summerrow, Joe Cline, Roy Parkman, David Under, wood, Johnny Johnson, David Fel met, Felix Stovall, Francis Massle, Bill Ray. - sville Mountain WNC Teachers To Get Checks Before Christmas Haywood cimmys srnooi teach ers don't have to worry about how the bad weather will affect their next pay checks. County Schools Superintendent Jack Messer said today the regu lar salary checks would be issued December 21. "The loss of time caused by the bad weather," he explained, "will necessitate our running the school term through that date." . The schools will reopen the morning of January 3. The three days lost because of the" adverse weather will lie made ! up January 3, 4, and 5. This, however, will give the students and teachers a Christmas vacation only one day shorter than the normal time. The State Hoard of M oration le- ;cided Thursday that all Western North Carolina teachers will get their regular pay cheeks before Christmas and that it would be up to the county boards to decide how tile lost time will be made up. Haywood County schools were (See Teachers Pane 6i Santa Claus paused during his rounds in Waynesville Saturday to let the photograpner laxe mis ,m ture of him With some of his fans. Left to right with Santa are Johnny Killian. 9, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Killian of Howell Mill Road; Patricia Shook, 9. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hohcrt Shook .also of How ell Mill Road; Jimmy Killian. 7, Johnny s brother; and Linda Sue Tipton, 7. of Clyde, Route l, Lin da Sues mother, Mrs, Boyd Tipton, stands behind her, The biting cn!d, -!drtrta!!y ddnt thing to Linda Sue's enjoyment of her ice cream cone. (Staff Photoi. The Eastern Entrance 0 The WAYNKSVILLE, N. C., MONDAY M any ....Welfare. Department Compiling List Of Families For Christmas Drive ! Christmas won't be a very merry j one for many Haywood County families, unless they get some help, j Mrs. Sam Queen, county welfare superintendent, said today a tenta-i tive survey showed that twice as many needy families as last year ; are facing a bleak Christmas. Last year, private individuals, j firms, and civic organizations in the county came to tlte aid of 43 needy j families. This help hrouchl Christmas' cheer to 220 people. Mrs. Queen ami her nine assist-.,-ants In the County Welfare Depart-j nie'nl are now working on a list of the neediest families, I The situation of each - hut not ; the names will be listed in w t Thursday edition of The Mountain- eer. ! The names of the wmilies will be i held in the County Welfare l)e-; partmeut. . Persons and organialioiis who wish to "adopt" one or more of these families aiv lii y.v in touch with the Welfare Department. In previous years, the Welfare, Department made up Christmas- packages of the contributions and delivered them to the families tor j which they were intended, Tilts year, however. Mrs. Queen explained, added travel reslrielloux ! on official trip and the flood of! regular work will prevent the de partment staff from doing this. Therefore, the persons and or-, gani.atious "adopting" the fami lies w ill have the responsibility of preparing the packages and dis-1 ti Uniting them. j Mrs. Queen Issued an appeal to the traditional generosity of the! people of Haywood County to sei that these neediest families will be ! assured of a really Merry Christ- mas Breeders' Group To Hear Specialists Two specialists will address the officers and directors of the Hay wood Cooperative Breeders Asso ciation when they meet nl 7:3(1 Wednesday at County Agent Wayne Corpenlng's office The speakers will be Maury Gas Ion of Ihe Southeastern Artificial Breeding Association: and .1 V. Brown, dairy specialist of the N. C, State College Agricultural Kxteli siou Service. Dick Bradley Bags 6-Point Buck The luck of merchants on deer hunts continued hitting the high mark, as Dick Bradley brought back a fi-polnt buck from the Beech Clap area. This was his first deer, and Ihe 110-pound animal was classified as a "beauty '. Hunting with Bradley at the time was Joe Cline, brother-in-law. Oth ers in the parly, hut in another section were Dr. I'hil. Medford and Dr. Boyd Owen. 'Better Watch Out, Better Not p - V , ;'t: 111 Great Smoky Mountains National Park AFTERNOON, DEC. 11. 1930 Families Haywood Lions Entertain 22 Blind People Of County mmmjsff. ., mwv-iiTHBCtny jmi m"' w ; N .... W ft I a ,T. ii -4 s fi The three I. Ions Clubs In Hav wood entertained 22 blind people oi t Clyde Methodist church Sunday afternoon. At this table are several the 1 .tons clubs serve refreshments, and later distributed gifts.' Left Vaughn. Mr. and Mrs. Hilly Wright, Hoy Mosenian. J M. Kedden, Mr Mosrnian Is Mrs, Joe Liner, the I. ions Clubs look on. i Staff County Farmers To Name PM Committees Dec. 14 Danger Seen In Too Much Consolidation "Thrre is i Krnvo diiniit'r of U- t',,.?s',li1,i',!, of schools and churches," Frank M Davis told Hotarlaiis here Friday, ns he'dlsolif The '"New Rtral Area" Mr. Davis pointed out that the rural community today Is building around the church and school of the neighborhood, and said: "This Is as it should be, because the elementary school, like the church. Is the hub of community activity, (inly In rare, and remote cases does this fall to hold true." The member of Hoard of Com missioners reviewed briefly the (Sec Davis Paxc 61 Curtis Helps Ambush Into First U. Charles Curtis, 30-year-old Wavnesville veteran, helped or ganize an American infantry task force that turned a powerful Chinese Communist ambush into an enemy rout on Northeast Korea. Fighting with the Seventh In fantry Division, trapped by over whelming Chinese Communist forces, he was wounded in the hack and evacuated to an Army hospital in Osaka, Japan, His wife said today she was noti fied that he was wounded about December 3, and had a letter from him written In the Osaka hospital. Cry . . eer o- 53.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Countia Seeking Aid TJ Q while M K. "Tony" Davis serves I'hotoi. Two out of every three of Hay wood County's farmers are expect ed to cast their ballots Thursday to elect their communily committee members in Ihe county Product ion and Management Administration program. They will also name delegates to Friday's county convention. Miss Sarah Fullhrlglil, county l'MA secretary, gave Ihe forecast j today in -announcing further de- tails for the cuuut-lle Vote. The farmers will name a total of 3!l members to their communily committees Miss Fullhrlglil said the polls will open at f) a m and close at ti p.m. You are eligible to vole, she con tinued, if:, you are an owner, oper ator, tenant, or sharecropper on a farm thai is participating this year in any program administered by the county and community l'MA (See Flection I'aite 6 Turn Red Enemy Rout The story of his part in breaking the Communist ambush is told In a report in the Seventh Division newspaper. I I.., ,1, .11, ni f'nrtis was in H com pany commanded bv Capl . Auburn Mai r advancing -up a North Korea I road when the Communists opened , heavy fire trom the hills on both ' sides of Ihe road with machine guns and mortars by a battalion of Keds. The (il's were pinned down by j the murderous raking fire. j Bui Captain Marr and Licuten-. an! Curtis reorganized their units: and returned the fire with machine , guns and rifles Corporal I'hil Fiearra crawl (See 1,1. Curtis Pace til 'Progressive Farmer' Features CDP Program ,- r.r1 siory aim " - . i .1... i.,.,, nil i.ri lor a in ih fleirmlier imUi. of Tbc IT- gressive Farmer The manaMie. willed has been described as II,.. -Soutbern farm- r . . I. .. I...-,. ..I I h,. crs BilJle id uii:,-"".-;" I development and results of the ' nrniii ani start IP in a tWO-page layout illusiraied b half a rioen pictures Tlie lealure. written by the Farmer s asM.uate editor. Williatu .0. Larue from personal observa tions made on a tour of the coiirty, is entitled-' "Lets Orgame No For Ceimt'. And Commuiittv lv- css in . For tl- ii-r:.r.!'e - n:nrmm ui readers throuv'i.oui the S'Mtheasi Mr. Larue MUol.- Cumtv Agent Wayne" Cnrpoturg ll,,u :!lt' ,,ro' gram is organized. I'."W i operates, and how it touches every phase of life on the individual farm and in the farm home, and m the com munities and county s a whole. One photo-shim's Mrs. B. F. Nes bitt of Lower Crabtree working in the moduli UiMiii; of hi r new I home. i 1 TODAY'S SMILE Student: Where b the capital of the United Stat? Economic Prof.: Loaned out all ortr the world. lie county at a special party at the of the guests, while members of to right at Ihe table are: Kred Mr and Mrs, I'hll Price. Serving cookie! Many other members ot jHaywood Lions j Give Christmas Party For Blind j The Lions Clubs of Waynes' tile. Canton, mid Clyde gave a Christ ! mas Party yesterday at Clyde's ; Central Methodist Churc.i for the blind people of Haywood County. Twijiity-two blind attended thu rvi iit, escorted by members ot the sponsoring clubs There were refreshments, enter tainment, games - and Christmas gifts for the guests The concert of Christmas carols liv Wavnesville Tovuishiti Hir.h School chorus of ten voices, drreet- ed by Charles Isley, fealurpMh entertainment, and the im-'&sJtiJU ( ticlpnted In games directed ty.Mrs. , Joe Liner of Waynesviiip ' Miss Pauline Williams, rise worker for the blind, directed f'.v arrangements for the party, and Dr. Hugh Matthews of the Car'en Lions Club served as master of ceremonies. McClure Became State Highway Patrolman Friday William It. McClure, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mc( lure oi AVaviicsvllle, is now a full-fledged State Highway Patrolman. He graduated Friday from th" Patrol School at Chapel Hill in a class of 34 candidates and will be assigned to Troop C in Green. -boro for his nrst tour of duty Patrolman McClure and hi elassmates took their oa'h i offi cers from Secretary ot sm Thad Eure in Haleigh Friday auei uiej graduated. Local Sailor At King's Funeral Paul H. Mooip of fef":i, Route 2. a steward in t'- C Navy, was a member of '," lary 'party whirh repie " 'h ialiii: povernmenl ai th' , i i ,,, - funeral of the of Sweden. late Km" Gu.-Uv V JrfTJZ- veteran of Iron .hoc i""-- Another shows '1 ( n ' t Iron Duff, and -s-i-Un' ( i.en. Herbert Singh n '. ! i t - r Mr. Davi tun ijPP Vlded.ine I'asr Highway Record For 1950 In Haywood (To Date) Injured ... . 28 Killed . . . , 7 (Thla Information eona piled trom Record o Sta ntchwa ?trnl

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