PAGE TWO Monday Afternoon, December H. WJ 1 s THE WAYXESYILLE MOUNTAINEER i .i OF INTEREST TO WOMEN activity CLUBS Office Phone 700 MRS. BEN SLOAN. Editor Home Phone 462-J Long's Chapel Guild To Meet Tuesday Night The Wesleyan Service Guild of Long's Chapel Methodist Church V01 meet Tuesday night at 7:30 o loek in the home of Mrs.; Dock lityd, instead of tonight as former ly, scheduled. Co-hostesses will be.-Mrs. .jUuel Ngland and Mrs. Charles Edvcds. tr. and Mrs. John E. Barr are planning to leave tomorrow to pend the winter in St. Petersburg, Florida. Mrs. Charles Eugene Medford Let us help you choose between and & HI 6 Mlll fllllUlllltt, v Z. Y . . . J8 . v - s . - H - , Jean Alice Tully Weds Charles Eugene Medford Charlie Hendry 1 1 Has' Party On Miss Jean Alice Tully. daughter of Mrs. William Clyde McCormick of Alexandria, Virginia, and the late Ralph Harold Tully. was mar ried to Charles Eunene Medford son of Fred Boone Medford of 1 RtVi RirlVirlrrxr WUI JLJi,l iiiuu j Alexandria and Mrs. D. L. Rigby of Clearwater, Florida, in a double ring ceremony ih Emmanuel Epis- i copal Church, Alexandria, on Sat' urday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The Rev. J. J. Ambler pro. nounced the vows. . Charlie Hendry celebrated his fifth birthday with party at his home on East Street last Monday afternoon. He was assisted in en tertaining by , Jiis mother, Mrs. Briggs Hendryi'and his aunt. Mrs. The altar was decorated with ; Jack Ware of Washington, D. C. floor vases of lilies and branched ! Christmas decorations were used, candelabra 'against a background, featuring snowcenes. RudolDh! of ferns and palms Pfior to the ceremony a program of wedding music was presented by Mrs. Irvin philman, cousin of the bridegroom, vocalist, and the church organist. Mrs. Philman sant The Red Nosed- Reindeer, Santa Claus, and red and green candles. The guests were entertained with games, Christmas records, and stories told by Miss Margaret Bond, Refreshments were served and fav- "Because," "O, Promise Me," and , ors were presented to the chiidren "The Lord's Prayer'. The tradijion- j Those invited were Mary Bar al wedding marches were used as j bcr.' Dottla Kay Turner, Sara processional and recessional. j Thomas, Carey Howell, Jimmy For her wedding, the bride wore Medford, Harris Prevost, LeRoy a gown of white satin with lilted Roberson, Billy Owen, Bill Thomp bodice, fashioned with a yoke of .Johnny Schell, Ronnie Child sheer illusion, The full (?athered!rss. J'mniy Jennings, Joe Jen- skirt ended in a Ion? circular train J.nings, Sara Jane League, Lynn Kil Mrs. Medford is the former Miss Jean Alice Tully, daughter of Mrs. William Clyde McCormick of Alexandria, Virginia, and the late Ralph Harold Tully. She was married to Mr, Medford, son of Fred Boone Medford of Alexandria and Mrs. D. L. Rigby of Clearwater, Florida, Saturday night in Alexandria. Stndiwl, rhythm in iihtr...Rose . Point, till dtiicacy of Uci. Both Vtttcrni rwi "Third Dimensicn Beauty".,. a quality created by canini the deiian deeply on tha w..vrj back ai well as on tht I; i fl each piect of lilxr. Comt T1" . 1 lee our litplay uf Rate htet jlVd StradiarL.notici their i. "Third Oiaeriiioi Beauty." E. J. LILIUS ; Jeweler The Rev. and Mrs. Elmer Greene will leave Wednesday for Fruitland Bible Institute at Hendersonvllle, where they will attend a three-day session of the conference for As sociational Missionaries. Want Ads bring quick results. RELIEF AT LAST For Your COUGH Creomulsionfelieves promptly because it goes right to (he seal pi th.? trouble "To help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes, Guaranteed to please you or money refunded. Creomulsion has stood the test of millions of users. CREOMULSION rtlirvet Coufhs, Chert Coldi, Acuta Ironchltii BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Captain and Mrs. M. W. Brlnson announce the Mrth of a son, Robert Scott, on December 8 at Sibley Hospital, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Brinson is the former Miss Mildred Phillips, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Phillips of the Dell wood Road, Waynesville. Capt. Brinson is with the United States Air Force, stationed at An drews Field, Maryland. and her finger tio veil of illusion was attached to a tiara -of seed pearls. Sire carried an arm bouquet of white roses centered with an orchid. Miss Mary Joyce Tully was her sister's maid of honor. She wore a gown of toast satin with matching cloche and carried an arm bouquet of talisman roses. Bridesmaids were Jane Allen of Washington, Mrs. Virginia Haley of Arlington, Vir ginia, Miss Lydia Shroff of Wash ington, and Miss Genevieve Son nier of Louisiana. They wore iden tical dresses of moss green satin Patrick, Marietta Campbell, Judy Whitehouse, Jimmy Whitehouse, Freddie Whlsenhunt, Eddie. Weath erby, CharfeKe Watkins, Bobby Walker, and Nicky Taylor. Luncheon And Miss Rsa Party Held By Cecil Club Clyde Home Club Holds All-Day Meeting ' The Clyde Home Demonstration Club held an all-day meeting Fri day in the home of Mrs. Roy Med ford with Mrs. Joe Hardin, Mrs. Bill Hardin, and Mrs. R. W. Rush as associate hostesses. Mrs. Roland Leatherwood. vice president, presided in the absence of the president, Mrs. Stanley Liv ingstone. During the business session' held during the morning hours, the club was divided Into two teams, headed by Mrs. Claude Jolly and Mrs. Ralph Miller, to carry on an at tendance contest. : Mrs. J. T. Snyder, a former mem ber, was a guest at the meeting and modeled a dress made from a Chinese coolie coat. Project leaders reported as fol lows: Mrs. Levi Morgan, family life; Mrs. T. H. Rogers, citizenship; Mrs. C, E. Brown, Jr., foods and nutrition; Mrs. Roland Leather wood, food conservation; Mrs. Ralph Miller, gardens; and Mrs. Hugh Rogers, home beautificatlon. Mrs. Pat Cole demonstrated the use of textile paints for table lin ens and noose furnishings and Miss Mary Cornwell gave a demonstra tion on "Planning for Christmas." A Christmas party was held after the meeting and a handkerchief shower was given to Miss Corn- well. ' A covered dish luncheon and Christmas party were features of the December meeting of the Cecil and earned arm bouquets of red i Home Demonstration Club held Thursday in the home of Mrs. laflafVfC relieve ' distress without dosing, rub on... V VAPORUB Sheppe's roses, Carol Grahl of Waynesville; tamM dp,w, cousin of the bridegroom, was best Mrs. Thomas ffrwin, president, man and i ushers were Pete Haley, , preslded at the business sesslon Robert Via Harry Magee, John and appointed the following mem Morgan, and Pete Walther, all of hen 0 a nomlnating committee: the University of Virginia, and Mrs; Alonzo Warren, chairman, Ralph Tully, brother of the bride. Mrs. Coy Pressley, and Mrs. J. E. mis. mcuriiucK, niomer oi me , Burnette A demonstration on "Planninfi For. Christmas," was given by Miss Mary Cornwell. During the social hour the mem- "iiilbers 4rew gifts , from a., large Christmas pie made . by Mrs. Reeves, ' : Sf 4 r rh I'tyr ft;-'- I NOW . . . When You Need It Most Sheppe's SLASHES PRICES ' ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK Fall and Winter COAT ... And Everyone 100?: VIRGIN WOOL bride, wore a gown of green taf feta and an orchid corsage. Mrs. Rigby, mother of the bridegroom wore fushia lace- over taffeta and Anioirxhid,.QQrsage. rouowing the wedding the bride's mother entertained with a reception, after which the couple left for a wedding trio through the Pocono Mountains and New York State. The bride was graduated last spring from George Washington University and since that time has held a secretarial position. Mr. Medford, formerly of Waynesville, is employed by the Department of the Army and is residing in Alexandria, Virginia. He is a grandson of Mrs, -Horace Ferguson and the late Mr. Fergu son of Waynesville and was gradu ated in June from the University of Virginia. The couple will be at home af ter January 1 in Alexandria. Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. Horace Ferguson and Haywood Plott of Waynesville. Aliens Creek Club Meet With Mrs. Allen The Aliens Creek Home Demon stration Club met Wednesday -in the home of Mrs. Kay Allen for a covered dish luncheon and Christ mas party. During the business session, with Mrs. E. Denton Browning presid Inrresding certificates and perfect attendance certificates were pre sented. Mrs. Browning announced that a United Nations flag had been presented to the Community De velopment organization. Miss Mary Cornwell, home agent, gave a demonstration on "Plan. ning For Christmas," and the mem bers exchanged hand made aprons. Miss Horn To Visit Local D.A.R. Chapter Miss Virginia Horn of Wades- boro, state regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution, will be the guest speaker at a meeting of the Dorcas Bell Love Chapter, D.A.R. to be held Thursday after noon at 3:30 o'clock In the home of Mrs, James Harden Howell, Sr. Mrs. J. H. Howell, Jr., wUl be co-hostess and Mrs. James R. Boyd, chapter regent, will preside. Mrs. J. H, Kirkpatrick, Jr., will present a musical program. T.E.L, Class Will Meet Thursday Night Announcement ha, Wn m,J a change in the date of th " l meeting of the T F I c, I v-iass oi the First B vnurcn. ine group will nw Tk night at the church instead of u , as .Planned, Rust win De Mrs. (jciie Wright and aam iveuy. am. tas ta - , For t ' Christmas . t give the t . finest. 4, v TVi 11 ft MISS AMERICA 17 rll SJJVS E. I. LILIUS At The Toggery You Will Find I r!i!,..y ri a I l s - r I - iss I REGULAR PRICE, $39.50 ALL WOOL GABARDINES ALL WOOL ZIP - OUTS O Brown O Black O Grey O Wine O Dacia - O .Tan Sizes 9-44 123 Main St. Strand Theatre Bide. IRIINGS BALL ROOM CLASSES Open Every'Tuesday and Thursday Evenings 7:30 P. M. KATHLEEN CALHOUN SCHOOL OF DANCE Phone 298-M Use Want Ads for quick results. We hove on ex citing assortment for men and women cre ated in the most fash ionable designs to make any hand more distinguished. Mod erately prjeed. E. I. LILIUS JEWELER iCOOL RALPH MUAMV NAOINI CONNIR Optra'a alabrall aeprawe SIA A Art Si m m m mm mm mmmmmm mm m v .', m e.'v bTW. ..-v ., i, im a , NANITTI IABHAT Mll-atrfy aierr am stirn fplar aportaceHitr Next To Herself She'll Like These Best . . . ROBES so feminine, dainty so practif; She'll love you for ever if yTfti give her a robe. at SLIPS by Miss Swank and Barbizon in wide 'variety of styles but all that will please her to a T. We'll help you with the right size. 'I M i '1 ' Hi- HOSE by Mojud and Humming Bird . . . in all the newest Vf wiuicr oiioucs. v hua OI f nylons will make her mighty l happy. GOWNS you know she'll love one of these lovely gowns in pastel shades that will make her eyes glow with sheer joy. Our largest selec tions ever shown. "Gifts She'll Adore"

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