WAYNESYILLE MOUNTAINEER -r. DEC. U, US. SECOND SECTIOM nror Clyde Juniors Stage Successful Class Play 4 H Club Members From Austria Visit Haywood And Test Farm 1 ; 4 V ... ! It 'v V I in ! ' nine K s 1 U i c it. J J? Ii AC 1 t j t i s - - i ' - 1 . ( : J ,y '-" it4-- - i . r r- . s 1 nmmm i il M rnim-.' W llm- uv tho 12 411 Club m,-iuln-,s f.m .AuMri. ho la.d a lru fviMl to .IU.h last M..,ul.,v. Ihoy mv on a .out .01 uus rnumr,. 4-li Cluh adnuu-s All ad.vo in th, work in U.oU r.a tn, ou.n.n II,- n,,n ,n ,ho smuui r.nv h a pU,v.,' ... h.,t -'aVho UiinW-UT . Wim IV. po.i.tiu. , a,nt. ami M W. W lus,nhu,l, -Ur,,.,,, oil ho St.,. To.t.n... on ox,,,,,.,. o. P-v- Ulll. tl(n,o,l tin- .Klnh iaumut vUuIo l.ouv This puiu.o mall,' Hi, tu,l slv,v 'Staff rhl,.'. -jis a from tMe comedy, Me Grow Up" presented by the junior class of the Clyde high school last Friday." From left to M the players are: Bob Medford, Tilda Hardin. Joyce Gall Matthews, Bobbie Jo Shuler. Vivian Poison, and Maty Joe Colo. The Ill'nf,(.f, nv 1V1ISS Ild.L-, l,l,llKflll. ,(l,,ili-, VI luv iui-iiiij, .-.w...,.. ... ...v ..... . - i nil.-. ----- - ujl'hoto by Hawkins). 1 Hen Leave Here Friday or Induction In Service C. of G. Holding Annual ft PTTO iwrca ttiatdcou doiecC I KOM 'III i : TOGGERY Lvenicn. Haywood County men be inducted into military serv- nHiv. - l pa-scd their pre-inductton ninations October 12. Lmeh will report to the Hay- Id County Court House and le by bus. at 8 a.m. for the action center at Charlotte. his will he the second conting- of Haywood draftees to ue hi lled since the outbreak of the .flict in Korea. last month. 24 were Inducted. U total t r5 men left for Char- !e last Friday morning to take ir preliminary examinations jThoso who passed will be clas- Idas 1-A and will remain home if the dale for their induction -el. The diallers who will report for tluclion tomorrow are: Charles Hay Caddis, Waynev !p; David l.awson Teague, Cove eek: .lames Everett Turner, iyni'svillc; Elmer Lee Inman.) Inl.ui; Ned' Jones, Waynesville; bert Vinson Cable, Canton; Nor- lin ( roiims, Canton; Unwind Kelly Gilreath, Canton; ael MeDanlel Fisher, Clyde; Jos !i Kdward Curtis, Hazelwood; l(!im Lawrence Goolsby. Canton; fiijainin Ralph Winchester, Haz- 1951 Meetings Set For County 4-H Clubs Haywood County's 4-11 clubbers Garden Club To Meet Friday, 15th The Richland Garden Club will meet Friday, December 15. at 10 ! t ..1. . a. m. in tne home ot mis .,. . Kmathws. Jr. to make Christmas ""' . ,''""-.. . ,1 tl,P It.-,,. tr the t.rst ot .lie new ,o, UeCOl rtlllin.-. p..... . wood County Hospital. Orders for Christmas wreaths, to he made at the same time, are being taken by Mrs. Wliiten.-r Pro vost. clwood; Ray Manley Burnette. Can inn Clnronvt Sylvester McGaha, Wavncsville: Halpn Joel Arrington. Waynes ville; Howard Reeves Rhinehart. Canton; and Charles Steve Cham bers, Canton. " Mr. Burnette will be the leader and Mr Arrington, assistant lcad- er, of tne group on . Charlotte. H you're making an angel cake with a cup of egg whiles you'll need a tube pan 9 inches in di ameter. For l'2 cups of egg whites you'll need a 10 inch pan that's four inches deep Did You Know You Can Buy a good used Refrigerator with NO DOWN PAYMENT or a genuine NEW FRIGID AIRE for as little as $269 Weekly New Outside! New Inside ', Fritjitluire De luxe for 1950 HJ"y in to ! th new 1950 Frigid o Refrlgarotori. S nw beauty, new tony.nience$, new, greater value I New f f igiduire Refrigeroton come in 3 ty pe, 4 series-jiiei from 4 to 17 eu. f t. 9 cu. ft. model ihown $32975 7 to. ft. model for Full-width Suptr-Freexw Chel Full-length doorl Rut-proof thelve Exlraeep twin Hydrato" Poretlaln Multl-Pu'po Tray . FamooOuiclubelcTroyl . Dependable Meter-Mitr Come in I See Proof why you can'f match a FRIGIDAIREI The schedule was announced by County Agent Wayne Cni' pening's office . Burwell Smith of the Carolina Power mid Light Company will give the youngsters demonstrations on' electricity and explain the rules and procedure in the Better Methodist Contest "which the firm for the state's 4-H Club boys and girls. ! The schedule for January 19.1: I Canton Hieh Senior 4-H first Thursday of the moifth, 10";05 a m , with W. L. Rikard; Week starting January 8: Monday Cecil, Jesse James, Waynesville, Route 1, 9 am; u..,hi.l junior. E J. Evans. 114 1'iL'eon St.. Waynesville. 11:30 a.m.; Tuesday - - Waynesville Senior, 9:45 Carl Ratclllle, Waynesville. Fines Creek Junior, 10:45, Thomas S. Hood, Clyde, Uoute 1 "..K,r... liininr 1 SO t) 111 . F. L. Kji a 1. 1 1 v " " Safford. Clyde, Route l ; Wednesday -Bethel Senior. 8 4a. E J Evans Waynesville; iiuso, 1();45, Hugh Rogers, Canton, Route 2; Thursday Canton Junior, 10;0.,, W. L. Rikard, Canton; Clyde, ll a.m., Stanley Livingston, Clyde; irv!ri:vMfii-nini2 Star. 0 a.m v r Dockett. Canton. Route 2; Beavordam. 10:30, Hershel lliips. Canton, Route I; Third full calendar week of the month: Monday Lake Junaluska, 0 a.m.. Mrs Jul,- Noland, Waynesville. Route 2; Rock Hill. 11 ' , Norval Rogers. Waynesville, Route 2; T.,..HavNorlh Canton, 9:30, W. I P. Harbee, Canton; Waynesville Junior, 12 noon, Carl itaiciiiic. Wavncsville; East waynesvme. p.m.. Frank L. Rogers, Waynes ville, Route 2; Wednesday - Pent. Avenue, !) a in W. II. Crawford. Canton; Pat ton. 10:45 a. m.. H. C. Cannon, Box 145. Clyde, Thursday Hazel wood, 1:40 p.m., Lawrence Lealherwood; Friday-Crabtree Senior, 9 a.m. F L Safford, Clyde, Route 1 urini! i ryj to be , ef ,e re- fvT thi-.lR The niemhers of I he Waynesv.ll Chamber ot Comimuee ended tboii vniinu at noon today for the no ihrrctors who will serve durit'U 1951. The ballots were scheduled I tallied this atternodn. and tin suits will be made publi, urekend. The nominees." wH-h each classi licHtion indicated: Representing agrlciiltuie and livestock 'one direct, ,n W M. i Whiselihunt, Rolling Hall. M. O Calloway, and Frank Davis; Autos, services, sales, repairs inn,, direct or i Wallace Ward, II 1. iJacki Liner. Jr . Ben I'hillipsrT Charles Milner, Clayton Walk, and Young Allison, Industry lwo directorsi - Harry Bourne, Ralph Provost. L. K IJar- f.y her. C. G. Thompson. John UiK'S.iM. vi ... " Husiness and Profes'siiitial on" dlriTtori Dr. Robert Turner, Dr ... ,v.. O... .1 r,L',.n 0 11UKI1 uaniei, i " . "". Frank D. Ferguson, Jr., .1. B. Siler Ralph Calhoun, Hotel, hoarding houses, reslan rants ,'two directorsi ( I.eo Feichter, Jim Mm Chase, (Jeorge Jones, Jr Seay, Paul Hyatt. Charlii aid; M,.,-, li HiU 1 1 u . rlireelorsi J i,.,.ii,(., R.itnli Sinnmerrow ii, ,':.iliii;iii David I nder- (') villi.. ". ' wood. Johnny Johnson. David Fel met. Felix Stovall, Francis Masste Bill Ray. Wi.tch liis eyes when lie litis Hie lid of I lie bu . . . strs (lie r. . i , i r i.;i(v I tin I lie's " i r.-.T V"s o..ve M'lei .e.. iiou, ,' -,,"- h i wauled and needed. ISclow, n few siinides of what's in our store lor ouii. A Gift From The Toggery Always Pleases f T '- M5 '"'I Urnry. Wt Ml Sies -TVXV XAxA U! ray. Bud . . i Tk ' ' " rJKl S VI .1 clgj ii.dividi.i.lly Loved ai.,1 now only , ' " -If Qljs & MiW Give Him A 3 "GIFT SHIRTS &pJ? fmY fel h, while itnd colors all sies V' iS. s K IS AMIaMXX M-h All-Wool SLIPPERS Pfs A 'tffH4?4l t nAin and iu , Sl sfctefefi" hat- t; I S A wXfytfTV MANHATTAN rJ I S S hW'lf S495 I IV""U"UN -n sbos 'f W X" Nylon and Argyto )l 1$8-95 l3;;i socks I y ;S BELTS And mnl tSti s,,,, c,.i, il SUSPENDERS -MHI r)M? t 5? ! " ' fefe GLOVES ' I iS . y. i:s-,i.,n iins lirf-ts x , j.) Inexpensive lRVt -,y lOyy That Please" leather I'illiraH If thf-io':; a si.::1-! " t.ilmr iv'IriM -5 are rivvm Has dryei . don't w : ' '' Ff.-ilhprs aie aoinK'l f.!"T ,,dm caused by 'hn Inph t'-m . ..nrina i i.rt lhi I'illoW pc, n,;ii ' ' ' " thoroughly drv. IIMirrnatlnn Some of the rodp!. such as the woodchuck and ground un v-'l. go through a lengthy hihnadoo. In all cases they Siin sustei.anee to last I through the winter by stming' a 'mrk layer of fat n their bodies In V,f the eastern caves, noiner- ous ha'; hihernat- thmuBhout thf long wint-r ovmth'. wh-n ,ne,-K-thrir fnod are not ava.b.ble (Jther types of bats migrate snth. as b.r do. ,-......, tMiilir in :w r ines i , Thomas S. Hood, Clyde, Route 1 nrFP.ACTION relief from coughs single breath I 4 iiTrr' .fS8s' BOON TO MOTHERS! ELECTRIC CO. ... , Main Street 1 hntip Si Now . . . discover how millions o mothers relieve miseries of naEng colds this Pfcml way naB with the very same V.cks VapoRub that brings such grand results when you rub it on. f$ so aaiy ... o effective! Just put 2 good spoonfuls i of VapoRub in a vaporizer or bowl of boiling water as directed in ? Then : . . breathe in the soothing, medicated vapors. Every single breath carries ir d.'.k'c fmoiLs combination of time-proved medications deep into cold congested large Virnnehial tubc.5. Brings relief in a hurry.' To keep up the relief for hours, rub VapoRub on throat, back and chest, too. Bl I 1 0 The Men Un lour List Want iheir Gifts From The TOGGERY s r, o W t. num mbm or I t