STANDARD PTG CO Comjv 22-230 S TW 8t LOUISVILLE KT ; 01 The Hews i irrna IB Waynesville Mountaineer Pubhshed Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern EntranceOf The Great Smoky Mountains Nationark . , . . r.: ..ruvnnv mr 1 ir.ft S300 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Lountia n'tvvi'vrii l k v I .at ii-hiwu! " - NO. 11)1 12 PAGES' Associated Press NAM.s H.Lr.. t.. " TODAY'S SMIl-E Telephone penUr: II rosU 15c U talk U Boom Beld. BUck: Can'l jo ke HcUl rat for Ustenini? 'm ealllftf my wife. VKicy had to F nit his "aQ1 X as a sheriff's , r..ssion given when " i sienins off is: Uten ..trt wind It UP t'ornbrcad and 'nther officers listening 1 1"V """""...ntlv that Dcp- 'c). ws knocking off for 65th YEAR ! tt ' i Sit1 T TV i I a W H M BVaalaM JlvWt 1 Hre Named ssotiaiea rress Just Part Of One Mail Awaiting Highway Post Office - ... . , ...w1:.v-yv yn ""T TT?'!8 T - ,1 . . ..,".. t "N kj-Ni'iv -v -: ; I TT. I i Newly-elected delegates repro- j senting the 30 communities partici-1 pating In the Production and ; Marketing Administration Program , In Haywood County named their . laol county oiucers rrinay ai u,c countv PMA convention. i The convention followed Thurs day's annual PMA elections in which the delegates to the eonven-; tion and tne memocrs oi me cui munity committees were named. A. W. Ferguson of Crablree was re-elected county chairman; C. K Liner nf Waynesville, re-elected 1 ... u.l :nA .l:wk I Mr- Allium ui'i"1 jv i vice-VllcIll limn, "' .. i I.. I.. v(pi I . r til I. .Mo', i..i,1.. in ..'seiie us uiny " i racKen oi riue-o.., .... ... pants .in h as they were go- uor 0f the county committee. Mr, McCracken succeecien a. n Hipps of Canton. Miss Sarah Fullbright. of lion Duff, full-time county PMA secre tary, said the final official' tally of Thursday's results was not com plete. She added this was expected to be completed and the identity ol the community committeemen an nounced this afternoon. The delegates at the convention were' fcrert Mann, Heaven,.,,... Floyd Brown. Cecil; W. .1. Camp un ru,A- fan-nil dance. Crab- tree; , , , Watson Howell. Kast rorn. . Ferguson, Fines Creek; K. D. liad ..u... in tinff- C F. Owen, Ivy Hill- John Howell, Jonathan ( reek; Jack McCracken, Pigeon; .1. " Swayngim, Waynesville; Molvm Messer, White Oak; Milton Messer. Panther Creek f t I Succcssiui I .....StitihwnviPatrol- g SK"-' " " ' . MuniU was concerned. "e department's Christmas uwd clothing was almost 'srtssful last week. 1 the laundry man delivered . (...-i r hrann new um- Mnls to tlicv ponce siaiwu, IT ronscientidusly til"" .m in a specified corner. ,,,, MuniU arrived Just ill. salvation Army mriiwl i a pair that was al s good, though. jcls Ain't Enough U Santa Clans. He has'been jV streets here daily with his trod bag of candy, passing it ' the children, along with lv varied promises. , I, other day, after meeting Weds of youngsters, Santa be to take stock of his candy sup 1 have given out a bushel f, and just as much yesterday," 'aid. k ... .i. . i,.ii ntH man added: n nil' ,tr saw such candy-eating jssters in my life but I'm glad i like my candy; I'll just order it can't let my young friends V l ' "'' ' '. " - A (Pol iM M iiThreat of War County Sends 17 Men To Service, Hears Message Friday On Draft Board "H " , , nHnii da b'. Shown here, left to i u.m. au ......i.w.f mall. iStalT Photoi. since u.a. ru":- employees. A number of bags, and parcels are F. A. Mcliois. aim v nan , t This !me Old Excuse 'm adult clerks were down oil i knees in a toy .department H to Bel a mechanical toy to irate.. They thought they were win the department, when a illy young mother stepped up. iv did mil near ncr coine I were having the time of their is playing with' the modern Wis in toytand, She stood it about as long as she Id, then said: "If I were sure 6-year-old son would get half f mien urn out ot inai toy as po arc getting, I'd ask Santa to ring it to him, rko l,n tonaA olorWc slnwlV up, and in a muttering manner ltd to explain that the particular hail been out of adjustment, ft it before offering it for sale. iou are just liKe my nuaumiu m ashamed to admit you're still Wdish when it comes to such toys -now wrap it up, and stop telling ie what 1 know is not so." Waynesville FFA Boys Win Honors In WNC Event Lawyers Elect 1951 Officers Crahtree Tnv Listers LJaitied I Or ! m Ufl - SDbu,W5fl County Co Mobs I .. I I son this also N tax-listimt Frank Ferguson. Jr., ol Waynes ville was elected Friday io .u the Haywood County Bar Associa- The Waynesville Future Farmers ( cnunw lawyers voted dur of America team holds a rham-i a )Usy ,)Usil, session in the pionshlp from last week s Nanta-j m.m.y ()f the Haywood County hala FFA Federation Field Day 1 )U1.( H()U,e The" team of Frank Enloe, Dale FtM.guson succeeds Alvin T. Medford, and Bill Arrington rolled ; ; , WayIU,svUle. up 2.001 points of a poss.o.e also' elected Glenn mT,...tht rnm r rrn imumivi.' IUUUI.1 mw . J Western North Carolina competed in the event which was held at Bryson City last Wednesday. John Nesbit, is faculty adviser of the local group. The Robbinsvine ieam i. second with 1,920 points, and Bry son City was third with l.i8-!- v...,,., .,u hand will make it j..i..,i iinvunod county s big UCllUi ...w ...... nh,.l music circles Ihursday night. i. i n. fvuhh-fi'-lroti DulT High II IS IMK V , School band organized with i; i...... I,,. -i Ihio fall I IIIUII1IK I3 j"" The band, together with the old-! rr Crahtree-Iron Duff High School .... . .. it n ...-.f ttn. Glee Cluh. win give ni cert as the feature of the school s Parent-Teachers Association De cember program at the school. The event will open at cju P m. Directing the band, as well as i the Glee Club, Is Mrs Phillip Chase ! I of Waynesville, j I The singers and musicians, with. ! choral groups from the second and ' I the fourth grades, will offer a pro-; j gram of Christmas music. ! The theme of the Yuletiiie p.o- "t "hrisimas " hih! New License Tags sday i M Are Selling t ast Haywood County people .remain ed grave but calm Friday as they saw 17 young men leave Waynes ville for military service that mornina. then heard the Presi dent's grim message that night. . . t n.tlnlta in Mliusieis uiiiii iiivu i the county eiiurcnes yrmeru? ! ; .. . I. .. . . ' erly called lor unuy iun r people In the face of the newest danger to the nation's freedom. f ... fell nan. Men ano noy nom io i ulaled calmly on the probability that tills wouio lie mm Christinas as civilians. i-i ,. i... itii ih Iw-nrlies lite im-ii "i"' .... from Guadalcanal and Cape Qlou- J it lift t cester lo imcne mm fell that they woulrtn t ne rauea. unless the situation became murh worse. They didn't like It. Hut they were ready. M.m- homes throuuhoul the j county already have fell tin- un- ulterahle pain ol war. Al least seven killed in action, more than a down wounded, at least two more missing. All these since isi sumim-i . 1 i.. u-.,,.,i Wnr II mure men from III II " " - j Havwood County. In proportion to ills p ;iulalion, enlisted In service I than anv other county In the na- M.inv ul who left after the job was done registered for re serve duly. Just in case. F.nllstnientK slaekeneit in inc days of the peace. ii.. i ...,i,i ii,..v riKM when the 1. 1. 1 nM"M ..' North Korean Uvris launched thoir 1 w 1 ( anUm W already ahead f what 11 uuMJiituH'l, l5i, ae He-sides being the Christ mas sea- . ..... :u. inn I inn. This memorandum was issuco to day by County Tax Collector Sebe U.'vm.n lie reminded lax payers that North Korean Beds launcnoo meir February 1 Is the date when the invasion and Americans went to ... j. .11.,, .1,1 infill tuxes nn:ltn pcniu.. ,,.niimir front. haaa II.. nnnounceu nn- " - CLAl'TON WAIKF.R has tn wirn in as a member of the Haywood Draft Board. Mr. Walk er was named after I he resigna tion of W. A. Bradley, who re cently became a member of the Hospital board of trustees, Mr Walker a navy veteran of 28 months tn World War I, has been active in veteran's affairs heie, having served as commander and In various other capacities of the American Ugioii, Other mem bers of the board are Ruf ll,'f 1 and Way Mease. State Draft Board Names 1 fsm Member . ...!. :.f Wif.'iiM'4U' waa fworn In last weiU as the f ready ahead f what j ' ctlyM.; . -r On the economic front, hftua. -g ,wornln last week i.nuwi 1. IftSS. ar- 1 unr ' c " . (! as .. i. .m.r. hnnis. and businessmen. t u.vwnnd County heiec cordlnr to Mrs. Smalhers, aeere- j ,, , the various town- w,, the memory of rationing, ma- fiprv,lC(, Bolird Nft. 1, tarv of the ranmn 1 w ; . , . tune may lerlals snonaKcs, ami i. .- v....--. j(e tooK nis oain m.T Jackpot Bor -Bolihy. Setzer, Waynesville lih Sehooi s popular, hard-hit- 'H tackle and cq-captain, Thurs day was a diiv husv with the collec- p ol football awards. mat morning, he travelled 10 (See Sidelights Page 2) cVisrkl Rnnrt Is Expected luesaay rt He succeeds Thomas G. Morgan nf Canton. In other business, the members discussed plans for a social meet-) : 11... np;n- future, arranged , for representatives of the Haywood j gram will be group to attend the Western wis-, A..i5.iinn meeting at I inct 1 ."" ., nii'""" 1 i, 11 U...,r4 a H- ...uiu ...,. ...l.rl.i nv Brvson Ctly tomorrow, uvu - 2-4 feet in wium. Motorists are buyliu much , faster, and several weeks ahead of last year," Mrs. Smathers said. BACK FROM HOSPITAL Slierrll! H. t.eallierwood of Wauiesvillc retuitied to his home vesterday from layw..l County 'Hospital where he had been un. vv f.- f weeks following irt'HI IMI T.l , Air 1 .11" and an appeiHieci.Mi.,.. 1. I 1.. .......Itllllf. W . Ill' ll,,"." Huee Christmas caras, m . wooo is ' -.nrlnB four feet in length and Motor Company here. - hv ships with whom taxes listed. V II Hyers 1)1 (1 s M,s. Wade nhea; Calaloochee J. M. Caldwell; Cecil-Jerry Francis; Clyde -William Osborne; Crahtree Frank Medford; East Fork-K U Burnett; Fines Creek-Cauley Rogers Iron Dulf Jarvis caiowen. Ivy Hill-Wilson Fisher; Jonathan Creek R. W.Howell; ..1 ., u f. Hurnett; Waynesvllle-Johnny Ferguson; White Oak-Odie Fish. Mini i'ir f , tlVC W"'r - t nrirp control tL. ui- th ithnrtlv aflr ll'I (ill 3ihm - 1- , - - MP (OtlK . j ....... f nf- . . . i U .iiitinn still sharp, consioereu wbjb "-1 (h(l ocni iHiara ricev-i justim-nt to the forecast controls , Scectlve Service head - again. I quarters that it had appointed him The. reaction generally was one 1 flll tnc v-cancy created by the of dismay ano concern, uui u.m.-! re)lj((naln ot v a. bh"w Ivlng It there was the unanimous j ,Ue feeling: "If It's But to Im- done, let s go ! ahead and do It." 1950 Christmas Tree Party Set I For Saturday 1 Brvson .uy lonmi " , -1 leei .11 hrarv report, and drew up the cal-l (n ,,iementary school art slum. m 'H1i.... ....1... . "" I i ... ih.. luii.U'f'I'K ,WlMUdl f.. u,. nrnfram ipnar MM tnc , IDI ll" ' r civil term of Haywood huperim , T)( j,a.cnl.Teachers Associanon, Court cooperating with the sc 10.... .. e .... , ,.nc .tanuarv 8. . .. ... , 1.. c.r 1 n oruanl- mhr- the new lein. i ; s ed raise nie iunu jrn. .V PP A llll..ll"v 1 K ll,illUIIl I I lll ' r ,1... r.lrl jacK m--i rmmiltee wl,n JU(' "' zation 01 tne , ,,.,.,' of the State School Committee Th.. school's annual Ilallowen; here Tuesday with the recommen- oda1()1 Librarian J. Hardin (See Crabtree--Fe dations as recently made relative wcU Jr ()f WayT.esville report-) . to Haywood schoolL ,d XM the Court .li-us,. library 01011 has been tormauy ai-i" noW has Slti.OOU worm 01 . At. -State Board of Mucauon. NO mm ('ti-" - . what the ,.SP0cial state conmidtec, . put Into tneir repn - i UUCiui a survey. Mid-Night Service Christmas Eve A mid-night Christmas Service of the Holy Communion will . . .. . Fniscooal Chunn hem at Christmas Eve The Kev. r-uso. - , rector said the service would b. gin at 11:30 p. m. Sunday. Dies At 84 I After Illness S Rufus Hunter Blackwell. M.' .. prominent Haywood C ounty h 's -ness man. died Sunday morning in l b Sanitarium. Morgan- . .....,n,,.i.t .. lintici ini Illness Hobert Cline Alley, to. .'""""p ton. aiiei . this s of .lodge and Mrs. rel.x E . Kunera services we rt h M . . ..J.1....1.. tiaturnav , . in thi- rirsi A ev, ' 'I'M su(iii' .i'. , . 11 .... J XT pfi nl3 afternoon in uicnmonii. ..- Wellco Has Visitors From Many Foreign Continents . ... Uf..l Tnint Boards Of j Chamber Of Com merce To Meet waynwi.t-. Mr Bradley resignea iu ..-t-v an appointment to the board of the Haywood County Hospital. He bad been named by the new board of county commissioners I December 4. Mr Walker had been recom mended for the draft board post . -,u..i ... f 1 Krancis of tne oy lliail um. w. - county commissioners. Education Superintendent Jack Messer, Supe rior Court Clerk J. B. S.ler, and Elections Board unairmau v ....... - The modern plants of oe in'"" , ur- ft hecom Shoe uoi pin nii. "- illK a "show place" In Haywood, land have attracted several bun ! dred visitors from five foreign con ,i s well as from almost j The Waynesville Woman's Clubl I in cooperation Willi oiner iota, v. ; , .1 tw.i.i iu 1050 an- tHnizui 1011s. win -- . .. I .. 1 ..... SKhn-riav. upi. v .-. Wellco t ' " n... .,...,i uiu !. he d at tne Haywood County Court House. Cooperating are me ""- " Rotary Club, Waynesville Lions Club, and the Town ol waynes ..1.1,. .ih.r members of tne draft board are Rufus Siler of Al iens Creek and Way Mease of Canton. X 1 For Robert Alley j Set For luesaay .0 Meet ;, vc.ry stale In the union. V(,unKS,,rs receive toys , s'-n of Ihe HIS" A check of the visitor's register , fr(,m SaIlta CUus. Meetmg GCnerOUo ', .'n..wlv elected 1951 revealed today that visitors from , person a. k. . 's ,' the Cha.nhi'.' Kuropt, Africa, South America. .8l,whik, Mrs. N. W. Garrett pbUC ReSpOnSO: wl,l he held at 7.30 Asia and Australia have enjoyed 1 n( Mrs Cnarlcs E Ray, Jr., head- seeing the unique manufacturing , tnt, arrangements for the event, Tn ,)()Uce Department rp-'rttn in , ........... , .u. : ....... thi. mornlne . i ou.d ud toy C SHOPPING VAYS w 1 III CHRISTMAS The' Funeral Tuesday . in the First rhr,h with the pastor, the Kev. J. " ..-hi hn held in'.rV"ni, officiating intermem T' 1 1 til I Villi ni'i fj, J UU'1" the 1 U,' Li r ,hn narents. Tuesday ... , r.reen Hill Cemetery. Rpv .1 E. younu, !"" . .. Massie. j - Th(,.. Kcv- - . ..... -u k nff e atina . ....... v pv. Jr.. Dr. Thomas rust "'- . nrppnhi , ioinl session hoard and the board of direct of Commen, will he ne,.. - ;As.a a,, - manu(Vurng , ... see UK iiif u.i.-i"- tolilKfi". 0,111 f f,., 'Officers r tile coiniim ) pi.iten v . ......... murli. fill' thei .. .1, O..M.r,un he e ('( ted ano 1'"'" 11. vr. n... .... r . I9SI program. Uial in addition to the manufactur- s ',..,..,-s elected by mail in nrMMmt of making sponge . . ....... 11.,. . . . ballots last week induct Haul Hy- a, I. Charlie Woodard. Dave Fe rnet. William S Kay. ur. I K Harry Bourne, tlay- ,on Walker and M. K. Wlnserihunt. A number ol appomuvf Weather e Test Farmk . .. .. -. WW Massie, J' - . .... a 11(11'"' iffieiating. . )(,s E R8y. jr., in. 1 "-' lors representing various oik-" U..H-.1 will fo low in uic-c. 1 stringneia. kowii i....-. tions , ana munie,i, ";, - Cemeterv Weatherby, and M. H. be added to the board of 24 mem Cemetery .iihearers were mem- , u"T itaard of stewards of - , Kllpa(,,tk is presi i iuiv,ii , .(renewed men .." - Hollman. president, ;.said f()r donations of toys. i..u... (hn munllf actur- I i-v,, urp asked to leave the 1(111"! ' " " w ' cm i Mrs. Garrett's home on rubber soled footwear, the visitors Walnut st. havp been impressed with work- Tne Rev. M. K. Williamson, pas nave "- , .... ,. . ,...., ..nip Prpshvterian infi conditions nere, mu w.v - tor 01 me ....-.....- munity as a Whole. Church, will lead the prayer at -Practically all of our visitors Saturday's athering and i,ri wldnlv over the Christmas story win world and are prompt to rem... today an apinr.i ' c and clothing has received gpnerou, public response so far. Policeman Jerry Rogers Fire Chief Clem Fitzgerald al,-. has repaired and painted mi-'. lv. and that more eonfnHo-"" will he appreciated deeph , The collection campaign 1 .. H..rwv in the Wa-. "J- emetery. , . r,r. Active pallbearers will be Gar t ,. unwell. Dr. Thomas Mring-; 1 ltt ' ... n 1 Tr Jflhn ! t .. . . T..n w net u. " it, nhiirrn , .,. Jack Felmet, Joe W., Mr BJackwell came .lames ; , ,s. dent, serving his second term. Mrs. have traveled- widely over me, Christmas ' o ake .-n..,- b, .4!" ... t.i....i,.i.,ii rame to Waynes- speretaiy. jmns ii, -v. Atkins. . raswell County in 1W ' ' ,p,.mnt was made this 1 Honorary P Ubears will be mem-; hls brother Wallace - fflcc of the M,p fofrihePHaywood County Jtar.;',,,, ,d -he late H JJ. (lf C.nnmerce would be foliation and visiting lawyer . nTnma the Blke' fnim Tut,s(lav untH January llev a founer investigator for ; nne Company, a ' "'..111- 1' correspondence wil be t,aroles Comn Lndled as usual during the time native of Haywoou ,."-;;',-" ful busine n -- the office is.cioseu arc mai in i . , ..,.! n-u.. i .... W;.nesville F1A win Hy ranks among tne oest - ".'"'" Tm.s,av afternoon in around working conon.,.,,,, nil!,, as previ- Hollman said. slt'" . Products of WellcO are inanufac- f'" . Thl. A- tured throughout the worm. ' )(, shwn M,s. Cecil Jen- several foreign oiuces u... - - - ,,,,.,.,,1 tained. , - ' " ri nunY Partly cloudy and rather cold 'th mattered light snow flurries Monday. Tuesday fair and becom ln? thghtly warmer Tuesday after- 'Official Waynesville tempera '"fe as recorded by the staff of the Mflln 1 Presic. a native oi Wavnes. was "" Zh School and ville Township Hign aij Duke University where he rece.v- Forestry Demonstration To Be Held Tuesday ; io onrt cutting A forestry miimn'R SSb. Branch section ; of Crahtree. narticipate Special Shopping Event Slated Friday Evening . h ... mgktnf elaborate plans for a special trade. Merchants here are manina e. rpmail, 0DP1, Mnlil niiie iSl'Z.inZn ... day on Wednesday this wee,. The tor increasing number of shoppers. 'n 1Z tJr:: oAhe steadiest shoppin of . The Marine Corps is displaying the above Christmas message on Waynesville in front of the Post Olfite wn. re 11 .1nury 15. N AMED SF.f Kf TRV Miss Allen Hart has he- n secretary of the new SpamJ at Meredith college. 1 Club Ministers Rap Lottery Mothods In runa uuy IVieinUUa XXX ;, ,,. written to the Lottery methods 101 , T,, Mountaineer vy ing has drawn the fire ., '' " Bl,,w of the Salvation wood County Ministerial Assoc. a- my .,.,,,. of the clergymen s ''"Members ot the Avocation .'- ,s p(ju. cently approved plans to apmjo ( (m (HMh.r pag(! m school otucid" " . ((1S ,U1. . or Associations to use only u" letter said ha questionable methods" when - nd Js,.iatlJ1 members ask that raising campaigns are - means of - rah lng They recommenaeo f(,ml , use,, in me ,,,nditions requi.ins - - s,ead ol lotteries. " "-, " large sums of jnone .h- -m t tthlt.h are .Legal in 'aXS,e e ot chil- this slate. ' . througn ",r ' l ie eiiei . . , iren" . ... ...... .. .sLsnUthih a critical period The criticism. .1 ,s uassiiu througn a cn"' e and .-uggehtion oi V-" 2 Highway Record For 1950 In Haywood (To Date) Injured . . . . 28 Killed (This information com piled from Recordi of State Highway Patrol) lato Max. Min. V. 14 ....... .44 17 " 15 1.1 49 19 ' " 16 ....... ... .47. -.--14.-' " 17 40 17