nnf, t M r I -i. i. .mi .imii,,,; THE WAYNESVILLE SiOUNTAISKEB Monday Afternoon. Dec era! It, 'V Santa r COWBOY At Nwttututmi By LUCRECE HUDGINS At Strand Wednesday and Thursday ('h.M'l' I 17 A Ml It IS V MlltlVIMAS TO All, In IiihJii r. Mini tin III I fi urn I . i it ' I'Vri V- Mn I i liiilri'l , Oi'W 'I li" I ! i wi I "II i !iim Mill Him - v' fi ll In- could ll'iu II "ill jimt t'llii II IiiiiiiIIiiI lie hull li I ill r hi, il In li v ll )irn mil , (Irnh llinliri ilini'tii l liuiii Hir ,Vv Mini liilnlril In S, nit, i I. .mil How I In l.iliv. I'lllt 'wini! .iml dlinillril to "it D.imIii i limk ,- it Hit til m Mi'. ('1,'M. riiini' ni. Illlll 1 1 ilil tlii'll l ull n "iv Ml ' ( 'Iiiiik mii 1 1 vim; ' lie wiiii vii hup iv SiiiiIii rniililii I mis' iiiivllilnu ill Hll Hi' Jit il 'I'i'iil llti'ir In.ililn ' Jtillli'l mill "lln r mill ii'. II It.' Wriv I'lilni' In lint I w M li pi nil' mill ilt'ii',in i' When lint I. v illt ilnvi ii IIiikIii'I h liiirK tin n win milllf llus nIIIiiii' llnii' I, it Hill' In ' rr "Nni .Hiuliiiii'i Kirn i n ' '' i lii'il Twi'i illi It in r Mill kv mill. I mn' mm.' II,.'. I'. IIIV lllihil Me : till linli, in 1 1 1 1 vv " I ,iilli'' mill' II"'. - milt il II u .r (III1 lll 'il llnii' .hi' Mlir luil "I'rii Illlll ' llillr nini II w.r it w, mill i In! lliliti; In ' it "Mi' mil I mil' nini' HiiV llHHr," lir 'I. til ' ;l,' ll.ii' Mi' luiw II Mini SiiiiIii 1 . 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 it nit ' in li hihI lulls I. it "('nini', ll,tii Hits I'll k yiilil ('III I'llltil' m' t nl1 nllilii" Mm wmti i-i. ,miiii Hut iiiiii , r,n; ii IS I 'lirl'il lll.'l : l' f illlll III VITV tfVi llllllllli , I lull I i,. n iiiv WMV " Kvi'ii iii Ui.ii iiimiii'iii the HIIV li I s i IM.'. EH You may him-I I'mmpt idiel linm ti vniiti'iin hy lulitit "B'Q'K," I ml M tavilmo am) n.i.;rii; llut ll nil ilmwy allot rllr, l (on II ynur lul'l hn ili'yi'l,,.,',l ua "R'Q'R" ilil ri luiw iilii Uy ynu lil mttih li-lt.f Ho i Hi "I'Q'R " jinipl mi miMiIuI. ilw.'iifs wcri- ihiIIkik nut Simla' j iilcltth ini'l liiiiliitu mi III'- ri'ln-i ili it vsl.h limlii r l luiHi'lf li'iiillnd ! Ilif ii'iii 'I'lii- rlvi-H dumped (inck i ilMrl y.nk nf liiVK Illlll I he bill Illlll I 'nl I lir lilli I nl xlrlvli ii rid itl ill! I wi nl lim k fur more l.inii-iiiiic liny .. who win ll;ii-l I v lliiv now limk SiiiiIii luiuil ' " I I t'Ji . -" mini. l mi WMMt lU I'hl'lll llllt f .Villi lll'llIK irCNI'tltN j in .llniliiiii hllic itiiy rio lnil( you liliVliliiir." SiiiiIii luuki'il hIiiiIIiiI. TIicii ho IHiiinili'il Ills liiunln tiirrllirr, "So lli.il m II!" Iif uli'tl "Tlicv only wunliil Mini' ( 'In hl iiuih fur Ijii'in nt Ives nil I lit llnii'!" SiiiiI.i iitilit'il iiwuv mill illiln'l i'lilni' limk until TwiTillrknccK i mn nl II wiii linn- fur liiin In mii I lirn SiiiiIii mini' lir cunird mi III: lllll'k II Spn'llll puck Illlll IIVIT nni' 'iliitiilili i lir rm i Iril mi riiiii' iniiii'i III' lire lilti'.iilv iliriir.ili'il ullli t'nlil nini liii' i'l unit ii'il mnl IiIiii- liiilli. SiiiiIii rllmlii'il In ihf Mli'luh. "( 'nun' lliii ky." In- .Milil "I'll 1,'iki' miii Imiiii' IihiIi'IiI Anil 1 1 . v llnv, Iihi " Sn (In- Iwu Iiuvn illiiiliril In llii' ilci;i mnl iiwiiy Hll' lll'W, I iliin'l kimw I'X'irllv wlnil lltii.c .llnilliiiii lltiiiii'lil ulnn Ihi'v ..,'tw i;.Hll;l (iiini' ilillni! tlii.Ml lulu Ihi'li mnl I llii I iln know liny wni' Inn ii linil' In il in mint' i n ii I'vi'ti wlii'ii limy miw llin ky mnl llic .IiiiiIi.iii luiv In Hir m, ';. "Mi'iry ('IiiI'iIiiiji'.!'' cili'il Siln l.l Mr li'iiii'il limn I he slelKli mnl ni'l up his (jivHt I'ln Iiliniis Hi'iv Tlii'll lie iluinni'il mi) Ids MTV 'HMTlnl linn I luil ( lll'l ldl iivit Ins limk mnl every .liiiilhn's evet inii ' In see Hie i c-U'lils there: llildley winks iintl Imh l.n I.M mnl hen, I neekhices ninililes mnl huhlile i:nin iiuininliu: tups mnl cruyiini 'hells mid nil i, Hi i,. Iriiikels lh.i clillden mid di.lllv love I'm' II ImiK iiimiii iil mi inn. f".""-" 11 "H1 I inin.m.i.i wn nin yl ' "' . ' ' '' ,; - v ZZ'-' A 1 ljr';";:?'-.,":; " A -J r'nrir 1 1 nit i ! i n pi i iiii lfiniii wrtH mid i tctttim Ilirliiird Wldinmk mid Dnrliuru Rel Gi'ddcs slurring in ''Punic Irt 'I'lic SI reels" (iiinliiK In Hie St mint Tlieutit' Wcdnosduy nnd Thurs ly. . Chief lliiiiliiiiii' wnlki'd over In SiiiiIii. He li.nl n pipe in Ids liuiid mnl he iill i i i'il Hie pipe In Saul a. "Snnike liencc pipe," lie mild, lie tii liineil ii I'uiiny kind of t'.i In heiiniie he wii;n't ified In miii it 1 1 it!, ynu know. mnl mid mnl ,im 1 Hi ll wind Then hied t'M'lledlv the .Imdl lnKfthei' N.'il.l ins intini-I'innllv "WiujL;vV W..J. .i, Val .lf. . PARK THEATRE M iliiiec Sunil.iv 2 & t P. M. Siilnulnv ('i.tiliinioiis Slmws from II ,. M. N'i 'M- ....ilnv S :it I'. M. UVektlay 7 & ! PROGRAM io , 1 1 i:s.,ii:c, is ii SiiiiIii leniii'il over nnd took n lui! pull' mi the pipe mnl passed II hack to Chief Hurricane, Aiy liudy etnihl see Unit Simla thought thli win. the inii' I Inn he'd had for tnmiy mnl many n Christmas eve. Happy liny went lo Chief HuiTi ciiiii' mid said. "Me ko Innno with little eowhiiy," I'hlef llilrrlcnn( Just nodded jes, lie wits lllixlotis tn start plii.viiil! ai'iiiinil lit that pile iif toys friiin Santa's suck, Itiicky imt his miu mound Hiiiiy Hoy. He Ihiiui'lil, "Well, 1 really did i',el my wish! I'm jjo Inn to hnve a real live Indian to 1 !'l .-' with for Cln Isinuis!" I!" wondered what his niother ! ;alher would sny In that. He Kuessed they'd he so clad to have him home the.Cil li,. chut to have Happy liny there, too. "OlV we now!" cried Santa. He and Mucky and Happy Hoy koI into the slel:h and oil thev darled. ' t in isim.is makt ynu'" sli.iiiied the MumhlitiM iiver Hie wmds. S.mt.i iv.iiicl liom his slei;h and vailed sally back "And a Merry Christmas to all!" 'nil' KM) Want Ads hrnitf quick results. merry to .llndians strung' new Letters to Editor (Cuntlnucd from PagH Two) IhroiiKh prnper ediicidlon, and whereas, many of our nchonls and i'art'Dt Teacher Ansoclntlons In llii.vwoud Cuuiily me resoftlnft to riilslni! luuuoy thruiinh means which are disapproved by many parents mid eltl.ens, and which are contrary tu Christian teaching and the 'standards of our churches. We, the 'members of the Hay wood County Ministerial Associa tion, wllh the. unanimous approval of this body In session Dee. 4, 1950, would appeal to our Parent Teach er Associations to use only honor able methods in the raisins of funds, mid would urge our school hoard, superintendents,' and prin cipals .of the several schools of Hav- wuod County to insist that the I'T.A.'s and other money ralsinK groups connected with our schools use only uiuiuestionahle methods for raisint! money, Instead of lot teries, bingo, chances, and the like, which arc illegal in the state, we would ask that only legitimate means b, permitted. There are other forms of entertainment which with reasonable time, thought, and ! preparations would bring the de- sired results and at the same time ; would contribute to the building ; of character ami would be con , ducive in the cultivation of an ap i precision for better things on the i part of children as well as adults, j Kurthermore, if It is necessary J for large sums of money to be' rais ed in order to make our schools I'l' " JliVJ'H .1 SPECTACLE! 1 uiruminti . intiruTfmri I V 1 UUltNtNl! mm mm OIION WELLES cicui AUBRY WAYNESVILLE DRIVE-IN THEATRE A Good Show Every Night PHONE 1033-J wn)t snY, nv. :o ji-s ; BOWERY trt 'i l, hi BOYS A Sbsw, Dtly MmmIa? throat h Frldiy 7 A PJt SjtunUr CanUBMoia Showln rrom 11 A.M. Su4iy: S Show. 4 d g:Jt p. m. PROGRAM TOHAY ami Tl'lp.W, -DEC. 1819 k,..LEWAYRES'LOU15 WfJIHFlM V- i LV1 fc' "BLUES BUSTERS' - mum WnVNJ.SDAY TIU RSD AY, DEC. 2t)-2l Till KSIUY s I KUUY. IEC, tl U L 7 t.VV!?Cr Wii'lTi Ua I 4 1 1 Mil vK!CH0MDM:FM!L DOUGLAS BARf RmiGEO.Ot? .AlvSO CKTHS & mKU NEWS ury Eravm For January Gonrl Term The following have been selupled for jury duty during the two-week term of Haywood Superior Civil Court which starts January 8. First week: Harry Haynes. Beavcrdam: F. M. Noland and Frazier Price, Fines Creek; Robert L- Rich, Ivy Hill: W. R. Cramer. Beaverdam: C. E, Williams, Beaverdam; Frank Chambers, Clyde; Lura Burns, Beaverdam; Mrs. Virgil Henry, Waynesvllle; T." H ' Wor- sham, Jr., Waynesville; Pink Rich, Ivy Hill; Charles I. Smathera, J. M. West. Beaverdam; L.- E. Ensley, Clyde; Wiley Williams. Jack Allison. W. T Queen, Waynesville; E. G. Smathcrs. Beaverdam: Charles F. Osborne, Pigeon; Woody W. Jones. Waynesville; Mrs J. A. Stamey, Pigeon; Walter C. Lowe, White Oak; Fred L. Trull, Pigeon: Harold Hmison, Beaverdam; Second week: , R, T, Reynolds, Beaverdam; Mrs. V, L. Harkins, Waynesville; H. T. Rogers, CraBtree; T. V. Allen. Beaverdam; Sallie West, Waynes ville; E. B. Watson, Beaverdam; Claude Norman, Waynesville; J. C. Burnett, T. E. Reed. Beaverdam; Foster Hargrove, East Fork; Has eom Thompson, Pigeon; Ben. James, Crabtree; Don Henderson, Beaverdam; Bob Williams (col ored). Beaverdam; Glen Hunter, White Oak; Hobart Chambers, Beaverdam; I. L. Sutton, Crabtree; and Alvln T. Ward, Waynesville. i: AT THE PARK THURS. &FRI. ; l-.- J .V -': J. i S ' ' 7 . ,lmwm&IMSmlmmMilnA S.IWftMWffillfc.Wi 1 1 1 ,1iS more sanitary, comfortable, and attractive, we recommend that the problems be met by adequate tax ation rather than through the In dulgence of children. CECIL BROWN. Major See. of the Ministerial Asso ciation of Haywood County. tPriTlt-yt CreucBo jtt$ oa tbt trail of tht Roaanoff jewels ti -. . i r il al f aicu ibico ana nano m mit acene irom lot nappy. . iStarrti with Hit trio art llona Maiiey, Yen Ellen and Marion1 ItiHon" Dry Ice Comes to Rescue As Water Main Breaks BELLE FOURCHE, S. D.-Dry lee prevented a drought here. A dragline broke an unmapped water main. There was no valve to the main near the break and it appeared probable that the water would have to be turned off over a large sec tion of the city. Merle Odle Went to a nearby creamery, scooped up four pounds of dry ice and packed it around the pipe. Within 10 minutes the water was frozen and workmen started repairs. Pep up cottage cheese sand wiches with a little chopped sweet dill pickle, a little finely grated onion, some diced pimiento. and a bit of mayonnaise or salad dress ing. Add salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. 13-Year-Old Slayer Schooled in Prison THOMASTON, Me. Maine pris on authorities have maDDed out a program of education for their youngest Inmate, 13-year-old Don ald Collin?. Donald is serving a 5-to-10 year sentence for the fatal shooting of his father. Housed in a cell In the main cell block of the prison and supervised so he will not come In contact with hardened criminals, he has two special tutors: Woodrow Mercier, former Thomaston High School principal, and Ray Barker, who was his eighth grade teacher. The Guarani Indians are natives of Paraguay. Wife Lef t in Parked Car Sits It Out All Night SALT LAKE CITY No one can tell Axel Lindholm of Seofield, Utah, that a woman can't be pa tients ; ,' Lindholm parked his car In downtown Salt Lake City and his wife said she'd wait while he got a snack. He forgot where he parked the car. After an all-night search he ask ed police to help. They soon locat ed the car and Mrs. Lindholm, who was Sitting patiently in the spot where her husband had left her 13 hours before. "I knew he'd come back," she said. Bremen, Germany, was electing a town council before 1400, ANTI HISTAMINE TABLETS JET stop COLD'S distresses IN MANY CASES the first day I Decoration Contest Se! In Canton j A hnmn - i I --"c. aim " " uiiufrwav Tho . RerrpAti " w" "tpanmi Director C. c. p0i award prizes for the homes and store wj The displays will U mialitie f . J '-o g, ungmai and aDDroDrinton The contest will ell The valno nt - nuir.f United States in a 5l. as mucn as 7.2 pf f tional income which in io as low as 1933. HERE'; TO HEAll f . . and when joil writes your prei call us immediate! you'll lose no timi his. medicine to w Your Walgreen J Depend On I's.. Doctor Does! CURT DRUG STQ Home Owned & 0 Phone 3! m . 5r 3 it "nt,. "m- wm&w 8 - (TO CHARLIE CL.IDE WOODARD WOODARD CHARLIE'S DRIVE-IN and TEXACO SERVICE Good Eats Prompt Service EAST WAYNESVILLE CHARLES W. BALENTISE CHARLES SHELL SERVICE Dayton Tires Complete Lubrication Clean Rest Rooms - Road Service Call 402-J Five Points Ilazelwood h3 -::;t-: CENTRAL CLE.NERS Superior Cleaning and Pressing Phone 113 Church St. Waynesrille FRANK Rl UNDERWOOD CARS Waynesville AUTO PARTS CI Parts For Every Car 4 AC Products Davton Belts 4 Hm 105 Depot St. ttifn E. J. Ln.ll!S ' JEWELER Diamonds - U'atehes . Jewelry CORK AM STERLING SILVER !0? Main Waynesville H, m ANGEL - HAYWOOD .MONUMENT COMPANY KelUW TrIer U The Wri4's Finest Mmmrnts AM JOEIIOWFI.T. Since graduating from Waynesville High School Joe Howell has been an expression of diversified activity He was aviated with F. G. Rippetoe Clot! ng S!ore 3 winiw wilh T. Denton Hardware 1 ear: C E. Rav s Sorts 13 vears as nianaser of their shoe departraer.t: with the North Carolina Shipbuildin? Company at WUiaireton 3 vears during the late war In 1946 he opened his ovm business in Haielwood. acd mov ed to Waynesville in September. 1949 As owner e HoeU Hardaare. located as 295 Main Street, Mr. Hoell carries a compiete lire of hardware including tools fann and horn supplies, wire, tails, screen, feccing Deeds, as well as cpobn utensiU and dishes. aLo fishii tacte and hunting arms and supplies Included irrx-g the popular bracd nan of merchandise are Benja.-r.ui Moore paints aS varnishes: aiid Boker pockn knives. Delivery service is avaiiable anywhere in .Haywood. r JIn Hf5tt cd Mrs Howen" li3nr Rta Frances nawtins rl Montspmery eronrr. Xprti CarcIirjL are parents of 14-year-oW Joe, Jr 15-year-old Buv Ann. 13-vrarSdCharies. who attend Way nesville Towriship Hlh. ,ad 11-year-old Martha, who b a siudent at East WayMniU. Eleirntarr School -Aside from his business interests. Mr. Howell eoj,vS fishinc hurting Mi I fsxMba. ar. J. takes he pan w-.loSiVivfcS lerests that advance the welfare of it area He i a icesbL the Merchants Awii. FraterraKr be is a lto47SSfc CHARLES P. KETStj FARMERS EXCHANl nrewert. Rubers. Pitkfr! Shippers of htyood H Prxluiis firotrriri Efeds Ilisectkides FertUW Tele. 13 Eja fftfmrt FRED DAMSGAR- Ceaeril Anto RfPW BodT Jfc Tfnitr Aaio Piintiif Kadiittfr RfP1'" TtK 40! M RUTH CR-Mi KITH CRAIG'S BE.lTY SHOP M4er Fnipwf t rMW suit JOE HOWELL HOWELL HARDWARE SWs Tr Tana aa4 Re IVtiwty Ure(W( IUtwm4 Tr)f i( 1MB'' t5 Mahi St WanroSW JOE W.DAVIS JOITS STUDIO " . MorocrArHT Hi . . . - -...--.Per RK Wt&K OCT STRAND WISE CW FWr ANriwUet Hi ranlM, W aywrsrilte