1TAVDARD Vrn c tousviuj; KV i m n, m - jjuri J n i m.i iw l im i nr- -1 V-w 1 '' '- 'fm 'w fV v sss. , SWV , . sS S S S Vs s s S S S vV - - v s S v.s.. ISSs Vf .sS S f" "' o P B Sidelights The Waynesville Mquntaine TODAY'S SMILE An optimal U one M puU ic lUmp or a letter and marks It "Rash'." Of The News Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains NaPark i ' - . . ivrtnW , IQ'tft S.TOO -a . ... .vmtt the Ratcliffe pelted for hero- Korea nienuoneu , in the lead Par8P.h'th.e" : ..,. "Rat. Ratcliffe down In the account. 55? h2ST.r hV wav ilcmie vu - . X of course. Lre An Outcast years and years, tne sku".. I m nlace at the r . .u. .nimt.1 family. For toi me - -s reasons, of course, iolks L,!ly would preier noi jiij kit in the ceum vi er - , . . i i ii n irv 1 1. uiiui.. - - - QUI 1U J i,.i cauorni montns. ver, we have been nouns ars to be a trend toward the . c . Mn,a kindlv at iiopmeni i . I T J Ik. nnloellt. Or WOOO.S , as some peopie iiarc :;h some iukw' emsto be a feeling that per .. i il. littu animal I after an, me ...". -----Lis an innocent victim, of an I . 1 Unci tfl (TO rst evidence of this new, more i i n ennn tly trend appeareu m here, among the displays of e bonnets, blue one-piece pa ss with feet, and other assorted . . r,t sliDDers. (ties, were u toe was the Image of the head mil- hit.,, skunk. i grinning uuc w J the heel extended to form Its 65th YEAR NO. 103 14 PAGES Associated Press WAYNESVILLE, N. C, Tlll'KSDAY AFTERNOON, DEC. 28, 1930 53.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Countiq Former Local Policeman Dies In Fla. Road Mishap ea rrebs . - . . Construction Underway On Balsam Manor Apartments XX V La Claus brought at least one ll. iiirl a nalr. : 6". i She was deiigniea. , Lr a hard day with gun and foy horse, she found ai "J were they a weicuiu . i Vnnta. hut that Uwent perfectly with her Hop- M Cassioy sun.. Then one night recentty , woman .... .ii-. kHmUtait that not II qui! aiiuw pv' --. . y did she have 290 birds, but pet skunk as well. : r . , .Li. ..nrninff rieht And oniy ns " - - . L ur,.t.,,iilp wp saw an ai- dive young girl walking down lam Street. . On the shoulder o ner iw iittle cloth skunk. pecial Interest ffayncsvllle will be represent ... . . . . n camp next Monday s uaiot .laplrsnnvllle. Fla. inni Tninsor whose mother Jis raised In this fair city, Ttheduled to see action with Wash I . . ...,. iko npnprals pgion ana uee " ike the field against wyouims. .. rl 11! r ulDC MlRS Mrs U. M, 1TOUU1KC1 udlle Jones of Waynesville before lie married. I PL. n . rr li:Mrtnt QTIn Bill. one, ivii. icuiuntE,, -lhn U a 9n.vpapjld W & L SOphO- Jiore, call Louisville, Ky., their lomc. Bill, however, was born in Asne- ille. . . He starred at Manual Hign m .ouisviiip hpfnrp matriculating at .exington, Va., and is considered me of the Generals best varsity irospeets for the next two seasons. former Waynesville policeman, lost li nr. tM an hutn arcidpnt at nis "e t" a" Green Cove Springs, norma, rn day. He was stationed at the Given. Cove Springs Navy Base. Police Chief Sharpe Guthrie ot Green Cove Springs said the sei viceman's auto left the high.i anA orauhort illlll a tri'O. aiivi , The Waynesville man had sorwd . ... ,ir..,J nr.,,. IT 1 in the Navy during wuim .u and. following his honorable dis charge, he joined the local pome . . i :.. An,tst 1Q17 nnnnr nii'ii I. ill jiuku'M .u... v.... He resigned in Julyima u ie enlist in the Navy. Funeral services will be bold in the First Methodist Church this (Thursday) afternoon at two o'clock. The Rev. J. E. Yountz. pas- . . . i 1, t,r r tnr. oniciatea ana w.is the Rev. Broadus K. Wall, pastor of the First Baptist ummi. in terment was in t rawiom ivn ni... Park with memht-rs ot the H.'.v wood Post No. 47, American l.e- eion in charge ot gravesioe i nes. 1..J lI.11.Xlll Pallbearers were wu n...... Boyd Medford, Charles Teague. Harry Evans, Jr., Bruce Jawies. and Oren Coin. Surviving are the wife, Mrs. Kathleen Blankership Kodgers; one son, William Koclgers; uie inu' . Mrs Gilbert Beeves; one s.s.v.. Mrs. Don Krueger of North Da kota; and one brother, Edwin K. Rodgers of Miami. .1 , The body arrived late yesterday UT:nnGrs An ..-i .nrl Hl-remain at Crawford H- YYlIinei 1M neral Home until the hour of the service. 11950 Postal Business Up JL-: tTtill '!? i' , . 7 ft II II I II ifll.llMllm x 1 . iA' v-.--v. .i... i . tit It - v. i Lions' Cheer Fund Drive Gains $1,700 The WaynrM-iUc lMm riiih'a 1!I50 Christmas fhrrr luml c a m p a I R n hit iroxlmaUly $1,100 rnmiKh to take apirxl mately 1 10 needy children on shoppiflR lour. Club ofllelaN expressed their deepest aratitude t the ruton ary generosity of the people of the Waynesville arej In their response to the appeal. The operation of the dime board and the two 'three-hour radio hroudeasts featured the rampaiitn to provide a real ChrUlmas lor 'children whose prospects for one were pretty dim. ... . i it' i. .. .......i.tl hit otn Wl,,h,r permitting, the apartments .re to be lStatf Vmoy. apartment, .id every effort would ne maue Mrs. .1 M I.iiekadno anil daugh ter, Paula, lell this week to visit the tornier's parents-in-law. Mr. and Mr. W. I., l.urkudoo. in El li'iilinro, N. ('. Instruction Stronaer In Schools Now V,ilo r.nntest Are Announced ions oi uit jiiub ' in Pllfh nf the tlllVC J divisions were awarded $5 each as AH Needy Cases feared For By Hay wood Public 1 . -. ,1-1-A Vi.f ! tach of the 58 cases as hsicu Ithe Wpifaro ripnartmem were tak- ! i . . . .jttitf I n fi py noon rnaay, accoi uu.s f ...nHinlanpm. f"is. nam yueen, buci A n,,i tiuidiialii. and or- IIU1IIUC1 Ul illU ganizations took cases, and some ;nmnouted casn, wnicn "a"-" by the staff of the Welfare office iin Durchasinu rlnthinB and food for lhe needy cases. ueliveries were made Dy mei" rs of the staff to the needy rases. i CI ! Mr and Mrs. Marry uouiniv o. I John's Church, and Patrick's Cale ! ...i i i iw, inn nrizes in the i icria imi" " i Richland Garden Club's Christmas ! Decoration Contest. ! Mrs. Huius Siler. the president , . 'of the elul), announce" Haywood County school siuouus , ( f (he jid(,t,s todav during tne iasi , ""V ' . h, educated better than they had been In nrevious years. . , hi,.,:,, nrize i-t QiiVinnl Suoerintendent i , ..... ln th nlll. uiuiuj ...i,,,.. St .lilms won ins' Jack Messer said in an interview . . . Naivitv sccnc last weekend that me ovt,u. ilMa Mrs. Bourne's display oi structional program im u- ., jl;lM)as rP0 on the door oi ty's schools was stronger general . Ha(.u,0()(1 h(,mc was judged this year than it had been in the past. u. ,, Patrick's Cafeterias canny an. Major reason for this, he ,r hvviid nouSe, reindeer ami dared, was that the coun not g nu in the only had more teachers-but bit mm,r&dl divisio. ter teaching. r Running dose behind the win- j i. ,oi,,r rpasnn for tills. . " , .u hi.ililv favor- AIKI l"c '""J"" ,- . in , ners and Winning ure he explained, Was the increase in j nir state teacner saiauc. ..;, displays by Mr. ana m. - "The higher pay attracted the , im u Mr and Mrs. .in- hlgher type people to fill vacan- Mf and Mrs. Ralph cies. '.'" , i ricVnst the Waynesville Gift Shop, "The the same time it cnt.-oui.ifc-, Mrs E yountz ied the veterans already in in M(,,m,(list parsonage. Li,c anrf increased efficiency by , ot t '- M R c Laoe J""" u ..rthp wnr- . I lie jimt,v.i ,, ,,,, relieving many oi muu. o. ; ,)r and Mrs. Gray, an oi ry that accompames -"- junuluska w in i.OIfCl Haywooa siirsiDaDy.ui ji Banks, Post Office To Close, Stores To Be Open Jan. 1 Banks and postoffices throuh oul Haywood county will he closed New Year's Day. But Waynesville stores will remain open as usual. The members of the Merchants Association before Christmas had voted a December 25 and 26 holiday, and to remain open Jaunary 1. Amonir the banks which will be closed New Year's Day arc the First National oi nijnrMun and the First State of HaWlwood. Rocky Branch Church Watch Service Dec. 31 The Rocky Branch Baptist Church will hold a watch service Sunday starting at 7 p.m. A special invitation Is extend ed to singers. tll9 - - "T17cen; Won Prize For St. John's Church The V.: Weather ;f4 CLOUDY Tl i ...... ..I..11I0 i nursaay, uec. to rariiy ti"j "d cold Thursday. Not quite. so ml,! r-; j -'i r i iuay. 'Official Waynesville tempera 're as recorded by the staff of "V State Test Farm,): n.. ' M.. Ml PrMC. Hiajh. - - Dec. 21 .......... 44 10 " 22 41 17 " 23 57 15 " 24 .... ...... 56 45 " 25 53 15 " 26 ...;...:.... 58 33 " 27 53 24 kit - X Ii , i: ' "wL ".,e "a IV i D - ( v i 'TVS , 't ;lra r i. 1 Somewhere in Haywood coun- : I I : t I . 1... Ii. p It ty a very special iime preparing lo be Inlrodiuvd to the world. It will be the lirst white baby born in As in the oast when a baby i1- 1.... ., ii,., r.rwi ,,r ii ni'u vcar a 11, j, 11 1 M, in ... ... shmviM- of uifts is bi-ing pivpand by local merchants. The rules of the IDM First Baby contest: Both mother and lather mils' be white residents of Haywood coun ty. The actual day, hour and minuti must be confirmed by the attend ing, physician. The baby's birth certificate must be submitted at the time' of entry til will be returned to Hie paremsi. The decision of t he judges will lie final and will be announced January 1. -. 1 In. vnlimitlcd to J-.IJI I 1 1 inn 1 The Moiinl.iiiHir noi later man 10 a. m. Jaunary 1. Business firms donating gifts In clude Pet Dairy, lielk-llildsnn. ci.,1,. Hunk of lla.elwood. vlrestone Wavnesville I sundry. I .i us. ( urns ihiik timii.-il Home, danvil Company. ilaywood KnniI v ('omt)any. and llll I l" 1 ' ' i.in.-ilnska Siimilv Conipanv. The donations bein- 1 iale b. these firms arc listed in Hie dver tisement on Hie first page ot he second section of this !ssu'. Same Old Army, Local Youth Finds Mr and Mr JelT Beeves have returned lo their homo in Kanna- polis idler 4.vilt.t,lbC lOUtieis mother. Mis. M. H Beeves. Postmaster Forecasts Past Year's Income Will Top '49 Receipts Waynesville area folks didn't buy s many stamps at Hip local post utTire this Christmas season as they did in the Christmas seaon or 1 -; But postal business ' generally. . including stamp sales, has U-en better this year than In 1949 a Whole. Col J. Hardin Howell, Wavne-' ville postmaster, forecast today tnat 11(50 liuslness would lie $20,000 above that for the previous year. I Increased activity by .local firm, lie described as the dominant tic tor in this higher figure. The !!) business ran over $64. 000. Heferring to stamp sales for the period from December t thitush December 27. Colonel Howell re-, ported Dies amounted to S.lCtlJU i During the same period last year, I the post olTire did $6,538.03 In. stamp business. Approximately no per irrm . the stamps are sold during the Christmas season. In the last 27 days of this month, the. local pot ouu U three-cent stamps, he added. Haywood's Christmas Weekend Freny vuiei Judging from the early experi ences of a Haywood County orai tee. it's pretty much the same old Army. "It's still the same old 'liepp, Twoop, threep, forp," reports llardv It. Stinnett of Clyde from Camp Burkcr.Ala., " hurry up and wait, stand In line, and fall out with those thousand yard stares at (i in the morning." Then he adds: "But all In all It's a pretty fair lifi Santa Claus Brings Officers a. -mm 450-Gallon btill Santa Claus I. numb! officers a ti it Deputy Sheriff Everett McMioy K J. Crawford Furniture Builder T.I.. iiimth from acute alrohol- Ism Saturday and Christmas Day cast a grim taint over an otherwise quiet peaceful Haywood County holiday scene. On the highways, Haywood i rec ord was free of blood. No fatalities nor serious injuries were reported in the scattered col- ' iivinns which occurred over the '" L-nrf . MllL' 1 Mllios v.v-.--. 1 TIT ViMIlt Hov Ht'tlT IUI i' ..... , j ,ml.ni M(c l Woltixn 3 whlp shpnf( rred ,ir!"""' , 4 . .-, .,110ns i Campbell s department had -en With it they found 4.i0 gallons , i..f ,,,:,sli in fermentation 1 ., ' ...., n,i his deputies. 1 lie -11 1 in Mini - however, had a busy weekend of tn- , vestigalion. thougn iney mmir 1 ..urailvelv fewer arrests than the : ... No one was on he scene w h. n loc ce r. th" """','s arnv',d- , atU cent Roy Keece. home from Mr ...Recce said the .still was an U' fhet (nt tV unusual one, will, a Hue .."" J' J ekend. bagged a 450 tlir !l. lb"' 1 1"' w",,,,1 , , I Christmas Day. pass through as ,u a holler - "manufacturers'' craped t- Tbe I-I-'--'' "ir"'''- ,a 7hV," " the ..fflrers arrived avwo,l County now in (barge m ()la(. In Bea.verdam ,he ATI 's Winsloo-Salem district, -j sh(,rjff.H olicers six gallon was lakiim sonietbim.' "I a lM,s1" f ..whiu. iqUor" and half a doien man's holiday when he went " . . 11... raid ' -wavnesville I'oltcc arrests He had arrived here Friday for, fm. misd,.ameaners. Chief his Christina- vaeaiion vm" " " N(1l,llK reported: learned thai llie -uu n.m ..... ti... tiiii ui.sn t iiocraiing. on. , the mash had been wanned up lb. (lav beloie. 11 fi tJ v-.;1J ! ,,,--'gM: . ' ,u notrtoor display division in the Richland . . .p. won first prize in the ou door dispi y Patrick's John's Church's ixauvu, : rnniv jhe winners in me Clubs Chrtat" Cafeteria and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Attempt Made To Burn Car In Hemphill Somebody tried -',k" ('brN- mas hoi for Jame:- Pander oi Ean ford Station. S. C. Sheriff's orTircrs were snu i.u.-- ing today for the person wno shoved Painters care ove. " in the Hemphill section, broke all the glass in it. then lighted fire' under the front and rear. Painter, visiting, relatives, the Christinas weekend, discovered the damage cm '" """ " Deputy Snerm can ohk. ported that the attempt to make a really Hot rod out of Painters. 1939 Plvmouth was a iiuy. The biaze died before the flames did anything worse than sear the tires. However, the damage was heavy. The officer said the damage was done late Chr-' E"" in Boone'v Laurel. This glimpse of Army life was contained In a letter the soldier from Haywood wrote to The Mount aineer jiist before Christmas. Many of the boys didn't get home im- Christmas. Hut they did the next, best thing. They decorated the mess hall in 1 Christmas colors, and put up a Christmas tree in the company "day room," Mack in the Army of World wai one of the biggest events of the day in camp was getting mall from home. And this new Army" Well, advises Haidy: be sure to keep writing I lw, si. tellers " 1 ;.. ii... ,'irvf 1 The Clyde yuin ,.,,,,, group of draftees Ilaywood ( ountv fr ,en( into service since the outhieaK j sutiunei of the conflict in Korea worked throutd the western area He and 23 other young men weie ;il had particip- inducled November 1 , , j() , ,h,, ,aids whirh is letter, with just a lew ires , ,. ,( mosh,.,e plants cut oill oeiausi- i (See Same Old Page (.1 (See Simla ( l.ius Page fil Soldier In Battle Zone Remembers Needy At Home .. 1.-.. ; K f tr.i . .. . . r.. ....bin- nn Miu.11.9-" fc,?m : ,he l)rJhibition tu.il !Or VIHKn'i'u w:inT;' w- f,,r farryin8 fkcyt! he had " , antt une for a trat- purpose . - ti,. Molalion . I the tw deaths. Dr J Fran ' cd sr,ai 'ta.am- 1 ...rtions ot the cotintv. in c,iii-t. 1 tc each rase. victim had been lightning " Dr Pate reimi't'"' In red. the drinking "whit? ,1 th i' ome of rate ire" " - ci -,See Weekend Pase 61 lean soldier in Korea has plenty of troubles of his own. r But one soldier from Waynes ville could foiict his own to re member that some people hack home had troubles, too. ; As early as November 2(1. in William C. McBride, son of Mr. 1 and Mrs. K. C. McBride of As sembly Street, remembered that ; hi, old Sunday S- hool rbr would soon start their annua campaisn to help needy folks t Christmas. 'In a letter to Robert H. son, Sr.. his former Sunday School teacher, the youth said he had sent his mother cash donation for the drive. Mr Gibson declined to men tion the sire of the ift. but described B as "very generous. The young soldier, servins with the 507th. Signal Service v.nwu here in lore. ju.it meiitioi.i d this f;.ct briefly in passing. H's letter as a friendlv. informal one. asking about his former Sunday School classmates. . The school take"- care ot fami lies listed by the Salvation Army, In his Utter from the ar tone Bill McBride said he found that when he reached Soeul. Sooth Korean capital, he found that the Salvation Army alrejdv had et up a headquarter there. "They're Just about every where, I guess," he aid. Mr Gibson, w ho taught Bill on Sundays from the time the youth "first started readins until he left for military service, said the young soldier was away last Christmas, too. "im he sent in a don.t.on just the .amc." he revealed. Highway Record For 1950 In Haywood (To Data) Injured ... . 23 Killed . . . . 7 (This Information com piled from Becords o State Hldwa W iwlHU!1" 'If Wl ! llll