OF INTEREST TO WOMEN activit,e CLUBS Office Phone 700 MRS. BEN SLOAN. Editor Home Phone 462-J I ?Miss Gerringer ! lis Hostess At :-Birthday Party Miss Mary Lou Gerringer enter stained with a dinner at her home Jin Hazelwood last Thursday even ting in celebration of her sixteenth birthday. ;.. V The Christmas motif was observ ed and the tables, at which the , guests were seated, were centered vith holly and candles. J The hostess was assisted by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ger "rinser. J Following dinner the guests were i taken to the Park Theatre. Attending the party were Miss jAleen .Williams, Miss Vivian Gilli- land, Miss Nancy - Bischoff, Miss Sylvia Camlin, Miss Eileen Ger- Irinser. Miss Elizabeth Watkins. The Barbers And The Prevosts Are Joint Hosts Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barber, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Whitener Prevost entertained jointly in the Barber home on the Dell wood Road Wed nesday afternoon and evening. Christmas decorations were used throughout the house and the din ing table was centered with an ar rangement of red candles and holly. ' Assisting the hosts in receiving were Mr. and Mrs. James Kilpat rick. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Prevost, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Prevost, Mrs. Tom Lee, MissJean Ann Bradley, Mr. and Mrs, Hallett Ward, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Bowles, Dr. and Mrs. R. Stuart Roberson, Dr. and Mrs. ' Boyd Owen, and Mr. and To Wed Waynesville Man Miss Lane Prevost. Miss Laura i Mrs. J. II. Howell, Jr. Woody, Phil Lowe, 'i Tommy Hudson, Carroll Swanger JdjiTl,, Gerald Ro?s, laid Robert Massie. Don Calhoun, Around one hundred and thirty Terry Swanger, five guests were invited from four Bobby Kuyken-i until nine o'clock. Jimmv Swift, ; Woman's Club Has Christmas t Entertainment 'i j The Waynesville Woman's Club fA: its December meeting in the lorni of an old-fashioned Christ i itaf' party Thursday afternoon in; J the Assembly Room of the First i Hresbyterian Church, j Ttbstesses were Miss Ray Bal , lard, Miss Louise Ballard. Mrs. i John N. Shoolbred, Mrs. W. T. J Crawford. Mis. R, C. Lane, Mrs. J W. N. Thomas, and Mrs. W. G. ' Francis. N . 'i The room was decorated in the , Christmas motif and a Christmas i, tree was featured. ' Miss Louise Ballard, president of !J the club, conducted a Christmas 'i devotional and Mrs. James Kilpat- rick, guest soloist, sang, "O, Holy Night." Mrs. Kilpatrick also directed ' group singing of Christmas carols. Games were played and the Rev, ' Malcolm Williamson, dressed as J Sa'flta Claus, distributed gifts. f Each member brought a toy to the meeting to be used for the J Community Christmas Tree. ' 'J Vivian And Dan V rtwvwa -r m -r 0 ? Watkins Are ' : Hosts' At Party Mr. and Mrs. Long j Entertain On ! Christmas Eve Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Long held open house at their residence on country Club Drive last Sunday afternoon. Ararngements of holly and n.'d candles decorated the rooms and the central table in the dining room held a miniature sleigh with Santa Claus and reindeer. During the first hour Mrs. R. L. Prevost and Mrs. J. H. Howell. Sr. received at the front door and Mrs. Eric Clauson invited the guests in to the dining room. Mrs. Hugh Mas sie and Mrs. A. J. Faneher presid ed at the tea table. Mrs. S. H. Bushnell and Miss Lou Elva Eller greeted the guests dur-! tj i PV.J1V ing the second hour and Mrs. Er- i riannan-Vnunuier nest Hyatt received in the dining room where Mrs. Rufus Siler and Mrs. N. W. Garrett presided. j Around seventy guests were in I vited to call. " 1 ' 2--- " loint Hosts Have Christmas Party Tuesday Hallett Ward, Jr., and Harry Bourne, Jr., were joint hots at a party give Tuesday evening in the home of the former at Lake Juna luska. '.. ;v , ' Guests were entertained in the playroom, which was decorated in the Christmas motif, and dancing was enjoyed throughout the eve ning. ;- The -hosts were assisted by their parents Mr. and Mrs. Hallett Ward, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bourne. - Around fifty young people were invited. . . , "v"':.. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weill had as guests for the holidays the form er's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Weill of New York City. Methodist Circles Will Meet Tuesday Circles of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist Church will meet next Tuesday as follows: H Circle No. 1 in the home of Mrs. S: L. Stringfield at 3:30 pan. Circle No. 2 in the home of Mrs. John Queen with Mrs. Charles Burgin as eo-hostess, at 3:30 p.m. ' Circle No. 3 in the home of Mrs. Frank Moore with Mrs. Fred Wals ton as co-hostess at 7:30 p.m. Circle No. 4 in the home of Mrs. Jonathan Woody with Mrs. Wood son Jones and Mrs. C. G. Thomp son as associate hostesses, at 7:30 p.m. . Circle No. 5 in the home of Mrs. Bill Dover with Mrs. Thomas Ray as co-hostess,, at 7:30 p.m.. Circle No, 6 in the homejof Mrs. Howard Bryson, at 7:30 p.m. Dayton Rubber Holds Annual Christmas Party More than one thousand people attended the annual 1 ' Christmas party given by Dayton Rubber Manufacturing Company for lis employees and members of their families.. . . ' , . ... The party this year was held in the Waynesville High School audi torium' on Saturday night, Decem ber 23. Harry Bourne served as master of ceremonies for the entertain ment and introduced the speakers, who were J, C. McKinley, produc tion manager of the plant, and E. M. Rothermel, technical "superin tendent. : The program included a concert by the Waynesville High School Band, a Science Circus, music by Johnny Rhymer's String Band, and a presentation by pupils of the Margaret Hyatt School of Dance, Frd werel Kathleen Calhoun Is Dance Hostess . Miss Kathletn Calhoun u ess at an informal danw mas night at the Youth Cen Darpntc ! j . ' r , mi. unu houn. ... "u.iua.vuecorations m aim itirtsnments Wer. "-" .Myriive visiu pop otnilnnt.. .....I .. ... . -, ' 1 Major Fannie Johns r. who has thediir.ctioaolkl uuutrfiuu ranKing woman csuiar. army, spent the hi wun ner brother and sistM.I Ml nnH Al.".- T..1,.. X, . . ,1 . o.m .. jonnsui jor lteynoKK is in t!,e i,.giI and liaison division jn u,e J uie v-niw ol .Mail Ihi' Ar of Asfievillc. .,.m.. u: uc(i win. pai q lowing me ji ;vi am and dibtij gilts lrom two lai',i. Oh. trees wliicli were, placed stage. Mr. and Mrs. Talbott Bedford Chandler of Albany, Ga., announce the engagement of their daughter, Patricia, to William Hannah, III, of Waynesville, arid Washington, D. C. Mrs. Stella Hall Celebrates Mrs. Stella Hall entertained last Wednesday evening in the home of Mrs. Sam Stringfield in celebration of her eigthieth birthday annivers- I AO' Engagement Is Announced LnMLWayesvillfc i ft I The wedding wil Tt ale pi a Mr. and Mrs. Talbott Bedford Chandler of Albany, Georgia have! announced the engagement of their daughter. Patricia to William Han-! nah, III. son of Mrs. William Tuck- i er Hannah and the late, Mrv Han- ace in the near future Miss Chandler is a graduate of the University of North Carolina and attended Shorter College in Rome, Georgia. She is a member of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority and is at present affiliated with the WGPC radio station and the Straw berry Hill Kindergarten in Albany. Mr. Hannah is the grandson of Miss Vivian Watkins, who is a Christmas decorations were used student at Stevens College in Col-j throughout the house and the cen- umbia. Missouri, and her brother, tral table in the dining room held Dan Watkins, Jr., student at State an arrangment of holly, flanked by i College, Raleigh, entertained a red candles. number of college students in their Mrs. L. M. Richeson greeted the . tnc jate Captain and Mrs. William , home in Grimball Park. Saturday guests at the front door and Mrs. j j Hannah of Waynesville and Mrs. fning preceding the dane at the Stringfield and Mrs. Troy Wyche j wingate Edmund and the late Mr. li.tory- received in the entrance hall. Edmund of Lumberton. He is a , They were assisted in receiving Miss Martha Stringfield presided! graduate of St. John's School here j ny ineir parents. Mr. ana Airs, uan i in me aining room ana assisting i J Watkins. j serving were Miss Sue Willard i The residence was decorated in Lindsley, Mrs. Everett Camp, and the Christmas motif and around; Mrs. Thomas Stringfield. J thirty guests attended. ! Mrs. James Atkins received in i the living room. Ensign and Mrs. Robert L. Lee. ; Guests were entertained during I Jr. and babv son. spent Christmas j the evening with piano selections with Mr: and Mrs. R. L. Lee. Sr. : played by Miss Margaret String- They were en route to Connecticut ' field and vocal solos by Miss Ida ' 'M;ec Prvrrmroll Jean Brown, accompanied by Mrs. j w""1'' " C, F. Kirkpatrick. w .. Tribute was paid to the hostess AnnOUTlCPS HU bv the Kev. Maicoim k. winiam- and holds an AB degree in journa lism and radio from the University of North Carolina: He served in the China -Burma -India Theatre during World War II and is now employed in a public relations posi tion at the United States Senate. from the West Coast. i 1 Club Schedulers Connecticut, has made her home in Waynesville for the past nine years. , Around thirty guests attended the birthday party. Presbyterian Young People To Have Party The Women of the First Presby terian Church wlill entertain mem bers of the Youth Fellowship of the church at a social Saturday evening a t 7:30 o'clock in the Youth Center. EacVf frrM the -Youth -Frtlow-ship "has "been asked to bring a pie. Chaperons for the event will be Mr. and Mrs. Roy Callahan, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson, Miss Nancy Killian. Mr. and Mrs. M, G. Sta nley., and Mrs. George Craig. All young people of the church are invited. Mrs. Frank Davis Observes Son's Birthday Mrs. T. Frank Davis of Lake Junaluska entertained her son, Michael, with a party on Saturday ! afternoon in observance of his first birthday. The Christmas motif was carried out in decorations, refreshments, and favors for the children. Guests were Nancy Kay Welch, Doris Ruth Medford, Gerald Med ford, Susie Leatherwood, Virginia Reeves, and. Phillip Cathey. . ,, . 4". h( The Last Grain COUNTS! Anyone can mix the beginnings of a prescription, but it takes a trained registered pharmacist to accurately pmeasure those final grains that fill your doctor's orders. PROTECT YOUB HEALTH V 1 WITH PROVEN PRODUCTS! Your Walgreen Agency ' ' - "in DRUG STORE 7 Borne Owned and Operated "Depend on Ui Your Doctor Does." G Miss Mary Cornwell, home dem onstration agent, has announced the schedule of home club meetings for the first two weeks in January as follows: January 2, Tuesday, Beaverdam Mrs. Wijey Donaldson 2:00 January 3, Wednesday, Aliens Creek Mrs. L. L. Allen 1:30 January 4, Thursday, Dellwood Mrs. Grady Moody 2:00 January 4, Thursday, Center Pig eon Mrs. H. F. Pressley 7:00 January 5, Friday, Jonathan Creek Mrs. A. L. Garnett 2.00 January 6, Saturday January 8, Monday, Rogers Cove Mrs. Earl Ramey 2:00 January 9, Tuesday, South Clyde Mrs. Edwin Jackson 2:00 January 9, Tuesday, Lakeside, Mrs. Merrttt Brown 7:30 January 10, Wednesday, Francis Cove Mrs. Henry Francis 2:00 January 11, Thursday, Fines Creek Mrs. M M. Noland 10.30 January 12, Friday, Ironduff Mrs. Thurman Davis 2:00 January 13, Saturday The Kimballs And Miss Eller Entertain Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Kimball and Miss Lou Elva Eller entertained with open house at the Waynesville Country Club Tuesday afternoon. Holiday decorations were feat ured and around one hundred guests were Invited. I : V,:' ::. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Stringfield left yesterday for Miami, Florida where they will visit Judge and Mrs. Frank Smathers and attend the Orange Bowl football game on New Year's Day. .- , Mrs. Abel And Mrs. Osborne Entertain Mrs. J. F. Abel and Mrs. Robert Osborne entertained with a buffet -supper in their home on Church Street Christmas night. The decorations featured Christ mas scenes and arrangements of everereens and the dining table was centered with holly and red candles. The guests included Mr. and Mrs, Winfred Baker of Orlando, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ray, Jr., the Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Goold, Mrs S H. Bushnell. Mrs. Robert Breese, Miss Mary Ray, Mr. and Mrs, J. L Stringfield, Miss Lena - Alsteatter, Mrs. Hugh Love, Mrs. Robert Mit chell, Mrs. Janie Love Taliaferro, Miss -Mary Osborne, Miss Vivian Watkins, Robert Breese, Fred Love, and Walter Taliaferro, '.'. Sally Stovall Has House Party Miss Sally Stovall is entertain ing with a house party this week end in her home on Woolsey Heights. Her guests are Miss Bet ty Kell of Bristol, Virginia, Miss Joann Finn of LaGrange, Ga., Miss Jean Galloway of Due West, S. C. and Miss Elodie Holcombe of Spartanburg, S. C. The girls at tended Camp Greystona last sunt' mer. - Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Barber are spending this week in Greenville, S. C, as guests of their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Easley. Sheppe's Invite of Thos r--' ""frWTyTrt' ' 1 LADIES' : 1 1 -'"Vv J-!Vr?7 ' h'-m! ; MlkvMM SHEEN GABERDINE CSI&TS? - mWM ALL W()0L coverts kwm BLOUSES v JjulS) 1 - . J . rTf-T - -1 Sizes 22 to 30 J I ValuTto Cipy O W,ne, Grey, B,ack, Green &.99 (M I w'Tlw JaT i Dacia, Brown. -jffclS Jf? 1 i lYWS y? l Fits Beautifully . 'A rP ' 1 , y VALUES PLUS 117" T.rrHipc;' i u x - . m J-ii ..i t-i f Bjf I DRESSES $1.39 lia) & all ?i Vl O Rayon Menswear LPi iS, , if 7i)l IOI O Rayon Gabardine Mjj O Rayon Prints Wf M Corduroy V - 0 T-., ,-., K Leather V If rvxtn nnATTn Plastic & Fabric I f JACKETS nuur F r $5.95 r;r r ' eAa 1 1 Values to $9.95 I. K MJJL1 , pr. Satin, yuu . I. ' I II 1 HOUb I I I Harvey i I I 1 I f!iram a? T3qo I I II 31 " II ll, -ii . M4m nn m values . ,: rtfTTl ' ... II I II .SO T II il QU 1 ! mim ' v - - m. u rm .mh. mm rr r.m -m m I I B 1 . . 1 b 1 I . tl,U -11- .'II.. T m I I I v ' QQ Value tfh . I I II 1 1 i 1 II, ,lv - MmTi : Lovely Colors r ) I m I mr - -k. nmr w M m II a h vrAt vn inn PMr- Biflf wn l t i 11 m r rt i r .rrin r.i:J- mi if t i f a ii r 1 1 a i 1 jm 11 w w 1 c 1 .niins rnnr r inraisz r 1 sm w. v w v II, H , lJf'lmi lit " - I't Ht'.ilUX taKrV: II li M, V c m V , -JT T Ml m : 1 1 ',.iw . BW;'Tt - II If - 1 ' I ' ' II . i:LV.U -' 'X. (c i : " " "" :m Irft B (? w o, , , , J u u vs vi iy s 11 anop oneppe s neguiany B I . .