Cmp-J' "J TO WAYNES TODAY'S S.M1LE A boos is man who 1 late when jo are early, act early when jott are Ute. H iWished Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park -l4 uWher WAYNESVILLE, N. C 'THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FEB. 8, 1951 53.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Court -J 66th YEAR NO. 12 11 TAGES Associated Press vol' I.U1U " Of The News n 10 on5!:u ather-and ; '"J on wednes- W . .... .ih F1U- im10 ",'::J..'.hPP of I. -iron ana siai v...- . to pen '"-- a,n Of COW " :...,n of weanesuoj Ithy Grand Jury erand jury should Liv morning, Zack u .,..-kt- nruuiEiit in m h.i of beautuui bpp:, time Jim Palm rr of the jury, came in with well supplied with md stayed in perfect health ..... ih dav session. u, in. - Group Wil. : - - , , . . .. .. - Flan Rural Road Program B. Reeves tloland Named Chairman And Member Of Inter-City. Survey Group ' ' '. . Commission Head ifGear" itu- expression former John M. Queen used in a i rinfcndants were charg- iik . Lotting rirunk on beer, we L stuff for sale, it gets L .trunk the state tries ,m - court-somethings out ot don't know what beer is -you can't wash your feet ain't fit for anything but i fellow drunk, the law- inucd. liday Breakdown is j burst boiler the best ask the students at the Elementary School. When ived for class on Tuesday they found that "School -at least for the day. thev beBan supenintending Vmen at Oak Park racing d outdoors and who mo spelling and arith- Ir that any day? .-.: kho'd waste a . sunny day of Wednesday, when the Wd be repaired ( just min is, i flue icaking.'acara .'lautle Roeera. orMcipai-ctf Loll And rprtainlv who'd that small cloud on the far that extra day when s work will have to be O D. REEVES NOLAND was unan imously named chairman, and the 7th man of the inter-city survey commission to study prob lems relating to Wayncsville and Hazelwood. Sheep Raising Is Fun In Haywood Laugh ;ht Be fa suggestion abofil the rent's plans for raisine pets down to the very air i. Under the plan every ts a cap with a new-fangl-r hitched to it. We wear ffrom 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. Wit some ear muffs, Uncle ihe meter registers the of air we breathe; then is computed hv thp niim- :ubic feet we've used. fnexpected t think I u;li..lrt K,.t than f ong record to keep, so here do Hugh Massie as he an 1 his two-for-one dress sale. market conditions what c. l m crawling out on it here goes." Polio Drive Estceelisf Quota By?- llbout$iQ00 Haywood went almost $4,000 over the 1950 polio quota, it was an nounced by Johnny Johnson, of Wavnesville, and Edwin Haynes, of Canton, yesterday. The county quota was $19,400, and the total in hand to date is $23,327.81, the co-chairmen ot me fund raising fund announced. The officials have paid ott me msn rfpfirit of $4,200. and as they announced today, pointed out that "we have black ink on our side ot the ledger once again," they said. The co-chairmen said several pnmmittpeR were vet to report, and that the final report might send the total several hundred ootid above the present mark. Both co chairmen thanked everyone for the generous response, and cooperation throughout the campaign. Jig Meet To be Held klwood Church hew SiinH.. . - 1 - -"uajr aiirruuun Hi f AH singers are invited to u ie part on the pro- io oe present include '"S Crepk Olmrtof CU.U f its OllCltUIl Pm Queen's Singers, Clyde j'nford Quartet, and the f Wuartet. The 6-man survey commission of Waynesvule and Hazelwood unanl mously named D. Reeves Noland as the seventh member and chair man of the commission, as the group held their initial meeting The commission spent three hours in formulating their plans and course of study of mutual prob lems confrontine the two towns The members decided to make detailed report to their respective boards of aldermen as to the ten tative plan of study. This report will be made between now and the next meeting on Tuesday night. Mr.i Noland will assume the office as chairman at the Tuesday meeting. One member of the commission said that among the several major subjects due to be discussed and studied by the group was me mat ter of consolidating the two towns. All indications arc that their form al report will go into detail on this, as well as many kindred suDjecis pertaining to the two towns, The Wavnesville board named Charles E. Ray. W. Hugh Massie. and James M. Long, with Mr. Ray pliuirman. The Hazelwood board named John B. Smith, W. H. Prevost. and Dr. Stuart R. Roberson, with Mr Smith chairman. Thp 7-miin commission Is charg p,i vuiih flip resoonsibilitv of mak ing a detailed study of problems of concern to the two towns, and re port their factual findings to their boards of aldermen, ana " A ni.ltld n ciihicf'ts to eel care- uv ihe commission will 1UI j f be the water rates Waynesvillo elTifi'gesn a wholesale basis. i'h mmmlsslon nave no llidica Hons as to how long they felt would be required to gather and studv the facts betore mum.. recommendation and report to the officials and citizens. In making their unanimous selec tion of Mr. Noland, the commission pointed out that His long and years of experience in official matters, in addition to his experi ence as a business man and proper ,.. ..jolt nunlified him as the IV uwucii " " n . .. seventh memDer. mr. in Ratcliffe Cove, and is i member of the State Agncutu.. Commission, and also highway com missioner of the 10th district. 11 Chamber Commerce Begins Annual Membership Drive It 7 Hv -... aMv''1'' x, - jt Thp mpinbershlb drive of the Chamber of Commerce got under way here this week, as letters with membership contracts were mailed. Harry Bourne U chairman Of the finance and membership committee, and plans to get the drlva com pleted Immediately. There are three provisions made for. paying current membership dues, Mr. Bourne said. 'First, pay ment in full; getting a statement miiii'tcrly. and third, drawing a limit on bank account. 1 "The Chamber of Commerce should work as a team, and a mem bership is the only license you need to be on It," Mr, Bourne said, in pointing out that "a community with the opportunities that we have cannot ho without an active Cham ber of Commerce." The memberships this 'year are $24, and the board of directors at their Initial meeting of the year adopted a budccl of $7,500. David Kelmet, president .of the oi)ani.alion, said that Mr. Bourne and committee have worked on plans for the membership drive for several weeks, and have a c.tni- pulgn mapped out which he feels will assure a successful year for I the o 'Utilisation. Heads Campaign I V 1 t V ! i if s I IIARRV BOURNE, plunt man ager of Dayton Rubber Company, is chairman of the finance and membership drive of the Cham ber of Comni' ice, which began ysh 'dj. RODNEY HYATT, of Bethel, is just about as happy as two-w.coks.-old "Suzie Q" the orphan lamb. Rodney is giving "Sti.le Q" purl of her 60-ounces of milk which she gets every day. Rodney is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hyatt, and the lamb is owned jointly by Rodney and his aunt, Mrs. Welch Singleton. The lamb's fust meal is at 5:30, a.m., and the last at 9 p.m., lakin 10 ounces at each of the six meals per day. tStulf Photo'. i T 7 ? Haywood Women To Hold Day Of Prayer On Friday Brail Call Foi 3 Board Receives More Men Mr and Mrs. Carl Ray of Ocala, Florida arrived Wednesday to spend several days at their home at Hemphill. They have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Palmer, also of Ocala. Haywood 4-H Clubs To Study Highway balety Stopping highway accidents be fore they start is the ultimate goal of the February project of Hay wood County's 22 4-H clubs. The 4-H Highway Safety project, as outlined by the Highway Safety Division of the North Carolina De partment of Motor Vehicles, has two parts. Tho first is Pducational. Feeling ik.i lou nnfnrrement is not the L i 1 (1 L . " ..- only service of the State Highway (See Safety Study Fage t 16 Building Permits Issued Here In January Sixteen buildiinz permits were is sued in January, according to the records of Hugh Jollcy, building inspector here. The report shows permits issued for the following: William Howell, repairs; D. V. Brendle, barn; D. V. Bicndle, re pairs; Swan Hendrix, demolition; Howell Freeman, addition; Kara Early, garage; Mrs. Nora Massie Recce, alteration. Marina Aldridge, demolition; Martha AlHiidee. dwelling; Frank Albright, dwelling; A. A. Dills, ad dition; Town of Wayncsville, addi linn: Fred Sheehan, dwelling. t r Patrirk addition; Miss iwio Hnvrl alteration: William Medford, dwelling. The local Selective Service Board has just released the names of the men called to Charlotte for physic al examination on January 23. They arc: Jack Hay Ferguson, James Henry HolliiiRsworth, Hoy Lee C'ogburn, Tolvin Parker, Rufus Al fred Adams. Kenneth Earl Hannah, Paul Melealf. Joseph Wlll'ord Kel ley, William Carroll Metealf. John Edward Hayworth, John Milliard Lee, Robert Beeves Wells, David Hugh Inman. and Sam Stacy. Iso Rant Thomas uibson, Kyle Caldwell, Ervin Floyd Mehaffey, Ted Vernon Clark, Thomas Ray Miller. Charles Gerald Cieasman, Luther Chasleen Wyalt, Ray l.ealli- eiwood, Ralph Sutton, Burlin Queen, Walter Edward Sonclls, Billy Lee McAninch, Burlin David Roberts, Roy Glen Slephens, Hiram Robert Raymond Ledfoi'd. Maynard Edward Moody, ami Amos Chester Worley. The Board reports a call for 30 men to leave for induction on Tues day, February 27. A group of 100 is scheduled to leave for pie-induction on Monday, February 12. Mails Are Going Thru All classen of malt. Inrtudlnf parcel post, are now bolnir ac cepted for states esst of the Mis sissippi River and south of the Ohio and all on Eastern Seaboard .1. II. Howell, Waynesvtllc Post master, announced today. However, the embargo is still in effect for all States west of the Mississippi, as well as for Illinois Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Minne sota, and Wisconsin. Stockton Heads Cruso CD Program Lester Stockton was named chairman of the Cruso Community Development Program for the cur rent year. The vice chairman is Rev. Oder F. Burnctte. Mrs. I). B. Vaiice was named 'ec- retarv. with Mrs. Wilburn Clark, treasurer, and Mrs. Charles Lay man. rcnorlor. The meeting was 'held Monday niyht at the Cruso school. Local women will gather Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the First Baptist church to observe the 64lh annual World Day of I'ravt ; which Is called each year by the United Council of Church Women. This day will be observed by 92 .countries . iiuougnoul Uie world The women of Germany have chos en the theme for this year s gain crlng from John 4:18, "Perfect love casts out fear." The prayers will be begun by tho Christian women in the Fill Islands and will be echoed around the world ending In Alaska. An offering will be taken in cd dition to prayer. This will be used to movicle rlilld care and other needed services for agricullura migrants, American Indians, and for the improvement of the Negro ministry in certain sections of the south. Additional Rural Road Work Will Be Mapped Representatives of each of Hsy wood's townships, together with officials, and highway officials will meet at 9:30 Saturday morning mi map plans for further rural road) building. L. Dale Thrash, highway eommlfc sioner of the 10th district, and en gineers, will be here and heaf sug gest It ms from the representatives as to what roads need first attetw tlon under the rural program. As of January. Haywood hai a balance of $1,100,000 for building1 rural roads, as provided under th $200 million road bond lssu of it months ago. Interest in the merlins Indicates that a larcc group will be present lor ine meeting ncre natuinay. The State Highway Commission has completed an additional four miles of road improvements in Haywood County under the $20O 000,000 bond issue program. Grading and surfacing with traf fic bound macadam were finished during January on the following roads: Halo Road, 0 4 mile; Ablo Road, 0.8; Joe B. Cove Road, 0.5; Shu- ford Howell Road. 0 1. Stabilizing and strengthening were completed on the following: Glenn Street Extension, 0.2 muV; Shingle Cove Road, 0.4. Rigger Road, 0.4; Woodland Church, 0.3; Saunook Road, 0.3; Newsome Road, 0.4; Stamey Cove, 0.2. Official year-end figures show that the State Highway Commis sion has compelled 48.4 per cent lor 5.811 miles) of the 12.000-mil secondary road paving goal set by Governor Scott two years ago. Ap proximately onc-iourin oi mc :),-000-mile stabilization program ws finished by the end or 1950, and more work was in progress on the primary road system than at any time In the Commission's history. Mr and Mrs. Robert Clark of Columbia, S. C. and Wayncsville left last Sunday from New York on a Mediterranean Cruise which will include visits to several European tounliies and Northern. Africa. They will return to Waynesville in late spring. Rev. Will Pharr Heads East Pigeon Community Group Memheis of the Last Pigeon Community Development program on Tuesday night" nanicd Rev. Will Pharr as chairman, and Van Wells, as vice chairman. Miss Velma Singleton was nam ed secretary, and Miss Mildred Pitts as treasurer. The reporter is Mrs Will Kuykendall The meeting was held at the Bethel school. Claude II. Ferguson Novf Holds Rank of Sergeant Claude II. Ferguson, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Ferguson of Route 2, Wayncsville, has been promoted to the grads of sergeant, according to an announcement by Colonel Richard W; Henderson, his com manding officer. Sergeant Fergu son is on temporary duty with the 314th Combal Cargo Wing in Japan. Haywood's New Grand Jury - The First Named Under The New System puts To Spend $25,000 proving Lake At Camp I officials plant,, raise $25, PJ Ihe next two weeks in "c council, tor me PAID W L,:,uaIy -Fair and i ' . ."ursday and rriday fair and fiWu ue tempera-l'hesUffofthe -Mil, m. Min. Rainfall - 49 23 54 21 restoration of the lake at the Boy Scout camp above Lake Logan. The lake was damaged two years agu u flood waters. The campaign to raise money tor ih. loir will h staeed in connec- tion with the annual pembership ii uavuinnri has neen au"ta"i n.,ia m $3,330 for the annual lpamprt from Ben J. vice oresident, and M. H. Bowles, member of me im- anpo pnmmlltee. Tentative plans are for me cam- . nnilcranv here Feb ruary 19th, tn commeniui""" the 41st annual birthday of Boy Scouting. The Canton area has been assigned a quota oi $i,'J" and Waynesville $1,580. The ptniel Boone Camp serves all this 14-county district, and each summer season hundreds of Scouts are encamped there. The council is improving the camp each yw and the restoration of the Lake is the major project at the present, it was pointed oat, fft- r 0 v "'1 - 1 1 . 1 . I . . '.- . - I ... ' .'. - kpro M nndav morning, as Judge J. A. Rousseau convenea e r ' This UHaywoodem on'the extreme right. The jury, left tlJZZ: term of criminal vuun. - . ., m,. n Raxter. Gilbert T. uavis, ana iuuui .-. Charlie Henson. D. N, Arnngion, . ' , 1. Ray Jenkins, A. H. Amos, Fred A. Glance. W. H. Kinsland, Armur wau, w. - . - - ton. left to right; W; Oxner, and D. J. M. Two Canton Men Join U. S. Marine Corps Two Canton men have just en listed in the U. S. Marine Corps and have been sent to the Marine Corps Recruit Depot al Partis is land, S. C. for basic training They arc Robert W. Fisher, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Noel C. Fisher of Route 1. Canton; and .Jack L Han nah, also 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hannah, Route I. - Large Number Of Cases Cleared From Court Docket The February term of criminal court disposed of more than 30 cases in its first three days. Divor ces granted accounted lor 10 cases; driving while drunk, 8; and non support and abandonment, 9. Judge .). A. Rousseau is presid ing, and this afternoon is expected to receive the report of the 18 member grand jury. The group spent this morning inspecting pub lic buildings, and records, and were planning to compile their report and report to the court this after- noon, according to Wayne H. Med ford, foreman. The Grand Jury finished their work of going over the bills of In dictments about three o clock Wed nesday. The remainder of the day, and until noon were spent checking buildings. Solicitor Tliad Bryson. Jr. is making every effort to clear the docket of a large number of cases during the two-week court. Convicted of drunken driving and fined $100 and costs, with lic enses revoked for one year were the following: Charles Pace, Wil liam Conard Scroggs, Rass Griffin, Bert Elmer Gregg, Willard J. Rhinehart, William A. Woodard, and George E. Cope. Johnny S. Jackson was fined $150 and costs, and his license revoked for two years. Included in the non-support cases were the following? Wyatt Parker, sentence suspended upon payment of $30 a month: Paul Blankenship, sentence suspended upon payment of hospital bills and family upkeep; Reuben Brown, pay ment of $12:50 a month and court (See Court Page S ; Highway Record For 1951 In Haywood (To Date) Killed .... 0 Injured.... 6 (This Information com piled from Records of State Highway PalroL) Noland. (Staff Photo).