I . .n Feb. 8, 1931 . T PACE SZYZM Secona Section? -. TOE WArSTSVTLLE MOUNT ADTFTS - "- 1 1 1 1 1 1 - i- wmt """'. ' ' W m - ' 1 HIMfWWHtlWtWTTTHWl k v j , 1 . " " vnnitinimimnimiitimnnTTTr .i iiiiiiiiisiiiiiiSi!!::; 1 TiiiTiTrnTiii t liiiTtt it uu ; 1 1 1 1 : t - - jr 2 mmmmM 2 it WANT AD RATES . ... snrd. 40 cents. type. "3 centt per n;1nn.um charge 60 s size type; 50c lolumn inch. .ni K oubllshed U titrt cnarKe. L .j..rtisf mrnts should be ,1,1 immroiawij. . i . Will nm VTL more than Lt Insertion. Urtisemknts v ARE I in ADVAM r.. -ust be In office be- h jf i. m. on day before dtlon to guarantee to De nt ,d wctlon. L ,Lsb to Insert i want ad dfphcnt 700. at-Slfa cur,,1 0,ock8 ird wa'er, heat, and sound ,1 prices between eleven ienty-flve cents determined e quantity, material and rt hauled. Use these steam- blorks for vnur protection Uver. Hays Woe to. Bin, N. C. Phones 30 anil O Sl-tl ri'T nd installed while Lit In aw make of car stering cars a specialty. In iires with 15 months un- anal guarantee. Lees top Service. J 2-tt Army back Vic Pollock holds the Air Medal with three Oak Leaf clusters for action with Ihe 8th Air Force in World War II. MRS. WAYNE EDWARDS, of Waynesville, is winner of two free passes to see '"The . West Point Story" at the Strand Sun day, Monday and Tuesday. CARD OF THANKS The family of Mrs. T. B. Me- Crackcn exii-ss their appreciation! to their ti'iends, for 'their kindness 1 and sxmpalliy kliuwii during th:ii i recent bereavement. FOR SALE liW7 Chevrolet in good condition. See at Norman's .Carafe. Balsam I'd. or Call 1150. F8-12 CEMENT FOR SALE 200 basis per week. Hays Block Co., Frank lin, N. C. 1'hoiies 30 and 499. O 19-tf PIANOS fcetsy Ross Spinet .Pianos. lohnson Piano I'.xch. Hickory. N. C. Jan. 18 Feb. 12 FOR SALE ,1 good used Mont gomery Ward refrigerator. $00.00 1 good used Bendix Washer. A bargain at $159.00. Rogers Elec tric Co" Phone 4C1. J l.Vtf FOR SALE Good dry sawmill wood. $5.00 per load. Call Pat rick's CaMeria. Phone 91G3. ' July 24 tf FOR SALE 4 loom house with half basement Chestnut Park Drive. $2500.00. See Houart Wy att after 5 p.m. J 29-F 1-5-11 I FOR RENT House at Lake J una luska, N. C. Call 204-W. V U FOR SALE Trailer load of used pianos rebuilt and tuned. $101) up, I'sed apartment si-e electric range, $45. I'sed table-top water heater $45. Our '51 line of Ad miral refrigerators are tin sale now. 7 cubic ft. box $199.95 and up. JUSTICE FURNITURE STOKE, Depot Street. Phone 567. F 5-tf NOTICE lier Betsv Hoss Spinet in . . for Balance owing. Write !: Credit Dept., Johnson Exch.. Hickorv. N. C. Jan. 18 Feb. 12 FOR RENT Furnished 2 or 3 room apartment. Also fertile garden plot if desired. Reason able rates. Phone 169-W. Feb. 5-8 USED CAR BARGAINS $1995 $1295 $1695 SI 035 $1035 $ 995 $1095 $ 325 49 OLDS 9$ Sedan Rocket ens., Low mil 48 OLDS 7G Sedan Perfect 49 FORD Convertible Low Milage 17 CHEVROLET Sedan Perlevt 47 I'OMIAC Sedaiutt Clean . . Six Passes to see "The West Point Story," showing at the Strand Theatre Sun., Mou., Tues., await some readers of The Mountaineer Want Ads. Look them over Sec if your name appears in a Strand ad. If so, call at The Mountaineer office and get your passes. notice that he is required to be and appear in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County in his Office In the Court House, on or before the 27 days after February 16, 1951, and an swer or demur to the complaint fil ed n the action, or the relief pray ed for w ill be granted. This the 16th day of January, 1951. J. B Slier, Clerk Superior Court. 2038 Jan. 18-25 Feb 1-8 47 FORD Sedan Good 48 FORD 1 Ton Low Mil.me 41 CHEVROLET Pick -Up See Us For A Betler Used Car W ATKINS CHEVROLET CO. DON'T BUY FOOLISHLY . . .Th clothes you buy today may havo to lost you (or torn timo. Extromo ttylot art a bod invoitmont. FURNISHED APARTMENT For Rent. Oil heat. Call 483. F8 FOR SALE Four room house with bath. lUa acres, with 910 to bacco allotment. Call 53-J-3 after 4 p. in., Waviiesvllle, Ht. 1, Box -iS4. F 8-12 FOR SALE 30 gal. Hot Point upright electric water heater. Used only 5' 2 months. A rea bargain at $100. Call 461. Feb 5, 8, 12 & 15 FOR SALE FIRE WOOD ready cut for heater or stove, 1 cord or more green 8c cu. ft. ($10.24 cord), Less than cord cu. ft. (about $3.00 for standard pick up truck body load.) Dry wood 2C more per cu. ft. at Bollini; Hall Orchard. F 8 tf BRUCE SMITH, i.f Hazelwood, is winner of two free passe:; to see "The Wer.t Point Story" at Ihe Strand Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. FOR SALE FRENCH AND GER MAN Text Books. Telephone 400-.I. F 8 Ill-Man for local position. tie abic and willing to, work Lrs lor $70.00. Car1 and .xperience useful. Write Brush co Waynes Mountaineer. F 1-5-8 BNUMTNTS see Haywood pent Co., next to Farmers pge, on Ashevtlle Road. H id, itianager. Phone 1029. tf HON. B A R GAINS 'sDiaest, 8 months. $1.00. Is, Woman's Home Corn- American, Collier's, and Call 288-M. Mrs. W C. frd. F R WANTED To buy used steel safe with inside capacity of 18 by 24 inches; Call 1134. . F 5-8-12-15 NEW SHIPMENT of New Hamp shire Clucks will arrive each Wednesday morning. Place your order now, Haywood County Farmers Co-op. Phone 722. F 5 tf JUNE BRANDT, of Waynesville, is winner of two free passes to see "The West Point Story" at the Strand Sunday, Monday and . Tuesday. PLANTS. Fruit Trees, .Iltal PL'lnU Vinne Pnune H. D. Jdllcy, Waynesville. 11.30. F 8 iNT Nino tenths acre to ailotment. See Mrs. Frank 1, Pleasant Hill Road, N C. F 8 & 15 Ask lit nkxul f W WAY OF -DUG CALVES TRYIL ctcK n- AY$P0PS Don't Woit lor Cold Weother to Cotth You Unprepared 0 ! NOTICE OF PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. EDITH SUMER MILLER -vs- JAMES W. MILLER The defendant will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff, asking for an absolute divorce based upon two years sep- ration. The defendant will further take NOTICE OF SALE On Monday, February 26, 1951, at 11:00 o'clock. A, M. at the Court House door in Waynesville, N. C 1 will offer for sale at public out cry to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands and premises, situate, lying, and being in East Fork Township, Haywood County, North Carolina, to-wit: Adjoining the lauds of J. G. Kuykendall. Henry Rogers, the state highway and others BEGINNING at a young Locust on the watershed of Grape Vine ridge and runs thence S. 85 E. 84 poles to a stake in the center of State Highway No. 284; thence with the center of said highway N. 17 W. 16 pules and 10 links to a stake in said highway and in Henry Rog ers line; thence with said Henry Rogers line N. 88' W. 82t2 poles to a Spruce, J. G. Kuykendall s corner on Grape Vine Ridge; thence up and with the watershed of said ridge 286 feet to the be ginning, containing 9 acres, more or less. Sale made pursuant to the power and authority conferred upon the undersigned Trustee by that Deed of Trust dated October 2, 1946, executed by F. H. llenson and "re corded in Book 59, page 285, Hay wood County Registry, to which in strument and record reference Is hereby made for all the terms and conditions thereof, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured. This January 25, 1951. T. L. GREEN, Trustee 2041 F 1-8-15-22 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Andrew B. Shuler, deceased, late of Haywood County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Waynesville. North Carolina, on or before the 24th day of January, 1952 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This the 24th day of January, 1951. 1 VERLIN T. SHULER. M. RUSSELL, HATTIE MILES,! STRAN D Sun.. Mon. Widow, LETT1E JUSTICE and . . : CASNEtfflAYO'DAY Administrator of the Estate of Andrew B. Shuler, dceased. 2040- J-25-F-1-8-15-22- M-l NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Moses Osborne, de ceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to file same, duly verified, with the undersigned, oil or before the 15th day of March, 1952, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon, and all per sons Indebted to said estate will pay the same lo the undersigned. This Bth day of February, 1951. LIZZIE OSBORNE. Executrix, Estate of Moses Osborne, Deceased. 2044-F 8-15-22 M lH-lS NOTICE OF HEARING OF EX CEPTIONS AND OBJECTIONS AND NOTICE OF FILING AMENDED COMPLAINT IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY ' THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF HAYWOOD COUNTY vs ANNA J. SENTELLE and husband, R. E. SENTELLE, W. T. TER RELL and wife, LENA TER RELL, CHARLES S. TERRELL and wife, KATE TERRELL, LU CY RUSSELL and husband, J. husband. J. F. JUSTICE. MIN-J NIE TERRELL, Widow of B. W. Terrell. Deceased, CHARLES TERRELL and wife. MRS. CHARLES TERRELL, by what ever name she be known. VAL TER TERRELL and wife. FRED DIE TERRELL, MARIE TUR NER and husband, REGINALD TURNER. EDGAR A. TERRELL and wife. JANE TERRELL. WIL LIAM S. TERRELL and wife, FRANCES TERRELL, THEO. T. GRAHAM. Widow, CAM1L1A T. GLAZA and husband by what ever name he be called or known, MARY AMELIA TERRELL. Mi nor daughter of HENRY C. TERRELL. Deceased, CLIFTON S TERRELL and wife. VIR GINIA TERRELL. JAMES W TERRELL and wife, NEIL TER RELL MARGARET LAZENBY and husband, JAMES W. LAZEN BY. MARTHA MASTERS and husband, STANLY MASTERS LOUISE MANEY and husband CONRAD MANEY. G WAYNE TERRELL and wife, VIRGINIA TERRELL, and all unknown, un horn and possible children and heirs of W. T, Terrell, not here inabove named by whatever mimes or name thev may be hereafter called or known, and MARY AMELIA TERRELL, Mi nor daughter of Henry C. Ter rell, Deceased, by their Attorney and Guardian Ad Litem, W. R. FRANCIS. The defendants, HATTIE MILES, Widow, THEO. T. GRA HAM. Widow, CAM1LIA T. GLA ZA and husband by . whatever name he may be called or known, MARY' AMELIA TERRELL, Minor daughter of Henry C. Terrell, De ceased JAMES W. TEmELL and wife, NEIL TERRELL. CHARLES TERRELL and wife, MRS CHARLES TERRELL, by what ever name she be known; and atl unknown, unborn and possible chll dren and heirs of W. T. Terrell not herelabove named, by whatever name or names they may be here & Tb. 000.13 Ml UUNUUN bene WARNER BROS! WEST ROY DEL RUTH notice that exceptions and objec tions have been filed lo the report of the Jury in the above entitled cause, on the grounds that there was an error in the acreage stated In the complaint as 10 4 acres, whereas there was only 7.47 acres contained in Ihe land sought to be condemned. And on Ihe further grounds that the damages awarded bv the Jury is excessive. And that the defendants will further take notice that a heaiing will be held on the exceptions and objections as filed by the petitioner at the of fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County, In Waynesville, North Carolina, on the 12th day of March, 1951, at 10 o'clock A M. Ami (he defendants will further take notice that they . have until that time within which to answer or reply to the amended complaint filed by the petitioner wherein the petitioner amended its complaint to designate the number of acres sought to be condemned as 7.47 acres instead of the 10.4 acres s alleged in the original complaint. This the 29th day of January, 1951. J. B. SILER, Clerk of the Superior Court. after called or known, will take2043-F 1-8-15-22 THE FLOP FAMILY Hy SWAN I -Vie. "TAKErXoVi'C "THE." I CUTS CALF COSTS Sftl MORE MILK RAISE BETTER CALVES SAVE TIME SAVEIASOK LESS TROUUE Wood county rmers Co-op Depot Street Beware Coughs From Common Colds Thai .HANG Oil CrcomuMon relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble lo nelp loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and held raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to pleatc you or money refunded. C reomulsion has s'.cod the test ot millions 01 uei. CREOiVIUlfSlON rtUovu Couehi, Clurt Colds, Acut BtontHitu TAXI CALL 44 PARKWAY CABS k. . . . ... r' prompt relict from rwmt by using "B'Q'R" I analgesic mat f y liter effect,. Even 1 wd ie. ho' quickly ,oh H tMt,.. Be wri if, nu u us mine. INCOME TAX . THE CLOSMAN CQ. . Across From Court House FEDERAL and STATE RETURNS Office Phone 1341 Also Monthly Bookkeeping Service iwLENNOX OIL AIRI-FL0 WINTER AIR CONDITIONER Maximum oil heating comfortl y Vuiioiaut . 1 within fraction of a degree. Over, ized filters and blower are amaz ingly quiet. Floori eUy warm, drafU are gone, every room heata venly. Saves fuel coU! A will rangeofeizesandtypes. See it today I MSMM mm URCfSI MAHUFCTURER$ KB UCINEUS OF WAtM 111 UEAIIHG StSlEKJ AUTOMATIC HEATING CO. Phone 1101 Halsam Road OcvO a. .txtJ T1 n rAP IC Urn kw4-eeiT -TtAEM. To Trte PUNCH WOU WILL fNLVOW? C-ti t5--6O VVl DO TrAe OZVEftr0 - n 1 i u - MYRTLE RIGHT AROUND HOME By DUDLEY FAJHER NTED FRESH DEAD STOCK - New FREE SERVICE For Tour Community E-1. SCHULHOFER - 704-1 r cans and our special equipped trnck win rc. Phursea and hon without any cost to you-If called SPECIAL NOTICE Opening in our Sales and Service Dept. for man in Waynesville &. adjoining area. Three references. Automobile Essential. Earning opportunity - $125 Per Week, -APPLY Electrolux Corp. 149 Broadway Asheville " l I III WELL , DOKlT - & 1 ' yJ7 ' ( -JLJST SIT TMEf?E -' Jv-u CO SEE WMO IS ( AT TWEOOOR TZl-Z ,ATTA BOV. I 222. ( OFF we L I I V MICE WCX?K, k 7 OLD BOY.' ) T ( WMO WAS J M iriif, i-im K.r.y Ffttum SfldiIlt lv . "jt, i.wt.td :; ::. Y IT WAS THE wrra voui?. A HENRY By CARL C. ANDERSON AUTO LOANS $50.00 and Up JL NO WAITING J NO RED TAPE RICHLAND FINANCE CO. PHONE 1199 Located on Main Street between Sims Motor Co. and James Furniture Co. ago o o o i ; 1 1 jjyit"1 dp, !,)! K.in Fe.trn Sfd.t.li. I"', Wo.M iil.ll li"i . WAITRESS WANTED K 1'-" 1 &2&MlT8ESsi fir f) YX wAt4TEO f(J DONALD DUCK By WALT DISNEY 2. VJJ ySOAAETHlMG v Ml, OAlSV...y'OUT lM THE K.ITCMtrSiy J, ... , r-r TTTlZZf TO WANGLE. L l' C AN INVITE V Is d --n to lunch: 77, '-i V-T I Cop. 1VW. f Oillr.P.Jl HEV. TOOTS, WHERE) ARE VOU ? rZrZ www, what an- AROMA! Dut'ittJtci hi K HIDE AND METAL COMPANY

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