STANDARD pTG p. t - delights 1 TODAY'S SMILE Bom: So you don't like my way of doinr thinf sT I sup pme you wish I wer dead xt you could spit on my (rare. Of The jLE m TAINEER News i Lake: Not me I'm n e I (.1 and 1 hate standing In j line. ' ,''rd Twict'-A-Wk In The County Seat of Haywood County At ..The' Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park " 06th YKAH lM i l'AGllS Associated Press WAYNESVILLE, .K L, THURSDAY AFTERNOON,- APRIL 5, 1951 53.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties 1,1 l Rlf s punch filled t ",e " Work Being Pushed On Max Patch Road "5 .miles, as they look- bruits of their labors . : thn several jWf ss - ,. jnciulaiire Wednesday The Waynes yii . ' LJ f.l Kick n ,-7 t r,-v. .-'.-I '.,. .in " said one of ' ,Ki twinkling Yf an eye, t in half: and the eiiis made a sordid ., r, about the ..:..i.'.. uothii-eH lumen quuM.v - ; jndsUrU'Ci mixing "" s. md in 110 time nad an" ",vsf tasty punch, iinds of some of the wo idl trving to learn what , tho first mixture. Thus Ihive not gotn a satisfac- uate Labor Supply intijm tan " ident "hs cck. It seems lngrm. in addition to his Ihie duties, is interested real estate on me smc. i client who wants to dis- 5-acre farm, because he It enough help. Although has 18 children, he is sun 1 difficult to get enough jrry on Hie duties of the t ten of the children, are Uncle Sam has several service, and some oth- Mne to other jobs. The now looking for a smaller he can get enough help ,ifge place. ihis proves that even a ily sometimes does not of the labor situation. 1 m it v. i- i MM? 1 - : 4 x lA'-j'-Ufcirf f rjMf .. . ... .iir.f ..' .'ri-' The rough grading of the Mux Patch road in Fines Creek Is about half completed for the 4-milc sec tion from the Fines Creek Bridge to Bellmont church. The road, when finished, will be 16-foot highway. This is not a rural road project, and state highway crews arc doing the work. This picture was made near the Furman Noland farm. The road is being widened, and many curves Ukcn out. The steam shovel is at work opposite the barn in the distance. '(Staff Photo). . World's Best" ikior to I lie office of Heinz president of VVellco Shoe en. is this sign: rsl people in I he world go irnugh Ihis door. The best x umld no on I Hie hack in for the walk and talk ! sentence is ill keeping slogan ii the nationally sliin-s which the loiiied Voice j leather runs out of I to say. you know she's ful Mrs. iiogcr R. Bisson 3 that "How wonder can't believe it" were it all she could think of husband, Lt. Bisson, tele- rom Pusan, Korea. The fun lasted ton minutes. Bisson reports that her voice eame through Nd he probably thought funded pretty nice, too. IsSOn whn li;ichi.s Ihn ade in Waynesvillc Jun- Stliool, has her trailer ,v"-' Pigeon. She is the iss Essie M,. Hall. f"n. who is attached to coiiipany of the 187th Regimental Combat s been m Korea since fHc is now located at or beino relievprt frnm duty near Wonju. .. Merger Bill Scheduled To Be Rcaified Friday Eests Mth ' '-''. - . : '...' Committee Named By Both Units Today Band Leaves For State; Contest Monday Morning Services To Start 30 Minutes Later The c lunch hells will ring thirty minutes later for evening services, with the arrival of spring;. Most services will now bceln at eight instead of 7:30, Other evening services held prior to the usual worship period will he moved up accordingly. Number Building Permits Issued Hugh Jolley, Building Inspector, has announced that building per mits have been issued to the fol lowing persons: F. K. Burress. ad dition; Swan Hendrix, dwelling; Spaldin Underwood. tw0 dwellings; Ted Walker, addition; Rogers Elec tric Co., alterations; and Charlie Woodard. repairs. wood's Burley Crop Grown From 'Wagon 4'. To Million Pounds ls tobacco crop now is 111 million dollars, as ' and a quarter million lw golden burlev reaeh f ls of th(. count'rv Rut fv lon o-about thirty agon was all that was farry the county's crop lly fr this is Tfm V.,,! r'f-old farmer and tobac-. , e ,v'' credit for the to Willia,n Mnrrnu, f 'athan Cu-ek and MHc h,elf was tlle ' to ol. " example mber well." Sparc JUJt il ago. when William fn7' bu'loyjusta lit- in tu ,u 11 at Greene I" Then the next year I ""C. Mr v.k" u had that same patch planted in burley ever since "and it makes just as good tobacco as it ever did," he boasts. Another man whose tobacco memories go back thirty years is James Kirkpatrick, of the County Auditor's office. No longer raising burley himself, he remembers helping his father, W. C. Kirkpat rick, with a barn of flue-cured to bacco in 1919. He recalls that at the market price of 3 cents a pound, his father decided that the crop was not worth the labor of puttin git into hogsheads to be (See Burley Page 6) . - WARMER April. 5 - Fair and luiay and Friday. "aynesviiu lr-t Farm, Max Min. Rainfall 63 46 .71 54 31 The no-iiicinber concert band of Waynesvillc high will leave here at :;(! Monday morning to deiind their stale title at the annual con ies! in Greensboro. l,asl year the hand won top honors with two other hands in the highest ruled group iii the slate. The baud has been putting in oii( hours of practice for the-,:p- pioaching conlcst, and are working hard to keep the high honors. On Thursday 40 members of the Waynesvillc chorus will leave for the musical festival, also in Greens boro, and will participate in the slate-wide choral concert. This is a non-competitive event. The chorus won a rating of excellent in the district contest held recent- I ly in Asheville. Because of this recognition, they will participate in Hie stale event, wnere two icauing national choral leaders will train the combined groups for the public concert on Thursday. The chorus will return here Friday- The concert band only seen and heard here in concerts under the direction of Charles Isley, director, and Robert Campbell, assistant di rector, will play a difficult number in the contest Cesar i ranch Sym phony in D Minor. From a list of three other numbers previously furnished, the judges will select (lie second number for the band to play. , The state concert band contest is composed of six groups. Any hand can enter the group they wish. The higher the group, the more difficult the music. Group 'hrce is easier than group four, and the fourth group is not as difficult as group five, while group six is the top. and hardest of all. The Waynesville band students unanimously wanted to remain in group six, where they have per formed before. There are only three bands in the state entered in this group Waynesville, Lenoir and Greensboro. The same three lied last year for the top honors. Listed in group five arc bands from Charlotte, and Winstos-Salem-The music for this group is not as difficult as that for group six. Ashe ville and Hendersonville chose to enter group four, which is two grades below the unit in which (See Band Page 6) (Special to The Mountaineer) RALEIGH Legislation author izing the merger of Waynesville and Hazclwood is expected to be come a law by noon Friday. The House passed the measure on Tuesday, and the bill went back to the Senate -tor concurrence of the amendments" which were add ed in the House. The' .'amendments had to do with changing, the salary of the hoard of aldermen to $480 per year, and the salary of majtor to $960 both figures arc the pre cut prevailing salary for each of fice. The signatures of speaker of the House and presiding officer of the senate are expected to be affixed to the measure by noon Friday, which would make the bill a law. Under provisions of the bill, the citizens of either or both towns can petition for an election if fifteen per cent of the qualified voters sign such a petition. The bill pro vides fifteen days in which to file such a petition. The election would he called within five days. Under the present schedule, the bill if ratified on Friday, will give until April 2lst for the filing of a petiiton on the proposal. The bill was introduced in both houses; of the General Assembly following a report of a 7-man sur vey commission which made a study of both towns. The bill aJso sets up a live-man board of aldermen with three com ing from what is now Waynesvillc, and two from the area south of the persent Waynesvillc-lla.elwood line. The mayor can come from the area-al-largc. The Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club have both gone on record as unanimously favoring the bill, and the merger of the twq towns. New Division Of Wellco Shoe Plant Opened Extension Program For Junalusha Is Arranged The Lake Junaluska Assembly; son will be the appearance on July will open on June 3 and continue 15 "of the nationally Hiwvn Evan through September 3. according t(. gclist Billy Graham. The honorable the official 1951 program just pub- Frank Graham will speak on Peace lishcd Day. June 25; and Dr. Norman Vin- 1...' i i... h rioi9natPl the cent Peale will be 1 discussion annual Haywood County Day. and' leader at the Laymen's Conference Milk Producers Stage Meeting About 55 members attended Monday's meeting of the Haywood County Milk Producers' Aswicia, tion. According to James Kirkpat rick, president, a number of rout ine business matters were disposed of, and the group discussed the dairy situation with special refer ence to Haywood County problems. The two presidim; oft leers of the General Assembly were due to name a Cotilereuee Committee shortly after noon today to review, and make a report on the Haywood Board of Kducution bill. ine committee will dee'de whether to approve Kep. Oral ' L. Yates' bill of adding two members to the three-member board, or whether to retain the present 3 man board. Senator William Mod ford would not agree to Hie addi tion of the two men, and the senate committee on Education concurred with Senator Medford. The House committee on education agreed with Rep. Yates, and approved the measure- The Mountaineer in Hn inter view with Rep Yules shortly be fore noon today, learned that the hill was hack in the House this morning, and as soon as it Is brought up, he planned lo ask that a conference committee be named During the Interview over long distance, Hep Yates received a call from the floor of the House that he was needed. He said he expected "that is the bill coming up now," as the Interview ended Rep. Yates had named Cauley Rogers, of Fines Creek and .larvis R Caldwell, of Iron Duff, in addl lion lo Hie three who were elected last year. Senator Medford said he did not have anything against the two men iiHh'cd by Rep Yates, but that te ff.U the mailer shoHd lie voied on by the people He was willing In introduce a bill to increase the membership of the board to five at the next 'election- Rep Yales would not agree to this proposal. On -Tuesday four Haywood men appeared before the Senate com mittee on education in behalf of the measure, and urged the com mit lee to approve the original plan of Rep Yates The committee ap proved I he Senator Medford am mcndnieiits, which would elimin ate the two men named hy Hen Yates Those appearing before Hie Senate committee were Jerry Lin er, Frank M Davis. Joe Browning, and Mr. Caldwell. t Rep Yates said he understood (In House would name three members and the Senate Iwo members on the the Conference Committee Rep. Yates said this morning that a conference committee could make a report at any lime which they saw fit, "The report can come Friday. Saturday, or any day next week. There is no set time for such a eommilteti to make a report," he said. STATK-WIDK IXX; BILL passi:i by mi; The hill of Hep Yates to estab lish a dog warden in every county in the stale, at the discretion Ml the board of commissioners, was passed by the House, and has none to the Senate. The hill is a measure designed lo protect farmers in Ihe 'raising of sheep The hill is expei led lo be refer red to the Senate finance commit lee for action. 31 Men To Leave For Duty On 11th The Selective Service Board has announced that 31 men will leave for Charlotte on Wednesday. April II, for prc-inducliou examinations. Men who pas these tests will be subject to call for the Army. i f II i J " I l IS- e MXMHiMmlMi it,. llein, Rollmun, president of Wellco Shoe Corpuniution, cuts the velvet rope, to formally open the new doparlmcnl of Wellco Shoe Corporation, where 21KI additional cniployoes.will be given jobs .The new division went into production Tuesday morning, uiinules alter the formal opening, Shown in the background arc some of the civic leaders attending the opening, while some 50 new employees stand in Hie background. (Staff l'hotoi, 1.7 Miles Rural Road Improved Here Last Month The State Highway Commission completed 1,7 miles of road work in Haywood County during March. (lading and .surfacing with traf fic bound maridnm wire finished on the Sulton Town Road for 0.4 mile and on Nods Brand Road for 0.9 mile. Stabilizing Mild strengthening were completed on the Babbit Skin Road for 0.1 mile and Sutton Town Road for 0.3 mile. More than HO' miles of road work were finished in the Tenth High way Division during March. All REA Power To Be Off Sunday From 2 Until 5 All lines of the RKA in Haywood County will be off Ihis Sunday af ternoon, April 8, between 2 and f p. m This cut-off is necessary, ac cording lo the RKA office, in or der Hint Hie supplier, Carolina Wellco Shoe Has Formal Opening Of EIcw Division Haywood Balance Rural Road Fund Still Over Million The monthly report of W. M. Corkill, division rniiineer, shows that rural road piourmn funds silent In Haywood County up to I'eliruary '!X amounted to $74K, 277.0K. As $l.8R!l.ltntl was originally- allocated the county from the Bond issue, (here remains a balance of $1.1 10.7:22.! I lor fur ther road development. Power On Some Streets Will Be Off Here Sunday The Town ul Waynesville has an noiiliced thai ileelrie power will lie .sliul oil ihis Sunday afternoon. April It. I i n :. lo li p. in in Ihe following local ions Killian Street, Power & Light Company, may Smathers Sluel, Balsam Street, make sonic adjust incuts in their purl' uf Me.idow SI reel, and Daisy lilies. ' Avenue Hundreds Pledge To Give Blood In County Saturday the Rev. W. Jackson Huneycutt will be in charge. The season will close on September 3 with the Labor Day Methodist Carnival. Some of the leading platform speakers of the Methodist Church are scheduled to appear. There will also be musical programs, and conferences on varied phases of church activity Julv 26-30. Bishop Paul B. Kern will speak on August 12. Junaluska Sunday, opening a preaching week by Dr. J. Pitt Watson of Scotland. Coronation of the Queen of Jun aluska will take place on August 13; and a radio and film workshop August 27 to 29 will finish the ser- 6ne of the highlights of the sea-Hes of conferences, Tourist Promotion Was Discussed By Group Wed. A number of decisions on the promotion, of the tourist industry were reached at Wednesday's meet ing of the Haywood County Tourist Association. Plans were made for the formation of tourist informa tion training classes for as many residents of the area as may be able to attend. Purpose of these sessions will be to give not only tourist operators, but other busi nessmen and "the man on the street" the information necessary to answer questions from strang ers coming to the section. The association voted to take space in a special Western Caro lina Vacation edition of the Char lotte News and Observer which will appear in May At the same time members were urged to get their listings in for a regional va cation map now being prepared hy the" Western North Carolina Tour ist Association. A membership drive is slated lo begin this week. Goal is the en rollment of every person interest ed financially or otherwise in the tourist business. The group also heard a progress report of the committee studying the erection of signs at highway intersections and other key points.the various communities which will Willi I he enthusiastic conpera I hoi (if every one of Ihe 2li mem her communities. Hie lied -Cross Blond Recruitment. Day sponsored h die Community Development l'io:;iain hills fair lo lop all pre vion, records for blood collected in this area. Two mobile units will he in iiii rallon on Saturday, April 7. starling at 8:40, n in One unit will he at the Courthouse in Waynes ville and the other at the Bethel school. Kroin the number of advance pledges already made' by 'prospec tive donors, it is hoped that be tween four and five hundred pints of blood will be given at (lie twu centers . . Both centers will he tomploh l. stalled by Red Cross and medical personnel Besides the regular Bloodiuohile teams coming from the Regional Center in Asheville, there will be Red Cross Grey Lad ies and medical men at both plac es The Canton Grey Ladies will work al the Bethel collection cent er. Dr. -I L. Reeves of Canton is in charge of medical officers. In Waynesville, the (hey Ladies of the Haywood Chapter will serve; with Dr. Stuart Roherson of Hazel wood responsible for the medical staff. The schedule calls for the ap pearance of members of the partic ipating communities at the two col lection centers at the following hours: Following is the schedule for .'I I lie I v. n i - til s I i m- ( olll tluillsr Jt III lr, 'I nil I l an' is l.'i II ll In 'I oil Hali'MMe Cove, fl I'll h, 'I hi lien , I I eel'. II loin I II Oil ' ..i'U"i'ik 1 1 llll I n HI I'll I'H'.il I: I, ' i ell IU '0 in iii to 1 1 -,ii I mil In in i-i l mi l hi'i'i ' i . 1 1 1 1 i t'. I I Oh In I 1 ,.'i L'.vv'i ( lalil i it I I 2n In I I In I' ini' i' 1 k 1 I III In III O'l Wind' Oak 12 'HI In l :.ih r.ui'hei Clccli 12 '.in In :i to I, .die .fuuahiska 12 Id to t no Iic'IwoikI I nil In I ,'n I ! im i I nei- l W In I in Kali iilti' ( live 1 In ii. " on Ml, ii . r k U.IjU.Iij .Z.Z'l : ,;ai'Mjn. 2 'jn in '' in li,i,.iiii. n i.'ici-k. 2 in In ;; nn Imn hull in ;: :'.n i )i -j ( i abiici-. 3.2U in :t t'i Lower ( jahlien .'(.-lillii -I, 'ill Fine, Creek. 4.1)11 In I :in While aV 4 2d In 4 t'l I'aulhi r t.'n-i-k 4.1(1 (o : nil l .il.e .liinalnska .'run in .i I'n liellwimd Tiiur r.rll ' l Si lutid H In In !' nn West I'lgei.m. !l 0(1 In !l 2(1 K.isl Pigeon ri.2'1 In !l l Ceiurr Pigeon. II 40 lo !!M"l Cecil. Kl:UU lo 111:2(1 - South Clyde. 10:20 to 10:40- North Civile. 10:40 to 11:00 Beaverdam. 11:00 to II 20 -Hominy. 11:20 to 11.40 -Thickciy. 11:40 to 12:00 Morning Star. 12:00 to 12. 20 Stamey Cove. (See Blood Page 6 The new division of 1 1 1- v 1 1 Shoe Corporation was lot mall opened at II HO Tuesday iiinminr. as Heinr, Holhman, piestdr-nt, -ot the velvet rope,,, and Ihe sMtrn thrown in the department-sot (lie long assembly line Into iimlm-i The new unit will be knuui; I', the California division, and will employ about 200 additional 'in ployees A now type shoe Hill be manufactured,'- and formally pre sented to the public on May Mb. and iiit on sale Ihe follow ne; div throughout Ilic ( t in tit i y. Following Ihe lid minute nuj-rr . sle cercuiony here Tiled,'" ua r" jug. al plant two civic b-a b-i .. a, well as ollieials ul Wellco. '.iil-n III. With about .Ml of the Muiie ;"0 lieu employees uu,ing nn. awad log the final wind i" si.irl log'' The T0 women had pi rvKnr, ly been given two weeks tianiing ul culling, sew mi;, and ,js-.rmtiliii the new type ul shoes which wiM b,. produced at the lale ul o.lKid pairs a day when loll priiilm I mn i: lilt within a -liuil tune , Olfi.cials ..said thai olders indi cite the shoes will he Hi MirV de mand thill prodncl mn will have In K oiitined mi I'liee I, Section 2i 788 Brooms And 176 Door Mats Sold By Lions 7H!I new bioouis will be ;,w("ft'in clean as a result of the Luor- clnh Biooi'n Sale which ended this weot: 170 new lubber door mats, .it ., sold by the Liois, will aid Hie goo-l work' As a result of the sale the l.-nn; espcel to cteat- $540.20 lor lh"it work with the blind Joe Cline. in making a repnil of the project expressed ap'pi cCial i-n lo all the members "I the clu.i lor I heir, work in the drive' and iii' the members of the Town Fire 1 part incut for their eo-opei at mn in permitting the one ol 'be l ire I)e partmeul as headquarters lor th" Highway Record For 1051 In Haywood (To Date) Killed 0 Injured ... . 3 (This information com piled from. Records Stale Highway Patrol.)

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