l TheW TODAY'S SMILE Doris: "Whea is your s ter thinking of cetttac Bur rfed?" UtUe Brother: "Constant ly." Of The NESVILL e Mountaineer News ;h!e Asset Llure of Saunook has U doithat isas preuy KU that, but the fx osspt as she u "tons' ,hat tbe puppies. uw r v pothers brought a tot- I Qui! a Slim VI uivm.cj. liter ot pup. ; Strolling Along" L joy Road in East Pig- I'ublished Twico-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park 66th YEAR NO. 30 20 PAGES Associated Press - WAYNESVILLE, N. C , THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 12, 1931 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Countia struck the fancy of i this county. And vt.ry Li- who nave "vcu uci c I . h Ktnrv hark fcrt IUUW j v the roa- L follows the river, and , romantic aimospuere mountain on one side, the lr river on me oiner. W the days of auiomo- 3j people used the roaa Sunday atternoon wais. fimriie strolling center, L the We Thos C. Wells, L farmer, and men cor L (or this newspaper who Croad. or lane, "Love Joy 4 It has held that name i oicture has been made Lit the end of the Pigeon ligeoverHignway wo. zvo, nts to "Love joy tioaa. Lller-Coaster Ride fc i beaumui, ana pruiu- iird of 3,000 trees, Boiling :tie most unique road lead' lis large apple house. The rjveled, and very simoth it was built up a bleep has a level spate, or ' area every so many is keeps the road from Iving down the mountain, l Is that oi riding down a Uter The very nature of demands a slow speed. m foolish enough to speed nd it impossible to stay in ay engineers might be ln- m seeing how to curb et maintain a perfectly lurtaced road. Education Board Memberstub Keirt At 3 Concert Band In Jubilant Mood On Arrival From State Contest 21 Committee I - x' , s v - x I T ' s "i .,... ui,hi.m nm ,i ,,,, i, , I ' I" ' " 11 '- ' iu i n .HaX v .. ..,. ... ...,imiwi .I - y if. ' N't ? . v i i i N- s,i - - v r i I'll J .... v V ..m.iij in win i mi 1 1 mi n tawnnm.. iimiii mmm nrrriiumf iif '"1 in " ' '--iiiimiiit -,!.. ' :uaalaMM Upholds Senator Medford MacArthur Out; Ridgeway In The Waynesvllle Concert Band, with the coveted top-place rankinhg of. North Carolina Hands 1 hens lor tin- mtoihI coiiM-ciitivc year, burst forth in song as they arrived at the band building from Grtrensboro late Wednesday. They were sihuihk u larcwll In their Iw driver as this picture was marie. There were . mixed emotions, as the victorious musicians were reeled by lueuUs and ivlatixes. Some cried sme laughed, and others were speechless. (Staff Photo). ( Church es Begins This Issue Series marks the beginning of series of church pages a picttorial message. The peer is one of the few lo devote two pages each church and other rellgl- imber of public-spirited e cooperating in making this special picture page. t firms have Joined in Ft beginning with this is- ' are Branson Motor Co., Cagle Furniture Co- farmers Exchange; Hay- Nty Farmers Cooperative; Wke Junaluska: Clvde Pwcr Shop and Green- fie Pure Oil Company; the fine unvc-In Theatre; and nesviiie Pure Oil Station, businesses which have Pporting the Droiect and linulhg their help are: Al- wncan Hazelwood. Can. F Co.; central Cleaners; p unch Room & Texaco 'irestonc Home &. Auto we; Garrett Fnrnltnro F'O Uarrctt Funeral Hnm- u ft..,, , ' f" ounaers Sunnlv Cn v. f Haywood Electric Mem- Lrporation! Hm t .. ft, ' uwa MNUII' Cleaners. u furniture Company; Juna- tr" nsignee; Liner Motor 1 Kogers Electric Com- "OOd Sinrlalr C.,J. . 11 " Auto Part- : Wn. aundry, inn. nj , fto Service'' lnS!tt;.ho is student at i, -'nservatory of Ai!t0 sPen the spring Paints, Mr. and ".van Local Red Cross Fund Now Totals $3,303 To Date Receipt of $3,303.60 by the Haywood Chapter, In the Red Cross 1951 Fund Drive, was re ported this noon by chapter offi cials. According: to A. J. Fan cher and L K. Barber, co-chairmen of the drive, a few reports are still to be received, but the campaign is over except for "mopping-up" operations. This year's total tops by about $600 the $2,700 raised last year. Goal this year was $5,082. Band Again Takes Top State Spot - A Yales' Bog Warden Bill Law; Will Help Farmers 28 Left Wednesday For Service Exams Twpntv-eieht Haywood men left Wednesday morning for pre-'mduc-Unn examinations in Charlotte, ac cording to the Selective Service Board. Results of these tests ate ..n.M0d tn he received by the lo cal board the early part of next week. Jther ; ( ( Louder, Louder And Much Louder Volunteer firemen who have I he day off will need carmun.-. ." work is completed on the 8-fool tower atop the fire station m Waynesville. The siren is i olaced there so that the sound will carry a greater distance, present directly on top building. If is at of the The Waynesvllle concert band ar rived back home late Wednesday amid a noisy welcome, such as Is due conquering heroes. ' The 50- piecc hand retained their title rat ing of "superior" In the .group six the highest in the state as they played their way to victory Tues day afternoon in the annual band contest in Greensboro. The band shares honors with Lenoir, ana Greensboro. These are the only three bands in the state in the top bracket. The band, traveling in a Trail ways bus. were met beyond the Haywood line by Chief Ossie Sut ton and others, and at Clyde many more joined the .motorcade, and still manv others at Lake Juna luska. Awaiting the musicians' ar rival at the school was a large crowd. With (he sirens of highway pa- iml anrt noliie cars blowing, the band was led up Main Street, out through Hazelwood and to the school. The cheers of the students almost drowned the sirens, and the steady blowing of the scores of accompanying horns. As the band arrived at the band building! a group of students grab bed Hobert Campbell, assistant di reetor. and carried him about on their shoulders. Girls rushod into the arms of friends and relatives, and mixed emotions prevailed Charles Isley, director, remained in Greensboro with the chorus, lo par ticipate in the state concert today. This is a non-competitive event. The band won the same title last year, and in spite of the hard work, and long hours required to master the music designated for group six. j the students voted unanimously to ! remain in the highest group. Sheep raisers were given a green light as Hep. Oral I. Yates' state wide sheep bill became a law Wed-nesday- The law provides for county '.'commissioners to name a dog warden for (he purpose of catching stray dogs to protect fann ers in raising sheep and poultry. The bill was introduced early in the session and after passing the House hit a snag in the Senate Finance Committee, but Senator Mcdford appeared before the group and urged passage of the bill. Revaluation Bill Given House OK LEGISLATORS WORKING LONG IIOl'RS TO GKT THROUGH SKSSION Members of (he General Assem bly are putting In long hours in an effort to finish u' Saturday night. With a growing list of bills faring them, some feel it will be Tuesday before the Assemblymen gel home Roth Rep. Yates and Senator Medford this morning said it "looked doubtful'' about adjourn ing Saturday night. This morning Speaker Taylor gave the House members a break fast, and then announced he want ed to work straight through to live this afternoon. K I' I, I. L T I N I hi' House is due to pass the revaluation, and water' bills late today. The school district It'll Is also slated for a place on the Utilise calendar, and looks favor able for early passaue. I.cli Lilian Ijiii iiii:; I lie llav wond lm. ii (I of ( 'dimly (.'onimis sioners In order ;i tax' revaluation il pruperl v iii l c,ii'. has been in troduced in the General Assem bly. The hill was presented by Hep. Oral I. Yates. The i e alual ion. which would in clude real and personal properly, would 'be made as of January I. 1952, under, the measure. The com. missiohers would have authority to order, the revaluation or not, a they see fit. . Yates said the lull wa . introduc ed at Hie reiilesl of I lie board of (See lax Rill I'agr K) Haywood county will have a 3 man school board for the next two years. That decision was reached as the General Assembly Confer ence Committee reported late Wed nesday afternoon. The committee had the. task of deciding between bill introduced by Hep, Oral 1. Yales, In which he named two addi tional members to the board. When the bill reached the Senate, the two names were taken from the hill by Senator William Medford. As a means of settling the con troversy, the presiding officers of the two branches of the Assembly, named a commllee of five three from the House, and two from the Senate to study the proposals, and make a report. The report is llual. Hop. Yates told The Mountaineer this morning from Raleigh: "The absence of representation of a arge part of rural Haywood on I he Hoard of Education will set back education ten years It Is my belief, that It will be Impossi ble to get the proposed school bond Issue passed in an election because of the lack of adequate represen talion" Hep. Yales maintained that all high school districts should be rep resented on the board, and he named Cauley Rogers of Kllies Creek, and Jarvls H. Caldwell of Iron DufT as the two additional members. Elected last year wore I, etch Worley, Coleman K. Fran cis, and. J- W. Killlan, These three will serve for the next two year term. Senator Medford said he had nothing against the two men nam ed by Hep, Yates, but maintained that any additions to the board should bo by a county-wide vote ol the people. He proposed a live-man hoard to be elected at the next election. Last Saturday a bill was intro duced in the Assembly selling up five districts In the county, and one member of the board to come from j (unity each district, Hep. Yates said this ,.,..' morning he was author of (he bill (See Board Faxe 81 1 1 MATTHEW B. Gtn Douglai A. MacArthwrt RIDGWAY Principals ..in (he. world-wide military changes In the Far East. The announcement of changes came from the White House at one o'clock Wednesday morning, Haywood Citizens Have Different Opinions On MacArthur's Dismissal Insurance Plan Given Approval Cancer Drive Will Start Monday The annual Cancer Drive will open in Haywood county Monday morning and will continue until the end of Ihi' month. According to Mrs. Richard Scholl of Canton, county chairman, Haywood's quota is $2,Hot). The drive in the Waynesville area will be sponsored jointly by the Waynesvllle .layeees and the Secretaries Club with Robert ('. Hall and Miss Louise Gaddy as co chairmen. Committees named to assist chairmen are; John Carver. Hob Ferguson, and Paul Sutton from the Jaycees and Miss Rufina Height and Mrs. Kenneth Stahl from the Secretaries Club. Representatives of tbe Cominun ily Development program, the Hay wood County Hospital Hoard, and the Counly Commissioners agreed Monday nigh! to adopt a plan of group hospitalization Insurance which will rover the entire county. Another meeting is scheduled for next Monday, April Hi. at 7:.'I0 for all community ollleers and whatever other persons they may appoint to help them within their respective communities According lo the County Agent's oltiee. tliis is the first lime that an entire county lias had the oppor- lo get group hospital insur- Tho plan calls for a mini mum of 7ft per rent of those ollgi hie lo sign up lor insurance. In dividuals as well as whole families may he covered The Community Development In surance Committee, under the lead ership of Mrs. C. (). Newell, has had several plans under considera tion lm some months. At Mon la s meeting the group made a final derision and laid plans for lining up community members to handlf the insurance. A repre sentative of the underwriting im pany will be at the moot ing nexS Monday to go over the details with these community representatives. This group hospital and surgical insurance plan was designed pri marily for persons in rural areas. Since most are self-employed, they do not tall under the usual insur- ance company iin "ii "group working for fine employer " The plan calls for hospitalization and surgical insurance, as well as hospital lirst aid benefits, for both (See Insurance PaKe R) Haywood citizens, typical o those over the world, had a difter once of opinions in regards to the dismissal of General MacArthur by President Truman on Wednesday, The Mountaineer made a survey this morning, and the comments of seven citizens are as follows: W. A. Bradley.: "I think MacAr Ihur has done a wonderful job over (here and I think it Is unfor lunate that the differences couldn't be worked out without his remov al. I think Russia is going to get a lot of comfort from that change " CjA. J. H. Howell. Sr.; "1 think MacArthur was right. 1 don't see how a man can fight a war with lus hands lied. I think hi:, dismissal was appeasement to England, Franco, and India and I don't be lieve anything could have pleased Stalin better." Adm. W. N Thomas; "I have a very high regard for Gen. Mac Arthur but under our system, the commander-in-chief gives orders to I he services and every man in uniform should obey.'' Mrs. C. B. Atkinson: "As the mother of a son on the way to Korea, I feel that MacArthur's dis missal is a grave mistake. 1 think MacArthur's experience makes him more capable of handling the situ ation over there than a new gen eral I think we are badly In need of a president." B eaves-dam Schools Will Weed Almost Million For Meeting Survey Report Capl W. H. fee; "T am in favor of the president's action. It is the duly of every militarv man to obey his commander-in-chief. I am a very great admire- of Genera' MacArthur, however, and I think it is unfortunate that he should have placed himself In such a posi tion. "I consider it highly essential to open up a second front on the mainland of China, and In that re spect I agree with General Mac Arthur's views, but of course he (See MacArthur Page 8 Chamber Of Commerce To Seek New Industries Tomorrow Is Friday 13th M, A'pril 12 ThnrsHav P Uld COntlrforaVilir i , uu,j V"1S1 . r i colder Thursday night, phir and rather cold Fri- r"l WaVnon.ill. 4- ' feeorrtoa k.. . ... " ln wan ot me e Farm): Max. -58 .61 ,. 65 MIn. Rainfall 28 ... SI .03 29 "'" Got your rabbit's font handy? Or can you find one of those four leafed clovers you pressed las summer? Better get them both out. along with seven white hairs from a black cats iau kmo-hv Friday the thirteenth. Most people have pet supersti tions, so much a habit that they may not be aware of them at alb How many times have you crossed your fingers as you said something-trying to keep the devil from getting near enough to hear your wish? Can you let a load of hay go by without making a wish on it? (If you can. you're missing a good opportunity.) The black cat has been a symbol (See Friday 13th PRe ' Estimates are that between $700. 000 and one million dollars will i be needed to tarry out the build ing recommendations of a sta'e school survey committee for lieav crdam schools. The report was made at a meeting of civic leaders Wednesday night- A. J. Hutchins, superlnrenlent of Canton schools, said the esti mates were unofficial, but ba-ed on the same square footage cost as other Haywood projects sivcral weeks ago. The committee followed almost in detail, the rerommendat.ons of Mr. Hutchins of six weeks ago. The survey was made upon request of the county commissioners and county school board. A similar survey for the remainder of the county was completed som eweeks ago, and totaled slightly more than two millions, not including cost of Innrf or eouinment. In view of the I fact that $346,000 is allocated for Haywood school-,' official:; felt that) ing present space for dining room, mm would off-set cit of land andinnd providing kitchen and storage- The Hoard of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce approved pulling $1,000 at the disposal of a "new Indiislrv" committee,- for promotion work. The decision was made at the monthly meeting of the board of directors. 'the director' also approved a equipment.. The two units--County and ('an- ton- will cost approximately three millions, as per the recommenda tions of tbe state committee, and approved by the stale board, Plans are proceeding in Heaver dam for getting names on petitions asking for an election ori the pro posed bond issue- Jack Chapman has been named general ch iirman. The projects recommended are: as f"llow: High school Construction of music and arts building, designed foi band and choral work with storage space, dressing rooms and ofTice space: addition to present shop for woodworking and mcchan- spaee. Also a physical education plan ol furnishing each member building is urgently needed. with a framed certificate, and a Reynolds school A physical colorful emblem for the window of education building, storage space! each business firm, for lunchroom and aditional grad-l Th(, b.lr(1 authorized I he ban ing and grassing on athletic field. !(Ut,, ,., ,(k proceed with North Canton Renovations pans (lf s.11jlls, ,h(1 anHus, him. started this year should be con- ()Ufl, Tm u, ,,n H (,imp0sed of tinued. To complete the project :,. M,,v( (HU1, w Bradley, the entire front of the second story Wiiain s ,,.V a)( M () (-aUo should have three partitions taken out and three good classrooms! made of the four now too small; t' rolmet, president, named for standard classrooms. For the I a special committee of J. H. newer building replace present; Woody, Charles K. Rav, Wayne remodeled auditorium to give more: r"i Penmg and W. Curtis Puss to staae snare and seating capacity; : work out details of an industrial also new physical education build-j program in the near future. ing be constructed with ample space, dressing rooms and show- ical drawing departments Junior high school was listed ers . . ; o.a in th ine.it unit Reaverdam Physical ..-Qja .i.mni.1. r.!hiiilriins with dressing rooms and Charlotte Observer, at least two . r " n ii . s i ii t . v -. . . . . i , H 9 - . . . , , , conditioninj of the lunchroom us-' (See BeaverHam rage ) Carl Henry, chairman of adver' tising. reported several major pieces of promotion in publica education! tions, including two pages in The plans in the making. A. P. Led better said his sign committee would have new signs erected before long, as several places in the area, a.s well 'a? the approaches on the edge town. on of 'folders and booklets, and other Highway Record For 1951 In Haywood (To Date) Injured ... . 10 Killed 0 (This Information com piled from Records State Hifhway PatroL)