Cl Loi:v,ue Ky First j.:tite The TODAY'S SMILE The averate man now lives 39 years lower thaa he did in 1800. He has to in order to et hi Uxes yille M Of The News ! paid... Published Twico-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park - Epidemic Of !ning WAYNESV1LLE, N. C, MONDAY 'AFTERNOON, APRIL 16, 1951 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Countiet 66th YEAR NO. 31 14 PAGES Associated Press Waynes "TV AT m . M m . - OUNTAINEER g Fox" lurtnt nidtmic of "fishing pox . a W . n .rtult males. outasof April's warm- .War .' VeTOMS Continual cuui- Kto need !r "" , !,vilnn Patient has 1 pnssion. sometimes deaf Md kids, tiaa no ww ijiny Ulna. rirH"- - I tickle catalogues. Hangs Sports Goa aiuics ,kj1 Secret nigni U"C L fishing pals. Mumbles to l0 ' "JrvnnP.NO KNOWN 1 TREATMENT Medica- useless, Disease s inn should go fishing as often as L For Homesickness ..u nf homesick folks from vol count on The Mountain-v-n thpm in touch with all Liin( here. Mrs. George C of White Oak reports re- r ... c Dnk sn 4. IPTfPr I1UIII OUU i . . . il ls Williams, wnp are now v Norfolk, Va. Aitnougn bod nt unric and they are get- join fine, they never want io U community out of their I nnmlntf IW, Bfl ' . olive here again. And tney ,inv ppttine the Mountaineer taping up with the doings on Oak!" Hay wood's New Board Of Education Took Oath Here Today l.v. li Street Cow News Ire was nothing extraordinary the cow in a truck in ironi Court House Saturday morn nt a crowd of men surround all morning long. Turner Assistant County Agent, Iins it as "Cows are that popu nd that scarce along Main i Now if a pretty woman was klk past, you wouldn t see a turned." (The County Agent s wishes it made clear that hew, Mr Cathev exDresses are L. and do not necessarily re- !he opinions of anyone else in llitc.i V ? i N HP 1 r-r 7. . V .-X. '.vv .sNJC . a 4-jvy It WaynesvlUe, and J. Letch Wortey, Bethel. (Staff Photo). I Rural Areas Will 3 Soon Get Telephones . . .i.! -i it.. no u; hnnrH nt F.Hiiratinn were sworn into off ice by J. B. SiltM". left, ('Km k lnis scene took piaee inis iiioiuiiiB, siiuiiijr a "s . ... , . ,. of court. The boaard immediately went into executive session. Left to right: Mr. Slier. Cole, R. Huncis. Chde. J-mo. W Mllian Contract For Highway From Lake To Canton Slafprl For Leitinn 24th i . Killian Named Chairman; Committeemen Appointed Grocerymen To Hear Of OPS On Thursday Morning tine Salutes For 20 lutes As Flag lowered people who were disturbed f condition of the flag in front If Court House would have gratified by the respect shown was finauy brousht down. A he private identified as Pfc Pes W. West, home from liicoon a five-day leave, stood pmion the entire twenty mm that it took to get the flag As the flag came within deputy Carl Setzer and (ty asent officer John Carver H it carefully so that it V touched the ground. If rope guiding the flag broke I1 days ago, and the wind whip Hie flag around the top of the so that It could not be low Deputy Setzer, homself a vet of five years in the Army, de i that "somclhinu had to be !" and promptly did it. "We kept working and the wind blowine until tho faa unuld fm a little. Then we started -H again ' - -- new flag has been ordered to ! the damaged one. 'unty Members gislature Back; 1 Bills Passed North farnli- A v f y adjourned early Sunday Pn. and today, Haywood's two f""i. Senator Will gm Moil. 'nd RepresentativB Oral L. were h,.i, i. c up their personal business '"ey ett off last January ( j "...iU uuis ciearea me 'Wure lefore the final gavel Uen th l ,r) tm. ,ast week, became a law. r man with extending Way I e Water lines anrt mithnrtj. Two Hurt When Cars Collide At Lake Junaluska Two men received painful in juries, but not serious, about midnight Friday, when their cars collided on the Lake Junaluska As sembly grounds. The cars mot in a temporary fill over the road, and two ocupnnts f .one of the cars suffered facial cuts, 'and also cuts about the legs and knees. Cpl. Pritchard Smith, and Patrol man Joe Murrill, of the highway patrol investigated. David I'aiton, of Boiling Springs, was charged with failure to yield right-of-way. Parton and Hugh Wells, a passeng er, in ih Pm ton ear. were injured. James Henry Simmonds, of Haz elwood, was driver of the other ear. Both cars were damaged about $100 each, the patrolmen said. A contract will soon be let for hiuhwav construction on U.S. 19-23 between Wnynesville and Canton, arcordini! to a statement by the slat Iliirhwnv and Public Works f 'mmuisston. ' WsViiniJrorO ii for "grading and structures on 6.5G miles from a point . . approximate ly 3.5 miles northeast of Waynes ville east through Clyde to a point . . inside the city limits of Can ton." The new road will run on the smith side of 'he Southern Railway tracks from Canton through Clyde to Luke Junaluska. The persons through whose property the line is run are Mrs. r.n.aui ui Mrs. It. C Long, Fred Thompson, Thomas Tate heirs, M. O. Gallo way Claude Brown. Mrs Florence Jones. Mrs. J. T. Jones, Fred Tay lor W L, Messcr. John Stamey. John Similiters, Kd Green, Mrs. All retail troeerymen of the area are requested to meet at the court hoiiNe Thursday at ten o'clock, and consult with OPS officials on Regulation 16, rrl n..HnKmnnl umu man Aoday by Paul Davln, president 1 of the Merchants AsKOriation. An official of Charlotte will be here to explain the details of the regulation. Draft Board Still Without Student Cards The Selective Service Hoard an nounces that H has not yet re ceived nlTicia'1 informal ion from Raleigh on the distribution of cards to students eligible for the Selec tive Service College Qualification Test, IIALLETT WARN AT HOME James W. Killian was named chairman of the new board of edu cation, which look office here this morning. Mr. Killian succeeds U. T. Messer, as chairman. The board went Into executive session as soon as taking the oath of office from J. U. Slier, clerk of court. After electing Mr. Killian as chairman, the hoard heard a group fi-inii Cecil. 'and several individuals on routine matters. The board tf mGjd-ihop1, commit, leeinen for'thc six iehool district of the county. They explained Hint I Hie members 'had ' not been con tacted or notified of their uppoiut- ! incuts The commit loomon are as follows: W;ivnc.ville Claude N. Allen. (his Massie. Jim Noland. John Filigi-r and Mcdlonl l.eallierwood lietbel M V, Hialllletl, Walkel Brown. Hugh Terrell, .. -I Heece and Lenoir Moody. Work Underway At Saunook, Francis Cove; Fines Creek Project Near Approval Two rural telephone projects arc under actual construction, and third is In the engineer's office awaiting formal approval. The Mountaineer learned from J. Lov ell Smith, district manager of Southern Bell Telephone Company Workmen arc setting poles Ihrouth Saunook to the Kish Hat cherv. serving the territory along I t,n hk'liunv fiiim llaclwod to Balsam (Jan. Ahoul 100 telephone will he made available to that sec Hon, Mr. Smith said. Some lines will be two party, others four, aim even some eight party lines. "The big item right now is se curing some special cable to be In the Haielwood city limits on the line," Mr. Smith said. "As . soon as this cable arrives, we will i be able to push the project to an early completion." The same Munition exists as to the project In Francis t'ovc. The poles are on the ground, and crews arc to start work creeling them at once. The lines will run almost to the existing lines at ueinei, which arc served from the Canton office. "Here again we are faced with a shortage of cable," Mr. Smith said. "We committed ourselves to the people of Francis Cove last January we would have service by Mav of this year. To that end we arc doing everything possible loi meet the schedule. 1 The Fines Creek project, the' longed. JiahXaJ-ep of the state is, expected to. be approved any day. The telephone engineers have com pleted their Nurvey, the clll.ens signed contracts, and The Moun taineer was told today, right-of-ways secured for the lines. Mr. Smith said tin project call ed for running Hues all the way in Manic Snilnes. on the Max Patch road, which is about 25 miles from here "We look for the projeel to he approved soon, and work to get underway." he continued. New American Legion Heads 5 1 s. . VS v't'k i t t' VL! ' Robert II Hall post They It lia-i- been named commander of the the Amciieau Legion, and J. T. Russell, right, lie oil icv in May. i Staff Photo). Haywood adjutant. National Guard Complimented By Regiment Officer Col. Mastin II. l'arham, of Mor ganton ..commander of the 120th if....i., iiiiiitnwiit oaid an in formal visit to the local National Guard unit, Medium Tank Com pany. 120th Infantry, last Thurs day night. Col I'aibam complimented the unit on. the conduct of training ' ,.,,, i mI .inm ai aiue of t he Armory. t " '. The local company is cummand ed hv Cant. Samuel A. Carswell. The auihori.eil siienglh is Hill men. Willi :tl) v;Maueies prevailing at present. who has beer, at liowman the Cflmmi, ,.!,, - - -'iniia.Muntrrs w have eather Work Is Being Pushed On Town Water-Sewer Lines ii nrnrt ic uMl under way on uic " .. water and sewer lines a. mo. Smathers Street and nui"" Springs Road, according io ui-j- den Ferguson, t;ny "'"u.,. About 1500 feet ot sewer onus have been completed, with some 4500 more to go. . Another 1500 feet ot -s-m. water main has been put in. leav ing a balance of 200(1 lect. n will soon be started on a 6-tnch main on the other side oi im. street. If weather permits, the work should be finished within the next thirty days. m ....... MnKMnn A,so.J ... Hayne, Dave Man,, - liov McCracken, c a " i()Mlal in Winslon-Salem rim-ir Sioalhcrs uevoe rirm"?.! ,. , , ()S. ... r: I., liners ! returned to Ills bom. Mnlul liens, mis. . 1, ... 1 1 .... LZ',.v, iiinit ,'iuiiiri.' . Meicsa iiaynes, tin:"' "i iiinns hciw: Mrs. M. R. Ilipps es- tate, Ration estate, Itaymonu , I). If. Harkins, T. H Harkins, T. D. Bradley. Also. Charles Summey, E. E. Stockton, Charles Crisp, Dallas Webb, Elija McGee, O. V. Crisp, James Cathcy. Grover Moore. E. B. Watson and Mrs. C. T. Wells. Lake .luna- was reported to be much improved but will be con fined to his bed for several weeks. Clyde M L. Carter. Ho Hay lies. Larry Cagl B. B. Latimer and Robert Cor.ine. Ciabtree-lron Duff Fred No land .lim Best. Ilardv Caldwell. I Dennie Crawford and Joe Palmer. j Fines Creek Mark Ferguson, j Carl Green. Tmn Rogers, Joe Teague. ami Weaver Perkins Ml. Sterling J, M Caldwell, J. M. Roberts and Hardy Phillips. Fines Creek Featured In Second Section 'l'l. viv mum. nf he mtoikI I IM "in t'eV ' ' ' t : , lion arc devoted Io the piclorial ; t he calefies home and farm story of Fines j ' ' ' '' Creek This township, covering I ' "' more than one-sixth of the county,1 f'le m.mher has more than 1.200 people out the day Trout Fishing Varied On Sunday Many li.hrniieit braved the ley water, and hu;h winds on Sunday l ei'i in on Hie opening day of trout lishuig. Others cheeked the pie-dawn weather, and went back Io sleep, Stoi ies ot luck varied; some re- ,.,!,, I nli'iilv i) h-li. oi tiers saio American Legion Name Robert Hall New Commander officers for the coming year were elected at the last meeting of Hay wood Post No. 47, American Le gion. They are: Commander, Rob ert H. Hall; 1st Vice Commander, Lonnle Bishop; 2nd Vice Command, cr, Gilebrl Reeves; 3rd Vice Com mander. Donald Morrow; Adjutant. J. T. Russell; Ass'l. Adjutant, Char lie Lance; Finance Officer, J. B. Siler These men will serve as a nnrni- naltiu: committee for the remain ing officer to be elected. Mr. Hall succeeds Mtlas Fergu son, under whose chairmanship thu local post Increased its member ship to 22.V-the largest in its his- Al Ihc same meeting It was voted to change the date of mecHngs limn the second and fourth Wed nesdays of each month to the sec ond and fourth Mondajs. beginning I Mondnv, May 14 The first meet , ing of each month will be a busi ness session; I he second will he a ial function. of I. nr. blaming clerks had an ain tishei rin'ii through- Congressmen Studying Mineral Resources In WNC Jaycees To Start Square Dances The WaynesvlUe JayCee'ft are sponsoring a square danco at th" . WaynesvlUe Armory every Satur- ' dav niubl beginning at nine o'clock. I The JayCce's have been trying fin- inte some lime to start a ! scpiare dunce program in Waynes- ! ill.-. ' Music is to be furnished by i Ronev Fr mklin and his string band. Claimed By Death 8 7 i3Tv, .!'':'V"' iondav. ,u4y and mild; Tuesday part Ny and cool. Pfficial Wavnevm tpmnera- f a recorded by the staff of teTest Farmh Pit U. 13. 14 15 Max. -61 -46 61 ..71 Min. Ralnf all 39 .91 37 .... 40 .03 43 JMES W. REED. Sr., died here Sunday afternoon. Funeral serv ices will be held Tuesday after noon. ' lames W. Reed Dies Sunday After Illness James Wood Reed. Sr., 77, for mer president of the WaynesvlUe Furniture Company, died Sunday afternoon at the home of a son, James W. Reed, Jr.. following a long illness. .... tJ Funeral services win ne ncio the chapel of Crawford Funeral Home Tuesday at 3 p. m. with the Rev. Edgar Gonld, rector of Grace -..i ij,r.h nlTiciating. In- tcrnmcnt will be in Green Hill , Cemetery. - Serving a pallbearers wi" be t. G Rippeloe, Felix Stovall. John ny Johnson, R. L. Prevost, J. W. Killian and William Meatora . Son of the late Thomas and Mary Wood Reed of New York City. Mr. Kecd was born July 30. 1873. He . wotmosvllle In 1904 and CHlnc i" - iA ,ith thn Rank ot was coil'";-"5" Wavnesville. He later became president of the Waynesvi le Fur L:.. cmiunv. retlrine in 193. He was a 32nd degree Mason a u f thm Wavnesville Lodge .j had been a member oi ' t-inai rhnrrh here for 46 years. He was aiso Chi Phi Fraternity at Wofford Col lege, Spartanburg. S. C. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Ella Woolsey Reed :two sons, Col. Minthorne W. Reed and James W. Reed. Jr. all of WaynesvUle; a sister, Mrs. W. R. Crook of Spar tanburg. S. C; and two grandchil- idren. A t J m X T 4 v:. r ;J- ? IV - I, I ... . . I - x f "V; . I " ' i TJ I . m;; " i mmmmmmm ...... i I.. I l.k.ill tntnv rolavprl over tnp WeCK-ena Bl I Bethel Students Back I From Washington, D. C. Bethel School .students and I'eachcrs who visited Washington, I) C last week returned on Sat urday full of enthusiasm tor me trip Accompanied bv Mrs. Dlma hoeiilx and Mr June Pratt, lac- ullv mcmlx'is. thirty-five members of the Beta club and the Student Council made the trip. During their stay the group at tended a session of the House of Representatives and visited many of the Government building?. . ..... I i . 1... ... . hoorln In AshevUle lOQay. reiaxea oel uie Walter S. Barring, Nev. (Staff Photo). ' I.KAVI S Till RSDAY Li Jack Messer leaves! Thurs day to report to ll.iyonne, N. J , where he will be aboard an air craft carrier lie has spent the past ten days at home with his family. He was county superintendent of education at the time of being re- atled into MJi vice. Highway Record For 1951 In Haywood (To Date) Injured ... 12 Killed .... 0 Information com from Record Hithwiy PatroL) I (This piled SUte ' KBBLflBLaaBBaSBfflBBBQLMS I

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