flights The Waynesville Mountain TODAY'S SMILE "How do you like roinf U school, Roger?" kindly old lady asked the little bov. "Oh. I like going alt right, and I like coming bx-k. too. It's having to stay there I don't like." Of The News Jhibhshed Twice-A-Week In The County Scat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Turk Credit Business D- 66th YEAR NO 3i 1C Pir.rc l Tr . . . n r i ii.i.r., i. v-.. ir 1 r,lt.IHI.. riill. 'h I'm J.i till in Arfvanr-P In Hivwrwvl nnrt AzrVmn fnnntlar cigar, just EEjK warn - . ri a dpi ii H iiiiiit:. .Kg l oll"'? "7 . ! .km vou notice is a Lyon have a 'boy' cigar? L Palmer Is not exactly Cfr that box of cigars, lu nave " ynj had t wne Corpening f ,nc (r ju( this chance to fm the other foot." L Corpening baby was tar promptly charged a , of the nnpsl l" ,k (treat glee in passing Lnd with his compliments, i footing the Dm iur cigars of chocolates too roening thoughtfully pur md charged to Palmer. j Suckers Moody was displaying his hrnun trout to admiring L in the court house. Sev- kwiltasa gift, but Wade wiffhtface. and ten ior their suggestions. VyiI l. Yates picked up the y nrociaimva it uouv u urger than any turn ne to Raleigh during the past ioutlu. . ii with the exception of dv Representative?" said rnler. To this question, the id representative heartily RurayPhone Projeds To Cost $70,000 It, Is Apple Blossom Time In Haywood law Provides Ling the year for city elec- le question has come up as b the procedure in the to one runs for a given of pposihg no candidate files ruin office, what happens? answer is contained In the erning each office, which V office holder shall contin- bffice until his successor Is lalificd. event the office holder I want the job any longer, resign, and then have a suc- Jsppointed; : pf5 1 t - V 1 f . ,1 , "1" ,v al Giving pav morning the usual plea county to help pay a bill Rented to Chairman Charlie He listened intently; and bid he would duly present Is to the full board when It "ung woman seemed pleas- 1 the answer, and went' her it i , . . iotii ten minutes she was Just what is your name? imred. ... .f fi tld, she smiled with Id look on her face, and said: 1 easy to remember I won t it-now .don't you forget to money for me." fine standing nearby hear conversation, said: Francis she misunderstood lie thought you said your was banta Claus." Low Ditls 01 Uearly Hall Million Made On 4-Lane Lake To Canton Highway Jons Of "Thanks" ... . Pie with a mathematical Us been trying to figure how nines the telephone operat 5 number please" during of a year. I some operators having seen I 'hirty years nf .rvl.o hom r count makes a staggering far more than most people ""i io believe. iverage is between 2nn nnrt ; .H)ur-tor 40 hours a week .",OUO per week, 624,000 r year: and W 30 vonn unit's. same applies to "Thank king The Flock nfV. W. N. pd. nt t "jw np nhi t i "'he doings of his flock at ; eapnst Church. The -"'nay School class of the . m'ng him a subscrlp- iuuuniaineer Mr n, 'n preach! nn i m ' . "'stand th rrt b. rymornir:""1 b eK 6' ",8 near flowing their appreclatlon i ""ce mat "hit' wilt" nii iwumy paper." father Cjfcf trsdjy ADril 5 Th.iroH louay, warm, and windy ; ; wrtly cloudy and warm iiered showers. r waynesville tempera. recorded by the ataff of 'est Farm); . Max. 66 ., 69 ..75 Min, Rainfall .13 33 42 These two young ladies have more reason than one for being happy over the apple blossom season besides the beauty of the flowers, the sign of apple blooms means an income for their families both live on farms with large orchards. Miss Velda Arrington, left, is the daughter of Mrs. VV. H. Arringtoh, and have about 600 trees in their orchard. On the right is Miss Mary Kvelyn IMenuunns, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Hubert Plemmons, who have an orchard of over 100 trees, lluth yoiinu ladies are from Saunook section, are seniors in high school, and lend a helping hand during harvest time in gathering the fruit. (Staff I'hotot. Peak Apple Blooms Seen For Haywood This Week Low bids on the four-lane high way from LSKe junaiusKa w ine errf Ll!,r,.::;r:!::! Gets Service Pin by the State Highway Commission Tuesday for little under half mil-1 lion dollars. This does not include surfacing. I The project is an entirely new) line, staying on the .south side 1 1 the Southern Railway tracks fioni the Lake to Canton. Except to the two connection ends does the new; line .touch the present highway, i The distance is 6.56 miles, which is some less than the present route, i There are more' than a million yards of dirt to be moved in this broiect. and according to estimates of highway engineers, the work will take the better part of a year. The lowibid on the general con-; tract was made by iayior i on-i struction Company, of Asheville , for $335,905. . , T, F. Houser, also of Asheville,; submitted the low bid tor struct-j ures of $96,474. 'J d- Rrnthprc and sheets OI I uaic West Jefferson, had the low mn for removing buildings of '$59,500 As ennn as the bids are re-cnecK- ed, the formal awards will be made. and work is scheduled 10 b'" within 20 days from that time. ' ,4 . II -2 1 """" This weekend the mountain lops may he clear, hut their sunny slopes will seem covered with ai midwinter snow. Some 135,00(1 a p- pie trees are scheduled 1o be in ! full bloom, the petals of Iheir' million blossoms' reflecting the; sliimiiienng haze of the early spring sunlight. Tones will range from the rich rose of the buds to the off-while',, oi the falling blossoms, 'I'lit trees j in the vallcv will he a paler shade than their counterparts higher! on i the hillside. The. sun's warmth brought I hem to maturity sooner. Funeral For Br. Harry El Sullivan Set For Friday Dr. Harry Moseley Sullivan, 36. well-known Waynesville pharma cist, died at his home on the Au burn Road here at 12 05 a.m. today, following an illness of several months. Dr. Sullivan was the son of W. H. and Mrs. Nunie Moseley Sul livan of Anderson, S. C lie was a native or Williamslon, S, C, and a graduate of the School of Phar macy of the Medical College of South Carolina at Charleston. He came to Waynesville in 1938 and was associated with Smith's Drug Store until the fall of 1950. More recently he has been with Curtis Drug Store. He was a mem ber of the First Baptist Church and of the Itatieoiu llible Class of the church. He was also a member, of the Waynesville Lions Club ami was active in the National Retail Druggists Association and The North Carolina Pharmaceutical' As sociation. Funeral services will be held Friday morning at 11 o'clock in the First liaptist Church with the pastor .the Hev. I), K. Wall, olTlel ating. Active pallbearers will be- Carl Mundy, lien Phillips, Henry Davis, Karl Messer of Asheville, Lee Da vis, )r, Hubert Turner. Fuel Tay lor, and W. K. Purslcy of Charlotte.' Honorary pallbearers will be members of the Lions Club and the Haucoin Bible Class and Zcb Cur tis, Dr. Ralph Keenym, Dr, N. F. Lancaster. Dr. It. H ' Slri'ti tier. Di'. Doyd Owen. Dr. ,1, K. Fender. Dr. It. S. Itobcison, Dr. Thomas String field,' and Dr, II. (). Champion. Interment will be In Green Hill Cemetery. The body will be taken to Hie home today and will remain until (See Sullivan Pane H) Fishing Is Easy, If You Know How . V o 4 I ife 1 Singing Convention To He Held Sunday A sinning convent ion will be held ; lit the new Rocky Branch Haptisl i Church this Sunday night. A)iil 29, starting at 7:30 o'clock An in-' Wade Moody bellevts in oing alter the big ones when you fish for trout, Wade pulled Hi in 2.1-inch brown Iroul nut of Little Fast Fork. He fished in a 4-fool pool. iu;lii in trout nl his home. He used eiawfish lor bail, ami a cane pule lor equipment. Thfs fourth grader hooked the big lish. and Hu n called his latlier. Lenoir Moody, who was working' nearliy. Mr. Moody watched his only son briiig II' big II--. 1 1 salely to .shore, Mr. Moody predicts that Wade will get ,t bear this fall. Ho has been heal' hunting below, and this 'is his year lo shoot one, the fat lief of the budding sportsman explained. Wade comes by his fishing ra!iiralU , iH'cause his lather has a reputation for pulling in the big ones i SI .i II I'holoi, Fines Creek To Beceive Service In Next 90 Days Work Is scheduled to begin with in a few days on the rural tele, phone lines into Fines Creek town ship, llits will be the third rural project currently underway in the county, representing an expendi ture of about $70,000, according t J. Loveli Smith, district manager ol Southern Hell. Mr. Smith sounded another en couraglng note for the residents of Fines Creek, wlien he predicted they would have service within 90 days. He hinted that he saw a pos sibility of even earlier, but set tha maximum at IK) days. In the meantime, several crews are pushing lines into the Ralsam. Saunook, and Hyatt Creek areas, and In Francis Cove. The poles for Fines Creek are on the ground, he said, and under the t terms of the contract, the ritirens i ol Fines Creek have agreed lo clear ithe rlght-of-wav for Hie lines A i bout 75 telephones will be installed ! in the area. I Mr Smith said the longest line ! in this section would be the one ; trom here lo Maple Springs, a dn i tance ot about 25 miles. The cost l ol the Fines Creek protect lias been I set at $33,600. ! The Balsam-Hyatt Creek project is costing $211,400. and will add a bout 10(1 telephones to the present otlice. There are about 2U telephones to he added from the Frniu.ii. Cove, line, which Is rostlnn in er.esi of $6,000, according to Mr. .Smith, All Of the telepluui fof fh three projects will be served bv the Wavnesvllle oftice. and that same warmth robbed j Elation is extended lo all quartets them oi their early deep pink tint. Apple trees are like people some are in a rush to get ahead, some trail along far behind the procession; and most manage tit keep in step and arrive on lime. and ottier singers to take pail. This is the regular "fifth Sun day" meeting of the convention. II is scheduled only whenever there is a fifth Sunday in any month. Service Station Owners To Promote This Section Magazine Writer Tells Of Cataloochee Trip ! MISS IDA JEAN BROWN was i given a 30-year service pin at a ' special dinner for telephone em , ployces here Tuesday night, j (See other pictures and details i on page 5). ; Poll Books Open At Hazelwood books of the ratuinnehee Ranch is the sub ject of an article in tne Marco o r fhricttun s.eirni'p IIOII- J lit: , i m...... tor El babeth Yates, describing : tow n of Hazelwood will open Sat Ler experSces on a pack trip, urday for the merger election set highlights the importance of the for May 26th. Dude Ranch in the resort indus- All persons not properly regis try She points out that Tom Alex- ered on the town of Hazelwood ander pioneered this type of rec-; books will have from April 28th to reation for which there is still a May 12th to do so. The books are ereat field in the Great Smoky and I at tne Town Hall. Blue Ridge mountains. May 19th is challenge day. Prayer Offered By Clyde Pastor Before The House WASH I NGTON. ' A P The Rev. Dawyer D Gross of Clyde, delivered the opening prayer in the House Monday. The pastor of the First Baptist Church of Clyde prayed "for suc cess of air just and righteous, ef forts by leaders of the various na tions" and asked God "for the con tinued favor of grace upon the United Nations, upon the President. Congress, courts and agencies of this Government." ATTKNI) FI.IA .CONVENTION Fight students from the Clyde High School attended the conven tion of the North Carolina Associa tion of Future Homemakers ol America which was held in High Point on Saturday. The girls are 'the Misses Margaretta Way. Snni my K Haynes. .lore! fa Medioid. Janet Frances. Louise Collins, Anne Carter, June Spencer and Floy Latimer. HARRY ROBINSON ATTENDS JAVCEE MEETING Harry (Blue) Robinson, district vice president of the .laycees. at tended a meeting of North Caro lina .laycees in Albemarle Wednesday. 'Sunshine' Group Carrying Cheer To Many Shut-Ins Detour On No. 19-23 To Come Down About May 15 With favorable weather, the de tour signs east of Canton will come down about May 15th for High way 19-23, it was learned toddy from engineers in the highway of fice. The contractor plans to begin spreading rock on the new high- .i ...... ...nnt anH ahnut ten Wayear yne :: :. -7 ; ncomhe county days win oe itriuii.u this phase of the work, it was ex plained. . . , Julv or August. forth along the route. In wet weather all traffic is barred from going through. When the section is opened, traffic will travel over the new road from the foot of the Canton hill to a point near the overpass traf- To a person with a big heart, a small purse is no obstacle or at least not an insuperable one,. Mrs. O W, Shellon. the focal point from which the Sunshine Club radiates, is' a shining example. Formed for the benefit oi tuber cular patients at the Western Car olina Sanitarium at Black Moun tain, the Sunshine Club in Hay wood County numbers about three hundred members. Under Mrs. Shelton's leadership, they supply books, clothing, stamps, andmost important of all--a friendly inter est in the patients. "The doctors and nurses supply every medical Irs. Shclton The rock for tne joo i - frm near Woodrow. and me com- n".i- thn railroad From there He will follow the old road to thc d of the patient; line; The new) , jn. ,.anrj triPV don't have any bridge over the railroad near Turn-, time pft for tr,e in tie personal pike will not be completed ""M1 1 things." Mrs Work on this section of road be- Shelton knows entirely what she is talking about. She i away," Mrs. Shelton says. upon favorable weauo-r .". . , heavy fills had to made, and Some traffic is being let through ,1.. ...kinnf Tfl llt:i(lV. v.' now, DUl is suujc" J , equipment is workinj bar.; rock was struck at i sanitac jje ium. i in one "i iirein, know It, sne says oi ner pieseoi often a patient will talk more read ily to Mrs. Shelton than to a pro fessional worker, however kindly The social worker in one ward came to her for help with one young girl. She was well enough to learn some sort of handicraft: she seemed interested enough in what others were doingbut she flatly refused to take up any such occupation herself. Mrs. Shelton immediately went to see the girl. 'As long as they are using their hands, they are not worrying about themselves," She explains. The girl's trouble came out in a rush as soon as Mrs. Shelton stop ped by to see her. She would love to make toys, but she had no money to pav for her first sup plies. (Later supplies are paid for by the sale of previous work.) "Of course I gave her the money right as if about W. M. Burwoll Dies At 72 In Asheville Willis M, Burwell. 72. of Ashe ville, retired lumberman and sales man, died ill an Asheville hospi tal Tuesday morning. He had been in ill health for several years. Survivors include the widow, the former Miss Jo"ie Hyatt of Waynes i'f. one daughter, Mrs. Raymond (' Manshin of Asheville: three sis e; s. Miss Sara K. Burwell of llen-dei-soti. Mrs. Gertrude Smith ol Charlotte, and Miss Agatha Bur well nl Henderson: and two grand children. Funeral services were held Wed i.e-sday afternoon in Trimly Kpis eopal Church, Asheville. with Hie rector, the Rev. .I..W Tuloit olli cialing. Interment was in Lewis Memorial Cemetery. Burwoll lived in Henderson and Boone prior to moving to Asheville five years ago.. He was a member 'of Trimly Church, Service stal ion operator.. "ambassadors of good, will" I visitors, in I be roinimiliily. carry (ml plans of "giving will be to the is they liberal assistance to (be Chamber of Com merce program. The operators at a dinner meeting bm-e Tuesday night, adopted a pi ograin of iii-1 riliul nig promotional material., and informa tion, and ii-in the facilities of the organization. The meeting, with about 30 pres ent, u.i , inaugurated by the board ol diii cloi , will, Clayton C. Walk er a director, in charge. 'At' the nieclmg. Dave Felinel, president, outlined Hi,, objectives of the Chamber of Commerce, and t he several wavs in winch service sta tion operaloi , could participate. A general discussion was held regarding phases of the in ograin such a- distribution of local maps, lilcialiirc and informa tion relative to Ibe communi'y-at-l.uge ( ,u I Henry , ehaii man o Hie ad vii Using i oin :i, it I e ,-. explained some nl Hie pi omoiinnal pieces of literature wliicli will .nun be avail able I or ill -ri i linl ion. A picture nl fin group appears on pasjc one cf the uond section if tins is-.uc. . . $316 Paid In Fines To Mayor's Court Here On Monday The Mayor's Court on Monday did a land office business, handling f hit 1 y cases with a total of $286 in costs and $30 more in fines Six of the men arrested early Sundav morning for -'.gambling paid $40 court costs each; the two owners of the house in which the gambling look place were lined $25 each. Twenty -two of public drunkenness all occurring on Sat urday and Sunday came before the court; Fifteen paid ro.itB of $13 50 each; three more were sen tenced to thirty days on the roads; one received thirty-two day ' in jail: and the continued. . other titiee cases were Chorus Will Give Concert At Baptist Church The concert chorus of the Way nesville Township. .High School, under Hie - direction - of Charlevi Isley. will present, a program of sacred music at the First Baptist Church, Sunday night at 8 o'clock. This will be a union service of the Presbyterian. Methodist, and Baptist churches and is the third concert of Its kind presented by the i horus The other concerts have been at the Presbyterian and Meth odist Churches. MISS BALLARD RECOVERING FROM FALL Miss Louise Ballard, who receiv ed cuts about the face in a fall at her home at Lake .lunahiska ,th? first of the week, I:, reported set ting along fine. 35 Men Get Call To Duty; To Leave May 9th and places- contacts with the Patients, Very there could be no question it. Money js considerable of a prob (See Sunshine Paire fi) '1 he Selective Service Board to day released the names (if 35 Hay wood men who will leave lor in due! ion on Wednesday. Mav 9. at 7:30 a. m. At the same time the Board announced that there will be tjo call lor men to leave during Mav for pre-induction examina tions. The inductees are: Donald Albert Grooms. Horace David Edwards. Samuel Marcus Seiner. Harold Ed ward Jones. Paul Edwin Franklin. Carol Keith Underwood. Lyfiden Andrew McCracken. Robert Fran cis Davis Medtord Pwce Charles Fe'T.. MeElrath.- Homer Lee Dun can Fiank G.ih Davis, William Max Wright, Also. Rav Hannah Carl Chester .Jones .lames Herman Farmer, .lames tt.ivnc l.yle, Hubert Wendell Davis. Mayriard Edward Moody, Edward K. Dver. Charles Taylor McDonald .tames y Haney, Hom er Jackson Kellev, Franklin Delano Preslev. Charles Cook, William Guv Burnetie, James Bobby Plem niors iiillv Messpr Also. Gerald Brookshire Wilson. Jack Edwards Sutton, Eugene Limho Donald Lloyd Carver, Amos Chester Worlev, Dennis Ray Hflrrel! frank F.d'vtn Hannah. Highway Record For 1951 In Haywood (To Date) Injured .... 19 Killed .... 0 (This information com piled from Btcorda o Stat Highway Patrol)

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