STANDARD PTG CO LOUISVILLE kV delights Of The News ; Larger Fish , iei,ks ag, The Moun- yshed picture o ,iv,te lake of Kepresen- Lht the eye Of C A. 'at iarpon Mr. Woody was Inch king fish-for size ,M winter, me ueorge Ii every woru ; in me .. '.with the paper, I lo live in the mountains winter sunsnme ai uie said Chrest. Ian Sign 4U. Uxnnfihl ,tee counterpart ot we Ihjve got t.ann nuiw hair. uager of the Cherokee ntn These Hills", is posi- LNunnehi are responsible ior that is making tne Western North Carolina. 1M is: an seats are aoia i entire season perform- l These Hills.' L haven't even opened ticket office " white L have had a nice various performances it the summer, but a sell ko! No! .'A thousand times Nunnehi. The Cherokee inc their drums under the lading all sorts of wild for the fun of seeing we fcjirm. to Cherokee legend, lehi live under ground, tv have town houses and normal way of life. They night when It begins to and beat their drums and make all kinds of Ti Wa- ESY J. Mountain 66th YEAR NO. 36 16 PAGES bed Twicc-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park L : i c !- - - . : : : TODAY'S SMILE He: "I love you terribly She; "Vo certainly do:" Associated Press L ime Regained liovcmber Woodrow Lee hunting trip, He wore a wristwatch, and during the band broke, and the off his wrist, sod the timepeace when led home. He not to thlnk- il was he looked at his last time he remember- the spot. did not get Wtoafortha rip to the forest until five, monhs later, plus lots and ice. He went to the after pushing around the fund his watch. , tad it up, wound it, "Ani icace started ticking away. was doing when dropped I1I1S agO. . ;- . If works for Pet Dairv. enjoying Mis: watch new, and strong las a fink And White Wood timp in Wavwond V 'he pink and white 'var. fr'ng to outdo themselves fonors. the most attractive spots jnue variety is the Bon-A- cemetery, in Highway No u oacK of Dr. I. B. Funke, Il'lw00fl-Wavnocm- lino s Mve tic alii, t .10 of the mnat nrnlifl fming trees are the ones jams Of MlSs T.nU Warrnlrf t.n.. withers. g Along the Facts f'on there is a travel club, I.UJU memhoro Tho UU htr i , CAUCrtEIlL'Cg VI f0Ut thp rmnntm. n , .1 4. ,. vM,,VtjF( i,u will- 1 1 unamgs in a booklet. all the good Dlacea to "wr-night, and such Ihich Over S1L000 Saved On Mealing Job At Oospiial County Commissioners Negotiate Saving On New Low Bid For Project The county commissioners were elated this morning over the sav ing of $11,783 on the heating con tract on the expansion of th Hos pital. Due to technical complications arising from the original heating bids on April 17th, the commis sioners asked for new bids to be Lests for ticket reserva- kpened May first, i nc iuw uiu un pru i i was $68,699. The low bid in the last opening was $56,886, and was sub- telling me about them. Heating of waynesville and Rogers time of year when they ( Plumbing and Heating of Ashevillc, a joint bid. This additional saving on the job hrines the total of about $90,000 under estimated cost for the $760,- uuu unit or the Hospital, which win give an additional 49 beds to the institution. The low bids are being checked by the State and Federal medical groups, which are paying for 70 per cent of the cost of the project, These agencies have until May 17th to approve the bids, and then the contractors have ten days in w hich to begin their work. The low bid for the general con tract was made by McDevitt & Street, of Charlotte. "We are very happy over the saving of more than $11,000," Charles C. Francis, chairman said today. "We feet that we are get ting a good price on the entire project, and look forward to seeing work begin in the near future,'. Insurance Topic Of flewly Organized Maggie Comm. EVELYN SILER Mountaineer Reporter Members of the recently organ ized Maggie Community Develop ment Program met on Monday to hear of the group hospitalization plan now available to community residents. Dr. R. Suart Roberson explained in detail the special group hospital ization and surgical insurance tor members of the County Develop ment Program. Pamphlets were Hisirlhntoff and membership cards left to be filled in by those signing up for the insurance. As the community has so recent ly been organized, residents were urged to work extra hard in ac quiring membership so that: they may benefit as members of the first Insurance solicitation. The next meeting of the Com munity is set for May 23 at 8 p.m. when John Harris, Landscape Arch itect from State College is sched uled to be present. He will discuss home ground beautilication and will show films on the topic. Assistant County Agent Grover Dobbins was in charge of the meet ing, Which was held at me maBB.-- School. WAYNESVILLE, N, C. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 3, 1951 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Countia Road East Of Canton Getting A Layer Of Crushed Stone , f M i I 11 - V ' '...iTi " . . , ' "J ? X : J " i , ; ' , I ....... Board Re-Names Mrs. Jones Superintendent Of Haywood Schools , I m it r i 4 Work of putting down crushed stone on the new section of Highway No. 19-23 cast of Canton weeks it was said. This picture was made looking towards the font of the Canton hill. Just m... . 1 1 U J . ..J ... i ... rt. . . . jamuuu iiisui;, 1110 ioau lias ut'fll S.U aisnu'lH'U, 11Q wtUl'IU'll h;is bt'gtin. In tlie riKht Th e contiat'tois liopo to let trallii' thiounh Tin' Jul) will take several of tins pietuie is the higli the new road by May ISth. iSlall Phutoi. Patrolmen Warn About Defective Vehicles In the very near future, High way patrolmen here will set up a checking station, on a "busy high way ' and cheek every vehicle, plus driver's license,. tr'Mte patrttfteen are g"irte after "gutted" mufflers, as well as faul ty brakes, lights, and windshield wipers. "There are too many vehicles, with gutted mufflers on thorn, and we plan lo make a rigid check at an earlv date," Cpl Pritchard Smith said. Motorists found with such muf flers are subject to a fine of $10 to $50. plus costs, Cpl. Smith said. "Owners of vehicles with this type muffler, faulty lights or brakes would do well to get the correction made at once, because no excuses will be tolerated when tho inspec tion station is sot up in the near future," he continued. Half-Way Mark Is Reached In Cancer Drive Reports show only about half of I mo vvaynesvuie quoia oi $owu nus boon raised in the current drive for funds for the Crusade Against Cancer. .According to Miss Louise daddy and Bob Hall, co-chairmen for this area, the drive will continue un til th- quota is reached-, Solicita tion will be carried on in the busi ness districts and the theatres for the remainder of this week and longer, if necessary. The drive is being sponsored by the Waynesville Jayvcos and the Secretaries Club Contributions may bo mailed lo Cancer, Box 50!). Waynesville. Governor Of Georqia To Attend Ramp Convention Trucks Will Be Checked for Loads Truckers are warned todav that checking would begin in Haywood about 15th for overloaded trucks. The highway - patrol will do the rebooking. Members of the patrol assisted In making a check in Jackson tins week, and found three violators -one paid a total of $243.25 fonliav ing an overload. The now load limits as paod liv the 11151 Legislature impose si 1 1 1 fiOnaliles for vehicles found mure load than the license for. IB Mb Willi calls I Hiimort Tolmidg are essential to satis- ravel f the mnmhono years F The week, were in and told ago a member had I flU Mr. Unitca PC therp Ku. r tu- ption. b Pbcp tho n.,k. TmnA to their aesniatM Thc whole deal is non- '". Unrt Hnn- At--,., r -- i. vjuntj cuiueiy ior and convenience of the 'fit: ither May.- VFW Will Meet Friday Night The Haywood Memorial Post of the VFW will meet at the Court House Friday evening at eight o'clock, according to an announce ment made today by Al Marshall, commander. . ... , Cole Cogburn. state senior vice commander, will be the speaker, following the election of officers. Sammy Powell 13, Sustains Fractured Neck In Wreck Sammy Powell, 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J N. Powell, of Canton, is undergoing plastic sur gery at the Angel Hospital in Franklin, following serious injur ies received April 15th in an auto mobile accident near Highlands, Young Powell has u fractured neck. He recerived severe head, and fac ial wounds, including the loss of most of his teeth. He was riding with his brothers, Hugh 16, Pat, 10, and Bobby Moore, who was'driving. Hugh and Bobby are members of the Canton high football team. The car was demolished. Maggie Citizens Organize C.D.P. Latest area to organize under the Community 'Development Pro- grain is Maggie, Great interest in the -benefits of the program was shown at the organization meeting. Officers elected are: chairman, Frank MehafTey; vice chairman. Hulan Gibson; secretary. Thelma Rich; treasurer. Bert -Walgreen;- and reporter, Evelyn Silcr. Mrs. E. C. Apperton of Mac Minnvillc. Ore, will arrive tomor row to spend several days with her niece Mrs. Nora Swift Atkins, and her nephew, W. F. Swift. Mrs. Ap perton, the former Miss Alvas Norwood ,is a native of Waynesville. Tourist Group Compiling List Accommodations All Haywood county tourist op erators wore today reminded that Saturday, May 5, is the deadline for having their places listed on the 1951 Accommodations Listing. Mrs Sam Queen, president of the Haywood County Tourist Associa tion, urged that applications and duos be sent to .1 C. Scay. treas urer, Route 2, Waynesville. no later than' Saturday. The listing is scheduled to go to press on Mon day morning- If Sunday. May 13th. is a fair day, at least 10.000 persons will jam the Black Camp area for the 22nd annual Hump Convention, ac cording to J. N. I'owull, president ol the organization. "We had rain on the llrst, and 21st anniversary, so we arc expect ing a perfect day this year," tie said. Even w 1 1 h a steady rain all dav last Ma y, more than 4,000 attended the event. Governor Her man Talmago, of l Georgia, is expected to attend this ivear. lie will share the platform wilb North Carolina s Secretary ol : f (,.,, highway -putrid, and police do- Slate Thad Euro, who is the annual partinoiils. speaker lor the occasion. All the parking lot between tin ! Others who have signified their court House and LcKaine Mote! : intentions of attending include : u m jj,. mailable for the public. George Ross, prominent Raleigh attorney, and Charles Parker, head i of the Slate News Bureau. ! Interest In the 'event indicates : thai people from four or five near by slates will attend, according to i Clarence C. Medford. secretary. The five charter members' are I President' Powell., prominent Can- Ion lumberman; Floyd Woody, ! mayor of Canton; Claude Williams, I liinnor member of the board of 'elections, Dewey Snl t on. farmer, and Bill Pawner, merchant. Hundreds of bushels of ramps will be gathered, and on band Tor the festivities, plus black collee, scrambled eggs, and hot corn bread. Two Changes Made In Membership Of Township Committees By Board Mrs. Lucy Jones was re-elected county superintendent of educa tion of Haywood for a two-year term by the board of education lure Tuesday. Mrs. Jones succeeded Jack Mes- sor, who re-entered the Navy nn February first. Mrs. Jones' cur rent term was to June 30th. find the election of the two-year term Tuesday extends her term of office to June 30, 1953. The hoard made two changes on township committees at their meet ing Tuesday. Whltener Provost was named to take the place of C. N. Allen on the Waynesville commit tee. Mr. Allen has served for 12 years, and asked the board to re- ! hove him of further duties Tom Rogers, of Finos Creek, also i asked to bo relieved as a member of that committee, and the board I named Paul Ferguson as his sue- Wolf Laurel lo Black Camp Gap. j cessor. The construction is being done I "H"'h Mr. Allen and Mr. Rogers bv Nello Terr Construction Com-1 have served long and well on their i..,nv ,,r iimh:,,,, u-iiii.i l. ('..! respect ive commit toes," J . W . Kil- rit-khnfl, superintendent Thi' Parkway project from Black Camp Gap lo lleintonga is being built by Hie Gallinburg Construc tion Company.' A road block will be erected al Soeo (iap on the Parkway on May 13th, in order that no travel What ever will use the graded roadway. Parkway To Be Closed While Rock Is Spread The .section of the Blue Itidgi Parkway trom Soon Gap to Black Camp Gap will be closed to all vehicles on May 13, it was an nounced todav, in a joint statement from the contractor and engineers of the U. S Bureau of Public Roads Work ol pulling down stone Is underway, and this will ro(iiire I about eight weeks, and no travel I will be permuted by public ve hicles, it was said. Three layers of stone will be put on the graded road, w hich is 4 li miles in leiiclli The road from ! Soeo G.:p to Woll Laurel is 12 I miles, w hile it is 3 4 miles trom on May 3 Tlmrerlav 'Olldv cn,ll J . . ' I t'rnn , t am rnr pi'Sht showers and thun- f". not anl U. 1J . uuiiuu. rnuay rnKe in r - m, -aLaynesvil,e tempera ,ecorded by the State Test Max. 77 78 79 Min. Rainfall 51 .01 52 .21 50 Fieeiha Distillers Drop Hat, As Officers Arrive Capt. Ward Has 93rd Birthday daDt. A E. Tobacco Meetings Set For Wednesday An entire dav of meetings tobacco planting was announced today by Wayne Corponing, County Agent. On Wednesday, May 9, R. It, Bennett, tobarro specialist, will give demonstrations of the reac tions of several types of chemicals and fertilizers on plant beds. Wednesday's schedule is as fol lows; 9 a m. Jim Best, Upper Crab tree; 10' a.m. T. C, Davis, Iron Duff: 11 a.m. D. J. Boyd, Jona than Crook; 1 p.m. Test Farm, Waynesville. 3 p.m. George Sta nley, pigeon; and 4:30 p.m. Fred Hominy. Somewhere, hereabouts, there is a distiller minus a hat. Officers in searching for a still in the "Wildcat" section of the rotintv. found a place where a still Ward observed his! had been hurriedly pulled up, m iann. v"r- ,irjcaa atifact, at a distance mey saw men 93rd birthday here. Wednesday at ..m m and Mrs J R. Mor- mountainside. gan. - , . l- kAlruiH hmlri the . J .. I Of captain as " :'Ktu " - , rne Deer was aesiioyeu. wimcj railroad from Via ron io j tne hat and condenser were Drougni , Hooper Aiexanaer, in. son oi i n t ft ina ennrm k unit r. - . nu mi"- . Just whose name was in the hat Jr.. of Waynesville. was one-of 22 1 was not given out by officers. (students at Davidson College re-, tv,o nirinar. mniiini) ths raid ! ppntlv tanned for membership in) Flag Sale Set For Saturday The annual sale ol Conlederale Hags will bo oondiiclcd b inem hers - of the llaywo Chapter. I L'nited Daughters of the Conleiler- i acy. Saturday, May 5. Mrs. N. W. Garrett is serving as chairman for the evenl. 75 Club Women Attend Cake Demonstration Seventy-live home deition-trat ion club members attended the Cake j Baking .Demonstration given y i Miss Virginia Wilson, foods and ! nutrition specialist from State Col lege, at the Home Demonstration Kitchen Wednesday afternoon. Following the demonstration Miss Wilson distributed booklets of recipes. Additional conies ol the recipes may be obtained Iiomi the Home Agent's ollice. Pvt. Ptobert W. Enslcy NoVv At Fort Knox, Ky. Pvt. Robert W. Enslcy. of Balsam, is now with the 7lh Company, stu dent regiment, the Armored School at Fort Knox, Ky Pvt. Ensloy entered the service on January 3rd. and received his oa.SiC M.nniOK in run ii""u, ivi,.., , ... ., . where ho was attached to the 322nd ! par.ment. are uwu Tank unit. He was transferred l-named ch,p will consume the Camp Polk.- La., and recently (o : greatest time on tho doeke Fort Km... where he will be .ini. Only three cases are docketed school for 13 weeks. j .,r .Tuesday 1 hey are Plans are to return lo his com-lKogtrs Electric; Turpi n w panv upon completion of this, thews, ot ux ct al.; and Davis, special training. Artjur- vs Caldwell. Admr. The 1 . .:..i ...,-,. i, u- " Davis-Ca dwell case is the first now 1......J ninn n iiiu.r f 'om-i one on the docket eiolJiovru el j,m""i. 1 . . . . it above naving oeen conunueu uum Court House Lot Fixed For Parking The parking lot al tho court house was remarked by the police department tliis week The white linos are for the, public, and the yellow lines for official vehicles. No parking will bo permitted in the rear of the court bouse except i.-M-s Ih'Ioiil'Iiil' lo the sheriff's of-, chaiiman, said. "Both lelt thev had served long enough, and asked to be relieved of their duties. Both have contributed much to the school work. The board fdt that their wishes should be grant ed," the chairman continued. Mrs. Jones served as county supervisor for two years prior to being named county superinten dent. She has been in school work in Haywood for 24 years, most of the time spent as a member ot the high school faculty. The office has jurisdiction over 200 teachers, about 6,500 students, nod M hllKCS. j Other members of the school t board are C. K. Francis and J. L. ! Worloy. Hazelwood Poll Books At Office The registrar for the merger election bi he held in Hazelwood will be a I the city hall from nine until sis S.-iliuday for Hie purpose of registering iialilicd voters. The election has been set for May 2ilh Carrol Whitner is registrar, and official have giwn notice that only persons registered in the Town of Hazelwood poll books will be eligi ble to vole on May 2(ith. Grade-C Milk I Route Started In Pigeon A Grade-C milk route has been i started in tho entire Pigeon area. Milk is being 'picked up this work on Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur jdav, and beginning May 7 the milk i will he picked up every morning. Mrs, Alice Sellers wil bo hauling I be milk, and people in the area with milk to sell may got in touch with Mrs. Sellers. Her telephone ; number is 5087, and her address i.; ' Houlo 2. Canton. ! The milk is selling for $3 10 per I hundred for 4' ;. buttorfat milk, 'with an additional 5c per poinl ol ' bulterfal test above '. This milk is being purchased bv the Coble Dairy Products Company ol Mur -phy, and is Used for manufacturing purposes. Civil Term Of Court To Convene Here Monday Hooper Alexander Is Four barrels of beer, the con- Tanned t OT acabbard .... denser, and a hat of one of the men ! , . quired the title ,;ft benind rAnd Blade Fraternity oart of the Mur viae i - j , , phy Branch, and the road into Tennessee. nH his wife, the late Mary The May term of Superior Court opens oil Monday. May 7, with five cases on the calendar for the first day. lion. J. A. Rousseau will he the judge presiding. On Monday the cases scheduled are Sawyer vs. Southern Railway. McElroy vs. Shuler. Edwards vs. Haywood Co. Bank, Parker vs. Cat very Fire Ins., and Davey Tree Ex lui, Ci vs N. C. Highway De- pany. County Orchardmen To Meet Monday A special meeting of all orchard men in Haywood County has been announced by R. H. Boone, presi dent of the Smoky Mountain Apple Growers Association. The meeting is called for Monday, May 7i at 8 o'clock at the Court House in Waynesville. MRS. LANE IS HOSPITAL Mrs. Raymond Lane of Lake Jun- . - - . ... . 1 , i n itolra la U nTlfni It I n I l,V previous terms of Court Five more cases are set for Wednesday. They are Allison vs. i Boyd i two--canes), Mosser vs. Boyd, i Carver vs. Crane, and Russell vs. Caldwell. i Thursday completes the regular j schedule of eases, with five to be t hoard. Thoy are Tilley vs. Tilley; Queen vs. Haywood County; Sur jretl.' vs.' Ferguson, et al.; Hall vs. , Hall; and Ingram vs, Hyatt, On the Motion docket is Henry vs. A. C. Lawrence Leather Co. Uncontested divorce Cases will be tried at the convenience of the Court. The jury list has been drawn ioi' the May term of sivil Court, which convenes on May 7 for two weeks. Judge . A Rousseau will preside. Named lor the first week are Mrs. Margaret Elder, Waynesville; Henry T. Michal, Beaverdam; J. C fiu i -1 1 . Beaverdam; Ellen Surrett, Pigeon, Clyde Parris, Beaverdam; John Earl Smut hers, Beaverdam; Billv McElroy, Fines Creek; Harri- son Reece, Fast Fork: Craig Camp 'bell', Beaverdam; Hugh C. Keener, j Beaverdam; V irgo McClure, Way jneMviile; Carroll Meadows, Jona than Creek; Woodrow Williams, i Beaverdam: - Mr.- - Lloyd Revis, Beaverdam; W. .S. Burnett, Beaver- dam: Jack Mosser. Crabtrce; T. K. : Harkins. Beaverdam; Lem Leopard, Waynesville; R. W. Stuart, Beaver- .1...... IVTt it' I k'irlH D Ti all others listed, ,. n.,,4.,,. ,u Clyde. Grover Francis, Waynesville; i Thomas Babb, Waynesville. j Selected for the second Week are j James R. Hyatt, Jr., Beaverdam; i Richard Trull, Waynesville;- Grov er T. Mauncy, Beaverdam: Marion Queen. Pigeon; Zimery Caldwell, Waynesville; E. AV, VVhite, Iron Duff; George 11. Jones, Clyde; E. J. Lilius, Waynesville; Henry N. Mathews, Beaverdam; Frank Hen son. Beaverdam; Norwood Brown, Waynesville: A. E." Reynolds, Pig eon: J. B. Hill. Beaverdam; Jack Kirkpatrick. Fines Creek; Lloyd C. Reno. Beaverdam; Fred Coward," Waynesville; Robert Whitener, Waynesville; J. J. Ivester, Beaverdam. Insurance Man Tops Waynesville District R A. Pannell has won lop lionm -, in the Waynesville district of Hie Pilot Life Insurance Company for the past year. The district envois four states and a prize is awarded the agent selling the most insuianto In the area Mr. and Mrs. Pannell left Wed nesday for a week In New Oilcan., with all expenses paid. On then arrival in New Orleans, the t'an nclls will receive an additional a ward of a set of matched luggage. The gift will be presented by O. F. Stafford, president of the company. Mr. and Mrs. Pannell came to Waynesville from Franklin U" years ago. when Mr Pannell he came Pilot Life aient for the area. Highway Record For 1951 In Haywood (To Date) Injured.... 19 Killed 0 (This information com piled from Records State Highway Patrol.) I

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