. Afternoon, May 7, 1951 PAGE I OF INTEREST TO WOMEN activities CLUBS Office Phone 700 MRS. BEN SLOAN. Editor - Home Phone 462-J MT Armory Arc KvnrrttAJ District HDG Meeting thodist hour will be held dur- a 30 a. m. ' n 400 Honie ueiiuM"" ;,andHayvmKlCoun- ! District No. 2 of the utration liuu Churcn nere iu- and the ,pm will open at 10:30 c Higdon of Sylva, dist ' ...in nresidp and fcannon of Canton will eSecrctar. i try. ' ' ui speaker will be Mrs. I of Laurel Springs. western district aeie n..tin(j of Associated Women held in Denmark. i .J U Vfice XTnll western district home C Munch of Beaverdam he in charge of music i,v and will present a pro- orcan nuiuuns wuuc 6 C-llt,. Hugh K. Terrell Jr. Mr Wh K. Terrell of Bethel will Ci group singing. The address of w 'cnm uiii v.., made by Mrs. Carl Ratcliffe of the Waynesville Homemakers Club and greetings will also be brought bv Charlie Francis, rhai Haywood County Board of Com missioners; Mrs. Noah Swafford of Canton, district president of the Federation of Women's riiih-. Wayne Corpening, Haywood County larm ageni. Mrs. C. O. Newell of the Crab-tree-Iron Duff Club will conduct the morning devotional and Mrs. Paul Hyatt, president of the Hav wood County Council, will intro duce the special guests. Luncheon will be served by women of the Methodist Church and the Rev. J. E. Yountz. pastor, will give the invocation. Special music during the luncheon hour will be by the Balsam 4-H group. The afternoon session w ill be de voted to county reports of achieve, ments which will be given in the form of a skit, "It Will All Come Mrs. Barber Will Be Hostess For DAR Meeting Mrs. R. N. Barber, -Sr.. will be hostess tor-the. May meeting of the Dorcas Bell Love". Chapter. Daugh ters of the American Revolution, Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, in her home on Love Lane. Several members of the Hender sonville chapter will be guests at the meeting. Llt.M Cls.tr.tA apd Ut'lllUUIIK, www I 1 1 - . I ml ... ..... . . 'Mrs. John Kirkpatrick of ui in ine wasn. Mrs Kalph Hyder Mountain ana Bradley of Macon County will serve AlUHE MllOHtSSjKy JEST Girl Scouts Will Have Camp Junaluska For Week as narrator. A report of the Nation al meeting in Biloxi, Mississippi will be made by Mrs. J. S. Grav of Macon County. A special feature of the meeting will be a handicraft exhibit from the four counties In the district which include Macon. Jackson Swain, and Haywood. The exhibit will be in the Sunday School de partment of the Church. Committees for the day are com posed of the following members of the hostess clubs: Registration, Mrs. L. J. Cannon, chairman, Mrs. Horace Crawford. Mrs. James D. MeClure, Mrs. Cromer Crisp, Mrs. C. L. White. Mrs. Ceph Clark, Mrs. P. C. Mann, Mrs. C M. Rogers, Mrs. George Edgerton. Mrs. Arthur Dills, and Mrs. R. W. Rush. . Coffee Hour. Mrs. Paul Hyatt, chairman. Mrs. Henry Francis, Mrs. Jimmy Williams. Mrs. Otis Cole, Mrs. Denton Browning, Mrs. Wayne Franklin. Mrs. Joe Davis, Mrs. Carl Medford. Mrs. J. R. Caldwell, Mrs. J. L. Singleton,' and Mrs. R. O. Ketner. Flower committee, Mrs. Will Rat clilte, chairman,' Mrs. I). Reeves Notand. Mrs. II. O. Champion, and Mrs. Ben Phillips, Corsage, committee, Mrs. Ralph Crawford. Mis. Malcolm Crisp, Mrs. Kdwin Hyatt, Mrs. W. C. Moody ami Mis. Waller Cowart, Jr. Hostess committee: Mrs. Paul Robinson, chairman, Mrs. W. D. Ketner, Mrs. Levi Morgan, Mrs. Carl Green, Mrs. Troy Leather wood, Mrs. R. H. Worley,( Mrs. James MeClure. Mrs. Jack Mc C'rackon. and Mrs. E. E. Conley. Handicraft committee: Mrs. C. K. Rainey. Mrs. Troy Wyche, Mrs. Cecil Murray, Mrs. Will Medford, Mrs. Jim Welch, and Mrs. J. K. Buiuette. "!,!'SL:lj Mrs. Jim Welch, and Mrs. J. K. 'Buiuette. RELIABLE JEWELERS if ) ' Mouriene Carver Is Crowned Queen Of May Miss Mourine Can'er was crown ed Queen of May of the Waynes ville High School at the dance held in the Armory Friday night under the sponsorship of the THy-Ho Club and the Student Council of the school. Miss Carver, who was escorted by Bobby Robinson, wore a white satin dress with full skirt, ending in a train. Little Misses Sally Gerringer and Betsy lsley were train bearers and wore floor length blue dotted swiss dresses with lace trim. Danny Leatherwood carried the crown on a white satin pillow. Miss Viola Mae Taylor was maid of honor and other attendants to the queen were Lane Prevost, Helen Garrett, Vivian Green, Mary Lou Ferguson, June Bryson, Mary Sue Morgan, Betty Jo Shope, Bobbie Jean Radford, and Jeanne Brock. They wore identical white dresses with girdles of pastel shades. The queen was crowned by Lin ton Palmer, president of the stu dent body. Following the coronation a floor show was presented by Vivian Sav er, Vivian Gilliland, Sally Stovall, Stanford Massle, Jeff Recce, Rich ard Hipps, Roger Matney, Dick Hoglen, Betty Felmet, Mary Jane Rogers, Ann ' Coman Crawford, May Ann Byrd, and Julia Ann Cal houn. Margaret Reese was nar rator. Participating In the traditional winding of the Maypole were mem bers of the Sub-Deb Club of the school Mary Lou Gerringer, Linda Sloan, Nancy Bischoff, Sylvia Cam lln, Patricia rBeniJle, Carolyn Ab bott, Claudine Ferguson, and Nor ma Jean Winchester. A spring motif was used In deco rations for the dance and music was furnished by Teddy Martin and his orchestra. U-JIWIl IIOIN -lemly bholf, r . f oiy.to. 'Md dial. 12K add ("ltd fUilkl brae-$3t.7f A IICIN DtlUXI-17 iawali. 10K nalval Id lilltd toi. High VHtti tyiial. N,lMCOd. J5S0O IA0Y IICIM - l (wilt, admiltd. I4K iolKr con Willi liigh ,u,..d ltol. Nr- ,d. r is, ISi J i..i,.ki JLlKLMudMkA i h.. not i,.i.i. bracelet. 0 - -'- PAYMINTS.TIMED.TWi wwr ITS M o "Elelliu" drill. Fit. Pmdlill All Watches Guaranteed rr . RELIABLE JEWELERS "It's Easy To Pay The Reliable Way Good Neighbors Hold Meeting In Center Pigeon The Good Neighbors Club of Center Pigeon met Thursday night in the home of Mrs. Hayncs Hen son with Mrs. Oliver Hill as co hostess. Mrs. Cecil Murray presided and Mrs. Way Mease conducted the de votional. Mrs. Jim Queen was elected his torian for the club and pictures were taken of club members for use in the historian's book. Mrs. Oliver Hill was named second vice president. Mrs. R. B. Mease, community service chairman, reported $101.00 collected for the Bethel Cemetery Fund and plans were made for the club to hold a food sale Friday, May 11, In Canton lo raise funds for the County Council. Leaders reports were given on foods and nutrition by Mrs. H. H. Mease, poultry by Mrs. Oliver Cha son, house furnishings by Mrs. Haynes Henson, home beautifica tion by Mrs. John Shipman, arts and crafts by Mrs. Cecil Murray, and clothing by Mrs. Jim Queen. Mrs. Chason exhibited articles showing the use of feed sacks for making men's shorts and sport shirts and Mrs. Ray Haynes and Mrs. L. N. Coaburn modeled house dresses. Mrs. Burder Wells exhi bited hand-painted china plates The demonstration on textile painting was given by Miss Mary COrnwell, home ageni. Baptist WMU Will Meet Tues. A regular meeting of the Wo man's Missionary Society of the First Baptist church will be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Upper Room at the church. The Annie Armstrong Circle will have me program and the Ann Hasseltine Judson Circle will serve as the Girl Scouts and Brownies of the Haielwood Waynesville Council will have an opportunity to spend a week at Camp Junaluska For Girls. May 31 to June 7, according to plans made at a meeting of the executive board of the Council at The Towne House Thursday night. Facilities of the camp have been made possible through the courtesy of Miss Ethel McCoy, director of Camp Junaluska and Miss Palmira Carbajal, associate director and business manager. The ramp kltch en staff will also be furnished for the week'$ period. Miss Alice Fincher, camp chair man tor the G. S. Council, will serve as camp director and will be assisted by other members of the Scout organization. A fee of $21.00 will be charged for each girl, $5.00 of which must be paid at registra tion time before May 20. The re. mainder will be paid upon entrance at thejamp. The program will Include all regular camp activities and a spe rial event will be the semi-annual Court of Awards. Miss Carbajal was a special guest at the meeting and assisted with the plans for the camp. She also invited the Scouts to use Camp Junaluska each year until a regu lur Girl Scout camp Is available Following the camp discussion, a regular business session was held and officers were elected. Mrs. Howard Hyatt was re-elected pres ident and serving with her will be Mrs. Boyd Owen, vice-president; Mrs. Jonathan Woody, secretary treasurer; Mrs. L. K. Barber, regis trar; Miss Alice Fincher, training chairman; Mrs. William Ray, camp ing director; Mrs. Dan Walklns, troop organization chairman; Mrs. Richard Barber, Hut chairman; and Mrs. Ben Sloan, public rela tions chairman. A report of the treasurer show, ed $(524.00 collected during the recent 5 ifl Scout fund drive and $2(17.00 proceeds from the Girl Scout Cookie sale. 200 Gather For Presbyterian Anniversary Over 200 people gathered in Hie Waynesville Presbyterian Church Sunday evening for the Annual Roll Call and the Anniversary pro. gram. The Anniversary program was a part of the 7Sth Anniversary ser vice postponed from last November It included reports on the Woinens. the Mens, and the Young Peoples Work of the Church. Malcolm Wil liamson, Jr., president of the Youth Fellowship, gave the report on the Young Peoples work; Hooper Alex ander, president of the Laymen club, gHve the report on the Men of (he Church; and Mrs. L. M Iticheson. president of the Women of the Church, gave the report on Hie Woinens work. In her report Mrs. Richeson rec ognized Mrs. Ida V. Brown for the long and faithful service she has given as the oldest member of tin church in point of membership. Special recognition was also giv en Mrs. M. G. Stamey as having been selected by the Women of the Church as the most outstanding wo man of the church. Shoulder cor sages were presented to both Mrs. Brown and to Mrs. Stamey. At the conclusion of the program Mrs. Richeson presented to (he Rev. and Mrs. Malsolm R. William son a beautiful silver service (ray from the women and the men of the church in recognition of their tenth anniversary in the Waynes e Church. Dellwood Club Meets With Mrs. Singleton The Dellwood Home Demonstra tion club met Thursday afternoon In the home of Mrs. J. A. Single ton. Mrs. T. V. Wells conducted the devotional. Mrs. W. D. Ketner was named president to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. R. B. Ferguson, Mrs. Wells was elected vice-president.: Leaders reports were given on food and nutrition by Mrs. Ketner, gardens by Mrs. Taylor Ferguson. dairying by Mrs, Dale Ketner, food preservation by Mrs. Ferguson, community service by Mrs. Ketner, and health and education by Mrs. Lee Evans. A book review was also given by Mrs. Ferguson. A demonstration on "The I'se of Sewing Machine Attachments." was given by Mrs. J. A. Singleton, clothing leader. Methodist Women Will Meet Tuesday Night The annual Harvest Day meeting of the Woman's Society of the First Methodist church will be held at the church tomorrow night at 7 o'clock. A covered dish supper will be served prior to the busi ness. ...... This will be a Joint meeting of Woman's Society" To Have District Meet In Sylva A meeting of the Woman't So ciety of Christian Service of the Waynesville District of the Metho dist church will be held Friday May 11 at the Sylva church, be ginning at 10 a m. Officers of all societies In the all circles and reports of the year's ! district as well as-other members work will be made by the officers, are expected to attend. Edna Summerrow Is Honored At Picnic Supper Miss Edna Summerrow, retiring president of the Beta Sigma Phi, was guest of honor at a picnic sup per given Sunday night at the Youth Center with two members of the sorority, Mrs. Harry Lee Liner, Jr., and Miss Bernlce Har- rell, as joint hostesses. Guests. Included the members of the sorority and (heir husbands. "THE DALTON WOMEN ARE COMING" Mother On Her Day - May 13th Buffet Serving Trays by KF.NTLEY (Oriental & Magnolia Patterns $139 up STATIONERY 4 NOTES BY MONT AG, HOBBY. GIBSON and THE CAPE SHORE (Pine Scented) $ ,55 to $3.50. PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, I'nderwood and Rrmlnjtnn SAMBA CANASTA BRIDGi Plastic, Plain and Plastic mated $ .89 to $6.50 BIBLES TESTAMENTS White & Black Plain. Zipper and Indexed $ .85 to $15.00 MOTHER'S DAY CARDS for Mother, Sister, Wife, Dauxhter and many others, $ .10 to $1.00 HANI) PAINTED SLEEPY HOLLOW Pieces from California. What-not and Shelf pieces and Planters $T00 THE BOOK STORE Your piitronaui' appreciated. up. ville Immediately following the ser ipb a recpntlon was held In the Assembly rooms of the Church whPre members of the Session and their wives together with the heads of all church departments received the euests. The rooms were beauti fully decorated with quantities of Snrina flowers and the tables lad en with sandwiches and cakes. Mrs Ralph Prevost, Mrs. W. T. Hannah and Miss Mary Lu Elwood presided a! Hip Dunch table. A beautiful Tenth Anniversary Cake was pre sentcd to the Rev, and Mrs. W liamson by D. F. Whitman. The Smokers America TheJuiy: -J More People Smoke Camels than any other cigarette! wwl'rv':1,!',!?, Make your own 30day (. , Camel Mildness Test - - and see why J Ar tic BELK - HUDSON Leads The Way With Three More Outstanding ECIAJLS Regular $7.95 to $12.95 Ladies' DRESSES Mimv Styles to Choose From o o Regular Sizes Half Sizes Junior Sizes MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL $400 Double & Twin Chenille BED SPREADS Red, Aqua, Green, Blue Rose, Peach, White, Wine REG. $7.95 to $l.9.r $425 A MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL! mm rent laitl hr PLASTIC DRAPES WITH VALANCE t 'At:- SOLIDS AND FLORALS Many Patterns to Choose From Regular $1.48 B efcludson

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