Thursday Afternoon, THE WAYNES VTLLE MOUNT AINEE3 ar in. FAGE FOUR (Second Section) Liberty Baptist On White Oak Being Repainted MRS. GEORGE BORING Mountaineer Reporter Thirty-one days' work all in one day resulted in a complete clean-up job and the repainting of the Liberty Baptist Church on White Oak last Saturday. Thirty one men. women and children gath ered early in the morning and worked till late in the evening. The exterior of the church was painted white, and the interior enameled cream. Lunch was serv ed on the grounds by the ladies. . The workers were: Norman Han nah. Harley McElroy, Hobert Hog len. Walter Bumgarner', VWlson McElroy, Robert McElroy, Tal madge Hoglen, Lloyd Teague, James Burgess. Will KJrkpatrick, Robert Hoglen, Near Teague, Bill Kirkpatrick. French Kirkpatrick, Gilbert Bumgarner, Hubert Lee Hoglen, Norman Hoglen, Anna Lou Hoglen, Dock Burgess, Burr Hoglen, Dot Hoglen, Mae Burr Burgess, Cora Teague, Louise Bur gess, Betty Burgess, Jean Burgess, Sarah Lee Messer, Helen Kirkpat rick, lneva Hoglen, Mrs. Walter Bumgarner and Mrs. Norman Hog len. On Tuesday, the women folks gathered at the church and re painted all the benches. Next Saturday the men will have another working to paint the roof. Bethel Presbyterian Church The Rev. Paul Patterson Thrower, Minister Morning Worship 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Women of the Church Mrs. C. D. Church, Pres.' .Meeting 1st 2 p.m. A special Mother's Day message will be brought by the pastor. As this is the close of Christian Fam ily Week, the entire family is urg ed to be at church with Mother Sunday morning. Friday First Baptist ChurcK WAYNESVILLE The Rev. Broadus E. Wall. Pastor SUNDAY 9:45 Sunday School. We wel come those of every age. Frank Kjrkpatrick is general superintend ent. 9 45 - 12 The Nursery is open. 11.00 Morning Worship. Ser mon by the pastor: '"The American Family". Special music by the choir. 6:45 Training Union. 8:00 Choral Worship Service by the Mars Hill College Choir. MONDAY 7:00 Workers Council for Sun day School officers and teachers will meet in the social hall. Cov- qred-dish supper. TUESDAY 3:30 Junior R, A.'s meet in the social hall. WEDNESDAY 3:30 Junior G. A.'s meet in the social hall. 6:30 Youth choir meets for re hearsal. 7:30 Midweek Prayer Meeting. 8:15 Senior choir rehearsal. THURSDAY - : 8:00 Y.W.A. will meet with Mrs. W. 11 Bui-Kin. Beginning of Northern Kingdom ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Scripture-I Klns 12:l-J3; 16:21-17:24: U Kings 17:1-18; Amog e:i-. By Alfred J. BtiMche I I. ! m i ' ' TTT c$ ' '"" '"" ' ' y . Solomon' son. and successor, Rehoboam, told his people that he would be harder on them than his father had been, so they repudiated him and' chose Jeroboam, former servant of Solomon, to reign over Israel, thus dividing the kingdom, Ruling- over the northern kingdom, Jero boam feared the Influence of Judah's king, Rehoboam, so he made two golden calves, put one in Bethel and one in Dan. and he and all his people worshiped them, which angered the Lord. ' After Jeroboam's death, Omri ruled Israelthen AhsA and both did wrong. Elijah, the prophet, warned the king of a coming drought, then lied to the desert where ravens fed him and ,he drank of the watar of th taronk When the brook from which Elijah drank dried up, the Lord told him to go to Zarephath, where a widow would give him hospitality, and the. Lord would pro vide food for them. Ilazelvvood Presbyterian Church The Rev. Paul Patterson Thrower, Minister Sunday School 10 a.m. Harry Robinson. Supt. Morning Worship -11:15 a.m. Mid-Week Bible Hour, Wed.. 7.30 p.m. i Bible. Study, St. John 5. Fol lowed by choir practice. In observance of Christian Fam ily Week the entire family is urg ed to attend church Sunday with Mother, on Mother's Day. The monthly meeting of the Wo men of the Church will be held at the Church next Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. L. N. Davis and Mrs. Denton Browning are in charge of the program which will be followed by the Birthday party and special offering for work in the Belgian Congo. Richland Baptist Church The Rev. Ben Cooke, Pastor SUNDAY Sunday School at 10 a.m. with George Milner, Superintendent. Mother's Day Service at 1 1 a.m. with the G.A.'s and R.A.'s particip ating. Training Union at 6:30 p.m. Charles Gaddis, Director. Evening Worship at 7:30 p.m. Pastor in charge. WEDNESDAY Midweek prayer meeting at 7:30. First Methodist Church WAYNESV1LLE Corner Haywood and Academy The Rev. J. E. Yountf, Minister The Church School meets each Sunday morning at 9:45 o clock. Classes and Departments for all ages. Francis Massie, General Sup erintendent. If you are not now at tending some Church School we invite you to join with us for study and worship. Morning Worship 11:00 o'clock. Strmon subject: "The Christian Home". Sermon by the minister. Special music by the choir under the direction of Mrs. Fred Martin. The Intermediate and Youth Fel lowships meet ,his evening at 7:00 ' o'clock. j Evening Worship at 8:00 o'clock. : Special music by the Youth Choir. The pastor's study book, "The Methodist of the World" will be discussed briefly. A religious pic ture, "For Good" or Evil" will fol low the study. The public is invited. Mars Hill College Choir CraJbfree BaptistXhuxcb - Clyde, Route 1 , The Rev. M. H. Rabjr, Pastor 1( a.m. Sunday School. M. M. Yarbrough, Supt. llja.m. Preaching. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer service will not be held .this week. Everybody is invited to attend these services. The usual Friday cottage prayer meeting at the church. Riverside Baptist Church The Rev Thomas E. Erwln, Pastor THURSDAY-FRIDAY 7:30 p.m. Study course for B.T.U. Will continue the course next week if it is not finished on Friday night. SUNDAY 10 a.m. Sunday School lesson. Lewis Sorrells, Supt., in charge, It a.m. Sermon by pastor. 2:30 p.m. Special music. 7 p.m. Training Union meets. Harmon Erwin. director, in charge. 7:45 p.m. General Assembly. THURSDAY 7:30 p.m. Sunday School les son study by pastor. Also business meeting of Church. :r'r practice. aVWedody Tad u. u. iiumivuc, uiieiLWi, Grace Church in the Mountains EPISCOPAL The Rev. Edgar II. Goold, Rector May 13 Whitsunday 9:45 a.m. Church School. 11 a.m. Holy Communion Serv ice and sermon. HEW TIME 3The Bible Question Box Evangelist L. P. Knecht RADIO STATION WHCC 1 SUNDAY 8 A.M. Hazelwood Baptist Church The Rev. M. I Lewis, Pastor SUNDAY 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. Fred Moody, General Supt. Classes for all ages; Nursery for the babies. 11 a.m. Special music with "Big Boy" Hooper leading. Mes sage by the pastor, 7 p.m. Training Union. Mrs. Sam Knight, director. 8 p.m. Evening Worship. "Old time" Gospel singing and Message by the pastor. All are welcome. TUESDAY 7:30 p.m. Woman's; Missionary meeting at place to T)e announced. WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting with the pastor leading.. 8:15 p.m. Teachers' . meeting ing. THURSDAY 7:30 p.m. Choir practice with "Big Boy" Hooper leading. All members of the Choir are urged to attend. p p o 4 Q i?r C m f r Lj ' v - II 1 1 I pi 1 J This picture shows the forty-two voice choir from Mars Hill College which will sing at the First Baptist Church here at 7:30 o'clock Sunday evening, May 13. This group, which Is selected from the mixed chorus, has appeared in a number of churches in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia this spring. Among the singers is Tom Curtis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Curtis of Waynesville (second from the left in fourth rowt. ' Crabtree Methodist Charge The Rev. C. O. Newell. Pastor CRABTREE CHURCH 10 a.m. Sunday School. Andy Ferguson, Supt. 11 a.m. Mrs. Newell will preach. DAVIS CHAPEL 10 a.m. Sunday School. Frank Davis, Supt. FINCIIEUS CHAPEL 10 a.m. Sunday School. Fred Noland, Supt. 11 a.m. Preaching by C. O. Newell. MT. ZION CHAPEL 10 a.m. Mrs. Newell will preach. 11 a.m. Sunday School, Her shel Rogers, Supt, Spring Hill Baptist Church CANTON, Route 2 The Rev. Gay Chambers, Pastor SUNDAY 11:00 Sunday School meets with the Supt., Ralph Queen, in charge. 12:00 Morning . Worship. Ser mon by the pastor. 7:00 Training Union meets with the director, Welton Mease, in charge. WEDNESDAY , , 4 7:30 Prayer meeting and Bible study. Use Want Ads for quick results West Canton Baptist Church CANTON, ROUTE 3 The Rev. Otto Parham. Pastor Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Rob ert Swanger, Supt. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Training Union 7:00 p.m. Vaughn Hall, Director. Evening Worship 3.00 p.m. WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m. Teachers' meeting. 8:00 p.m. Prayer. Meeting. THURSDAY ' tr -j 4 7:30 p.m. Cottage Prayer Meet ing. FRIDAY 7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal. Christian Science Service "Adam and Fallen Man" will be the subject of the lesson-sermon at the Christian Science Service Sunday, May 13. Golden Text from Romans. 5:19 is "As by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous." The service will be held on the second floor of the Masonic Tem ple, at 11, a.m. A 30-mile Missouri-Oklahoma-Kansas area is the chief U. S. source of zinc. . Free Methodist Church Assembly and Oak Sts. Waynesville Rev.. Charlotte Bishop and Rev. Ruth Gruber, Co-pastors Telephone 666-1 ; "The Light of the World is Je sus'and the "Light and Life" Radio Hour 'international broad cast of the Gospel, heard every Sunday. 100 stations, invites you to its local chapel in the following services; Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Young People's Service 6:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service 7:30 p.m. Mid-Week Prayer Meettn Wednesday night 7:30, . "Thy Word is a lamp "unto my feet, and a light unto my path". Psalm 119:105. Daniel Webster said "I make It a practice to read the j Bible through once every year." There are 60 million radio sets In America turn on yours this Sunday at 8 a.m., and hear Dr. My ron Boyd, Light and Life' Hour Director over WONN 1230 on the dial. - . . . Rev.ValiToCo!,! Mornin? "g dev 'OtlOfi. Auornin OVPr riJ,. E- Wall., p 'W tist Ch,, ., ' .U1 ? enjov cranio n I,.... ciaiion ' J1'5 tmi'y Gruber Ci? Holds Monthly m) The Circle Emilv Woodland Baptist ; Church CLYDE The Rev. F. W. Jameson, Pastor FRIDAY 7:30 p.m. Prayer service at the home of Mfs. Claris Downs. SATURPAY 7:30 p.m. Teachers meeting at the home of Charlie Taylor. SUNDAY ' 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. Vardy Fugate, Supt. 11 a.m. Morning Worship. Spe cial Mother's Day program. 2:30 p.m. Baptismal service. 7 p.m. Training Union. Alfred Gaddis, Director; 8 p.m. Evening Worship. WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting at the church. r ... . ' -I Ch"rch held 1Sfc : meeting., i xhe - President xt. . . '4 " !-Jess Mm- the meeting uh a.: lu.vj S ClLtfri Methodist Ch3 LAKE JIN i is J fe Rev. P, JjgJ Sunday. '.JUy i3. u 7j Classes for all age ierreit is General SuJ 1 1 ,. ' -Morning Htl I ;, D Pastor - uuenii. tor the Home will be received,, ice. 7 p.m. Methods v. ship. Miss Doris Ami h t'-ge ot me proram theme, "lluw Far U t-ast.' All youth in the J are invited to attend tri U"J evening meeting MONDAY- Tl. tit i nesieyan SeniJ win nom its May Rieet:nj cnurcn with Mvs j Mrs. Dudley Moore, i Rufus Reeves serving is ior me occasion. An irl service ior the new orTicerl neid also. WEDNESDAY Boy bcout Troop ,0. 8 Junaluska meets in of the church each W evening at 7. All bovsfU of age and older are iJ attend this troop meeting Regular choir practice church at 7:30 p.m. Waynesville Prd terian Churck The Rev. M. R. WilliamJ Whitcncr Provost, Supef ent of Sunday School. Sunday School at 10.00 . Morning Worship 1 1 00 Sermon Subject: "A G; man" (A Mother's Day Special music by the ctitti The Young People 't special Mother's Day pro! 7 p.m. at which time all of the voting people will H MP i as m I4! 4tJI MlfAl in aliUdaw On our liberal terms your old re frigerator, range or washer may be all you need to install a brand new Frigidaire Refrigerator, Electric 4 Typei, 3 Series, 10 Size to choott '. from . . , 4 cu. ft. to 17 tu. . Shewn ebova li 9.2 cu. ft. Master Model. Range or Automatic Washer. For a free appraisal, just phone us ati 31 . Big. taoufy.&gt, New 1950 Frigidaire Refrigerator for $"""Cfr 75 only tZmii' 9.2 cu. ft. Master Model Ifs big. Iff new. And ho Quickube Ice Tray . . . Meter -Miser mechanism with 5 -Year Protection Plan . . . twin, oil-porcelain Hydrotors. Come In I See proof of Frigidaire' greater value. Look Outride! Look Inside! You Can't Match A Frigidaire! imm ELECTRIC CO. 4$j? ALWAYS t: CAREFUL DRIVING itSSZLJZ. 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