4 t Jelights Of The News -O Th Waynes ville Moto TAINEER sThat .rather of the past i ti ffarfl. I011 ., rtouic. unit Mrs rdul " ' .J t nta With plots. dJ they found that IriMdVl 'eft hag of hfir iki from home. The bulbs, were just what they Sll in I pl 'l-iovi-iy m-nllrv iwm tlicy of their lat - to their garden, that a that only the richest iviilaoie couiu uc uav. hauled uty of choice mhl- h care, wey Ubulb. ' He 2-liuur las was n ief Sutton appeared on He looked over their M did not share their over next spring's po- WOOUS Diouiiia. I tiic first time I've ever Lone trying to cultivate m ain't lilies of the L i J"st plain Black lp ramps, ine vwo ku fned to their sorrow, the right ccth yi:ak -LlT'ict' -A-Weckln The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park M). ;9 12 i'.(.i;s . TODAY'S SMILE The eater reUUre fathered for the readinf of the wilL It Jum contained one tentence: i "Beta e sound mind, I spent every cent I had." . , ! Associated Press WAYKESYILLK,' N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 14, 1931 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counti Chamber of Commerce Staff Experiencing Heavy Load Of Inq uiries e Sights ling, certain garuener witching a special dump Li week-end It looked as irs would be in full Sunday. This was ideal, Bk Mrdener wanted them It her Sunday School de fore dark Saturday she on the iris, and sure k morning they would be bk of bloom. Lil Sunday morning rush lusehold, and the garden- until the last minute to Iris. Since she had to go lime soft ground, she slip Ifr heavy, and- muddy gar- loes. d over the flowers, she about her shoes, and ht on to Sunday school. kly walked right up front ked her flowers. Never she look down at, her the bctiedlctiOB' ihf flap- re the big, muddy shoes. kianage to hear the 'amen" quickly slipped Out, and bome to change shoes. fti her fellow; worshippers eyes on the flowers, and iboes: ; . ' ' SA,- .' v. ' ' Highway - --, , ...... i . .. N. C.-Tenn. To Be Discussed By The desks at the Chamber of Commerce.' are piled high these days with mall, and advertising material, a the result of the 'gradual and steady increase in inquiries about the section. Mrs. Robert B oyd, left, and Mrs. Gordon Schenck, right, secretary of the organiza tion, find the trend is towards "an excellent season". The materia 1 on the desks Is authentic this was an informal picture. (Staff lMuitiii en And Fishing pn who have noted that mile of the Pigeon River Won is left out of the ban 15 announced today, may pin Jackson, State Game Protector, for his interest n- The section closed was VH to extend to the first pove Canton, but Jackson ft's make it the second d give the school children par enough for them to lit help to keen them out i'cl at least part of the NORMS IMPROVING Norris, who is receivine ftor a heart condition at wd County Hospital, was io be slowly improving MPISCOPAL MEETING F. and Mrs. Edcar Goold. iBarbcr. Jame Rwvn. and fmet attended the recent t-hurch Convention of Fse of Western North " Hendcrsonville. Huge Crowd At Ramp Convention Between three and four thousand persons followed the specially christened "Thad Kuie Highway" to the Ramp Convention Sunday, according to Sheriff Fred Camp bell. "The day went off without a hitch, with everyone perfectly he. haved. no traffic accidents, and certainly there wasnt' any evi dence Of any liquor around," the Sheriff said, ' j . The tonly one of the "top brass" tnvited to the doings who was able to attend was Thad Eure, who ipoke Informally and much to the amusement of his hearers. The re mainder of the program was giv 'n over to the string bands, sing ers and dance teams which are al ways a feature ot the convention. Five men handled trattic, wttn two men from Sheriff Campbell's office and three of the State High way Patrol. Cpl. Smith, and Patrol men Merrill and Dayton, to see tn.u it proceeded in orderly fashion. The only mishap among the cars thronging the parking area oceured when one driver slipped i'"'" " small ditch trying to park, hut no damage was done. Low Bids On Hospital Are Given Formal OK; Work To Start Shortly Homer Ferguson Improving After Leg Amputation Kriends of Homer L. Ferguson. former Haywood. County resident, will be glan to know I nut ne was re ported in "satisfactory condition" alter amputation of his right leg at l)c Paul Hospital, Norfolk, Va., last week. Hospital authorities said that the amputation was necessary because of arterial occlusion, lie became ill at his Newport News home on April 24 ml was taken to the hos pital Hire days later. Ferguson is chairman of the board of Hie Newport News Ship building and Dry Dock Company. Senator Medford Tells Rotarians About Assembly The procedure, and scope of work of the North Carolina Legis lature, was described in detail by Senator William Mecllotd tor the Hotary Ciul) here Friday Senator Medford told how bills were introduced and what pro cedure was followed in getting the nah for sales achievements dur-j bills to committees, and back o the Moor oi toe iiuum- .- E.A. Williamson Given Insurance Sales Awards E. A. Williamson, district man ager of the Imperial Life Insur ance Company, has been awarded a 3-day all expense trip to Savan- ing 1950. Mr. Williamson will attend the company convention, leaving here the 22nd. He is a member of the firm's "Ordinary Honor Club,'' and is in charge of the district from here ot Murphy, with six men working under his supervision Mr. Williamson is one "f 3,1 ,,u'n in this state to win the trip. FEW JAILED ther over the week-end r(,ntly too pretty for much "lll'ng. as only 10 people ''tl. aecnrrlinir t ik iksr. This inrliiHnl ftinc. tl- f 'I' officers for the week- i : j ' ther i. ... lMV M . ' 1?1 I lu ' x ii aiiu f' Waynesvine tempera. I recorded h .- p esi rarmlj M. Min. Rainfall - 78 : 40 .... '4 55 02 ?0 4i .... 7 K0 ... for final action. The means of setting up appro priations for slate agencies am bureau-, and financing the expen dittires. was also explained. Few people realize just how much work is envolvcd in setting up an expenditure of .r)()2 millions, such a- the 1951 Legislature did," he said. Senator Medford pointed out that there are loo many bills of entirely local nature coming ne lore the Legislature. He Officials here have received no tice that the low bids on the Hay wood Hospital expansion have been form ally approved, and that bonds, and insurance are now be ing arranged for contractors to be gin work, Lee Davis, hospital administra tor, said the actual construction should -""get nnitfrTwirywtthti 1 5 days, on the five-story building, which will add 49 beds to the Insti tution. I The bids were opened here April 17th. and 'were about $80,000 under the estimated cost of 'Construction'. The main contract was awarded to McDevitt and Street, of Char lotte. About two years will be required to construct Hie building, which is being financed by Haywood Coun ty, and the North Carolina Medi cal Care Commission, and U. S Bureau of Public Health. Governors May 25th Officials, Of 2 States Will Meet On Project Commencement Programs For Five Haywood High Schools On May 27 to 30 Highway delegations beaded by he (iovernors of North Carolina and Tennessee, are scheduled to meet in Asheville on Mav 25th to discuss routes w hich w ill link I hi two states. This news was carried! in the Raleigh News and Observer ir Local officials have not been noti fied of the scheduled meeting. The brief announcement from Raleigh said: "(lovernor Scott, Covernor Gor don Hrownlni! and North Carolina and Tennessee highway chiefs will meet in Asheville May 25 for a dis cussion of highway routes which link the two states Tennessee will be represented by Governor Drown ing and bis Slate highway chair man North Carolina will be repre sented by Governor Scott, Highway Chairman Henry Jordan. State Highway Knglneer, Location Engi neer R Getty Drowning, Highway Commissioner Dale Thrash, High way Commissioner Joseph Graham and the Ninth and Tenth Division highway engineer " Since the establishment of the Declamation Winner Land Suit Settled As Civil Court Adjourns An agreement was reached in Hie largest land suil lu bit local courts in many' years. The Davey Tree Corporal inn accepted $117,- 500, plus seven tenllis ol a mile of t . ' . ,,.. ,. . , ,, ... . ,, , , Slate road program In 1021. Hay io.io nun, nunc iiiKmh .o.u- . . , . . .,,.. , , U v d r k f l... t r, ... J mission, lor a lOft-acre right-of-way between Soeo Gap and llalsam Gap, Also included in the 'terms, was a rlghUof-wwy for wider lines front "ttfij Iav'?,y,t"e.s('i1voir tn"a Trart of (100 acres eul-oll by the lllue Ridge Parkway. The agreement was reached af ter lawyers spent more than a day a road frdm here to Newport, Tenn Just before Governor Cherry went out of. office, he set up $450, 000. iucAha, wlo:levl. cowl Xi-qii) here to Newport. " The proposed road lo Newport is the last part of the 1021 state pro gram which has not been complel- , ed. The program was to link every discussing the technical angles .'of county seat with a paved road, and the case. The jury was drawn Wed-, also link every county' n a slate William Plott In Air Force Reserves hesday afternoon, but nunc of the 40 some witnesses summoned in the case were beard A commission, named by the court earlier, had made .in apprais al of I he pi oport v. bill I heir lest i muliv was nol .pirsenled The lhrec-m.111 coiomi-sion a- com posed (d Jonathan Woody, W. A llradley. and Claude Medlonl The (oinmission made an appi ai-al of $!)7,.'illl). oil including I ti t- buililiiig I line with a paved road to t In neighboring state. As soon us morl details are avail able, plans will be announced. Highway officials were oul of I heir offices in Raleigh this morn ing, and no further details of the scheduled ineellng were available. Lions' Minstrel George Williamson. 7lh-grade, son of Ihe Rev ami Mrs. Malcolm Williamson, was winner Thursday ol the annual Declamation Contest sponsored by the Haywood Chap ter of the Coiled Daughters of the Confederacy His topic was "The New South". Tlie medal was presented by Mrs. Sum Queen, pi esidenW of the Graduation plan have beeu an nounced by five high schools in Haywood County, Bethel. Waynes ville, Crabtree-Iron Duff, Clyde and St. John's have all set May 27 as the Sunday for their bac calaureate sermons. Commence ment,exerclses at Bethel, Crablree Iron Duff and Clyde will be held the following Tuesday. May 29, fol lowed by Waynesvllle on Wednes day: and St. John's planned for Thursday, June 7. The Bethel baccalaureate exer cises will be conducted by the Rev. Thomas Erwln, assisted by the Rev. V. N. Allen. Mr. Krwin's daughter and Mr. Allen's son are members of the graduating class. The 48 graduates will assemble at 8 o'clock In the school auditorium for the service. Commencement speaker will be Dr. Hoyt Blackwell, president of Mars Hill College. His topic has not yet been announced. Other Items on the schedule of the Bethel seniors are final exam dn May 24 and 25, and Senior Day. May 28. Plans for Senior Day. ac cording to Miss Bernice McEl hannon, class sponsor,, are for a picnic at Bent Creek, j The Rev. Broadui-wall, pastor ol the First Baptist. Church of Haywood chapUfc..Qjp becjj s . v, :. Invited to the Queen farm the first rfyH . .'.T? caiuuremc huuicas to najiir.iiMi;.i of Ihe road. The Davey Tree Corporation a- Tgjnied SUCCCSS represented by the firm of Mnr- ,, , . . , SK'"1 W;"'1' ''' f;,"lt;(' 11 ' The Wavnesvllle Lions Club were William M. I'lott has jus be, , , W; ., ,. S.,. ,, p, c-o.ed ,.,.,,,, thls m()l,lin, lh(, rosu1s made a 2nd Lieutenant in Ihe A'. I, j, vl .1WMMf, ..i,,,,, Iirl.s,.,il. rmir m.-.cvm...o." . ' , for tile Stale Highway Col - notice received I join Itonins vn and the opinion was said he lared MILDRED MEDFORD AT HOME MU. Mildred Medford. who has been a patient in Piedmont Hospi- iai, nu..v-, - ..,iL It'! cing at the home ot ner ' , . ' i.v n,.inv others, that provision Mr. and Mrs. uryan m-...w.... . .. )( ina((i or ,.unlles l0 Medford was altenaing E,,c""" , ' , I ,,kt. Care of their salary problems, Ippp in Gainesville. Georgia ai w j Mlford Page 6 time she was taken ill. Alley Grading Complete, Soon Ready For Paving Town workmen are to begin f installing a 2.000-- worn suun w ' . foot storm sewer on the hack a!- lcvelcd," and grari- town has ley, which was ed last week. cw'manv vears. the been adding dirt to the dre . II m the alley, and this nas week, t machinery Unshed leveling roadway. Workmen are planting pinusands of honeysuckle roolings along he high bank as a measure against erosion. , After a "settling period the town plans to have the alley pav edTand then many trucks now hav fnc to use Main Street for loading and unloading purposes routed to the allpy- will be Force Base, Ga.. today. Plott was in the engineer eorp from 1944 to Sept. 1946. serving in the Phi mines and Japan. Wlne i he has been in the parachute in fantry reserves since his discharge, liU transfer from the ground forces to Ihe air corps has been expected ! for sometime. Ploll is a member of Ihe '"cat .,tl ,.ffi,. uli'i'ff I laycees Elect New Off icers; To Hold State Convention Robert C Hall was elected pres ident of the Waynesvllle Junior Chandler of Commerce lo replace Charlie Woodatd at a Jaycee din ner meeting Wednesday Other new officer's are Waller Franklin, first vice president, Dwight Ueaty. second vice president: Robert Fer-i guson, ,-ecretary, and Cecil Blan-j Ion. treasurer. On the Board of Directors are ' John Can-er U-ster Burgin, Jr.. , and Bill Bui gin. Raymond Laid-. well is State Director ! The new officers were installed , by J, R. Marks, National Director. Blue Robinson, first District vice president, made a reoort on the in stallation' of new officers in the , ti-.u k m1 other clubs of this district. Resurfacing f Highway No. ' : ...,.., was made of the sioti, W, li Francis, and Flank Fer guson Judge J. A Rousseau, picidcd. The May term ol court adjourn ed Friday afternoon OLIVF.K VOl .M R KTl'KKS 1(1 llli: NAVY Oliver Vounl, Jr.,' who lias been recalled lor duly In the Navy, leaves lodav for Norlolk Virginia, Mr. Yount has been The Mountaineer for Ihe past sev-i I ion of i heir annual minstrel. The benefit performances were given for I u nds with which the club car ries on numerous charity projects. Two large audiences attended the perinormanccs Friday and Saturday night . at the high school. The (i5 members of the club pre sented the two-hour show, which Included a variety of typical min strel numbers, ranging from songs, modeling, and the fast tongue- lashing of the end-men of June lo repeal his prle-wlnning speech before members of the chapter. This is the second speaking con test thai George lias won. Two years ago he received a medal pre sented by Hie Lions Club for his delivery of Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address ". Hazelwood Poll Books Have 762 Registered Hazelwood s poll books closed Saturday alleinoon with 702 ipiall fled voters registered, and eligible lo vole on Mav 2fitb in the merger elccllon- Last Saturday was the final dale for r -gistering for the election on Ihe question of merg ing Willi Way nesvillc. Carroll Whilncr, registrar, re ported that approximately 100 reg istered (hiring the last week the poll books were open Saturday. May l!)lb, will be chal lenge day. as sel out by the State Between acts the members took mployed at 'over the role as carnival barkers election laws n,l sold "nrize-nackage" eonfec- ine eiecuoo io oe ..no u. iu. eral vears. lions in the audience. lowing Saturday, May 26th. Hall Takes Over laycee Presidency Road Work In County Is Pushed from Soco t .) ""o - ip'' comptetcri Friday, according to l;,mrs Kniglit. assistant District Fngmeer of Ihe State Highway Commission. No other work Is scheduled at the present time. The road work east of Canton is progressing, but inclement weather has slowed the schedule. Mr. Knight believes that "it shouldn t take too long a matter of two or three weeks, probably; but we can t be too specific." At present workmen are putting stone on the npiv wtion. Jaycec Slate Convention to be held j not week in Asheville, wilh head-1 quarters In the George Vanderbilt Hotel. Some six hundred members from all par's of the state are ex pected to attend. The dinner meeting, which was also "Ladies' Night," was held at the Lodge. Special guests of the Waynesvllle Jaycees were Bob Put nam, past president of the Ashe ville Jaycees: and Leo Manley. past National Director, also from Asheville. r X i II i ymw; 1 i 110 graduates. On graduation day the seniors themselves will have full charge of the exercises, with no outside speaker having been in viled. Both events have been set for B o'clock In the school audi torium. Crabtree's gradauting class con sists of eight girls and eight boys. They will hear their baccalaureate sermon at 2:110 Sunday allernoon, wilh Dr. H, G. Allen,' .superintend -eiil of Lake Junaluska. I heir speak ci. At gradual ion exercises Wed nesday al 8 p.m. Dr. Clyde F.rwui. Stale superintendent of schools, will be the speaker SI John's graduating class in cludes eight members The name of the speakers and ol various award winners will be announced later. There are ;)() seniors al the Clyde school, and Rev. D D. Gross, pas tor of Ihe Clyde BaplLst church, will' deliver the sermon at eight o'clock Sunday, May 27lh. Graduation, exercises will be held Tuesday. May 2Mb. with Or Paul Reid. president of Western Carolina Teachers College as speaker, Class nigiil will lie a eight o'clock Monday, 281 h. Final Check On Rural Insurance To Be Given Tues. All chairmen and leaders of the I various Community Development Programs in the county are urged lo nieet Tuesday night, al eight, at the court house. The purpose of the meeting is to get a final check on the insurance program, and dis cuss tentative extension of solicita tion time to June first The county agent's office is anx ious that every community be rep resented by an official. Robert Hall, left, is congratulated by Charlie Woodard, right, retiring president of the Waynesville 'Javcee. Lookin? on i J. H. Mark, -spHirte! director' of Moorevi!!e .'; 'Photo h" Ingram'.. Highway Record For 1951 In Haywood (To Date) Killed . . . . 0 Injured .... 20 (Thia informalioB com piled from Boeordt State Highway t atroL) m m

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