Monday Aiier.. THE WAi it5VILLE ruOUIvTAuTZZI ! 1 THE MOUNTAINEER " WaynesvHle, North Carolina HaTa Uteri Phone 700 Tke County Seat of Haywood County Published By THE WAYNESV1LLE PRINTING CO. W. CURTIS RUSS Editor W. Curtis Rusa and Marlon T. Bridges, JfobHshert PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY HAYWOOD COUNTY One Year ; ' however, iakr the fail cooei aiiun, plenty of planning and hard work, on the part of every individual to put it over. It can be done as Haywood has proven . . . Jackson County can do as well If we .have the desire. Addie Citizens are proving that they have the desire: ts oo Six Months . 1:75 NORTH CAROLINA One v ' , $4.00 Six Months. ., ; 3.25 OUTSIDE NORTH CAROLINA One Year. ' - v'-' - $4.50 Six Months 2.50 Entered at the post office at Waynevi!)e. N. C. aa Sec ond Class Mail Matter, as provided under the Act ol March 1. 1(79, November 20, 1914, Obituary notion, resolution of respect, card of thanks And all notices of entertainment for profit, will be chargei for at the rate tt two cents pes word. MEMBER Or THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tha Associated Press la entitled exclusively to the UvM for re-publication of all the local news printed In this newspaper, as well as all AP news dispatcher NATIONAL EDITORIAL AsTbewTioM Z) v J 13X3233 Lar am ai Monday Afternoon. May 21, 1931 CDP Plan Spreads Our neighbors to the west of us, in Jackson county, are watching with more than passing interest, the Community Development Pro gram. In fact, The Sylva Herald cites that the citizens of Addie have contracted the "conta gious spirit" and following the example as set in Haywood. The Herald in an editorial captioned, "De velopment" goes on to say: The citizens of the Addie Community are setting an example of community develop ment that we predict will spread to other communities in the county. These good citi zens are well on their way with their program and as results of their work develop interest will grow that much greater. There is no lim it to the jjoocl work that can be done in devel oping a community when there is a true spirit of cooperation on everyone's part. We belipve that spirit has developed in the Ad die community. The roadside clean-up con- ' test to be held Friday evening should create lots of interest. We are quite sure that those traveling over 19-A and 23 from the airport to Addie will see the results of this contest ifi q much more attractive roadside. A'll the communities of Jackson County woujd do well to borrow a page from their neighbor's book . . . that is the plan for com munity's development such as Haywood county has used. Few people probably know that Haywood county is used as a model by the extension service down at Raleigh. When one farmer does something unusual and out of the ordinary way of things, which turns in to success, it isn't long until others begin do ing the same thing. This is the way a com munity developing program starts. One coun ty is successful with it and then it flows over into adjoining counties. It is thus with com munities within a county. It is not surprising that Addie is leading the way in Jackson since it lies near Haywood. The people have observ ed Community Development and along with their own desire for better things for their home and surroundings, they are taking steps to improve them. the deVetepWent' of ' this1 great Western North Carolina area has hardly begun and there is ho limit to what can be done. It. will, More Light On History It might be just a coincidence, but shortly after the Cherokee drama, "Unto These Hills," closed its first season, at least two mo tion pictures appeared on parallel themes. Each involved a little-known event Indians experienced in the course of American his' tory. Though we're inclined to view with sus picion the quality of any contribution the aV' erage movie makes to the sum total of human knowledge, these movies are throwing light on a part of our history skimmed over in the school text books, if mentioned at all. Though the average movie, by its mechan ical limitations, can at best merely skim the surface in historical study, this type of pic ture does stimulate many people to learn more about the subject it treats. It may be just a coincidence that this type of movie started appearing shortly after "Unto These iills" rang down the curtain on its first season. But we're inclined to believe that its tre mendous popular success started brain waves reverberating on the West Coast, with results that should prove highly educational to the nation's citizens as a whole. Smoky Mountain Times They'll Do It Every Time MM a l Pmm, omm By Jimmy Hatio iS-MEfcTfD BULLDOZE IS FOREVER. CONHlNS HIS ACTOR. FRiENPS TO APPEAR. AT HiS VARIOUS CLUB FUrJCTK!S BUT LET ONE OF THEM TAKE HIM At HIS WOC? AND PUT iM A SLIGHT, BILL! (TIME Off WHILE BULLX BURMSl; WE KiOS WILL. LCVE XXJHT5 A WEEK FROM NEXT SATURDAY rJkSHT AMP REMEMBER LET ME KMCW ABO( AHY EXPErlSES INVOLVED THE CCAWITTEEtL TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING Superficial Divorce Grounds A Chicago woman sued her husband for divorce on the ground that his snoring a mounted to "extreme cruelty." The judge gave the husband 30 days in which to cure himself of the snoring habit. The case was widely publicized, so the de fendant received hundreds of letters offering suggestions on how to break himself of his snores. He tried them all. Apparently some worked, for he returned to court last week with letters from three residents at the Y. M. C. A. where he had been sleeping. These let ters intimated that he didn't snore any more. However, the wife's attorney announced that his client remained cool toward any re- conciliation with her now snoreless mate. The 20-year-old wife of the 25-year-old egg cand ler said she didn't want him back anyway. Perhaps the snoring was just an excuse. Ostensibly, in states wherein divorces can be obtained on all sorts of grounds, the real rea son why some divorce seekers go to court never appear in the formal complaints. The plaintiff wants his freedom for one thing or another, so he has his lawyer devise some "grounds" such as "incompatibility," "ex treme mental cruelty," or whatnot. There are many marriages that obviously are misfits and probably should be dissolved. But isn't it quite likely that many more would "stick," if it were not for the "light and transient" reasons or "grounds" which are ac cepted in some states as legal cause for di vorce? Like "snoring," for instance. The Winston-Salem Journal. Business men of this community have dug deep into their pockets to sponsor the Knee Pants League, of 12 baseball teams this sum mer. Besides the heavy outlay of cash, there are a score or more of adults leading and training; the players for thgjseaspn. v.;. Such interest in youth is indicative of the spirit of this community. MIRROR OF YOUR MIND a?SSV By LAWRENCE GOULD Consulting Psychologist1 ance ol what your real goals are for Instance, to thinking that your goal is success when it really is a good time. But in any case tha more your actions are controlled by your unconscious mind, the more inconsistent tney will be, because that part of your mind contains so many conflicts. Should you ever give direct advice? Answer: You cannot entirely void it But the circumstances under which you are justified in doing so ere not unlike those in which you may have to use force for example, to save someone from doing irreparable damage to himself or others. Advising a Wife hot to "leave home" until She is sure that her suspicions of he husband are well-founded might be a good illustration, as would urging a sick person to go to ;a doctor. But' no one is ever permanently helped by "follow ing advice" and it is always better to help someone see for himself what he should do than to have bim do it on your "say-so." Are anyone's actions consistent? Answer: Not entirely. For ex ample, while you may profess the same ideals in both cases, your behavior at the office may be very different from the side of yourself that you show at home. Incon sistency may be due to conflicting aims in life, to not knowing how to attain your goals, or to ignor- (CsprrtM rl, tan tura Srafett, U) rvv May psychology be based on economics? '- Answer: I very much doubt it." Dr. Geza Roheim in "Psychoa nalysis and Anthropology" dis cusses another scientist's account of the customs of a South Sea Is land tribe, the Alor, In which many emotional characteristics are correctly traced to the fact that mothers habitually leave their babies at home and half starved while they go out to work In the fields which It is claimed that they have to do "for eco nomic reasons." But mothers in other, similar tribes work in the fields and take their babies with them. The tribal psychology Is based, not on economics, but on ' the fact that the Alor women do not love to Welcome babies. i i - H.I I "TP I j I I i ony..! Mi- Eflo a y I fc-V. nc PWPPVTUlkK " I rV t 1 IT i NERVE il ijj i ,,111 " ' . Looking BackOverThe Years 15 YEARS AGO WaynesvHle is selected as the meeting place for the summer session of the It. C. Press Assoc! ation. Donald Dunham arrives from St. Petersburg, Fla. predicts good season here. Joe Emerson Rose, popular radio star, visits his wife and daughter at their summer home at Balsam. 10 YEARS AGO Miss Ruby Francis Brown re ceives the Curved Bar at Girl Scout Court of Honor. Phil Medford receives the rank of Eagle Scout. Miss Lucille Plott joins Nurses Corps. Navy Mrs. Dan Watklns returns from Stanford, Conn,, where she attend ed the marriage of her sister, Miss Maria Sellers. The Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Ham mett and Mr. stld Mi's, fcack Mas sey leave for Birmingham to attend the Southern Baptist Convention. 5 YEARS AGO Unagusta furniture Is now going into 48 states and 2 foreign coun tries, according to R. L, Prevost, president f he company. Officials of the Wellco Shoe Corporation and the Dayton Rub ber Company are hosts of a dinner at The Lodge, honoring the offi cers, employees, and directors of the First National Bank. Mrs. R. N. -Barber goes to At lantic City to attend the annual meeting of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. EKiiiiiim ItL ANY WORSE?' . Speaking of roads, work is badly needed on some of the primary highways. One of the worst roads in North Carolina in the primary system is U. S, 64 from Asheboro to Lexing ton, Riding on tt Is comparable to being caught out on a storm sea in a rowboat. The State News Bureau reports that the number of tourists to visit North Carolina this summer will be much greater than the number of people living in our confines. Let us hope that they don't get the impression that al' our roads are like the Lexington-Asheboro trip. On the other hand, one of the best and most beautiful highways in the State is U. S. 64 from Pitts boro to Slier City to Asheboro. It's a honey. But watch your speed. CROP OF PINES You have heard the song t0 the effect that "they cut down the old pine tree; and they hauled it away to the mill". That's the story in North Carolina and throughout the South land. Soon, however, farmers may be gin .growing crops of pine trees just as they do tobacco, cotton, and corn. The jnain, reason they -have not planted field's in! pine tree's that' they have known little about pines except how to get rid of them. If a farmer put 50 acres in young pines, cultivated them, put fertilizer around them, and work ed them just as he does his other crops, how long would it require for them to be ready for harvest? That's a question which the School of Forestry and the N. C. Agricultural Experiment Station will try to answer, in cooperation with the Solvay Process Division of the Allied Chemical and Dye Corporation and the N. C. Forestry Association, the College has with out fanfare begun a study of the effects of the application at vari ous rates of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash on the growth of pines. The experiment, located in the Hill Forest in Durham Coun ty, will cover about seven acres. The fertilizer will he dissolved in water and mured into holes reaching down to the roots of the ,rees The . tree - diameters and height measurements will be made each winter throughout the experi ment. Work will be under the supervision of Dr. R. J. Preston, dean of the School of Forestry' Great areas of the South at one time lived off the pine, pitch, tar, turpentine, and lumber. This may be so again if these experiments prove successful. GETTING BETTER DEPT. L-nurch membership In the Uniti States has increased 51.5 per cent since iH as compared with population increase of only 20 per cent. y The Protestants have a growth of 58 per cent; Catholics, 48.4 per cent; and Jewish, 22.5 per cent. Speaking of "the good old davs". in 1780 only five per cent of our people were church members. In 1850, this had increased to 15 per cent; and in 1900 had moved up to 35 per cent. In 1940 church mem bership was 50 per cent of our population. Last year, the figure ran to 54 per cent. Of the Protest ant gains, Southern Baptists were out in front in the period from 1926 to 1949 with a gain of 91.8 per cent. This is taken from a survey made by the National Council of Chur ches. It takes more than numbers, brother. We have the quantity. How about the quality? Incident ally, do any of our denominations ever turn anybody out of the church any more? This used to be a rather common practice, particu larly among the Baptist Churches. If memory serves correctly, one ornery old guy of these parts was turned out of the church'' a total of seven times. One time he got drunk and let the horse run away with him, tearing up the buggy and throwing him out in the ditch with a pint bottle sticking out of his pocket and his Sunday suit caked with red mud. He was found there In peaceful slumber the next morning , by a fellow church member. "-. ' ' , ThV v:tn Ihle rt.itt'- ttit' V,n pfl(3h jaqtitstilWnad 'nothing on what the boafd of deacons put that poor devil through before they "turned him out of the church", and into community ostracism af ter prayer meeting the following Wednesday night. , Last week the British and For eign Bible Society reported 1950 had been a record year (out of 147) with 1,357,749 Bibles and 1,881,651 Testaments or portions published. Voice oi the People Do you like ramps enough to travel miles to attend the conven tion? This question was asked by Mrs. George Boring, Mountaineer reporter for White Oak Community.) Mrs. Robert Davis: "I sure do, if I have plenty of scrambled eggs and corn bread to go. with them." Miss Roslyn Messer; don't like them." "Shoo, I Joe Davis: "No, can't stand the smell of therrV" Rowe Ledford: "Yes I do, cook ed or raw, makes no difference." Brown Messer: "Yes, I like them with bacon and eggs. That is, if Harrison Hunter is along to cook them." Mrs. Teasue Williams: "I like them, but not enough to travel a long distance like some folks do." Walter Lowe: "No, can't say I do only at a distance." George Boring: "I tasted them for the first time this year, and I'll take liver and onions any day." The Long And Short Of It NEW YORK (AP) Amada Ibanez, young shortstop signed by the Ottawa Giants in the Interna tional League, weighs 150 pounds and is five feet three inches tall. Jack Wallasea, who plays the same position for the Springfield Cubs is six feet four more than a foot taller than his rival. Rambling 'Round --tSits Of Human Interest News- ' fiy Frances Gilbert Frarier As the closing of school be came nearer, little Johnny could hardly contain his impatience and excitement, and asked every morn ing: "How many more days, Dad dy?" Then suddenly there came a reversal of enthusiasm ' and John ny lost all Interest in the coming vacation. Perplexed, his father asked the reason: "Well, you see, Daddy, teacher told us that school would open again in just ninety eight days." Cross word punles and small incomes have the same idea: making both ends meet. Mr. A was making his first gar den and had spent many weary hours getting it planted and had painstakingly placed the picture envelopes on small sticks to desig nate the article below. When the green sprouts finally pushed their way through the warm earth, he was jubilant and visualized each row as producing replicas of the colored pictures. But as they con tinued to grow, something seemed definitely wrong. Plants that were supposed to produce blooms de veloped long twining vines that needed supports, and other vag- aries made themhJ teen-aee rt,.K. ft M mystery oC i 7 Daddy; ihai'i'i k envelopes , .R Phabetica! order' one enveloni. ""'UJ . n all side's the biL Plementerf iw u. . ns versaimn of birds ,J j gle Of Wain- W H ernuatlo on pave d 5 depths of Eternitv as from the stHr, 0 -"fj i.Miig gorges 4 , tourists wer., ? 1 in silent u,,,,.).... . . "I Then one of ,he partv sin oi ( mers. so'pmni.- ' " ' " id was le, If only We ,uldsVo faults throuEh , ms of our through the little end ,i Finds Advantages In Poultry DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) A year ago last fall, the Vaughn Staeblers sold their 14 dairv cows and went Into the poultry business. They are convinced they did the right thing for the Staebler 80 acre farm. At tne end of a year's operation. Staebler said, his flock of l inn laying hens produced $3,242 worth of eggs. After all m J ducted indudini th market price ()f grain pJ the tarm more than $1 left for profit. Poultry and duction are particularly m a small farm he believes. "You have to feed a daii for 2'v years before she si dueing," says Mis. staebl it takes only 5U nmntbs a pullet to laying ;ifie" YOU'RE TELLING ME By WILLIAM RITT KOREA means "Land of Morn Ing Calm" and how some of those Koreans must wish their country would start again living up to its name! T ! ! A U. S. missionary shooed away a Bengal tiger vith an umbrella. For once the symbol of appease ment really worhed. iii . Good thing the above Incident didn't happen In one of those rain foreshi. The striped feline might Have borrowed the bumberthoot. I I i The best way, says Milt, the sterling printerman, to keep grass from growing under your feet is Central Press Writtr to stay on the porch and lawn. ! ! ! A batteru ai mnt:e a W! almost us fast an il run J a too-crafty rare horst jock iii Tillie, our titian-tntud writtr topper, thinks Wall SlrJ utt the plat whtrt they ni fatture all that ticker tap K at celebrities. ! ! ! Prince Bernhard of the Xel lands, visiting' Argentina, N his coat while Presidmt n was making a lengthy 'in Sounds like a new kind ol sleeve diplomacy. WASHIil&TG MARCH OF EVENTS MacArthur Dismissal Seen Proof H S T Not Candidate See Ike's Views hi Him in Democratic CI s" I ' I J den. OwrgM D. : Eisenhower Special to Central Press TrrASHINGTON Political experts in Washington feel M YY Truman's decision to fire Gen. Douglas MacArthur sw does not want to run again in 1952. They say he would not mw such a step, knowing; its repercussions, if he were planning; political campaign. The dismissal of MacArthur also strengthens the chancei Gen. Dwight.D. Eisenhower will run for President on the Democi ticket, if he chooses to be a candidate. , , , Hournvnr evnorte urtmtt this OOtnion, wsw-i I on MftcArthnr'a mister and the subsequent f uproar, is subject to change should Mr. Truif ' roniilritv winc uriwftrd later. I rr J o -r . , ,! S .. niuiariei-a ool that the shArD foreien BUUVJ f between"theJto'ernoerat9 and RepubltcanJ W 4T to MacArthur's dismissal, places Ike squcdl the Democratic camp. I Thev nnlnf nut thftt Fisenhower, beCW "I r- ---- l(k, I foreign policy views, could never aciep. j ination of a Republican party support i thur'a artrument that Asia is more imi ' So, they say, if Eisenhower should dK'de,03 tne political arena, u win oe a " ; , . .. u. 00,wiitv that W' man might step aside and urge that Ike take the nomintwj 9 v m PEACE TALK Here's some background on the peace tatt ; J suddenly broke out following- tile ouster of Gen. Douglas t,j i Mao 1"'! AiwMinK iv some sources, tnmese r. . , . .. i .u. i ..-lu tittle dudKik" i "we ivi vciifc appeal 10 uio xvrciiiiiu uuiuig - - rvmniit to Moscow recently for double-barreled aid. The Chinese w j,u 4-ji.. military m w vuici icpuricuiy sougni avremun assisiaocc - - .! 1 . .. r r . iiiicrvenuun to ena we tvorean war.- ,,hdJ .nahtlv disturb I the heavy Red Chinese losses In Korea and that he wanu ians to do something- about it. A unnr ainrQT i. t.-tu. onortment to round up atomic spy suspects. Informed sources say that convic j Fuchs-Gold-Rosenberg-Greenglaas espionage ring a. ning-. The government refuses, of course, to tip """ aomit privately that more arrests can be expect. nlStM i uia ib reuecieu in an exnausuve rcn"1 ' .innfeJI nuiuiw vuiiiiuiim wmcn saiu uiu me ru o - eoviei atomic program by at least 18 monms. . f The report hinted strongly that there probably were o i invoivea in the transmission of United sw" Russia. AIRLINE CONTROL Aviation leaders are P in arms government proposals for control over airline operauu me ngnt to dictate new routes to domestic w'"" frequency of flights and the type of equipment to be used. The recommendations made by the Civil Aero nautics Board to the Senate and House commerce committees drew sharp criticism from the leaders or tne amines. p Spokesmen for the carriers say that the proposal w fi , s government life-or-death control over the nation's airm"V when such curbs are unnecessary. ct k tWI aey say tne airlines have been doing yeoman wmon program and have snowu.s -- troflts In the past few years, so drastic controls re