US T7ATNTSTTLL2 STOUTTAIXlTa t.ut sr.vr rin mm iqFmp flvl .K - i miii!',""W"l" """ -",l WAD ' iATES j wnts per word. ..U 40 cents. 3 cents per charge 60 btvp. lts mil 1 pnbllshea m. - Laments should be m t,nl hm re- iw tofrtion- , mnre una lTKFMFNTS ARB 1 ADVANCE. C,,sh mlist r, srni oy ., be office be- m. on day before L to ruarantee to be j jfftion. U to Insert a want ad LfM 700. ' ' -Steam cured blocks taicr, heat, and sound, nices between eleven v-fivo mils determined quantity, material ana lult'tl. l'e mese sieam- li lor your protection. ll:iS Block Co. X c. I'lwines 30 and O 31-tf IMAM'S see Haywood ii Co., next to Farmers on Ashevllle Road. H, manayer. Phone 1029. tf nR s.M.i'; 200 bags Havs Block Co., Frank I'trtiiu s anil 499. 0 19-tf 0.,k sawmill wood l i.'iu'tli. $r.()( per .-idi. 1'iiuiii' ;iit!-w. M 10-28 R TRY . . . HEAT ARTS and M GRAVY? ivork Ihout pgBackache f taction alow down, miny p gagging DacKacne, Iom ol f '. tiradachu and diuineas. w wnli ihem discomforti fy funrtion ii getting you mh pemmon cauacs u atreaa 'Mwrtinn or expoaura to Mft irritations due to cold, ''t tlift. may cause getting ''lUftll paaaagos. " Snur kidneys il these eondt Try Doan's Pills a mild jucwwfully ,y minions tor 'ffileoftt-n otherwise caused, '"' many timps Doan's give "n discomforts help 'I Kit llt'V tl,k BnJ Alt.. f "rt Doan's Pills todayl i's Pills FOR SALE One 4-room and one FOR 6-room nouse. 13 down. WUI sell separately or together Phone 420-J. Everett McElroy. ' M 26-tf BUSINESS FOR SALE-Grocery Store, Esso Station and 3 apart ments. Good income. 13 down. UIMU1IU9UCU, rnone or Everett MeElroy. M 26-tf WANTED Country Hams. For higher prices bring t0 Patrick Cafeteria. Mar. 15-f W ATKINS PRODUCTS - Always ouy your insect dust, tomato BLIGHT dust, fly spray, etc. from your local W ATKINS dealers for best results. 0.75 KvJTEMONE DUST, 1 COP PER, 0.50 ROTENONE, 0.20 SABADILLA for tomato blight. sena your orders by mail to P. T. PHOENIX. Waynesville. Rt. 2. or call RAYMOND B LAN TON, Phone 685-W-3 or Box 161 Waynesville, for immediate de livery. A26 thru Jy 30 BUD MACKEY. of Clyde, is win ner of two free passes to see "Under the Gun" at the Strand Wednesday and Thursday. FOR RENT 3 room apartment. private bath, and wired for elec tric range, hot and cold water. Call 420-J. Everett McElroy, Dellwood Rd. M 3-tf SIGNS PAINTED AND RE PAIRED Free Estimates cheerfully given. We do any type of sign repairs and painting also Scotch Lite, and Neon Signs. Hardy Stinnett Signs Located across street from Charlie's "lace. Phone 1477. M 3-tf ATTENTION FISHERMEN: 12 ft. Feathercraft aluminum boat, cork-lined seats, floatable. Rea sonable. Almost new. Weighs only 98 lbs. Call 1144-J. May 17-21 FOR SALE: Used Mattresses. $3.00. Hotel Gordon. May 17-21 FOR RENT: Furnished or un furnished apartment; second floor Kirkpatrick Apartments. Call 225-W or 264-W after 4 p.m. M 21 tf FOR RENT Two attractive apart ments available at Branner Crest to desirable parties. One apart ment on 1st floor, and one on second floor. May be had furn ished or unfurnished. Immediate possession. If in need of accom modations, phone 453-W. May 17-21 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Lake Junaluska community Like new 5 room house and partially completed garage a partment. Bethel section Five acres, all flat. 180 feet on Highway 276. Five room house with bath like new. Convenient to all Hazel wood industries. Priced right. Terms. 28 Acre Camp I!1" on small stream $1,850.00 E. M, INGRAM Masonh Temple Bldg. . Phones 2irorH-r ' " VOTE FOR JOE LKIER for BOARD OF ALDERMEN OWN OF WAYNESVILLE Your Vote Will Be Greatly Appreciated PED FRESH DEAD STOCK - A -'fw FREE SERVICE For lour Community Can I. SCHULHOFER - 704-J calls and our special equipped truck n7' "-horses ,d hog, without any coat to Dea rSOLIDATED HIDE AND METAL COMPANf i " mwnuiLiMMMiHii, Aimiuuiui,, -U.UUUU.--i A . UiUl U SALE Oak sawmill wood tad "'"r uuu it ii gin, so. uo per load delivered: Phone 318-W. May 10-28 NOTICE: If you want the best In Insecticides try RAWLE1GHS with a guarantee or money back. Also handle the best in spices, medicines, vitamins, and food products. We aim to please. Write or contact the Rawleigh Dealer. Rawleigh Dealer, Ninevah Sec tion, Waynesville, or Box 177. Balsam. N. C. M 17-21 APARTMENT FOR RENT Suit able for couple. All new electric kitchen. Convenient location. Reasonable. See Joe Howell at Howell's Hardware or call 1062 or 623-J. M 17-21 MAJOR OIL COMPANY has sta tion for lease. Park Street. Can ton. N. C. Proven Ideal location. Telephone Waynesville 300 or write to "Station" Box 511. Way nesville. N. C. M 21 GAIL WOODAKD. ot Waynesville, is winner of two free parses to see Inner the uun at tne Strand Wednesday and Thurs day. For quick and dependable CAB SERVICE, call Part on's Yellow Top Cab. Safe and careful drivers. Located near Courthouse, Depot St. Hubert P a r t o n, owner. Phone 90. Apr 30, May 3, 7, 10. 14, 17, 21,24 FOR SALE MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE hall bath. Wired for electric range and hot water heater. Phone 5R5-J. Oak Street, llazelwood. Paul Palmer. M 14-17-21 FOR SALE-1947 Packard fi. 4 door. Will consider trade on tim ber or real entate. or sell out right. Phone 1269-W. M 17-21 LOIS MeCRACKEN. of Upper Crabtree, is winner of two free passes to see "Up Front" at the Strand Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Close Out Sale 2 disc harrows; 2 section har rows; 2 Vulcan plows; 1 fertilizer distributor; 1 corn planter; 2 deep! freeze home freezers; 1 household refrigerator; 3 automatic washini? machines; 3 conventional washing machines; 3 apartment size electric stoves: 2 reEUlar size electric stoves. The above and all small aft-. pliances at a price far below wholesale for a qiiiek close out. Junaluska Supply Company, Lake Junaluska. M 17-21-24-28 AUTO LOANS $50.00 and Up Save The Waste! Feed The Best For Less! STORE IT IN A SILO For information and in stallation, contact E. I. ANDERS BUILDER Phone 4379 P.O. Box 375 Hendersonville, N. C. ze igtd UB wmm PHONE 1199 U MEV,MOvN K s I I T T " i flW Located on Main Street WMEtfE'S CJ? J IT'S INJ TM 1 IV V MTVy'NX between Sims Motor Co. and E6G SATf? ? J LECT-H.AV3 ) - F v V H W ll James Furniture Co. s CUPBOARD J X iJSkSk 1 M 1 :j(rm JfJ (i r s Vs ; fell II Kr LMmm l- 1 E, IA'mni HENRY - u 1 Z7-1 1 I If I '"mit i ' 7 il c- m rn pri donate . fit ' ( tPJ, fj , n WA I - A BOOK I I iJ . i . By WALT DISNEX J DONALD DUCK -V j rfl I uir Warm-Morning Heater, also thirty gallon capacity oil hot water heat er, slichtly used. See Jim Phillips, llazelwood, N. C. M 21 FOR SALE 5-room House and bath. Just above the Pines Groc-''.P AmilritfnnQ Qal try in Clyde. BuiU-in Cabinets. ! "ey UlUUOIlSl OOl -New inlaid linoleum in kitchen. TViiivc fjtrtrr OA Hot water tank. .'Wired for elec-i 1 nursaay, lUUy L1 trie range, insulated. Shrubbery; Revision of tho prcsent MiIk and garden planted. Terms. Ap- i riaifii.1 vu,snc ,j ply Ernest Sutjles, House No. 6. . May 21 FOR RENT One bedroom twin beds and kitchenette. Mrs. Sam Stringfield. Comer Walnut and Main. Phone 624. M 21 FOR SALE 5-room HOI SK AND BATH. Hardwood floors, tnsulat ed. Locsted Sulphur Springs Road, Set" Sybil Robinson or call 762-R. M 21-24-28 FOR RENT; Nice apartment one block from Main Street, furnish-, rd or unfurnished, electric kitch en, bedroom, bath and living room. Hot waler and steam heat. Telephone 316 V M 21-24 FOR SALE OR LEASE: Store building with five-room apart ment upstairs. Located in busi ness section. Easy terms can he arranged. The L. N. Davis Co. Phone 77. M 21 tf FOR RENT: Downstairs, 4-room bath apartment, electric stove, electric refrigerator, automatic oil heat, standing furniture.- Al so upstairs 6-rooms and hath a- partment, furnished or unfurn-j ished. Automatic oil heat, front;,,,.- and rear entrance. Inquire 1 14 1 Pigeon Street about apartment. Not interested in renting for ; short time only. M 21-24 MRS; R, C. MOODY, of Dellwood Road, is winner of two free passes to see ''Under. The Gun" at the Strand Wednesday and Thursday. FOR SALE: Four lol behind the Spie and Span and across from Wellco No, I, with house founda tions to all lots. Call 10M-R. Till. 111)1 r AIMllil IT 1 ; ;im I 1 I CDOL0 HOLO HWK HftfHC? 1 VC OOK' T UiORV , ill u -- foReue, Vt ONLW V . tvV V3QW rr;i L, r . , .i i L,iin o,ir it iwmiJ iikpT J r-m . r ii uu 'h -lihi i I LLjwuvy r U 11 u-ii 1',-, Vw , VI . I M i ' I X 1 . I Six passes to see, "Up Front," at the Strand Theatre, showing Sun., some readers of The Mountaineer Want Ads. Look them over See if your ad. If so. call at The Mountaineer office and get Hearing On Milk ...V. 0.-...V additions to the Regulation are to be discuss d at a public hearing in Ashevil'.e on Thursday, May 24. The hearing has been called by .StaM Commissioner of Agricul ture L. Y. Ballon! ine, All Grade "A" milk producers selling milk to plants in this urea and ail milk distrainors of the area aie invited to the hearing, ac - cording to Rallentine. and all in - 'terestwl na. tles will h civpn an i opportunity to be heard. The hearing will be held in the Main Courtroom. Room 409, Fourth floor of the Runcomhe County Courthouse, beginning at 10:30 a.m. FOR Rr.NT FOR TOURIST Gar aye apartment, furnished. Hill side Terrace. Phone 1179-W. M 21-24-28-31 FOR SALE -Large baby carriage. Call 245-J or see Mrs. W. P. Sut i ton. - M 21 FOR SALE: Lavatory, nice and lne. See Mrs. J. II. Howell, Sr.. or cull 5tt-V.' M 21 ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as Adminlstral ()r ii,,. estate of .1. S Rlack de ,.,,.(s,,() iai,, ,,f Haywood County. North Carolina, this is to notify all1 persons having claims against the estali of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Way nesville, North Carolina, on or be fore the 21st day of May, 19.V2 or this miili'c will he pleaded in liar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said late will please make immediate payment 1 Tins the 21st dav of May. 19S1. II. W. HURNKTTE, Administrator of the Estate of .1 S. lllack, deceased M.... ll '19'WHII Mm 'tl.'M . 4-1 l-llt-r ' - - SSMMMSS j iL . White Collar Turnabout1 MEADYILLF., Pa. i P Have oil ever impishly dreamed of see ing your banker, doctor or other professional man getting his hands dirty at some manual Job? If so, you should have bwn at the William Gates Service Station in this small town recently.' Nearly 50 professional men took over the duties of atteiutanis for a 1'u.l day. On that eventful day von could have watched a pronumnt dentist filling gas tanks tntead of cavi ties. Or you could have overheard I termer patient -say to ins noeior: r .'Belter check the oil. Doe. And. 1"'1 yes, would you wie the wind- P'ease? It s a little dirty The project was a campaign -designed to raise funds for youth ac tivities of the Meadville Exchange Club.' All profits from the sale of gasoline was turned over to the chili. Dodgers Drew 7.1,460 MI AMI i A P i - The llrooklyn Dodgers drew 7'.1.4(U) fans for their IB exhibition games in the ultra iiMidci n Miami Stadium, That's not bud when you consider many of the ninld games were played in cool weather However, the average ot 4.0K1 fans per game was tar below expectations. The Dodgers hoped to average 7,000 fans per game. Breed your Cows fc. SIRES PROVED GREAT Your better herd begins when you phone ui for information and killed service to nigti. indrt Pioved Sifts. Haywood Cooperative Hrrrding Ahs'ii. Call HUM by 1 1 u. ni. for suiiie day service vour passes. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Adminlstra trix of the estate of Harry M. Sulll-1 van. deceased, late of Haywood I County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims) against the estate of said deceased; to exhibit them to the undersign- j ed at Waynesville. -North Caro- j Una, on or before the 30th day of ; April. 1952 or this notice will be. pleaded in bar of their recovery; ; Ml persons indebted to said es-; tate will please make immediate payment. This the ' 30th. dav of April, 1951.' SARA ELLEN SULLIVAN, Administratrix of the Estate of HARRY M SULLIVAN, deceased. 2074 -A 30-M 7-14-21-28-Jn 4 ATHLKTES FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT. IN ONE HOl'U IK NOT PLEASED, your 40c. back from any druggist. T'4-L is spe cially made for UK! II CONCEN TRATION, Undiluted alcohol base gives great PENETRATING power Kills IM REDDED Rcrms on eon tact. NOW at Smith's Drug Store Btilldoer and Shovel Work. All Types o( Excavating. Washed Stone and Sutid For Concrete Work. Crushed Slone for Driveways. Field and Creek Rock. Free Estimates on Any Type Concrete Work. Dirt For Filling. Clay Construction Co, Phone 759 Waynesville 1 v Mon., and Tues., await name appears in a Strand STRAND WED. THU. 'Under The Gun' Starring UICHAKD CONTE AITMIEY TOTTEIl SENSATIONAL NEW RADIO SHOW GROUCHO MARX in "YOU BET YOUR LIFE" EVERY WEDNESDAY 9 TO 9::m over WISE Hroufiht to you by HOWELL MOTOR CO. DeS.ito . Plymouth Dealer Haywood St. Waynesville Ue Want Ad-; lor quick results. lly SWAN IT'LL 8L.IM TOtf POCKZX CLE. htm (rrer vou'c . -'' i -l i

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