PAGE HGHT (Ss.ond Si.HonT Thursday Alter THE WAYNES VI LLE fuCUNTAINtm non. May - i 1 I. I Hominy Ccmmnuity Meets May 28; Church Dedication Draws Many ' MRS. LLOYD R. JONES Mountaineer Reporter The Hominy Community Devel opment Program will meet at Old Harmony Grove Church on May 28 at 7 o'clock. It is .'hoped that the Friendly Five and other singers will be pres ent. - A number of people joined the church at the formal opening serv ice of the' new Plains Methodist Church ii Hominy. Dr. C. N. Clark, former District Superintend ent, assisted the paster, the. Rev. George Culbrcth, in conducting the services. Yoder Clark was in charge of music, with special numbers given by the M.Y.F. choir, the Fricndl Five, and the Gospel Five-. The following young 'people joim'd the Church on profession of faith: Michael Clark, Horace Yates, Rex Sheppard, Harold Sheo pard, Gail Cogburn. Martha Swain. Colleen Deweese, Roba Dean De weese, Clara Jean Anderson and Norma Jeanne Broylcs. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley joined by transfer from the First Methodist Church of Canton. The service closed with Holy Communion. The church received many mes sages and expressions of congratu lation from friends and former members. GOING TO TOWN Mr. D. O. Peer- or, Rout 3, Spartanburg, S. C.( writes: "I suf fered ten yeart fram jpellt of faseevs ttomach trouble, causing nervousness and heartburn bad it at a d a ma cough. I had no appetite a d van liaht foods hurt my stomach. I was not able to work- and fait so weak I was noble to ha op much o4 the time and could not walk about. I have taken lifteen bottles of (calf's Indian River,Mediine and ow I eat heartily, sleep well and have put on twenty-five pounds of much needed weight. I am able to walk te town again. There is nothing like Scelf's." The first bottle of Scalf's must satisfy or your money back. Try i it today. VA PHONE CALL PUTS THIS P U I It 1 i k A r IrWLmW IN FORCE TO PROTECT YOUR FAMILYI D Two years protection. Covers parents, children under 18. Pays up to $5000 each person for doctors, hospital, special treatment, transportation expenses. Pays cost of member of family remaining with patient away from home. Family $10, individual $5. Call for information. f No, AL MARSHALL Phone 9196 ITazclwood I Add, City ;;' ef !(( ESSO FUEL OIL CALL 555 S. W. Whidden RESIDENT DISTRIBUTOR v' for Wayncsville Hazclwood and Vicinity Serving the area from Clyde to Balsam Dr. and Mrs. C. N. Clark and R. 'and Mrs. W. Dillon Chambers were dinner guests of the George Culbrcths Sunday. Some 25 members of the Metho dist Youth Fellowship had an all- day outing at Bent Creek Satur day. They carried a picnic lunch, and a committee arranged for a cook-out supper. The Rev. and Mrs. George COl brcth and Miss Vera Star Culbrcth joined the group for supper and the worship service which climax ed the day. Joe Dale McCracken is presi dent of the group. Mrs. Bruce Alexander and Mrs. Yoder Clark I arc counsellors. Mrs. Wiley Donaldson of Horn my is slowly Improving. She is a patient at the Victoria Hospital In Asheville, Mrs. J. P. Holland is ill at her home on Hominy. Friends of Mi's. Joyce Owen are glad to learn that she is now able to walk without crutches. She was knocked down by a car about a year ago. Another resident confined to his home is Bill Morris. Charles Mann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mann of Hominy, crack ed his fist while practicing boxing at school last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Holland of Asheville visited relatives on Hominy last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Medford of Dallas visited friends here last week. Mrs. Destie Medford and grandson Jimmy returned to Hom iny after a two-weeks visit in Dallas and Gastonia. Miss Louise Nichols of Hominy spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Dock Nichols, in Whittier. Mrs. Sallie Mann has returned home after spending a week with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Torpy, in Alexandria, Va. Mrs. Mary Moore of Whittier is visiting friends and relatives on Hominy. Mr. and Mrs. Pink Cook, Miss Louise Cook and Edward Gibson Cook spent Saturday on an all day fishing trip to Fontana. J 1 ''fee, ''if. ie" ! 14 Ounce ZOHITE LIQUID a DISINFECTANT Large POND'S CREAM COLD Bottle 50 ANACIN i ot . . m m w m w h TABLETS i& FOR PAIN , 59c 5 ounce GRIFFIN ALL-WHITE Shoe Polish 23c ZVa Ounce H VAPO-RUB 7n .12 ounce PHILLIPS MAGNESIA Laxative 39c 100 UPJOHN UNICAPS Vitamins 111 V Bottle 120 IRONIZED YEAST TABLETS t OA. DIAPER SOIL! Put a Chix CoHaned Dlopsr liner inside regular diaper, liner gets soiled but not the dlaperl Flush soiled liners away. Mtam eai. ir dioper Wm"2l wathinaf I (aA "V (oi tl 6 dot. 98c $2.00 Dorothy dray HORMONE CREAM 1 FUN AHEAD ... for you and your family ... especially when you prepare lor it properly at SMITH'S. We're all set to help you make that day "Extra Special" . . . whether you're traveling, having a picnic or going to the beach. We have a wonderful assortment of Vacation needs priced to make your Holiday thrifty. FT. Witch Hazel $1.25 Absorbine Jr. 400 Cleansing Tissues 50c JKKGKN'S Greme Shampoo Sic 40c Noxzema . . AT LAST I The Perfect Color Make-up . . . It's Here! PIN Complete with 60 bobby pins Plus Tat AH IT TAKES IS PIN CURIS AND for the beautiful Home Owned and VVVuiio Mill I III : : 7c . . S) If ARTIST PORTRAIT MAKI-UP FLUID COLOR I tax) SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER A regular 1 oz. bottle of Dermetics famous S.A. Cleanser with each pur chase of Artist Portrait Make up Fluid Color. Combined Value $2.10 for only $1.50 (pim m) - CURL HOME WAVE KIT NO CURLERS I . NO BLOCKING 1 NO RE-SETTING I If you can put up your hair in pin curl, you can give, yourself a biautiful BOBBI Wavt. Sets, tyles. waves all at on time. Saves half the time and work. Leaves hair soft, shining, easier to comb and manage. BOBBI .. . soft wave you'va always wanted, eir m .Vol .If. -i:mr-- ioh; RISK: i r !u H 7 i rllff'-ilfe il- j()0 pkae 2a w ot BMBR PMLUPS CtUETTB COAfTt fiSPWN MMNESfA BLADES SHAMPOO 591 M W 09 ALKa-SELTZE&XLM FEENflMtNT AO' BOTTLE OF 25 ?4' LAXATiVe 6P's jeT MSJM?Mrmfl2l CARTERS pus ffk XlNMISTCtf i98 KOTXtifiKmK 1 30TTL OF QQ t C0M?M 'SOX 48 I iMsm' " t:wfii.'r::eTgKraffla.::'t'li 11 '" i .afr--Sew 9? MM ,X3Ke X. 1 WW-:;W 1 7V Assorted Styles and Sizes SUN GLASSES Protect your eyes from sun glare. Priced mm as low as jP 'ZeuMc-'Zfr ki wis i milk Chocolate KALMONDS & PECANS A CASHEWS THE 3 FINEST 75c 6 OZ. 9 or. t SQUIDB ANGLE TOOTHBRUSH, 1600 Suptf-flM Supr-flxiblt .' BylobrhtliiJ 1 Home Operated Rexall Store BOX .KLEEN TlSSUt CLEANSI),' 28c! Bout INHIST ABLE1 FOR COli 98c ALKA SELTZE 25 TABU S4cl Box 48 MODES NAPKIN SANITARY 11 1 13 That's that termlerfutmt Dorothy Gray HotWeaOier Cologne c.m.r Sr,ni. Natural 11 70unt shamp! AM 4 Ounce! COLGA I) POWD AMMONIA a ' Sweet SpicpJmil;B'J"l''il U I,iiP ilar! U this pff for home, office. wkel Foreu.7(wienoiff"'l Dorothy Gray Jumbo Stick Cologne ;. eve-catclnng iCigarettes