STANDARD FTG C-j delights Of The The TODAY'S SMILE esville m Traffic .Cm; "Yo foinc 7i mile an hr." Dumb Dame: "Isn't that wonderful? I Jast leaned to drire yesterday." News -D Pul-Mied Twice-A'AVccK lu The County Scat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park -a - .ptitA,c euth yi;au m. n s i(,i:s Associated Press V AYNKSYILI.K, N. C, MONDAY AETERNOON, JUNE IS, 1031 $a.0ti In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Lake a colored Wayn n rr . him in Ins yard junaluska. During w .. hp Clark learn- ainer was a devout ' -a inn Dr , iimvi .-o.." , " . . ...1 it,, koiil. i., .i.illll OUl C " " ju!,.lska-'nhe tow- .., A,nt vou agree that '.a 'is one of the most syois on eann jt HtCKy iu nave don t you imiiM looked down at the 4 then P 10 7' jit.j-cl deiermuwu '1 agrees this is beau- , beautiful DUi it snuie .. mrh if you didn't iat Baptist water fenced k'Stop Smoking 'ko kind of woman that wuld be a "perfect l'-aod would make . , , miserable, in me pru. 'Ik boasting of her well .,mm., anri went on to hiwhand. "Mv husband .jhahiis at all. He doesn't Lmble and he spends all ipfsat home. ,k smoke?'' H ever. He says he enjoys slier a R,m" dinner and ;fpose he smokes two Kiffht-ot-w av Down Fiareon Donaf edRu Milk Maids Show Large Crowd 'Milking Is Fun Stringlield MD Degree Ink. Siringficld. son of Mrs I. sirincfield- and the late --field received the degree of Medicine at Jefferson , Colli de in Philadelphia, rerniiifi. . sheen appointed intern at .Kpilal. Durham and is in ihiswi'ck In take examina ble State Medical Board. Srinsficld took his pre . uni'k at I lie University of 'arolina. He is a veteran of iWjr II. having served five htlie Navy;' lh?-wnSiwnt to !wl al the University and flwt a year and a half in lean Theatre' and an nddi far and a half in the Pacif wticipated in the D-Da'y tn i Normandy and held the i lieutenant. a member of the Phi Chi alt. Sriiwfieid is expected to ar '!t Thursday with his wife. int Miss Dorothy Ilicheson, 'Bit before going to Durham. '. f""- -h i rm ii ii 1 .JlI f ' f ' I I ! v - 1 l IIS-B! S'i I i IV:'.;' : 1 ' v X. , I I . ... : ' - ' i s v v. ii 111 ! j'l ,v I 1 1 1 Saliiruav County Bar Goes ' On Record Asking For Road Down Pigeon River The Haywood Bar Assiniation unanimously endorsed the con struction of the highway down Pitf eon Kiver. as they held their meet ing here Friday. The Kesolutton, signed by Frank D. Ferguson, Jr., president, and Glenn V. Wrown, secretary. rtMti in part as follows: UFSOIAKO. That the HAY WOOD COUNTY WAR ASSOCI ATION hereby unanimously en dorses and approves the present proposed Pigeon River Route for a highway from the North Carolina- Tennessee line, ami urges that every effort be exerted in secur ing the final adootion of this route: UK IT RF.SOIA T.l). That this Association is of tin firm conviction that the establishment. of a road along this route would bring a new dawn of ill-ogres', ami pmsperiy'tn Western North Caio. linn and would best promote ami serve the interests ol Western North Carolina and the State as a whole, not merely the interests of special sections, groups, or fac tions " A proposed civil calendar wa dratted for the July term of court which tonvenes July till) with Judge C. Rudisill, presiding. Haywood Child Fatally Injured In Accident 19 Out Of 20 Miles Is Signed Hendersonville Civic Group Not Opposing Pigeon River Highway r"r .':j. ihn wmi nr if httr.'u-'-tifin -.-rn. , r ....i.Mr ittif nu v niHini wi'ir 1111 u mi i As parlW'the .Dairy Month program u cs . . " - " ' f ,yil(, wi)s .,,,, w,b Me in tVntll (II I P I 1 1 1 1 I L MIUOVi J."' - r staged a milking contest of Hazclwood. and next. is Miss Masiiic Ramlol'ph, of morning as s Hclt.v Feliifel, ('anion, -Miss I". will) Inicl r ll...... wi liflVI s rWod) runner-up. On the loll is miss nus.e o.ns. , ... , .,,,,,,; nwne.l hv Sam Oueen, Jr. Miss h l- " . ... .-- i. n, f" VI l MISS ' S n Ml lrt.VW,r,.w V ... . and Miss ns ie.i . , , ,,; v.m ,,ui..l hv Hie "cm arm.' ami illso owned by Mr. Q-cn MlsS .Z T tJ ,c u , .S.att' Photo-. lt II owned hv Charles wiwaios. i ue ..... r reiiresented Wa.vncsville. milked Ouecn Klizabclh. wainor milked Daisy 1,1 l.T.t k ...... .o- - t! Renamed Firemen's M Fund r' Way has hern reappoint ed siato (iinmissioner of In to serve on Ihe Board of N of the Firemen's Relief Other members, elected by a! fire department and town, I Clem Kil7PpraIri Felix p'Ben Sloan and David Un- ;i at the same time to 6n board was Bryant Four Counties Register At 4-H Camp This Week Approximately 160 hoys and; Kirls from four counties will he; guests at. the 4-H Club Camp! dinti 10 hetiaim un - " Frit Dc CIroal.' camp din-clor. Campers will come from Chatham.; Yadkin. Person and Madison counties. The start of the camp is .... u..sidos Mr Dc Oroat. who is ii' teacher of physical ed..-: cation and soccer coach at Stale College stall members arc Miss Martha' Sue Smith, Miss Mary Owens, and Kdward Fuller, Community Winners To Be Announced Saturday .See oilier picture Page li the Next Saturday will bo a bit; day in Wnynosville announcement and award of the community drvcl-i- ment 19!i0 cnmmunitv winners. A numbor u i a .un cials headed by Gordon Clapp, cliairman, ami a l.t ot Extension workers from State College, will In: heir lor the occasion. , A dairy panile at ten will bein the dav s IcMivities, with Haywood dairymen participating. 800 Women Due At Lake Wednesday For Meeting June Dairy Month 'Gala Parade Set Saturday Morning The wood pet Tooth' Boy imsinjaii ' Billew, thp IR-vear-nld bov "sweet tooth" remained in '.Wault of $1,500 bond. He fSed with hrookins anri "8 three places of business. "rn instance ate a quantity nrown sugar and other hPhell after being seen by a rn m the Junaluska Sup- l)any. Cooking School Set To Gel Underway On Tuesday Not Too Many Cooks ,'iniiual al tended by - -i -ywirc i TL: Pbw' 1 J I I Simonette uniz y , June 18 Partly cloudy ! ,Jrm . . . lnH5 'Vi mcrl ir narttv h' "".,, . u v. .... u j i' - - (Hid Uan ...;(U n r.,n. crElt L . " HI Willi tt 1CW ovm- r "Ol 'iai Waynesville tempera- horded by the staff of the Tt Farm. The eleventh aniuial mei'liiiK ol Ihe Methodist Woman's Soclely ot Christian Service. Western North Carolina Conference, will open Wednesday aftemoon at th' t.ake Junalu ,ka Asscmblv with Hb'i d-'le-(ates in attendance. Another women's group o the same aiea. the We.lesa.i Service in l'p number o memoeis i.unu. . I a ike ii""" ,..,,:,. ; ..., .t-,.,i f hiiiness and pioles- M' "n "L. V a hel i n I women, will hold it: flubs are expecico io n. , ' r,.lir,e School which meeting June 'ens tomorrow and runs through j 150 delegates. Thin sclav. A number of the clubs Mr, j. W. Payne o ( hern Ml I ue signified their intention ot ! is conference president ,h' :;;;;;i(1r sessions ,n a body T1 i ,., Demonstration ciu uenis i- ' ' ,, " , ! , ' f sponsors of the nesvi.le. Miss Hay. l"-;- ,00. the others being the Com- r' " 11 ,;;', -,- iwi.ihnment Profiram and ' vdle 'district Mis m ,min,t iM.lopnicnt junaluska is conference see the Champion YMCA. ...iarv of missionary education Hve hmue- economist , l Th,v'wiirmake annual report. Caiolina Power and L.ght torn makers will 'be Mrs p-nv will conduct the session.! j .c go- P nkl) ,,,ln . K,uirment for the !u h("n prudent, of the lis to be furnished by Rogers r. c i . m 3(MrPS, l)(h Company, Martin we m u)h- Smith '-f New and Garrett s rurmiuiv, M,u,,ik. a(aroness Company of Waynesville. 'and Mc-: otk . . of niissionary am- "'-' .... ,. m vision ol W-:"c'Ms;AEnesMat- i,. missionary to Cuba, and Miss Classes will be held at me; - ster)P. professor ol Bioie Champion "Y" from 2 to 4 o'clock j Cocgc. Raleigh and from 7 to 9 o'clock each day.., nlP(,tings will feature work- Prizes will be awarded at eachscs-l . s jn chris(ian education, panel .inn and those attending will be i, and overseas , , ' home the food tnat; . ,,ii.ities and the an- sim'oiuI inlallnii'iil of Ha Counly's .Ion-' Dairy Month cclebralion swiiu,s inlii ac'lon i. xl S.ilmdav al In a in With a parade w ho'-e n-nle -'slcnds from Waynesville High throueh llai'l wood all I ! i w,i lo ('anion Two hands. Hiose ol Way li-'svil e i ..i..m will tnki- oarl I'loals are lo !) ari am'.-'d by I In rlllfl l'S ,'ltld disli ilmloi s o who are expected lo have dairy maids dies i ll in piopcr regalia I i iding on the float.-. The j.aiade will I " " s at Ihe 1 Waynesville High School and move 1 through ll.velwood to Wavneville to Clyde and lo f anion arining at Charlie's drill m ('anion by ' 1 1 15 o'clock I.... 1. ik rli:i!l lli;ill ol the ,loe I .on,, , . parade committee He is a- a sled by llov.aid Hyatt. I, I l'i rgu-on. Max Alii-mi Jim f.eal herwood, ' i;:,v,nonrl Ducket I anil Mr Walker 0 silvi i s Dairy. ''he i coiioui'le,. for Hie Funeral services wi re held Sun day morning In Manic drove Church lor Clayton Jackson I'll itiiiLiion !x-eai -old son of Mr and Mm. Ii. J, I'llklnglon of the Helh el section, who was struck and kill ed Friday about Ui a.m. by Si ale Highway and Public Works Com mission truck. The Rev. I.uch Rogers olluialcd and burial was III Stanley ( ove Cemetery. Pallbearer were N. C West. C F, Mainoiis, F.lwood Shook, and Homer Galloway. Members of Ihe primary Sunday School class of Ihe church were flower bearers The accident. Haywood Coiinly s Ii t si highway fatality of Ihe year, nri iii ii, d on N C Highway 110 between ('anion and llethel. In vesligaling officers sil the child had crossed the highway with his lather lo elder a parked automo bile and the child, finding the car full of passengers, turned and chill ed back across Ihe highway in I rout of the truck. Di .1 Frank Pale, llavwoocl cor- : oner, listed the accident as un avoidable and said no impiesl was , necessary, lie said Ihe boy died m- l. j slanlly lrom a compound skull , ilk, I fracture and broken neck The accident was investigated by Cpl. Prilchiird Smith and W. Ii. See Hoy Killed Pane Property owners n'.ong the Pig eon River twin Covt rennessee line have signed hUh way right -ol way agreement for 1! of the -0 miles -and all donated lo the Slate of North Carolina These agreements me now In the hands of the Highway Commission in Raleigh, it was learned from David Felmet president of the Chamber' of Commerce Mr. Fel met said be was speaking for the special road committee of the Chamber of Commerce. The right-of-way tor the remain ing "mile will he signed within a few days The owner is a non resident, and Ihe agieement has been sent tor a signature. There are about 30 property owners along the proposed route from Cove Creek to the Tennessee line The moiiosed mute follow Ihe general contour -l the river, j and would give a water-level route 1 I com here lo New poll. People in at! walks ol hie in May wood are intensely interested in Hie mad clown Pigeon River, which is the iM of the original slale-uide project Where people K.iihi ied Ihis week in Hay wood, I lie main topic of conversa tion was Hie tail that and Maiiison count ic- were trying lo block construction of the Pigeon River road as promised in Ihe 1921 program. A search ol Ihe highway recoius ,.-v.,i,l ih.,1 !I4 oavccl roads have been bull! lrom Noiili Carolina to adjoining slates since 1921. and I hat thl1'. Is Ihe last project on the slale schedule. The-ruad committee of Ihe Cham-hi-r of Commerce "I which W Curtis Kuss it chairman, hasten W In 'i mi the orolcct for several years, and have- Umm "trfin work with acUninthg eouhltc on oilier road mailers of regional Im port ,'inc e Tlie committee' pointed out thai I uit her search -I the highway com mission records showed that mis is the lirsl time thai any coiinly has pi olesled a neigliboi ing county Celling a paved road across a state Hue " In tact, tor Hie first lime in (Sec RiiUit i-l Way Pane HI The ''director Of the Hendernn- Creek to the j Nii Chamber of Commerce will meet this afternoon and pas a formal resolution that they will nt participate nor be a party to any trmip which would delay construc tion of any road in Western North Carolina. This announcement of the pending action came from Den L. Prince, president of the organi zation. "Our organiialion Is for a pro gressive program on all roads serv ing Western North Carolina, and shall work to that end," Mr. Prince said emphatically. New comin out of Asheville has linked Henderson county with Buncombe and Madison as oppos ing the mad down Pigeon River. Mr. Prince said a committee from Henderson attended the meeting as a matter of Retting Information on the subject. The action of Henderson- put Huneombe and Madison as tlu sola opponents to the road. Rotarians Hear Dr. Roberson Ur R Stuart Koberson was the speaker at Rotary here Friday, He dWcussed milk as a food, m con nection with the observance of n.drv Month thriughoiit the na tion. He pointed out the qualities of milk and the economic value of dairying lo Haywood county Richard llaynes was taken in a a new memoer. Car Hits Guard Posts, ... No Injuries Reported A car occupied by two Negroes knocked down several guard posts opposite the RF.A substation Sat urday afternoon on Highway No. li)-2'J No injuries were sustained, according to Patrolman W. R. Woolen, who investigated. Eastern Carolinians Get Good Impression Of Area Carl Goerch Says: Others Say: l , special coiiiimiiinalion with A mutual admiration socielv with The Mounl.onier. Carl Goerch ex- many expressions of praise for all ,,.. ,a M. . ...line- about the trip persons concerned is the result of 1 .. , ,., t, .,i., uhenio,., motorcade visit Thursday lo lis. ( . .. ... ,, , ,,.. V 'U1 t ll'JU.-, , Sam Bushnell I Joins Company I In Asheville ; Sam Hiishnell. Jr. who has been! I employed as an engineer with the I I ello Teer Company in Durham. has resigned tus position to become associated with the Perry Alexand- er Construction Company in Ashe- hands i conip' h.-,ii nian and R W. A la ad ley . Seivuig on other inittecs are Herb Sin idtf Lee Ken Caldw tree and John Carver. I ol Kd Sans, villi C. Muencli and rr parade Colil- letai v . Vvood ;. Pall ' Koiin- Mr. and Mrs. Hushncll and their two young daughters moved to Asheville last week. I , , a linvil's ( ourl hrooiih the ucviis i ue on a .:,' "i i' ' " ... ' ii,,,, ,. Mi Goe.cli said area to .Waynesville. I " ,. , that wen. ,o the Dev. "We have enjoyed the trip more ,,'s Co,, ,-. was so, than we can sav. was th. .y I 1V, ,,, . ,,,',, ul hospitality of several who tound tba they ! , - eood people simply ran out o words V.,,nJ- - , Mavvv oun-y that I know ful. spee acula. b. W f. .H." ;m"",h , . , some of the other comments ! - wish vou could have heard Fnjmm,.nt f the scenery and P I then .hiii.i ia lu coinmcnls. I hey p.)i(.lat , ,, hospitality shar ! were ab'o.nlely llailled at the ,.,,. ln Ihe esteem of the wood, rlul scenery lhe saw along vlslt(irv 'your secnerv is only ,( route A lew ol them never had j s(t)) ,)V vour hospitality." b-n to I'"' mountains before surl,m.-ried Alfred Williams of none, ol eoi.i-e. ew r had '"-en over i 1;il(.18h tin, parlnniai mule. It was tin ,.Tm, rip was planned to Jierfee liip-.,l-a lileliou' lot many of them j Uon .ni(, ,u, h()M,ilauy was 'out of an i p o'liee that they j i Us world' Then the weather man will force, ! added his blessings'" exulted Mrs. . . , i, tn hie 1 believe ! 'ai l Hnnklcy of Lexington. I had a -nod idea w'leit I decided . ii,,,,!,,,,!! of Raleigh was in ,,, Un ,'iowct logeiliei and show isee (iiii-ich Pace Hi trie Company rv..,.vn's Suders. ...rnitiire companies and Vote. Associates of Canton, Ledbetter Heads Annual &SP!4lh 01 July Celebration A (lue-dav celebration of Incle- ' ! pencience Day is on tap as plans of the Roosters Club laKe snapi' o" ih anniml festivities. The week ,.,oo f children lrom .- oi ii..,.lis. (IrnlmnaL'e at Mid I'liTlviu i,.i,., - fllesex will present a program at ihe Rocky Branch n"'" ' .. ' I ,,.tii curt with Community Develop- (. i ii . ii... - r'l. ,.h Mtw VV('(hii"-'i.'i p.m. Kveryone is cordially invited to attend the service. The Rev W, U. Dod: -on is pas'or of the church. Farm); Max . 75 . 77 : 71 . 64 Min. Rainfall 48 .48, 52 .03 56 ' 1:15 of the Poston r.., hnmc econonusts Carolina Power and Light Com pany will instruct three-day All-Electric Cooking School at, the Champion YMCA June .10- that h inst been prepared Classes will be conducted by M,s Eliiabeth Parham. Mrs Jo Ann -Hodge, Miss Vonnie Poston, ., m;ni onH Mrs Cather- Mrs. Aiene . . :..' cimnnPtte. home economists and MR. BARBER IMPROVING i S. Barber. Sr.. who underwent . Titit-.-wiM t Itmn-it.'il. AshevilU'. la "doing nicely.' vicinnflrv at'l IVlllf'S ,....1 renor s i COniei-uce district officers. A Holy Communion service for the group will be conducted Wed- ,,c 6 '. T5-... U! lurk. nesday night by tne nvv- i ol(l for gradUa.e son Huneycuii ..:rnont ta(it w,.ok witi week, is reported ine siinuii'ci.i.t. .-. , son nuire-'"" .,, Ai. nf the Carolina Power and Light ministers of the Waynesville d.s ,See Cooking School-Page trict Mr and Mrs, W. F. Swift. Jr. of j Weaverville left Sunday for Nash-j ville where they will enter Peabodv .',.! icarleton Weatherby and Carl Rat- spent last week with Mr.- "v-,. I,Hh..tter-Pi' parents here. merit Day July 3 and end vvun tne Legion Junior Baseball game Satur day. July 7 All events will lake place at the Waynesville High School Ott Ledbetter is general chairman. Community Development Day will have Turner Cathey. assistant county agent, in charge. Races, stunts, ball games and a musical program are set for the morning... aHernoon and night. ' The Fourth of July schedule calls for a full day of athletic events tho direction of Coaches, ,' iSl I olher who enjoyed the warmth welcome The hospitality: and friendliness of Ihe people of Way nesville and Canton will always leave a delightful memory with me "'. I shall always rememlier the i people as being some of the most ; cordial 1 ever met," said Mrs. See KxprrwMHW Page Ht Highway RecordFor 1951 In Haywood (To Date) Killed.... 1 Injured.. .. 24 (ThU Information com piled from Records aUte Bighwa; PatroL) H. LFDBFTTER t 21. . ,

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